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open Another Fallout Equestria Roleplay


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Link to the OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/13345-yet-another-fallout-equestria-rp/page__p__290699#entry290699


Copper Cup slowly walked through the garden that lay behind the canteen where she lived and worked. The harsh wasteland sunlight burned her eyes even this early as she carefully picked her way through the rows of scraggly plants. The plot was lovingly dug up and irrigated with the purest water she could find, but unfortunately what came up was a scorched and twisted version of the lush greenery she saw in the books from the world before. But still, growing plants was one of her talents and through her care there was a full quarter acre of crops both edible and medicinal. She lovingly checked each plant for signs of illness or wilting, plucking off dead leaves when needed and placing a small harvest of ripe, if mutated, vegetable and herbs in her saddlebags, which, like all of her possessions, were old and carefully patched. Satisfied with the condition of her plants, she went back inside, where a large kettle of soup sat quietly simmering on her hearth.


The soup was a Foaling Green favorite, and she fed both travelers and citizens alike with the nutritious broth. What wasn't eaten the previous day was simply incorporated into today's soup by adding more water and ingredients. She chopped the gathered vegetables and culinary herbs up and tossed them into the pot, inhaling the scent deeply and tasting the broth. Satisfied with the flavor, she peered into the pot. It had been several days since she had had meat in there. Hopefully somepony would bring in some molerat today. She doubted Muddy Hooves would bring back any. She was an amazing forager, but not a great hunter. She wandered around her small home, straightening up her merchandise and refilling bottles of water from the cistern in the kitchen.

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Shadow was sitting outside,then he saw something strange in the distance.He came closer,and closer.Until it was running at him.He rushed into his Wrecked ship and locked the door. ''This is what happens now.Equestria Has Fallen.Everything is gone.'' whispered Shadow to himself in his ship while the thing was trying to break in.A second later a shotgun clicked,the thing was shot in the head.Shadow reloaded his weapon and put it back in his Bag.

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Grey Print stepped outside and started to pack up camp. He had been traveling for 3 days now, and there was still no sign of pony-life. The only thing he didn't put into his bag was his trusty bolt-action rifle; which he always kept with him, just in case.


Another day, another journey, he thought.



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

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Solitude looked over the barren horizon, which was devoid of all life, minus the occasional withered tree or bloatsprite. He scanned the distance through his rifle scope before sitting back down. His guard shift only had a few hours left.


"Seems they can call anyone with a gun a guard these days." He muttered quietly to himself. He was perched on top of his small settlement's walls, barricading them from the outside dangers. There was only around twenty-or-so people inhabiting the walls, and Solitude had yet to learn most, if any, of their names."Be thankful you don't live anywhere else." He reminded himself. It was definitely a safe place to live. Very few times had they been attacked, and when they had, everypony in the secluded town had the attackers out-gunned.


So, why wasn't being content enough? He had heard stories of stable dwellers venturing into death-traps and changing the Wasteland, for the better. That had his full support. "Those fortunate enough to have supplies and good health," He thought, "should try and help the Wasteland."


And just like that, it was decided. He was going to leave. Armed with only a reliable hunting rifle and a few medical supplies, he left silently after his shift. He had heard of a library somewhere along the single path that lead to his settlement, that would be his target. "What the hell am I going to do, open a bookstore?" He thought to himself. "Raiders'll eat that up. Literally. Crazy idiots."

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Muddy Hooves was smiling again. Strange how that felt, to smile again. She hadn't done so for some time, but with Copper in her life and a new found purpose, she been smiling a lot recently. With a landscape that proved to be as desolate as the new Equestria, blank flanks were almost more common that cutie marks, the desire to do what you are meant to didn't mean the same anymore. Not for her. She had a drive and a need to fulfill lives that were destroyed or bring a little back to those who never had good ones in the first place.


That's how Muddy found herself at the old library. It was a favorite for her to forage because when the world fell, nobody cared about the books, they just sat, collecting dust. There was always a new treasure that she could find and she found that alot of what she read had allowed her to survive as long as she had. Although the structure of the building had some fire damage and a lot fewer windows than she imagined it had before, it still held up pretty well considering. Muddy picked her way around the broken glass on the window and hovered through, and flew her way to the second floor to the non-fiction, for Copper Cup. She'd been looking for a better book on the evolution of plants to see how her mutated ones were changing. Muddy was more interested in finding something on sewing craft, due to some interest in making the camp new curtains. When I found the whole section I cleared a bit of debris and hunkered down to read for a bit, making sure my hatchet and long knife were easily accessible.

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Grey Print came up on the crest of a hill. He looked at the small settlement below.


Probably raiders, he thought, dangerous, but I'm out of food.


He started to head down towards the settlement, but noticed somepony walking down the road away from the shantytown.


He doesn't look like a raider, and he's walking away from what looks like a raider encampment. Maybe if I get the jump on him, he'll tell me what's going on here.



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

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Not ten minutes later, Solitude was already beginning to face the effects of laziness. "Ugh. Why am I doing this again?" He asked himself. "Something about books. Wish I was a pegasus. Stupid horn."


The sun made it worse, the heat sticking the simple leather barding to his white coat. He took a small sip from his canteen and reluctantly pushed forwards. He wondered if anypony in the settlement would miss him. If anypony actually knew he existed. He hoped not, he wasn't fond of attention, even if he wasn't around to experience it.


He saw a radroach scutter towards him out the corner of his eye. Being fairly decent on ammo supplies, he decided to check his accuracy on the critter. He telekinetically pulled out his hunting rifle, an azure glow hovering it to his front. Etched into the stock was the name, 'Gentle Rain'.


"How long has it been since you fired this?" He inwardly attempted to mock. "Shut up. Concentrating." He muttered. He took aim, fired, and was rewarded with a 'crunch' of the radroach's body. It lay, stoic and bleeding. "Ha! Still got it!" He went over to pick what he could from the carcass, every little bit helped. "Yeah, did you see the speed he was charging you? Like a brick on wheels."


He chose to ignore that encouraging comment, and finished tearing off some of the radroach's meat. It was so brittle that magic could do it alone, which was good as he didn't have a knife.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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After leaving his wrecked ship, basically the only thing he had.He wandered into the other side of the town Grey Print was in. -''I think that's not a Rebel,if only i can get over there quick enough I could ally up with him,Besides.Its been like this for 10 years now...''- though Shadow as he was in the town.

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CopperMane shook his head and shielded his eyes from the blinding sun, it was the first time he'd seen it without the shaded windows keeping out any radiation. He waited for the polluted air to fill his lungs and kill him or whatever the outside air would do. He slowly lowered his arm when he found there was nothing out of the ordinary, he checked over himself. 'Lets see... Still alive, that's good. No signs of mutation, thank goodness it seems the radiation out here has gone away' he looked around and when deciding it was safe he turned around and called back through the thick iron doorway. "Come on out Ace, the weathers fine" he said sarcastically, squinting against the burning sun. A large half-robotic dog walked out cautiously, gears humming smoothly with each step. "Good boy" Copper said, patting his only friend on the head. He turned back out to the wasteland when something caught his eye, there was a small settlement not far away. It didn't look dangerous, and him and Ace would need food soon. He grabbed a saddle bag filled with a few prized possessions, and headed off toward the small town.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Grey Print made it to the small town, only to find it lightly guarded and open.


This is very, very odd.


He was then startled by Shadow sneaking up behind him.


"What the-- a Pegasus? Well, that explains how you got the jump on me." Grey Print said as he slowly raised his gun. "What do you want? Because I won't go down without a fight, raider!"



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

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''Woah Woah woah.First of all,I'm no raider.I've been surviving for 10 years and I don't want my life to end now.I'm here to help you,Anyways.I hate rebels.The name is Shadow.'' Shadow said as shaking Grey Prints Hoof. ''If you want to live as long as I'm going to live.You need to come with me.Its not safe here,I can already hear rebels coming...LOOK OUT!'' screamed Shadow and he pushed Grey Print out of the way of the fire.With a Single Shotgun Bullet,A few chokes,and Blood on his hoofs.The rebels were dead. ''Lets get out of here before more come.'' said shadow.

Edited by Calirolls
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Copper looked around at the small town, he didn't see anyone on the streets. Most the houses were boarded up and he was just about to call out when he heard a gunshot, he jumped behind a abandoned house and put a hoof over Ace's muzzle to keep him silent. Looking around the corner he saw two ponies standing by a body, 'did they just kill that man? Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered with this town after all' he thought. He was brought from his thoughts suddenly when Ace barked loudly, Copper didn't have to look to know the two ponies had noticed him. Thinking quickly he walked out into the street slowly, "Don't shoot! I'm unarmed, I mean no harm!"

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Solitude span around, turning to look at where the gunshot had came from. "God, no. They can't be under attack, not after I've just left." He squinted his eyes as he looked back down the path to his settlement. His eyesight was poor at long range, but not enough to need glasses. Unable to spot anything, regret and worry flooded him. "Relax, you just shot a radroach. It was a single shot, not an attack."


He turned back, and picked up the pace to wherever this library hopefully was. This could be a hell of a guilt trip had something happened to them, if he had friends there or not.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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"I've been getting along fine on my own," Grey Print said to Shadow, "But I owe you one."


Grey Print walked over to the bodies of the fallen rebels to look for anything useful. "Damn! Still no rifle ammunition. I need to figure out how to make the stuff on my own." He thought as he walked back. Only then did he realize just how hungry he was.


"You have any food?" Grey Hooves asked Shadow as they fortified one of the buildings in the town.



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

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''-Well i really screwed up on that one.But I can still help him-'' Thought Shadow. ''I have Some food and Rifle Ammunition,Take all the Ammo for the Rifle.Your going to need it.'' said Shadow as handing Grey Print 63 clips of Rifle Ammo and some Food.Then he walked away and back into His wrecked ship...Little Did he realize night was coming... ''Nights Coming,I better go into town before my only hideout is destroyed.'' Said Shadow before Embarking Into Copper Cup's town.

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Copper waited to be shot but nothing happened, he opened one eye and saw the other two ponies leaving together. He let out a breath of relief, 'they didn't notice me' he thought, 'still, they're the first ponies I've seen out here. It couldn't hurt to find out where they're headed as long as I stay hidden.' He shushed Ace and Ducked behind a house, following about twenty paces behind the others.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Shadow Readied his shotgun.Preparing for the worst...''Its a

Legendary cazador .Lets get out of here before it sees us.'' Said Shadow in a Quiet tone.

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Muddy, having found the materials necessary, fluttered down from the upper level of the library. Hearing what sounded like a shot from a little ways away while mid air she readies herself for the possibility of combat. As Muddy flies as slowly and as steadily as she is able, she peers out the window to see what special kind of hell might be in store for her. After a little while a unicorn was making it' approach with what looked like some kind of meat hanging out of it's saddle bags. He looked harmless enough, with a quill cutie mark. "Hmmm," thought Muddy, "If he's friendly enough, maybe I can convince him to donate that meat to a good cause." Muddy decided to take her chances.


From her spot inside the library Muddy gives out a loud holler, " Hey Unicorn! I mean you no harm." She pops her head out with a surrendering gesture of holding her weapon above her head. "Just wondering where a studious fellow like you might be headed and if perhaps I could interest you in a slightly different direction." With a smile Muddy slowly began to approach the now, apprehensive looking fellow.

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The library, it was real. Better yet, it was more-or-less intact. That was hard to come by in the Wasteland. Four walls and a roof could be classed as a manor.


Solitude almost dropped his rifle when the sound of a mare's voice hit him. He had definitely been on edge since that gunshot. He prepared for the worst at first, but upon hearing a cohesive sentence rather than raider babble he eased up. The gun was placed on his back and he started approaching the pegasus. "A pegasus? If she's Enclave..." He thought. "She isn't strapped head-to-hoof in energy weapons, can't be."


He trotted up to her in silence, preferring not to shout back a conversation. He gave an simple smile as he spoke, relieved that he wasn't currently being eaten. "Er, hi! So this library is real?" He said looking at the magnificent structure. It was a shame not many others would see it that way. "Thank Celestia. I'm not good with walking short distances."

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Copper noticed the two ponies stop suddenly. For a second he thought they had heard him, but when Ace jumped away from him and ran out of the shelter barking wildly he noticed the giant wasp, its stinger was nearly a half-meter in length and its black exoskeleton glistened sickly in the hot sun. Thinking quickly he fumbled around in his bag, pulling out a small pulse grenade. "This should take care of that thing" he said. "Ace, duck!" The robotic dog whimpered and laid flat against the ground, just as trained. Copper clenched the pin in his teeth and tossed the grenade towards the cazador. It was a direct hit, and the giant wasp was clouded by a burst of smoke. "Got it" he thought triumphantly, suddenly the smoke cleared and the cazador shook its head, barely dazed. He gasped in shock as it flew back into the air and started to move... Straight for him.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Yeah, it seems even in hell people still forget about the books. There's plenty of em' left inside, a bit scattered this way and that but still plenty there." Muddy, getting a better idea of the pony before her, decided that her assumption of his character was a good one. Giving him her best welcoming smile she thought she'd see if there was a chance he need a place to stay. "The name's Muddy Hooves. If your interested, I'm from a settlement not too far from here that cooks up a mighty fine stew. We could always use some meat if you need a place to stay in return. Whaddya say?"

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''I'll see you soon Grey Print.'' Said Shadow as he left to find more survivors. -''Man...I haven't seen a word in 7 years...''- thought Shadow as he was walking through the night... -''If I found one Library...I would be reading my flank off''- He thought again.Just then he was hovering around a Wrecked Area... -''Nothing...Cr**''- Thought Shadow.Then he found a Library... -''Praise the lord...I could just read a few books then I'm out of here''- Little did he know it was the same Library Muddy Hooves was in...When he walked in,He noticed Muddy Hooves walking by -''Shoot,If only I could read a book without alerting her''- Then he flew back to the door and Knocked...Waiting for a Answer from Muddy Hooves.

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CopperMane stood backed against a wall, the giant wasp bearing down upon him. He had tossed another grenade but they seemed to have no effect on the giant bug, and it had tossed Ace aside like a giant toy. 'Great, outside for less than a day and already dead, just my luck' he thought as the legendary cazador bore closer quickly.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Shadow's Head Shook...He grabbed a sniper rifle and Killed the legendary Cazadoor Coppermane was dealing with.-''That guy over there needs to learn how to protect himself with more than 2 grenades...Sheesh...''- He thought as reloading his sniper Rifle.

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