Prince Midnight 817 April 28, 2012 Share April 28, 2012 midnight smiled and put the bag of caramel squares in electros saddlebag, then nuzzled him in an affectonate way, completely forgetting that the cream colored mare was right there. "whats this?" bon bon smiled in a friendly manner, "you two together?" midnight blushed and nodded, "yeah," he looked a little shy all of a sudden, "well thats adorable, its nice to see lyra and i arent the only ones." she giggled, Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 *Schwartz and Overdrive walked out of the Cafe, both of them drunk and laughing.* "Dude, I cant believe you did that, you have some major balls." *Schwartz said with a chuckle.* I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 *Schwartz and Overdrive walked out of the Cafe, both of them drunk and laughing.* "Dude, I cant believe you did that, you have some major balls." *Schwartz said with a chuckle.* "it was magical" overdrive slurred, stumbling a bit as he did so. "but it was all your idea." he laughed. A particularly bad band had come on, so he grabbed some toilet paper from the bathrooms and chucked it onstage at the horrible musicians, much to the delight of the crowd. "so where are the *hic* keys at?" he fumbled around for keys, but remembered that the door was unlocked. He pushed it open and stumbled inside, giggling like an idiot. As he went upstairs, he heard the sound of somepony crying (honey dew). "what's wrong?". Overdrive was drunk, but he still had enough sense in him to see she was distressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 "it was magical" overdrive slurred, stumbling a bit as he did so. "but it was all your idea." he laughed. A particularly bad band had come on, so he grabbed some toilet paper from the bathrooms and chucked it onstage at the horrible musicians, much to the delight of the crowd. "so where are the *hic* keys at?" he fumbled around for keys, but remembered that the door was unlocked. He pushed it open and stumbled inside, giggling like an idiot. As he went upstairs, he heard the sound of somepony crying (honey dew). "what's wrong?". Overdrive was drunk, but he still had enough sense in him to see she was distressed. *When they walked in, Schwartz excused herself to the restroom.*"Geez, that was crazy." *She said with a drunken giggle.* "Never thought I could have so much fun while drunk." I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 29, 2012 Author Share April 29, 2012 Honey Dew jumped and wiped her tears away. "N-nothing. I'm j-just moving back to where I used to live.." She sighed. "Nopony even wants to be here!" BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Electrobolt blushed when Midnight nuzzled him right in front of Bon Bon. Sure she hung out with Lyra, but he wasn't sure of her reaction. However, when he heard Bon Bon say that she and Lyra weren't the only ones, he couldn't help but smile. How did he not notice? Shaking his head, he looked back to Midnight before nuzzling him. "Yeah... Yeah, we're together..." he said. Then nuzzling back, he added, "And we couldn't be any happier, right...?" Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 *a note sat on the kitchen table at honeys house: Honey, electro and i went to go talk to his parents, will be back soon- midnight Midnight smiled "yup yup yup." he gave electro a light kiss then smiled at bon bon, "we couldnt be a happier couple," bon bon tilted her head, "oh....what happened to your wings?" midnight tilted his head then looked back "oh, heh, broke one in that terrible storm, and the other hurts when i move it, so we wrapped them both up to be safe." bon bon smiled "well, get well soon midnight." midnight nodded and turned "alright, where to next?" Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 As they walked outside, Electrobolt looked around as he began to think about Honey Dew. "Hmm..." he muttered, trying to think of where to go for food. But he couldn't stop thinking about how Honey was doing all by herself. "Uh... You mind if we go and pay a visit to Honey Dew first...?" he finally asked. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Midnight tilted his head, "thinking the same thing too huh?" he nodded, "yeah, lets head back home, then figure out what to do from there." he smiled and leaned softly on electros body, using him for support beacuse his legs were getting wobbly Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Cloud smiled and laid his hoof over hers, "If so, then it would seem there are two angels in my life. Her...and you" ((OOC: all my HNNNNNNNG and then I died of a too adorable heart attack.)) Lovely's heart began to race as she became flush. "Oh Cloud," she began, her face beaming as her eyes sparkled. "Nopony has ever said something that sweet and wonderful to me before, I-". Lovely stopped and blushed, she almost told Cloud that she loved him. She could hardly comprehend the feelings racing through both her body and mind. How could somepony so amazing be real? Lovely smiled widely at Cloud, tearing up from happiness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Cloud smiled gently back at her, her hoof still in his as he gazed into her beautiful eyes. Eventually, he leaned forward, embracing Lovely in a deep kiss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Lovely would have smiled if her mouth was occupied at the moment. She blushed slightly, but it was fairly unnoticeable against her pink fur. Cloud was so amazing, the perfect colt. She really hoped she wouldn't mess up the relationship. As the kiss lengthened she noticed people starring at them and pulled away in embarrassment. She hated negative attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Cloud wondered why Lovely pulled away suddenly, but then noticed other ponies looking at them. Smiling, he sat back down. Ge paid for the food and the two set off once more, "Where would you like to go now my dear?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Lovely thanked Cloud for the food as they left the restaurant. Lovely sighed, Ponyville seemed so crowded and busy. "Somewhere quite, and at peace with nature would be nice." Lovely looked at Cloud, "sometimes when I was a little filly, I'd climb to the top of a big hill. And just lay in the grass at the top, as a cool breeze cooled my face." Lovely smiled from nostalgia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Cloud smiled and thought a moment, the then walked up next to her and said "Hop on". When she had gotten on his back and was comfortable, he opened his wings and took to the sky, climbing high as the two flew from Ponyville. Eventually, he began to lower his altitude, landing in a beautiful clearing just outside of ponyville. The clearing was atop a large hill, a weeping willow provided a nice shade and the grass was soft. "How about this?" he asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Electrobolt smiled as he nodded, replying, "Yeah, let's go back..." Feeling Midnight leaning on him for support, he sneaked a small kiss in before starting off towards Honey Dew's house. Looking over towards Midnight as they continued their walk together, he asked, "So you never had caramel before, huh? Well, would you like to try one right now?" Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 29, 2012 Share April 29, 2012 Honey Dew jumped and wiped her tears away. "N-nothing. I'm j-just moving back to where I used to live.." She sighed. "Nopony even wants to be here!" Overdrive's mind cleared up a bit from the shock of Honey's words. "I- want to be here! It's nice living around other ponies again." he sighed and laid a hoof on Honey Dew's shoulder. "If you feel lonely, I'm here for you. You took me in when I didn't have a home, so now I guess I can return the favor. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask" he smiled warmly and picked up the box she had been carrying, forgetting he could use magic because he was drunk. "i didn't carry this box up the stairs yesterday so that you could take it back down today." he chuckled as he began to carry the box back to Honey's room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 30, 2012 Author Share April 30, 2012 Overdrive's mind cleared up a bit from the shock of Honey's words. "I- want to be here! It's nice living around other ponies again." he sighed and laid a hoof on Honey Dew's shoulder. "If you feel lonely, I'm here for you. You took me in when I didn't have a home, so now I guess I can return the favor. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask" he smiled warmly and picked up the box she had been carrying, forgetting he could use magic because he was drunk. "i didn't carry this box up the stairs yesterday so that you could take it back down today." he chuckled as he began to carry the box back to Honey's room. Honey Dew's eyes filled with tears, but this time they were happy tears. She didn't care if he was drunk, Overdrive was sweet. She ran full speed at him and tackled him, hugging him close. "T-Thank you. You're so sweet. I'm g-glad that you like it here!" She blushed and smiled. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 30, 2012 Share April 30, 2012 Honey Dew's eyes filled with tears, but this time they were happy tears. She didn't care if he was drunk, Overdrive was sweet. She ran full speed at him and tackled him, hugging him close. "T-Thank you. You're so sweet. I'm g-glad that you like it here!" She blushed and smiled. Overdrive smiled and gently hugged Honey back. "yeah... I am pretty awesome" he joked. "but seriously, it was generous of you to let me stay here, so don't hesitate to ask me anything." he smiled warmly again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 30, 2012 Author Share April 30, 2012 Honey Dew nodded, and let Overdrive get up. "So, you've been drinking, huh?" She gave him a stern look. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 30, 2012 Share April 30, 2012 Honey Dew nodded, and let Overdrive get up. "So, you've been drinking, huh?" She gave him a stern look. Overdrive put on a sh!t-eating grin. "maybe." he offered a hoof to help Honey up. "I'm legal! Well... Almost legal. But I haven't gotten caught yet!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 30, 2012 Author Share April 30, 2012 Overdrive put on a sh!t-eating grin. "maybe." he offered a hoof to help Honey up. "I'm legal! Well... Almost legal. But I haven't gotten caught yet!" Honey Dew sighed."You shouldn't drink. It's bad for you! Here, let's get you sober." She went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for Overdrive. "I'd like to have an actual conversation with you. I don't know you very well.." She handed the coffee to Overdrive and patted the cushion next to her on the couch. "Sit down." BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 30, 2012 Share April 30, 2012 Midnight nodded and reached inside, untying the bag and taking out one of the caramel squares, licking it slowly then popping it into his mouth before biting down. his expression turned from curiousness to happy and squeed again, "wowwowowowow these are sooooooo good." he was practically bouncing with excitement as they approached honeys house. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 30, 2012 Share April 30, 2012 Electrobolt couldn't help but chuckle when Midnight reacted to his first bite of the caramel square. "Heheh, that good, huh?" he asked, knowing the answer. He couldn't help himself though, seeing Midnight all excited like that. Looking in front of him, he saw the building. "Can you believe we're here already?" he joked, knocking on the door to the house. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 30, 2012 Share April 30, 2012 midnight nodded and slightly bounced like a filly "yesyesyesyesyes." he smiled and nuzzled electrobolt happily, "this is one of the best things ive tasted in the world." he looked up "jeeze that was quick." he giggled and pressed his muzzle against electros neck while waiting for an answer Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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