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open Age of The Machine

Professor Annabella

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Noticing the 'Aurora' pony staring at her, Scarlett assumed she was just running more scans. Knowing that they wouldn't be conclusive about much, she says "Yes, lets." before stepping inside after the pony quite quickly and closing the door behind them.


She set her enchanted saddlebag to the side before turning to face the pony near her. She began to run through any possible scenario she could think of as to what would happen next, but then turned this task over to her subconscious as she began speaking "Well. What happens now."

Deliberately keeping her back to the other pony, she responded "Now... we take a moment to determine if we can establish a trust." Glancing back for just a moment.  "I've already cleared this building, so we should have at least a little while where nopony... or anything else, should find us."  Looking around the room one last time she sighs and thinks to herself 'This is such a mess.  Who is this stranger,  what's going on with that signal...'


She finally turns around, facing the scarlet pony, and stands completely still. "Who are you, what are you doing here, and how did you avoid my sensors?"

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Deliberately keeping her back to the other pony, she responded "Now... we take a moment to determine if we can establish a trust." Glancing back for just a moment.  "I've already cleared this building, so we should have at least a little while where nopony... or anything else, should find us."  Looking around the room one last time she sighs and thinks to herself 'This is such a mess.  Who is this stranger,  what's going on with that signal...'


She finally turns around, facing the scarlet pony, and stands completely still. "Who are you, what are you doing here, and how did you avoid my sensors?"


Holding the same bland tone from earlier, she said "My name is Scarlett, I am currently trying to find the origin of the broadcast and because nopony is hardly ever out here I assume you are doing the same. How about you?"


A small beeping sound emanated from the tool on her back left leg. And alarm of sorts. She said "We should make this quick. There are enforcers in ponyville."


Art by DoeKitty

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Holding the same bland tone from earlier, she said "My name is Scarlett, I am currently trying to find the origin of the broadcast and because nopony is hardly ever out here I assume you are doing the same. How about you?"


A small beeping sound emanated from the tool on her back left leg. And alarm of sorts. She said "We should make this quick. There are enforcers in ponyville."

Pausing a moment to look at her scanner, she sighed inwardly.  She could tell that this pony would be an ideal companion, if all things checked out.  Was it really worth the risk though?  Even if said pony seemed focused on practicality, there was an inherently greater risk of traveling in numbers, especially considering how Aurora sought to blend in instead of just hiding.  She shook her head again, clearing the extra thoughts for the moment; there were more immediate things to deal with.


"I'll deal with them.  Can you hide yourself again?  Just because my sensors may pick you up doesn't mean theirs will and I'd prefer to get out of here without a fight, if possible"


She trotted over to the door, not really waiting for a response.  


"Oh, call me Aurora." She said as she was preparing to exit the building.

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Pausing a moment to look at her scanner, she sighed inwardly.  She could tell that this pony would be an ideal companion, if all things checked out.  Was it really worth the risk though?  Even if said pony seemed focused on practicality, there was an inherently greater risk of traveling in numbers, especially considering how Aurora sought to blend in instead of just hiding.  She shook her head again, clearing the extra thoughts for the moment; there were more immediate things to deal with.


"I'll deal with them.  Can you hide yourself again?  Just because my sensors may pick you up doesn't mean theirs will and I'd prefer to get out of here without a fight, if possible"


She trotted over to the door, not really waiting for a response.  


"Oh, call me Aurora." She said as she was preparing to exit the building.

Scarlett just knew that this was going to be interesting. Especially finding out more about this, cy-pony. She knew that the only reason that Aurora could see Scarlett, even if just a little, on her sensors was because the machine they were a part of was also part organic. And she explained just that.


"Unless the machines get living pilots, there is no way that they can ever see me. Unless my suit fails. In which case I'd be dead."


Scarlett followed close in wake of the pony, and as she did she cloaked.


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett just knew that this was going to be interesting. Especially finding out more about this, cy-pony. She knew that the only reason that Aurora could see Scarlett, even if just a little, on her sensors was because the machine they were a part of was also part organic. And she explained just that.


"Unless the machines get living pilots, there is no way that they can ever see me. Unless my suit fails. In which case I'd be dead."


Scarlett followed close in wake of the pony, and as she did she cloaked.


Aurora stepped back into the sunlit streets of Ponyville, mentally preparing herself for the standard procedures she used when approaching Enforcers.  She noticed that Scarlett was no longer showing up on her sensors, but didn't look back to see where she was;  if this went downhill, she didn't want to accidentally show the enemy where her newest acquaintance was hiding.


Activate auto-pilot: Standard Enforcer approach;  Confirmed.


Her movements immediately took on a mechanical quality, the auto-pilot unable to completely emulate the natural motions of a pony.  Aurora turned towards where her sensors were displaying several Enforcers.  It was looking like a standard search and sweep pattern.  Unfortunately, they were to the west, between her... them, and Manehattan.  


Authentication Request Received sounded the message she'd grown too used to.  At least it appeared the Enforcers hadn't received any kind of protocol upgrades since she'd last checked.


Confirm Encrypted Authentication Protocol: Confirmed.


Her auto-pilot hid any hesitations or fear that she may have felt.  She approached the nearest Enforcer as it went through the processes of decrypting her authentication, and confirming that against her IFF signal.  While this was taking place, she had approached and stopped in front of one of the Enforcers, standing still as only a machine could.  


Authentication Accepted


She immediately began sending the data from her search of Ponyville, minus the anomalous signature that had lead her to Scarlett.  The Enforcers stopped for a moment while processing through the data, before immediately traveling east, through the town.  


"I'm just going to assume you're still here.  About twenty minutes should put them far out of sensor range.  If you can hold out that long, I'd like to stay here the night.  I prefer to have everything fully charged before leaving" Aurora seemed to say to herself.

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Aurora stepped back into the sunlit streets of Ponyville, mentally preparing herself for the standard procedures she used when approaching Enforcers.  She noticed that Scarlett was no longer showing up on her sensors, but didn't look back to see where she was;  if this went downhill, she didn't want to accidentally show the enemy where her newest acquaintance was hiding.


Activate auto-pilot: Standard Enforcer approach;  Confirmed.


Her movements immediately took on a mechanical quality, the auto-pilot unable to completely emulate the natural motions of a pony.  Aurora turned towards where her sensors were displaying several Enforcers.  It was looking like a standard search and sweep pattern.  Unfortunately, they were to the west, between her... them, and Manehattan.  


Authentication Request Received sounded the message she'd grown too used to.  At least it appeared the Enforcers hadn't received any kind of protocol upgrades since she'd last checked.


Confirm Encrypted Authentication Protocol: Confirmed.


Her auto-pilot hid any hesitations or fear that she may have felt.  She approached the nearest Enforcer as it went through the processes of decrypting her authentication, and confirming that against her IFF signal.  While this was taking place, she had approached and stopped in front of one of the Enforcers, standing still as only a machine could.  


Authentication Accepted


She immediately began sending the data from her search of Ponyville, minus the anomalous signature that had lead her to Scarlett.  The Enforcers stopped for a moment while processing through the data, before immediately traveling east, through the town.  


"I'm just going to assume you're still here.  About twenty minutes should put them far out of sensor range.  If you can hold out that long, I'd like to stay here the night.  I prefer to have everything fully charged before leaving" Aurora seemed to say to herself.


Scarlett followed a bit behind Aurora. She watched as Aurora went into a stiff movement pattern that could only be explained with the machine part of her taking over. Confused for a moment at the encounter between Aurora and the Enforcer Scarlett went quietly and hid behind a nearby pile of rubble.


Once the Enforcer left Scarlett, still cloaked, stepped out from behind the rubble and walked closer towards Aurora. She said "I can definitely hold out that long. But for future reference, where do you charge from? It would be useful information."


Scarlett decloaked partially while leaving her jammers online. "If we're travelling together for a bit I think it's fair that you can actually see me. Well, partially at least."


Art by DoeKitty

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Melke limped over to the shadows of an alleyway and managed to hide by a garbage bin. He opened his satchel and took out a few materials: bandages, herbs and a bottle of a shimmering light green liquid.


He first drunk the strange liquid and then he felt the pain leaving his body. He checked the damage and it turns out that the bullets had shot him in three points on his right arm: twice around his upper arm and one on his lower arm. He was lucky that the bullets did not smash his bones but it had pierced all the way through. Melke then used his left arm to mash the herbs and rub a bit on the bandages. He then used his mouth and left arm to wrap his right arm in the bandage. After bandaging the arm, he took out a blood red potion and drank it all down.


I seem to have lost a lot of blood... I only have one more blood supplement potion, if I don't get to somewhere safe by nightfall, it will the end of me...


Melke finished up and then started to reload his pistol. He emptied the empty cartridge and then loaded another into the capsule into the slot and then loaded the pistol. As Melke placed the pistol back on his waist belt, his attention then came to his shield. He held it up and looked at it carefully.


Hm... how could I have been so stupid? Syo brought me this shield from our homeworld, where magic is more plentiful than Equestria, it makes sense that it uses magic to work. But, a shield can't last me long and when I activated it, it was too heavy for me to lift. Maybe there is something more to this shield, our weapons are never so simple...


With that thought, Melke looked at the shield's build for a while then realized that it held another secret. Channeling a small bit of magic into the shield, he made the shield open up and snap into an long arc, resembling a bow. Some of the shield seems to have broken off and attached themselves to Melke's arms, serving as an arm guard. Melke smirked as he saw the bow like shape. It was a magical bow that concentrates his magic into its ammo, but Melke then remembered the downside to excessive magic and checked his gemstone that he wears around his neck.


The Black Kyanite seemed to be covered in a sort of dark glowing residue and Melke did not like what he was seeing.


This is really bad, if this keeps up, there is no telling what my magic might do...

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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Scarlett followed a bit behind Aurora. She watched as Aurora went into a stiff movement pattern that could only be explained with the machine part of her taking over. Confused for a moment at the encounter between Aurora and the Enforcer Scarlett went quietly and hid behind a nearby pile of rubble.


Once the Enforcer left Scarlett, still cloaked, stepped out from behind the rubble and walked closer towards Aurora. She said "I can definitely hold out that long. But for future reference, where do you charge from? It would be useful information."


Scarlett decloaked partially while leaving her jammers online. "If we're travelling together for a bit I think it's fair that you can actually see me. Well, partially at least."


Auto-Pilot: Disabled; 


Aurora Shook herself slightly.  She always felt a little stiff after letting the machine 'take over'.  After a moment she turns to Scarlett. "Once we get to a secure... ish, location, we can trade specifications.  Until then, I would rather not stay in the open." She turns and walks into the nearest building.  Once inside she turns back to Scarlett, "Allright. We both want some answers, especially about our tech.  Perhaps we could start by trading questions." she says, sounding eager.  Rather than sitting or lying down, she just stops moving and maintains a standing position. "I'll start by answering your question.  I charge by using a magic-conversion matrix of my own design. Now, regarding your suit..."


The questions and answers go on for several hours, leading into the night.  Finally getting to a point of satisfaction, Aurora nods and declares, "Perhaps it would be best to rest here for the night.  We can proceed to our destination in the morning."

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Auto-Pilot: Disabled; 


Aurora Shook herself slightly.  She always felt a little stiff after letting the machine 'take over'.  After a moment she turns to Scarlett. "Once we get to a secure... ish, location, we can trade specifications.  Until then, I would rather not stay in the open." She turns and walks into the nearest building.  Once inside she turns back to Scarlett, "Allright. We both want some answers, especially about our tech.  Perhaps we could start by trading questions." she says, sounding eager.  Rather than sitting or lying down, she just stops moving and maintains a standing position. "I'll start by answering your question.  I charge by using a magic-conversion matrix of my own design. Now, regarding your suit..."


The questions and answers go on for several hours, leading into the night.  Finally getting to a point of satisfaction, Aurora nods and declares, "Perhaps it would be best to rest here for the night.  We can proceed to our destination in the morning."


"All right, that seems like a good idea. Though I wouldn't advise being too close to me when I'm asleep. My magic has a tendency to wander."


Scarlett levitated wood and other scrap materials littered around the house and stuck them to the windows so that no machine could see inside. Going to a corner and laying down, she cloaked and closed her eyes to go to sleep.


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Professor Annabella


Though his was more focused on cleaning his leg, he listened to every word the mare said.  "No, I won't." He said bluntly, agreeing with her. To some ponies that would seem like a smart or rude thing to say. But Trench always preferred to say what he thinks in a few words that get his point across. It didn't take him long to get down with his leg. He put it back into place and put his tools up.


This was the first time in a long while that's he's been in a place that didn't look like it would collapse as soon as you step inside. He looked around the room he was in and the rooms that connected to it. He started noting every nook and cranny that he could see from the spot he sat. Even now he started coming of places he could put weapons that wouldn't get in the way but was there for whenever something bad happens.


He wasn't sure how long he was going to stay there. The mare seemed capable of handling herself. But he cold tail fighting wasn't really her main profession. And in all honesty, she wouldn't stand too long against him. But he would never do something that would harm anyone, especially a mother and her child.  


Staring to feel a bit more relaxed her took off his trench coat. As he did the many scars on his body were easy the first thing to see. Some looked surgical, others looked messy like they were done hastily. Some even went stretched across his body. His arms even had scars of all kinds.


The worst looking one was of a thousand tine dots along the left side of his body. Like he was shot by a mini gun.  


As soon as he took his coat off he knew the mare was going to stare at them. "But we all have our own hardships." he said with a somber look on his face.


“I’m sure we all do…” Anna said, looking at her new guest with grief. A world once filled with stories of hope and happiness, where ponies would share their achievements in life, was a thing of the past. Stories now (that is, if you had the time to stop running to tell them) were stories of survival, and hardships of trying to survive in a world with killer machines who’s only objective was to exterminate your entire race. Zeus was a baby, he was cute and little. There was a time where mares and stallions alike would marvel over a baby, wanting to play with them, or cuddle with them. All so cute and innocent… But the only thing this earth pony could see in Zeus was the struggle it probably was to keep him alive.


“I’m sorry to inform you, but you may want to hurry up. We have to head out for my daily supply run. I need to siphon some gas out of a bus out there, so I guess this will put your skills to the test. If we all come back here, alive, with a bounty of gas, some bullets, maybe cans of food, and a pack or two of diapers… I’ll promote you. There’s not really a rank system… but I’ll sure as hell trust you…”


She turned and gently swiped her tail across Trench’s face with some attitude.


Anna somewhat wanted to show-off her gear. She was humble, but how she made it possible for her to explore the ruins with a baby was truly a marvel. She learned a lot in her days at the University, more than just Biology. Anna’s cutie mark was a microscope, but there was plenty more she learned in the last few years in the apocalypse.


In a large weapons vault Anna had openly displayed in the family room they were sitting in, she put a code, and it’s large metal door opened after a series of clicks. There weren’t really any rifles (like you’d expect), but plenty of pistol ammo. So there wasn’t any weapons at first sight in the weapons vault ironically, but there was what looked like to be a leather foal carrier with plenty of straps. Anna picked it up, and it seemed heavy as she did. After slipping into it, and tightening the many straps and buckles around her, it laid snug against her chest. She knocked on it, and it was hard as a rock.


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Melke slowly got up and slowly walked down the alleyway. Melke was getting tired out from using magic and was leaning against the wall as he moved. He was not sure where he was but he hoped that he would run into the right people. Melke took another glance at his gemstone and started to ponder.


At this rate, I will be dead by nightfall.... As much as I hate to do it, my negative magic may be my only hope right now. I best find a better place to rest up first. Being fatigued will get me killed too...


Melke staggered until he came came out on the other side of the alleyway, luckily no robots in sight. Melke found himself in a bus interchange and he changed his weapon back into a shield and then got down and all fours and quickly sprinted into the interchange and board one of the buses that shielded by many others.


I guess I will take a small shut eye here... or I will really collapse and it will be the end of me.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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Aurora woke to a quiet alert on her display. 


Oh no, Hawks!


She looked around quickly, seeing that it was just before dawn.  She moved about halfway across the room towards where Scarlett had cloaked.

"Scarlett, Hawks are incoming.  Now would be a great time to get going.  Hopefully we can get out of here before we're noticed."


She began her pre-flight checks in order to activate her advanced-flight systems. Looking back to the corner that she assumed still held the cloaked figure.


"I'm planning on flying out of here, that is unless you can't fly, in which case we walk... quickly."

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Aurora woke to a quiet alert on her display. 


Oh no, Hawks!


She looked around quickly, seeing that it was just before dawn.  She moved about halfway across the room towards where Scarlett had cloaked.

"Scarlett, Hawks are incoming.  Now would be a great time to get going.  Hopefully we can get out of here before we're noticed."


She began her pre-flight checks in order to activate her advanced-flight systems. Looking back to the corner that she assumed still held the cloaked figure.


"I'm planning on flying out of here, that is unless you can't fly, in which case we walk... quickly."


Scarlett woke up to an alarm in her ear and on her hud. 'Incoming Machines, flying class' it read, she heard Aurora saying something about it and assumed she was talking about the Hawks. She got up and heard her say about flying.


She got up, started running scans on the area to check for more robots and basic routine daily diagnostics of her suit's systems.


She uncloaked and quickly answered "I can't fly, yet, but I can maintain an anti-gravity spell on myself as well as a tether if you'd mind pulling me. You shouldn't even feel a thing."


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett woke up to an alarm in her ear and on her hud. 'Incoming Machines, flying class' it read, she heard Aurora saying something about it and assumed she was talking about the Hawks. She got up and heard her say about flying.


She got up, started running scans on the area to check for more robots and basic routine daily diagnostics of her suit's systems.


She uncloaked and quickly answered "I can't fly, yet, but I can maintain an anti-gravity spell on myself as well as a tether if you'd mind pulling me. You shouldn't even feel a thing."


Aurora manages to avoid jumping when Scarlett decloaked so suddenly.


"I don't think that would be a good solution right now." She pauses to think for a moment and something clicks in her mind. "Hawks have magic detection sensors. Any active uses of magic within their range would alert them to the presence of a pony in the area.  They are also particularly resilient to most methods of illusion magic." She looks away, seeming ashamed as she says this.  She shakes her head to clear her thoughts.  " If you still have gaps in your local knowledge, let me know later. As for now, lets get out of here quietly. Once we're out of their sensor range, I'm more than happy to let you tether so we can fly some of the way there.  Sound good to you?" She finishes, looking to Scarlett.

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Aurora manages to avoid jumping when Scarlett decloaked so suddenly.


"I don't think that would be a good solution right now." She pauses to think for a moment and something clicks in her mind. "Hawks have magic detection sensors. Any active uses of magic within their range would alert them to the presence of a pony in the area.  They are also particularly resilient to most methods of illusion magic." She looks away, seeming ashamed as she says this.  She shakes her head to clear her thoughts.  " If you still have gaps in your local knowledge, let me know later. As for now, lets get out of here quietly. Once we're out of their sensor range, I'm more than happy to let you tether so we can fly some of the way there.  Sound good to you?" She finishes, looking to Scarlett.


Scarlett quietly mumbled to herself "Hard to scan for a type of magic that doesn't exist..." before standing up straight, shaking off a little bit and saying "I'm good for my local knowledge, and the Hawks have yet to find me due to the way in which my suit cloaks me. But I'd prefer not to take my chances. Let's go"


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett quietly mumbled to herself "Hard to scan for a type of magic that doesn't exist..." before standing up straight, shaking off a little bit and saying "I'm good for my local knowledge, and the Hawks have yet to find me due to the way in which my suit cloaks me. But I'd prefer not to take my chances. Let's go"

She smirked at Scarlett's grumbling.


Once we get out of the area, I'll show you one of the vulnerabilities I built into their sensors; as a sign of good faith."

I think I'm going to get along with this pony quite well, assuming we live long enough to build some trust

She sighed and turned her IFF beacon back on and stepped out the door. Looking back to Scarlett she started,

"I'm turning on my beacon so they will identify me as machine, you should..."

Seeing neither hide nor hair of the aforementioned pony, she just chuckled and shook her head.

"Someday you're going to have to let me take a look at that tech" she chuckled and began to walk.

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She smirked at Scarlett's grumbling.


Once we get out of the area, I'll show you one of the vulnerabilities I built into their sensors; as a sign of good faith."

I think I'm going to get along with this pony quite well, assuming we live long enough to build some trust

She sighed and turned her IFF beacon back on and stepped out the door. Looking back to Scarlett she started,

"I'm turning on my beacon so they will identify me as machine, you should..."

Seeing neither hide nor hair of the aforementioned pony, she just chuckled and shook her head.

"Someday you're going to have to let me take a look at that tech" she chuckled and began to walk.


Scarlett, with a pulse of aqua blue energy washing over her an outline of where she and her suit were in an almost hexagonal fashion, said "you wish" with a smirk. "That'd be nice."


She stepped out of the building and look around, seeing the hawk quite close yet still far away. 'This'll be interesting' she thought to herself.


Art by DoeKitty

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Melke was violently woken up by someone as he slept on the bus. His eyes snap open and he knocked back whoever it was and drew out his pistol.


"Hey... you didn't have to do that..." Syo commented as she got back up. Melke heaved a sigh of relief as he placed back his pistol.


"What are you doing here?" Melke asked and then he cringed at his arm injury that has yet to recover. Syo saw it and a dark expression came upon her face.


"I am taking you home... no excuses..." Syo said before she grabbed Melke's paw and started to open a gate.


"But... I have yet to finish anything here!"


"And how are you going to finish anything with little to no supplies left? You are not a fighter, Melke."


Melke wanted to argue back but the truth stuck to him and he remained silent.


"I know you want to help this world but it is not our fight, it never was." Syo finished as the gate was fully opened and Syo dragged Melke through it and the golden ripple closed right behind them.

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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