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open Age of The Machine

Professor Annabella

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136181-age-of-the-machine-post-apocalypticdark-always-open/page-4#entry4048444





The streets of Manehattan were dark, full of rubble, and barren of life. This was the entire city, littered with destruction from the apocalypse. Other than the creaking of broken skyscrapers, or falling of loose rubble, the only sounds were the calling of Hawks up in the air, and stomping of Enforcers on the ground echoing in between whatever was left. With the pegasi gone, and all the leftover pollution from when the factories were once at full production, the sky was always a dark overcast. Every few days rain would fall to soak the ruins, but this rain was usually acidic, and sometimes consisted of ash. This was a typical scene for this city, if not all cities, in the age of The Machine. Though things seemed to be devoid of life, some ponies still roamed through the ruins, finding ways to survive.


Manehattan was both the best and worst place to survive. On one hoof, it was full of supplies and places to hide… or so you’d think. The Enforcers at one time stormed the city in massive numbers, wiping it clean of life. Most ponies there aren’t even natives of the city, but instead those who wandered into it. Even though the coming of The Machine’s was inevitable, the cities had time to somewhat evacuate. Before The Machine’s even fired their first shots, ponies looted buildings, and ran with whatever supplies they could. Some stayed, those who had nowhere to go, and they most definitely died. This was the cruel reality of it all.


It was empty now, even the bulk of Enforcers left to chase after all those who left. The city was destroyed by both ponies, machines, then eventually missiles. All the buildings had holes in them or have collapsed. The streets are full of trash and flipped cars or busses. Enforcers still stomp around, but not in large numbers. It’s hard for even them to travel, the main problem was the two other Machines that polluted the city. Mostly buggers, who came after all the ponies were either left or killed, and hundreds made their homes in old buildings. What made Manehattan a truly dark place was the Hawks, who made homes on the highest floors of buildings, or on top of them. They had no problem picking up or bombing ponies who scavenge the streets, but this is mostly only at night when their thermal sensors were at their strongest.


You may question how one particular pony survived, her name was Professor Annabella Alexandra Belle. Not only had she made a home in these ruins, but she did it with her son, Zeus, who was only a toddler. Many tricks and tactical thinking made Annabella settle in a apartment building in the center of Calvary Boulevard, which served almost as a haven for anypony who passed. Anna was not the only one to thank for this, but also, the peaceful gang known as The Councillor's, who fortified the building for her before moving out of the city. This gang was also to thank for birthing her baby, and nursing the both of them back to health after many unfortunate events in the city. Anna thought this base was built to help ponies, in thanks to the ponies who saved her and her son. The only problem was that it was ONLY her and her son, no father, no siblings, no nothing… but Anna was going to fix that.


This building was squeezed inbetween 2 other apartment buildings. It was small, maybe 4 stories high at most.. It once belonged to two families. The apartment had a entrance on the first floor, which consisted of a nice big porch and front door, and the second floor you had to walk up a flight of steps on the left of the building. Each apartment had 2 floors, which in the past, had been quite a nice place to live. Not so much anymore. Now the windows were blocked in with metal shielding, the front door was fortified, and so was the staircase. There was a snipernest on the roof, as well as a large satellite that pointed straight up. Barricades and mines specifically made to detonate on Enforcers, littered the road. There was even quite a few dead Enforcers, that were already looted.


Anna was on the second floor of the first apartment, which was filled with computers and wires of all sorts. She was a very pretty mare, still young and beautiful, with a long blonde mane and tan coat. Her parents once called her ‘the golden girl’ for her beauty, and mostly gold hue. Her mane was tied back, with a pencil behind her ear, and lab coat lazily slung over her shoulders. She was a pegasus, who was very hard at work with the hardware by the looks of it. The satellite dish was broken, and this is what Anna was working on fixing.


After fiddling with a few wires, connecting them to the back of her computers and large transmitters. A buzz, followed by a series of whirring, signalled that her work had come to an end. The computers started transmitting a prerecorded message on multiple transmissions;



This is Professor Annabella Belle, and this is a transmission coming from 255 Calvary Boulevard in Manehattan. I am holding up in a fortified apartment on the southern side of the city, on a barricaded road once belonging to the Councillor faction. If anypony can hear this, this fortress is open to all. I have a supply of food, fresh water, and space for plenty. We can fortify the rest of the apartments on this street, start anew, and take back the city. I have valuable research pertaining to The Machine’s and their functions. I have formed weapons from their parts, as well as protection. If you come and are willing to help, then this is the place for you. If you’re the opposite, and wish to come destroy my work… Then so be it. We have means of protection using the very same technology Enforcers use. I’m willing to take the risk.


This message will repeat on all frequencies 24/7. If you wish to come, I STRONGLY advise to come between noon and 18:00 (6:00 PM). The Machines are very… deadly… in the night hours. My location is 255 Calvary Boulevard in South Manehattan. Please be careful, and thank you.


The message repeats over and over again across the Manehattan area, as well as a few miles beyond.






Get to 255 Calvary Boulevard

Edited by Professor Annabella


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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While she was in this time she had travelled with pirates, built a near indestructible house and prevented the horrible future of which she came from. All to no avail. She began to see an increase in technology, technology she knew all to well. But then it took a twist, the ponies started to wage wars. She had been spending time in the snowy planes of north Equestria to keep away from it all, though she kept a keen eye on what was going on. On one unfortunate day, the robots turned. In an accident of her own creation, she has seriously injured a large amount of ponies while trying to kill one of the machines. Since then she has wandered around Equestria, keeping away from everypony and everything as best as she could. The suit helped a lot of course. Scarlett was currently in one of the many craters dotted around Equestria, trying to learn more about the machines. she had a few cuts and scratches, nothing that wouldn't heal over time.


Scarlett, due to her accident, has been and still is refraining from using any of her magic around other ponies. She always carries medical supplies in her saddlebag in case she comes across somepony who needs help, though most of the time she wanders invisibly around Equestria. She had been like this for five years, and within the next few years was the year of her birth, not that she would ever be born now. She was a lone wanderer, aimlessly wandering around Equestria. It was almost like she didn't exist.


Scarlett wandered around Las Pegasus, the city near which her old house was. She was doing her routine checkup of the city, seeing where the robots where and such. Suddenly, a voice appeared in her head. It was a message coming from Manehattan, one that her suit had intercepted and relayed to her CMR. "Finally" she said "Somepony is taking leadership." She turned away and started running back to her base of operations, the ruins of her old house. The robots still hadn't found her, but staying in the same place was bound to attract attention. She started gathering her stuff for the trek to Manehattan.

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Morning initialization sequence: ACTIVE
System Check: No Errors
Area Scan: Biological:  None
                    EMR:  None
                    Magic:  None
Area Scan: Complete
Initiate Systems: LR-Scan; Signal Analysis Suite; Weapons-PassiveMode; Flight:
All Systems Functional
Prepare Launch Sequence:: Pre-Launch: ...//...//...Success
Everything looks goo..Alert: Incoming AM Signal...
This is odd... haven't seen or heard anything using AM for years...
This is Professor Ann *Static* levard in Manehattan. I am holding up in a fortified apartment on the southern side of the cit *Static*  med weapons from their parts, as well as protection. If you come and are willing to help,*Static*  use. I’m willing to take *Staticsh to come, I STRONGLY advise to come between noo *Static* night hours. My location is 255 Calvary Boulevard in South Manehattan. Please be careful, and than *Static*
Aurora paced for a moment analyzing the message; it sounded pony if nothing else, and it didn't follow current Machine-Protocol to set a trap like this.  She decides that a quick analysis on the metrics from the signal might help clear things up.
Run signal analysis on last AM message: Analyzing... Analyzing: Probable source confirmed. Location: Former Manehattan.
Even while her Signal Analysis Suite was processing the signal, Aurora couldn't help but think that there was something odd about the voice in the message; even broken in that static-filled message, it sounded... familiar.  Searching back yielded no results, but the feeling of familiarity would not leave.  There was a tightness in her chest that she was having difficulty identifying; she would have to run an internal diagnostics later to find and repair the malfunction, but it wasn't currently causing any system-errors, so it would have to wait.
Calculate flight time to Manehattan - Efficiency Mode: Processing... 3 hours and 22 minutes 47 seconds
Aurora launched from from the ground in a blast of power from hoof-boosters, rocketing towards the signal source, and trying to calculate all possible scenarios upon arrival.
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Melke screamed as he exited from a portal that was in mid air. Though, he forgotten that he was a cat and he landed on his feet with ease.


"Oh, yeah, cat's landing- NYAA!"


Melke's shield dropped down after him and landed on his tail. Melke grabbed his tail and gently massaged it to ease the pain. After the pain eased, Melke got up and dusted himself off and quickly picking up his shield. He checked to make sure his satchel was with him. Some of his potions got smashed from the fall, he removed the broken glassware and then checked his belt. His salvaged pistol and rounds were still intact.


"Not exactly the best landing Syo had given me but at least I am alive... for now." Melke muttered as he started to inspect his surroundings, his isolation in the EverFree Forest has made it hard to identify where he is.


He was in a ruined city and he could not tell which city was he in, despite the map he had been relying on since the start of the age of machines. Melke started to wander about in the city and then he came upon a sight that almost made him hurl: dead bodies of ponies and skeletons on the streets.


I think I am going to be sick...wait... what's that sound? ... a radio?


Melke followed the sound to a dead body of what seems to be a soldier pony and it was coming from his communicator. Melke hesitated for a bit then took the communicator from the dead pony, muttering a soft "sorry". The communicator was damaged heavily but was still somewhat functional.


This is Professor *static*, and this is a *static* coming from 255 Calvary *static* in Manehattan. I am holding up *static* apartment on the southern side *static*, on a barricaded road *static* faction. *static* hear this, this fortress is *static* a supply of food, *static* space for plenty. We *static*, start anew, and take back the city. I *static* research pertaining to The Machine *static*  formed weapons *static* protection. If you come *static*, then this is the place for you. If you’re the *static*, and *static* destroy my work… *static*. We *static* protection using *static* Enforcers *static*


Well that is not too useful... considering that I don't know where I am. I guess I better look for this "professor" at 255 Calvary in Manehattan- Oh damn!


Melke ducked for cover as he heard the sound of a Hawk. Suddenly, the desolated street was filled with a lot of heavy metal steps approaching from all directions.


They are here... I hope I get out okay.

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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Anna stepped back from her work and the now working transmission. She didn't know what to think... Was she supposed to be happy she succeeded? Or should she be worried she was leading psychopaths to her doorstep?


"I guess I shouldn't be too worried... I purposely put it on transmissions I know machines can't pick up. Even if they do want to try, there's a nice little virus waiting for them. I think the hawks are smart enough to avoid it though... This could be my worse decision yet, or my best" Anna said to the only other pony in the room.


Zeus looked up at her with his head tilted to the side. He had no idea what she just said. He was a little pegasus, only a few months old, with a grey coat, brown mane, and big blue eyes like his mother's. This was her son, her baby, and basically what she lived to protect. Zeus had been sitting and watching for a couple minutes... that was until he fell asleep. It was all so boring until all the noises woke him up. The little colt let out a big yawn and stood up with a stretch. It was interrupted when his mother scooped him up.


"I guess I shouldn't be worried... I wasn't lying when I said we had defenses. Maybe I bluffed, but I'm sure I can hold down the fort. Even if I can't, the noise will attract a few Enforcers, and they'll do the work for me. This place is basically invisible to machines with all the jammers in place..." Anna said to Zeus again. He blinked.


"Momma?" Zeus asked. One of the few words in his vocabulary he knew how to say properly.


"What, you don't believe me?" Anna asked, setting the baby down.


Zeus had no idea what was going on, but this was the usual... Anna was talking to herself again.


"Ah, well... I don't believe myself either sometimes" She said as she placed the toddler on his back and grabbed changing supplies. Anna got to work changing her son, with the plentiful supply of disposable diapers she seemed to have obtained fairly easily. There probably was no use to them, she knew she was probably one of the only mother's with a living baby out here. Zeus watched Anna's every move, he was worried about her. She looked beat, probably because she was up working all night. Even he knew when his mother was looking to be in bad health.


Anna sat her toddler on his behind, freshly changed "There. Funny how different our problems are, right? Unlike you, I don't have an awesome mommy helping me out... That awesome mommy is me, if you didn't get it"


Zeus giggled a little bit. Was that supposed to be a joke? He thinks so. Anna picked him up and put him over her shoulder.


"Now all we can do is go downstairs and wait!" The mother says as she goes downstairs with her toddler.

  • Brohoof 1


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Trench Club was hold up and  a hoof made bunker near Manehattan. It was a rest stop for any passing survivors. There was a crate of water, non perishable food and a few weapons. He was set up there for a few hours while he made his way deeper into the ruined city to see if he could find anyone who needed help.


While he caught his breath and restock his supplies, he cleaned the mud out of his metal prosthetic leg. He was outfitting it with the metal he scavenged off a downed Hawk. The metal was light and strong, so it would be easier for him to walk around with He also took some other parts that he thought he could trade for some more supplies.


While he was finishing cleaning the rest of his leg, he heard a transition come on the radio that was set up for distress calls. From the sound of it there was a mare who set up a well fortified place in the ruins.  It seemed like a better place then any to help. When his leg was put back together, he placed it back on. Then he put his coat back on along with his bags, club holster and rifle. The next thing he did was put a fresh coat of mud on himself.


It made it easier for him to hide his heat signature. 


Then he took off towards where the transmitting said to go. He kept low and traveled from cover to cover to avoid being seen bay any passing robots. And whenever he found a safe area He took of in a run to cover a bit more ground. But when he heard the sound of metal hitting ground he ducked behind a bus or car or building and slowly kept moving.


Though it took him a while he made it to the location. He slowly made it over to the entrance and gave it a bang. But not too loud. He didn't want to draw attention to the robots.  

Edited by Gloomfury
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Once Scarlett was home she quickly darted around grabbing things she might need for the journey. Things such as food, water, extra magic storage spheres and other useful supplies. After putting them all into her enchanted saddlebag she levitated the rest of her stuff into a safe and buried it without a trace in case she were to ever return here. With her saddlebag on her back, she began her journey.


She didn't know why she was taking so much, but she had a feeling she might need it. She played back the message in her head and looked on her CMR for where 255 Calvary Boulevard was. Suddenly she heard a robotic scream she had come to known as a Hawk's calling. With the increasing sound of jets and metallic movement she started sprinting away before touching a hoof to the next of her suit and going invisible to most scans, and any scans that could see her would get a distorted signal as best.


With a quick teleport to Ponyville she began walking the rest of the way. That was until she heard enforcers, at which point she resumed running invisibly to her destination. It hopefully wouldn't take more than a few hours if she kept her current speed up.

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Melke tried his luck by dodging into the ruined buildings, he focused hard on his senses to make sure that there are no robots near him. He stepped carefully over the ruins and holding his shield close to him, just in case anything happens.


Whatever remained was either burnt or destroyed beyond salvage, Melke kept on looking around but then he found something that he wished that he didn't: a Bugger.


It lunged at Melke with its sharp legs but luckily, for Melke, he had his shield to block and shove the bugger back. After knocking the bugger back, Melke pulled out his salvaged pistol and took aim. Unloading about 3 shots, missing 1, the Bugger let out a high pitched screech that made Melke's ears hurt.


Ouch... that was loud....


Melke started to reload his pistol when he heard scuttering motions coming from the shadowed areas of the ruins. Melke stopped his reloading and held up his shield in an alert stance as he listened carefully.


That does not sound good... not at all... I best get out.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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About half-way through her flight, she noticed that she was approaching a small town.  After checking her energy levels, she decided that it would be best to go ahead and recharge.  Being closer to the signal source, she might even be able to catch and analyze the whole message.  After a cursory scan of the area came up 'clean', she decided to perform a visual search of the area.


Enable Stealth-Flight: Confirmed

Enhance Passive Sensors: Confirmed

She felt the rumble of her hoof-boosters cease as the silent flight mode engaged.  She lowered her altitude and allowed her speed to slow to prevent the advanced technology from draining her energy too quickly.


She picked a building out the outskirts of the town, mentally preparing herself for potential ambushes.

Activate Lazers: Confirmed


She cautiously entered the structure, scanning for threats.

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A warning flashed up on Scarlett's hud about nearby technology. The closed her eyes to take a closer look and noticed that it wasn't enforcer tech, but she wasn't quite sure what else it could be. She scanned around briefly before darting into a building and hiding. She didn't feel like finding out what the unknown technology could be, considering that it was moving.


Art by DoeKitty

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Signal Dete... Signal Lost.

Aurora stared, confused for a moment.  As far as she knew, there was almost nothing that could avoid her sensors like that.  This could only be some new enforcer technology; or worse... an error in her systems!  Activating her IFF system for a short burst, she turned and went back out into the street, towards the signal he sensors had picked up for less than a second.

Activate All Active Sensors - Confirmed


Looked like she might be in Ponyville a little longer than expected.

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  On 2015-08-26 at 6:24 AM, Gloomfury said:

Trench Club was hold up and a hoof made bunker near Manehattan. It was a rest stop for any passing survivors. There was a crate of water, non perishable food and a few weapons. He was set up there for a few hours while he made his way deeper into the ruined city to see if he could find anyone who needed help.


While he caught his breath and restock his supplies, he cleaned the mud out of his metal prosthetic leg. He was outfitting it with the metal he scavenged off a downed Hawk. The metal was light and strong, so it would be easier for him to walk around with He also took some other parts that he thought he could trade for some more supplies.


While he was finishing cleaning the rest of his leg, he heard a transition come on the radio that was set up for distress calls. From the sound of it there was a mare who set up a well fortified place in the ruins. It seemed like a better place then any to help. When his leg was put back together, he placed it back on. Then he put his coat back on along with his bags, club holster and rifle. The next thing he did was put a fresh coat of mud on himself.


It made it easier for him to hide his heat signature.


Then he took off towards where the transmitting said to go. He kept low and traveled from cover to cover to avoid being seen bay any passing robots. And whenever he found a safe area He took of in a run to cover a bit more ground. But when he heard the sound of metal hitting ground he ducked behind a bus or car or building and slowly kept moving.


Though it took him a while he made it to the location. He slowly made it over to the entrance and gave it a bang. But not too loud. He didn't want to draw attention to the robots.

Anna was almost like a common housewife in this fort of hers. With the transmission going, her work was basically only to wait now. She'd sit on that floor for hours working on the computers, or she'd even go on the roof to fiddle with the satellite. Now she could spend more time with Zeus, her baby, who would have to be quiet and well behaved while she worked for hours. That was hard for Zeus, he'd usually fall asleep, but for the most part he played with his toys and entertained himself somehow and it really wasn't all that bad. Of course it was nothing like spending quality time on the first floor, living a somewhat normal life. Zeus never had a chance to live that.


Though food consisted mostly of cans of beans and other vegetables, Anna made the best out of it. She'd make recipes of sorts, and cook it on the stove that surpringly worked. When she had it, Zeus would drink formula and eat foal food. This wasn't always available, but he was still young enough for Anna's milk, but she didn't always prefer that method. He was healthy, and that was all that mattered.


It had been a few hours since the radio broadcast had been sent out. It was 3:00, and raining now. Zeus was on the floor playing with some building blocks Anna found in good condition, while she was preening his wings. This was a relaxing process that made sure his wings stayed in good condition though he didn't use them much. Zeus liked it. This was the pony equivalent to a back scratch.


Then Anna heard a knock on the door. Immediately a alarm beeped. She hopped up and grabbed her rifle, which was in the umbrella holder. The small monitored by the door had a camera... By the looks of it, it was a pony that answered her call. Anna had to be careful.


She opened the door, grabbed the pony, yanked him in, threw him on the ground, bucked the door shut and aimed the rifle at him. Anna was so quick with this that countering it would be nearly impossible. In reality, she was protecting him. Any minute a hawk would scoop him up out in the open like that... They were especially active in the rain.


"Name, age, and friend or foe?" She said with the rifle pointed at him.


Zeus tilted his head to the side at Anna's outburst. He wondered what was going on, and the door slam really scared him. His wings shot open and he jumped up at the sound, but he didn't cry. When Zeus saw the new pony, his ears slowly fell down, and he started to back up with his tail between his legs. This was the first time he's seen a pony other than his mother since the day he was born...


(( Didn't have time to proofread. Will edit in a hour or so ))

Edited by Professor Annabella


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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@@Professor Annabella


When Trench was yanked into the building without warning, his reflexes were about to kick in before he saw who pulled him in, and the rifle that was pointed at him.  His eyes trailed from the length of the gun to the mare. He looked her over till his eye made contact with hers. A shade of blue. A color he hasn't seen in a long time.


When she asked her three questions he kept eye contact with her, while his hoof slowly moved to the handle of his club, just in case. 


"Trench Club, 33, Friend." He answered in order and said nothing else. While he waited for her reply, his eyes wondered around the mares face. Small wrinkles most likely due to stress,  dark circles under her eyes, blond mane that's a little wild looking, long eyelashes. Though he could tail this life has put a good bit of strain on her, he can't deny that the mare was rather attractive.


He he decided to put that thought in the back of his mind, at least until the mare didn't see him as a threat.

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  On 2015-08-28 at 6:35 PM, Gloomfury said:

@@Professor Annabella,


When Trench was yanked into the building without warning, his reflexes were about to kick in before he saw who pulled him in, and the rifle that was pointed at him. His eyes trailed from the length of the gun to the mare. He looked her over till his eye made contact with hers. A shade of blue. A color he hasn't seen in a long time.


When she asked her three questions he kept eye contact with her, while his hoof slowly moved to the handle of his club, just in case.


"Trench Club, 33, Friend." He answered in order and said nothing else. While he waited for her reply, his eyes wondered around the mares face. Small wrinkles most likely due to stress, dark circles under her eyes, blond mane that's a little wild looking, long eyelashes. Though he could tail this life has put a good bit of strain on her, he can't deny that the mare was rather attractive.


He he decided to put that thought in the back of his mind, at least until the mare didn't see him as a threat.

Anna was... Obviously very smart due to the fact she was a professor. She didn't like him eyeing her like this, she kept him in her sights until eventually he admitted to being a ally. She let out a deep sigh and raised her rifle, then made sure the door was locked and everything was secure.


"You're going to have to earn my trust, Mister Trench." Anna said with an attitude, as she returned her rifle to its usual spot.


Her next objective was to find Zeus, who was hiding under a chair. He seemed frightened, but Anna took no notice and dragged out from under the seat. He whined and fought it, but he was no match for Anna. The little toddler still kicked and whined, even as she held him. She showed the little grey colt to Trench.


"I'm Annabella, and this is my son, Zeus. I'm assuming you heard the radio broadcast... I can think of any other reason someone would knock..." She said


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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@@Professor Annabella,


Trench stood up. He took off his rifle and club holster and placed them next to where Anna placed her gun. "I understand, I did and nice to meet you both." He answered her while giving Zeus a soft look.  It's been years since he's seen a child let alone a baby. The last one he was in the arms of it's mother, long gone from starvation.  


He looked at Zeus, his eyes starting to fill with a bit of sadness. He closed his eyes and whispered something in his native language before opening his eyes again.  He looked back at Anna. "I have some food, you can give it to your son." He said before taking off his bags." He pulled out out a few cans of food,  bottles of water and  military MREs.


He held them out to her, keeping a safe distance a way from them. So not to scare her son or giver her the wrong idea about him. 

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  On 2015-08-28 at 10:30 PM, Gloomfury said:

@@Professor Annabella,


Trench stood up. He took off his rifle and club holster and placed them next to where Anna placed her gun. "I understand, I did and nice to meet you both." He answered her while giving Zeus a soft look. It's been years since he's seen a child let alone a baby. The last one he was in the arms of it's mother, long gone from starvation.


He looked at Zeus, his eyes starting to fill with a bit of sadness. He closed his eyes and whispered something in his native language before opening his eyes again. He looked back at Anna. "I have some food, you can give it to your son." He said before taking off his bags." He pulled out out a few cans of food, bottles of water and military MREs.


He held them out to her, keeping a safe distance a way from them. So not to scare her son or giver her the wrong idea about him.

Anna took them... But she was hesitant. She gave him a strange look. "Uh.... Did you not hear the broadcast? Zeus and I have plenty of food here, we're both well fed. Besides, I mean... I'm a mare... And I'm a mom (if you know what I'm saying), so Zeus has plenty as long as I stay healthy"


Anna took the food anyhow and placed it on the counter of the beaten kitchen. Before she walked back to Trench, she looked at the generators. They were low on fuel, at least one of them was, and unfortunately that generator ran everything upstairs. All the tech and computers for the broadcast system were up there, and a sudden loss of power may reset all she had worked on. Anna had time, at least a few hours, but she would need to get on it soon.


"So, where you from buddy? I want to get to know you a little" she said as she placed Zeus on the floor, and she sat down herself. He stayed between her legs, hiding.


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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@@Professor Annabella


"Zebrica." He said simply. He went over to where his club was and sat down and leaned his back against the way. He was sure they had plenty of food. But he didn't mind his food to the child. He was still growing, and Trench could manage.  He dug into his bag again and pulled out a towel and a small bag of tools. He used the towel to wipe the mud of himself. When most of it was off he placed it back in his bag. Then he pulled off his leg and started cleaning it as well.

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"Zebrica huh? That's odd, seeing as you aren't a Zebra... but I guess they probably get a mixture of races just like we do here in Equestria." Anna sighed


"But, I was born in Cloudsdale, and spent most of my professor days in Canterlot. Eventually I was relocated to a bunker, where we studied the machine's, until eventually everybody went mad. I had to kill my husband, who was a very abusive husband to begin with, because he tried to claw my eyes out. Couple weeks after wander the apocalyptic wasteland, I realized something was wrong, and it turned out I was pregnant." Anna patted Zeus' head. He flinched.


Anna rubbed Zeus' head, and pushed him out from under her. He kept backing into her, even though there was nowhere to go. He never met any other ponies before. He obviously didn't remember the ponies who brought him into the world, he was very scrawny and weak. They doubted he'd survive, but it turned out he did. Zeus still seemed kind of small, and a little scrawny. Definitely not chubby like most foals, but he seemed healthy enough. It was funny that in this age, he met giant killer machines before he met another pony, and he was more familiar with giant killer machines than he was ponies. Zeus was one of the very few foals born during the apocalypse.


Anna rubbed Zeus' back and tried everything to make him stop whining. He never really cried much, just mostly whining and whimpering. Anna paid little attention though, focusing more on Trench.


"You may think it's hard to get around post-apocalyptic Equestria with a prosthetic leg, but you'll never know the complications of being a mother during these times. The pregnancy, the birth... Even now I have to take proper precautions. I can't just leave Zeus here, you know. When I go out, I have plenty of things to help me out"


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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@@Professor Annabella


Though his was more focused on cleaning his leg, he listened to every word the mare said.  "No, I won't." He said bluntly, agreeing with her. To some ponies that would seem like a smart or rude thing to say. But Trench always preferred to say what he thinks in a few words that get his point across. It didn't take him long to get down with his leg. He put it back into place and put his tools up.


This was the first time in a long while that's he's been in a place that didn't look like it would collapse as soon as you step inside. He looked around the room he was in and the rooms that connected to it. He started noting every nook and cranny that he could see from the spot he sat. Even now he started coming of places he could put weapons that wouldn't get in the way but was there for whenever something bad happens.


He wasn't sure how long he was going to stay there. The mare seemed capable of handling herself. But he cold tail fighting wasn't really her main profession. And in all honesty, she wouldn't stand too long against him. But he would never do something that would harm anyone, especially a mother and her child.  


Staring to feel a bit more relaxed her took off his trench coat. As he did the many scars on his body were easy the first thing to see. Some looked surgical, others looked messy like they were done hastily. Some even went stretched across his body. His arms even had scars of all kinds.


The worst looking one was of a thousand tine dots along the left side of his body. Like he was shot by a mini gun.  


As soon as he took his coat off he knew the mare was going to stare at them. "But we all have our own hardships." he said with a somber look on his face.

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  On 2015-08-28 at 3:58 PM, Aurora Gleam said:

Signal Dete... Signal Lost.


Aurora stared, confused for a moment.  As far as she knew, there was almost nothing that could avoid her sensors like that.  This could only be some new enforcer technology; or worse... an error in her systems!  Activating her IFF system for a short burst, she turned and went back out into the street, towards the signal he sensors had picked up for less than a second.


Activate All Active Sensors - Confirmed


Looked like she might be in Ponyville a little longer than expected.



Scarlett saw a metal clad pony like figure outside. It was too bad of a time to confirm if it was indeed another pony with prosthetics or just another Luna damned robot from tartarus. Her curiosity getting the best of her, she stepped outside but still out of sight to get a better view of the pony figure, Scarlett watched and waited for the figure to move into a better point of sight.


A warning flashed up on her hud indicating that the figure was scanning again so she ducked down behind a bin an an attempt to disguise herself further.


Art by DoeKitty

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  On 2015-08-29 at 7:26 PM, Vinyl Scratchy DJ said:

Scarlett saw a metal clad pony like figure outside. It was too bad of a time to confirm if it was indeed another pony with prosthetics or just another Luna damned robot from tartarus. Her curiosity getting the best of her, she stepped outside but still out of sight to get a better view of the pony figure, Scarlett watched and waited for the figure to move into a better point of sight.


A warning flashed up on her hud indicating that the figure was scanning again so she ducked down behind a bin an an attempt to disguise herself further.


The dark matte-grey armored-pony stepped further into the street; the only distinctive marking showing being the "Prototype AURORA" on the flank.  Looking around, red lenses of eyes seeming to penetrate everything they gaze at, pass over a certain pony's hiding spot, hesitating for just a moment.


Anomalous Signature Id... Signal Lost


Aurora shook her head in frustration.  This was ridiculous.  Her sensors had to be malfunctioning, there was no way anything could...


Lifeform confirmed.


She stared at the screen in shock, head turning back to the place her scanners were indicating a faint life reading.


"He-Hello?" Her voice cracked over the external communications, sounding raspy due to lack of use. "Is anypony there?"

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  On 2015-08-29 at 11:25 PM, Aurora Gleam said:

The dark matte-grey armored-pony stepped further into the street; the only distinctive marking showing being the "Prototype AURORA" on the flank.  Looking around, red lenses of eyes seeming to penetrate everything they gaze at, pass over a certain pony's hiding spot, hesitating for just a moment.


Anomalous Signature Id... Signal Lost


Aurora shook her head in frustration.  This was ridiculous.  Her sensors had to be malfunctioning, there was no way anything could...


Lifeform confirmed.


She stared at the screen in shock, head turning back to the place her scanners were indicating a faint life reading.


"He-Hello?" Her voice cracked over the external communications, sounding raspy due to lack of use. "Is anypony there?"


Scarlett recognised that tone. No machine, not even from her time, could imitate a voice that well. Even if it did sound like it was coming from a machine. As the pony turned she saw the look of, well, shock, on the ponies face. She quietly decloaked, making sure the pony couldn't see her decloaking, and stepped out into view and mentally got ready to fight just in case. 


She ran her own scans over the pony in a split second. For the preliminary results she found out that the pony was a mare, a mostly mechanical mare more specifically. That was definitely a life sign.


Speaking with a tone so bland it more suited an AI, Scarlett said "So. Now what."

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Melke quickly fired the last two shots of his pistol to stun the two Buggers that was about to jab him as he fought his way out of the building. Using his shield, he bashed and pushed away a few more before he was out running into the streets, managing to run a few blocks down and away from the colony.


Damn it, Syo! A shield might save me but if I always running, it is only a matter of time until... NYA!


Melke tripped and fell down, dropping his pistol. Melke was panting heavily as he struggled to get up and then scrambled to get his pistol back.


Then came then sound of a heavy metallic stomp and Melke turned to see an Enforcer had just finished scanning and painting him as a target. Out of instinct, Melke did a forward roll and grabbed his empty pistol then raised his shield against the Enforcer. Bracing himself for impact, Melke closed his eyes and hoped for the best.


The Enforcer revved up his gun and fired a barrage of bullets. As the bullets approached Melke, they seem to have hit something and bounced away harmlessly. Melke, having not felt anything in a short while after hearing the gun firing, opened his eyes and saw what was going on.


He was unknowingly channeling his magic into the shield and that in turn, created a magical barrier that was protecting him. Melke was impressed but then he remembered that he had to move fast as his magic has a horrible downside if he uses it too long. Melke quickly reloaded the pistol as fast as he could and then opened his satchel and pulled out a few white vials.


Melke lobbed the bottles into the air, to the Enforcer's direction. Then two of the bottles got shot by the Enforcer's bullets and the last smashed on the ground. A white dense smoke then covered the entire area and Melke took the chance and made an escape.


As Melke ran, the Enforcer's continuous shower of bullets had hit Melke on the right arm and shoulder as he finally turned the corner and out of sight.


That was too close... I don't know how long can I go on like this.

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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  On 2015-08-29 at 11:50 PM, Vinyl Scratchy DJ said:

Scarlett recognised that tone. No machine, not even from her time, could imitate a voice that well. Even if it did sound like it was coming from a machine. As the pony turned she saw the look of, well, shock, on the ponies face. She quietly decloaked, making sure the pony couldn't see her decloaking, and stepped out into view and mentally got ready to fight just in case. 


She ran her own scans over the pony in a split second. For the preliminary results she found out that the pony was a mare, a mostly mechanical mare more specifically. That was definitely a life sign.


Speaking with a tone so bland it more suited an AI, Scarlett said "So. Now what."


Staring at the black-clad scarlet pony for a couple of seconds, surprised to actually be seeing another pony. She ran every scan she could manage on the frazzled-looking pony in front of her; meanwhile talking to the pony in the hopes of eliciting any information she could.


"We should get inside" She said, making a point to look around. "It would be far to easy to visually detect either of us right now"

Her scanners returning no information of any value regarding this strange pony, and even less regarding her equipment.  Shaking her head to her self, she turned and started making her way inside, careful to keep her passive targeting system ready to lock onto this stranger in case of any hostility.

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  On 2015-08-30 at 9:40 PM, Aurora Gleam said:

Staring at the black-clad scarlet pony for a couple of seconds, surprised to actually be seeing another pony. She ran every scan she could manage on the frazzled-looking pony in front of her; meanwhile talking to the pony in the hopes of eliciting any information she could.


"We should get inside" She said, making a point to look around. "It would be far to easy to visually detect either of us right now"

Her scanners returning no information of any value regarding this strange pony, and even less regarding her equipment.  Shaking her head to her self, she turned and started making her way inside, careful to keep her passive targeting system ready to lock onto this stranger in case of any hostility.

Noticing the 'Aurora' pony staring at her, Scarlett assumed she was just running more scans. Knowing that they wouldn't be conclusive about much, she says "Yes, lets." before stepping inside after the pony quite quickly and closing the door behind them.


She set her enchanted saddlebag to the side before turning to face the pony near her. She began to run through any possible scenario she could think of as to what would happen next, but then turned this task over to her subconscious as she began speaking "Well. What happens now."


Art by DoeKitty

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