Electrobolt 2,069 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Electrobolt blushed as soon as Midnight said he was glad he met him. After finishing the bite of the muffin that was in his mouth, he nuzzled up to Midnight, responding, "And I'm glad I met you..." He then kissed him once again before finishing off the rest of the muffin that he had. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 midnight chuckled, "you taste like choclate." he smiles and presses his lips agains electros again before picking up the book and laying his head across electros neck, putting the book in front of him, reading out loud again, "heh, you make a good pillow." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Electrobolt chuckled when Midnight said he tasted like chocolate, and his blush only lingered more when Midnight returned his kiss. When he felt Midnight's head rest against his neck, he smiled as he read the book that was now in front of him. When he heard Midnight's comment, he chuckled again as he responded, "Just like you, huh?" Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Midnight blushed and smiled, "i made a comfortable pillow?" he smiled, "heh, you know, ive had this book since i was a young colt, one of the few possessions i was found with," he smiled fondly, "ive read it over and over again, must have been hundreds of times." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Electrobolt chuckled as he nodded to Midnight's response about him being a comfortable pillow. As soon as he heard Midnight say he had the book for years and that he read it a lot, his smile only grew. "So you read Daring Do ever since you were young, huh?" he asked curious. "It really is a good series..." He let out a small sigh, as he remembered when he read some of the Daring Do books in the past. "Sometimes, when I was much younger, I used to pretend I was Daring Do and that I was going through the dungeons like her... I really loved the series..." Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 midnight smiled, and blushed, "i-ive been in dungeons like her, thats why i like some of her stuff." he hides his face in eletros mane, "most of the time its been by accident, but ive found some really interessting stuff." he smiled and leaned over, rummageing in the bedside table before pulling out a glowing gemstone. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Electrobolt's eyes widened when he heard Midnight had been through dungeons. Not just pretending he went through dungeons, but actual dungeons! "Wait, really?" he replied upon hearing this news. Then seeing Midnight digging through the table drawer, he saw that he had pulled a gemstone out of the drawer. His eyes shone as he observed the glowing stone. "Wow..." he uttered out. "Do you know what it is?" Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Midnight shakes his head and smiles, "no, but every time i pick it up, i feel warm, and happy, at least it made me feel warm and happy, until i met you." he smiled, "its an amazing artifact, but i have no idea what it is, or what it does." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 *Schwartz walked into the bedroom and got up on the bed, she was mostly dry, but her mane was still a bit damp.* "Hey." *She said.* "Whats up?" Overdrive patted the bed next to him and continued to play. (Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty) when he finished, he put his guitar down. "how was your bath?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Lovely laughed shyly, "sorry, it's just been so long since I've been able to spread my legs and just let loose." Lovely tumbled over and laid on her back, "this place is so wonderful, how did you ever find it?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Cloud chuckled and laid on his back next to her. "Well I travel alot, so I find a lot of places. Heh, I actually crash landed here a couple years back, but I'm glad I did, this is the perfect place to get peace and quiet". He rolled so he faced her, "Do you like it here?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Lovely rolled over to face Cloud as well. Their noses were only an inch apart, "I love it." Lovely's eyes sparkled in the sunlight. as her mane waved in the small breeze. "It's the most fun I've had in years. I didn't even know a place as amazing like this could have ever even existed. Anypony would be lucky to experience a place as wondrous as this. I've never felt more safe and at home with any- in any other place. I'm just so happy here." Lovely blushed a bit and maintained eye contact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Cloud noticed her slight stutter, <Was she going to say with anypony?> he thought. He did not want to press her though, he decided that when she wanted to, she would tell him, he too felt at home with this mare, never before had a pony ever made him feel the way he did. He smiled "I'm glad you feel that way" he said as he closed the gap between their muzzles in a deep kiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 When Electrobolt heard Midnight say the stone made him feel warm and happy until he met him, Electrobolt couldn't help but turn a deeper shade of red. "R-really...?" was all he could utter out when Midnight said that. "W-well, whatever it is, or does... It's still amazing..." Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 Overdrive patted the bed next to him and continued to play. (Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty) when he finished, he put his guitar down. "how was your bath?" "Lonely."*She leaned on his shoulder.* "I used to take baths together with my mom and my brothers, but my mom is back in Canterlot, and my brothers....... They were on that mission with me. Brass and Track. They were twins, I had to protect them from the horrors of the Canterlot slums for five years before we were found and adopted by princess Luna." I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 (edited) Lovely blushed and she hummed quietly during the kiss. I wish I could tell Cloud how important he is to me, but I don't want to come off too strongly. Lovely's worrying mind kept her from focusing on the tongue dance at the current moment. As the kiss ended Lovely smiled at Cloud, "Cloud, can I ask you something." Cloud shook his head in approval. "What do you like about me?" Edited May 2, 2012 by Shankveld Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 "More than for your absolute beauty I can tell you that. Your kind, funny, outgoing, you don't let anything hold you back, you are a good friend to Honey Dew, need I continue the list?" he said with a smile. "What do you like about me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 (ooohhhhh big question X3) Midnight smiled, "alot of the other things i put up around here, are a few of the other things ive collected." he grinned, "hey, when my wings are better, why dont we go, i know a great safe ruin i havent gotten around to exploring yet....i know its safe beacuse a few other ponies went inside, but not too far." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 May 2, 2012 Share May 2, 2012 "Lonely." *She leaned on his shoulder.* "I used to take baths together with my mom and my brothers, but my mom is back in Canterlot, and my brothers....... They were on that mission with me. Brass and Track. They were twins, I had to protect them from the horrors of the Canterlot slums for five years before we were found and adopted by princess Luna." Overdrive put his guitar down and wrapped an arm around Schwartz's shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to lose them." then he realized something "wait... My real name is Brass Tacks... Thats really strange." he stared at the floor and rubbed his chin with a hoof in thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 Overdrive put his guitar down and wrapped an arm around Schwartz's shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to lose them." then he realized something "wait... My real name is Brass Tacks... Thats really strange." he stared at the floor and rubbed his chin with a hoof in thought. "I dont care. You make me feel happy again. And I dont want to loose you."*Schwartz said and nuzzled her snout to his chin.* I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 Electrobolt smiled when Midnight offered to take him to one of the ruins he had been in once before. Even though it was safe, it would still be an adventure into actual ruins! "That sounds like it'd be a lot of fun! I'm up for that, when your wings get better of course." He then leaned in closer to Midnight as he then gave him a kiss. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 midnight blushed and kissed back "mmm, ill go to a doctor tomorrow,, your definitely excited, so we shall see how long itll take, and if theres any way to speed it up." he nuzzled electros neck and smiled. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 "What's not to like? You're kind, gentle, loving, handsome, ambitious, passion, exciting.." Lovely smiled as she sat up, shaking the grass out of her mane. "You're way too good for a mare like me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 Electrobolt nodded as he heard what Midnight said. "Hopefully your wings will heal up soon. And you're right, I really am excited!" He shook his head as he returned his attention to the book, thoughts of exploring actual ruins racing through his mind as he continued reading. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 May 3, 2012 Share May 3, 2012 midnight smiled brightly glad that his colt friend was happy, "mm, well, i cant wait to show you this place then, you will absolutely love it, i have been that far in myself, so itll be a new adventure for us both." he smiled and softly licked electros cheek before turning to the book and reading out loud. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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