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open Another Fallout Equestria Roleplay


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Copper's eyes snapped open at the sound of a gunshot, the cazador fell over dead. Looking for the source he saw one of the two ponies from earlier with a rifle at his shoulder. "Wait, don't shoot" he called, hoping whoever it was was wasn't aiming at him. "I'm peaceful!"


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Solitude Serenity." He answered, shaking her hoof. He pondered the question for a while. "Another settlement? Bound to be more interesting than Arid Farms I suppose." His thoughts turned simpler as he re-evaluated the last part of the sentence."I haven't had a stew in forever." He looked back at the library. "Can I have a little look-see around the library first? I'd love to pick up some pre-war books. After that, I'd be happy to."

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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-''They always think I'M the bad guy...Great.Just GREAT''- Thought Shadow as he approached Copper. ''I'm here to help you.I'm no Reble or bad guy,Why does everyone think of me like that? http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Anyways...The name is Shadow Flash...I've been Surviving Like this for 10 years.I know a settlement near this place with a lot of people,Lived there when I was young.I can take you there,I'm the good guy here.'' Said Shadow Flash to Copper.

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"Damn, are those things new? I haven't seen any of those yet; then again I was only banished from Stable 67 a month ago..." Grey Print said to nopony in particular. "I really wish they didn't take my Pipbuck though, that thing was useful."



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

Meanwhile, I can help you by reviewing your stories!


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Muddy steps aside, " It would be my pleasure to show you around the place." In the process of reentering the library, there was a flutter of wings from above. With a look up grabs her long knife, just in case. Looking up, no evil critter lied in wait, instead it was another Pegasus. His grenade cutie mark wasn't too promising on a non threatening outlook. Muddy kept her knife at the ready. "Can I help you with something, fellow pony?"

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Copper breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, you had me afraid for a while there." He held out this hoof, "my name is CopperMane, but most people just call me Copper. This is my dog Ace" he said as the cyborg dog trotted up to them happily. "Perhaps you can lead me to this settlement of yours. I'm not very good at close-combat, and I can't rely on Ace here to fight all my battles."


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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''Here...I have a Upgrade Chip for Robotic Dogs like ace.They will Improve Ace's combat skills and will be able to scan other ponies to see If they are Allie Or not.'' Shadow said as handing Copper the Chip. ''Just put it on his ear and your good to go'' Shadow Said. ''Also here is a map to the settlement,I don't really need it.'' Said Shadow as handing Copper the Map as well.''See you around'' Shadow Said before Approaching Muddy Hooves,Noticing the Knife in her hands,He said this in a serious tone ''DROP.THE.KNIFE.'' Shadow Said... ''I'm Friendly,O.K?People Judge my cutie mark all the time...I didn't want it to be a Grenade.All I need to do is do some research on something OK?Sheesh,ponies have no respect for other ponies these days...'' Shadow Said as walking in.

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((your doing it again, you need to explain how you got from Copper to Muddy Hooves, they aren't even in the same town))

"Thank you, I'll look into it," Copper said putting the chip in his saddle bag and taking the map. "Foaling Green" he said as he examined the map, "that looks like a good place to find somewhere to stay, and it's nearby too" he said as he took off, Ace at his heels.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Copper was nearly about to faint from the heat by the time he arrived at Foaling Green. Looking for a place to get some rest he found a small canteen with a makeshift garden in the back. He knocked on the door, exhausted.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(OOC: Thanks Steampunkninja! Finally lol!)


Copper Cup was out in the garden again, digging up a patch of "peas" that had gone horrifically awry. She leaned back against her hoe, resting, when she heard a knock on the canteen door. "Odd,", she thought "Most Ponies here don't bother to knock. Hope I didn't lock the door again." Her curiosity was sated when she saw a strange copper-colored stallion half-dead from exhaustion on her doorstep. "Oh Celestia, are you all right?" She asked, leading him carefully inside. "Come in, come in. Have some soup. It's good, I guarantee." She pulled up her softest mat for him to sit on, and brought him a bowl of soup from the huge kettle. "Where are you from? Most of our visitors don't look half as ragged as you and frankly you look kind of soft for a wastelander....." She then noticed the robotic dog at his side and her eyes opened wide. "Is that.....are you a Vault dweller?! There's no way..."

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''This is a waste of time.I'm getting out of here.'' Said Shadow as wandering away from the Library. -''Why did I give Copper That Map?Now there's no way I can find a Settlement.''- Thought Shadow as whacking his shotgun against his head for the stupid choice he made. -''At least I remember that place by Scratch so I can get over there anytime now...''- Thought Shadow as walking through the hot summer day.Then he heard Rustling in the Bushes, -''Better Get ready for a fight.''- Thought Shadow as readying his Shotgun. ''ITS A MIRELURK HUNTER!I NEED TO GET TO FOALING GREEN!'' yelled Shadow to himself as high tailing it to Foaling Green. -''man I really screwed up this time --_--''- Thought Shadow as running.

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((your getting better Calirolls, you still should try to refrain from being so random, enemy's usually don't just jump out of bushes randomly))

Copper thanked the mare as she gave him the soup. "Not anymore, my grandfather died about two weeks ago, me and Ace are the only ones left now. We left what little was left of our vault this morning and I've already nearly been killed three times. My name is CopperMane, I just need a safe place to stay for a few nights, do you know of any around here?" Copper asked the mare.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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((Thanks...I hope I'm great by the end of this RP ;D))

''MIRELURK!HUNTER!EEEEEEEE'' Yelled Shadow at the top of his lungs while running for his life.-''I think...I'm..Sa- AHHHHH!OH ****!''- Thought Shadow before getting a Surprise from the Mirelurk Hunter.He blasted his shotgun at the Monster but it did not do anything.''Time for Plan B...RUNNNN FOR DEAR LIFEEE TO FOALING GREEEEEN!'' screamed Shadow as Rushing to foaling Green.He Crashed Into a random Sign.It said ''Foaling Green'' -''Thank God I made it...But that thing is riiiighhhhttt BEHIND ME?!''- Thought Shadow as running across foaling green with the Mirelurk Hunter a Inch away.Little Fillies saw him running for dear life behind the viscous monster. ''NEVER GET INTO THIS KIND OF PROBLEM FILLIES!'' Shouted Shadow Before running in front of Copper Cup's Garden. ''LET ME IN LET ME IN!!!'' Begged Shadow as banging on the door.''LET MEEEE INNN!'' Screeched Shadow at the top of his lungs as banging on the door even harder.

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Copper spit a mouthful of soup across the room when there was an loud abrupt knocking and yelling outside the canteen, Ace started barking wildly at the door. "What in the name of Celestia!" Copper cursed and nearly fell off his cushion.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Copper Cup startled and jumped up at the loud noise just as she was about to reply. She fumbled for her rifle underneath the counter and sprinted through the back door and around the front, where she saw a black pegasus cowering on her doorstep under the assault of a mirelurk. "OH BUCKING FLANK!" she shouted as she raised her rifle. She looked down the sight and took a deep breath, then squeezed off a round, which promptly missed. "Bucking Celestia horsepiles....." she muttered, and shot again. This time, her shot homed in straight to the sensitive face of the creature. It screamed vilely and charged her. By this time, a small crowd had gathered outside her shop, and other ponies had drawn weapons. She shot once more into the monster and it collapsed twitching in pain. She putt her gun away and reached for her machete, which she stabbed downward into the weak spot at the top of the carapace, causing the mirelurk to shudder and die. Well, at least there's meat now. she thought.


"Calm down everypony! Nothing to see here! This corpse is mine!" she trotted up to the prone pegasus. "Are you okay?" she asked

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Copper shook his head and got up to see what had happened outside, adrenaline pushing away his previous exhaustion. "Is everyone alright?" He called out, then he recognized the pony who had given him the map lying on the dusty ground by the mare. Trotting over to them he eyed the pegasus. "Is he hurt?"


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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((Sorry for not bringing this up in the previous posts with the mirelurk)) '' That Thing was trying to kill me!I got a MAJOR Injury'' Muffled Shadow.''I'm starting to feel...Weak..Bleeding..Out...Doctor..Someone...Help..'' Said Shadow Before Knocking out flat on the ground with blood coming out of all his hoofs and one of his ears. ''SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR!'' Shouted the Fillies.Then Shadow was dreaming...He saw nothing but a Black Road..It was the only thing he could do.He walked the path of the Black Darkness...Waiting to See the light.

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Copper walked forward and hoisted Shadow into his back. "I'll take care of him" he told Copper Cup. He carried Shadow into the canteen and laid him down on the table, he pulled some peroxide out of his bag and applied it over the large would in Shadow's side. "It's deep, I'm going to need to use staples, it's a good thing he's unconscious." He took a small pair of tweezers and a small staple gun, wiping away the excess blood he carefully applied the staples down the length of the wound, positioning them with the tweezers. He wiped away the blood again and and wrapped Shadow's torso with bandages. "That's all I can do, he should be fine but his blood level will be low, and if he somehow opens up that wound again I won't be able to put him back together. The wounds on his hooves and ear will heal on there own, when he wakes up we can give him a stimpack to stop the pain"

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Shadow was still wandering in the dream...He started to see light.He ran Towards the light.Then he woke up on the Table Copper was healing him with. ''Wha?Is..How?Wait...'' Said Shadow as scratching his mane. ''I'm...I'm..Alive.'' Said Shadow In a Silent Surprising tone.''Thank You..Copper...'' Said Shadow Weakly... Shadow Then Put his hand on his heart. ''Still Beating...Copper just saved my life..'' Thought Shadow.Then he felt a little bit of pain.''OW!'' Then he noticed the bandage on his Body. ''No Wonder...'' Thought Shadow as getting up from the table.Then he looked at himself in the mirror.''Errr...Paperclips..Copper must be really good to get a colt breathing with paperclips...'' Thought Shadow. ''I need some food...'' Said Shadow as walking away from the Mirror he was standing in front of.

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Copper breathed heavily, earlier's exhaustion slowly returning. He chuckled, "Oh they aren't paperclip's, just your standard half-inch long medical-grade lead staples. Yeah, so no sudden movements or they will rip out of your skin like it was paper." He yawned, "well today sure has been eventful, leave my stable for the first time, almost die thrice over, and put you back together. Would anyone object if I got any rest?" He was asleep practically before he could finish the sentence, Ace curling up by his legs.

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Shadow walked to the kitchen.He sat down on a chair and was laying his head down.Then he noticed the food.''Can..can I get some food?'' Shadow asked Copper Cup.

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Copper Cup was already pouring some soup by the time Shadow had sat down. She set a pot of water to boil on the fire and walked over to him, laying the soup down on the floor beside him. "Here, eat up, but not too fast." She moved around her kitchen, pulling small bits of dried plants from various containers and throwing them into the simmering water. She watched the makeshift tea steep for a moment, and when she was satisfied, she drew off a cup and set it next to Shadow's soup. "Drink this. It will calm you and make it easier to rest a bit. While the other pegasus is asleep, how about you tell me how you got here?"

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Shadow was Taking small sips of the makeshift tea.''I lived here when I was young,I named my self Shadow,Before my name was Shadow,It was ''Pip'' I can remember this place with my eyes closed.And adding on to that I had a Map of Equestria that I gave to the other Pegasus.That's how he got here.'' Said Shadow as sipping more Makeshift Tea.

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