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private 1x1 romance (Private with Vinylwubs)

Love Doctor Blaze

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Crescendo squeezed slightly harder, and spoke with a soft voice "You know... My dad also gave me inspirational quotes. Which is kinda the reason to why i'm not a unstable wreck right now. But anyways, my dad was a famous poem wrighter who wrote this line "'You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one" Crescendo closed his eyes, and imagined his fathers strong and inspirational voice, he then opened them again and looked at Alice "I have followed this quote my whole life, so you can thank my dad for who i am today"  

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Crescendo squeezed slightly harder, and spoke with a soft voice "You know... My dad also gave me inspirational quotes. Which is kinda the reason to why i'm not a unstable wreck right now. But anyways, my dad was a famous poem wrighter who wrote this line "'You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one" Crescendo closed his eyes, and imagined his fathers strong and inspirational voice, he then opened them again and looked at Alice "I have followed this quote my whole life, so you can thank my dad for who i am today"


Alice smiled sweetly as she turned her head towards the window. A clear view of Moscow was suddenly getting closer. Her eyes widen with excitement but decided to play it cool, after all.. She's a celebrity. Alice looks at the time, 12:59pm.. Weird, it was officially 11:29am when both, the ponies left Appleloosa. Alice shook her head gently and turned her head towards Crescendo, and one other pony. "E-excuse Y-young lady.. W-where are the seats for the disabled?" The pony said, aching her back pain. "Hmm? It's on your left mam.." The old pony smiled gently, before stumbling over to the seat. "Barnacles! These legs are like dust, old sticks!" Alice couldn't bear what the old pony was doing, so she got up and started making her way towards her.

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Crescendo was about to help out the poor lady, but saw that Alice was already one step ahead of him. So he decided to admire the view. Moscow's street was filled with stallions and mares, some where residents and some where tourists. He noticed some sort of church in the distance, and made a mental note to check it out later. 

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Crescendo was about to help out the poor lady, but saw that Alice was already one step ahead of him. So he decided to admire the view. Moscow's street was filled with stallions and mares, some where residents and some where tourists. He noticed some sort of church in the distance, and made a mental note to check it out later.


Alice trotted over to her seat. Once she sat down, she looks out the window, Crescendo was looking out of. "Woah.." Alice said as she saw the amount of Stallions, Mares and fillies walking around Moscow. "That's one big city alright.." She looks at the buildings in the distance. "Covered in dirt? Weird.. Never seen anything like it.." She mumbled, putting a hoof around the unicorn next to her.

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The train came to a halt, and the conducter yelled "WELCOME TO MOSCOW, THIS TRAIN DOES NOT CONTINUE ANY FURTHER" Crescendo nodded at Alice "Welp, looks like this is out destination, so let's find a hotel" Said Crescendo, he got up from his sitting postion and started to stretch his sore limps

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The train came to a halt, and the conducter yelled "WELCOME TO MOSCOW, THIS TRAIN DOES NOT CONTINUE ANY FURTHER" Crescendo nodded at Alice "Welp, looks like this is out destination, so let's find a hotel" Said Crescendo, he got up from his sitting postion and started to stretch his sore limps

"Definitely, and hopefully we can buy a camera.. Or something that'll take pictures.." Alice shrugged before rising from her seat, stretching. After her little stretch moment, Alice hopped off the train with a Hop, skip and a jump. Alice's eyes went small with shock, seeing the beautiful buildings gleam in the Suns Ray's. Alice started to cry a little, seeing how beautiful it is.. Minus the fact 1/4 of the buildings were covered in muck and dirt.

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"Definitely, and hopefully we can buy a camera.. Or something that'll take pictures.." Alice shrugged before rising from her seat, stretching. After her little stretch moment, Alice hopped off the train with a Hop, skip and a jump. Alice's eyes went small with shock, seeing the beautiful buildings gleam in the Suns Ray's. Alice started to cry a little, seeing how beautiful it is.. Minus the fact 1/4 of the buildings were covered in muck and dirt.

Crescendo agreed "Yeah we should probably have headed home before this trip, but oh well" Said Crescendo with a shrug. He walked out on the platform and inhaled the fresh air "Ahh, i was beginning to go insane in that train wagon." Said Crescendo with relief. He however didn't notice Alices observation

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Crescendo agreed "Yeah we should probably have headed home before this trip, but oh well" Said Crescendo with a shrug. He walked out on the platform and inhaled the fresh air "Ahh, i was beginning to go insane in that train wagon." Said Crescendo with relief. He however didn't notice Alices observation

Alice smiled and let the fresh air gather into her lungs. "Ahhh~ it's good to finally have some fresh air.. For a second I thought I was drowning myself of rotten flower perfume.." She coughed out as she regained her composure to breathe again. Crescendo was right, she was almost about to explode from that train ride. It felt good to be in the nature of equestria again. "Should we get going?" Alice asked the stallion before making her way towards the city.

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Crescendo nodded in agreement "Alright, let's find us a hotel we can stay in. I don't really want to sleep outside" Said Crescendo and walked ahead. He had to strategize his every step because of the massive amoun of people. He noticed a 4.5 star hotel ahead, and decided to try and make his way towards it

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Crescendo nodded in agreement "Alright, let's find us a hotel we can stay in. I don't really want to sleep outside" Said Crescendo and walked ahead. He had to strategize his every step because of the massive amoun of people. He noticed a 4.5 star hotel ahead, and decided to try and make his way towards it

Alice was one step behind him, being extremely careful of her movement of the crowded ponies that were walking by. Every few minutes or seconds, a pony would bump into the mare making Alice have to apologise. "S-sorry mam!" She called out before tripping over someponies hooves. "Gahh..." She groaned. When she got up, there was something odd... Something... Missing.. "Crescendo?" She called out, no response. "I'm lost!" She thought, looking scared.

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Crescendo made it safely through the crowd "Ahh, finaly some space. Won't you agree Al-" He was cut off when there was no Alice behind him "Bollocks" Muttered Crescendo


(Playing as the military OC Crescendo mentioned)


A massive red coated stallion walked through the crowd. His massive size and intimidating look scared off anyone who would try and stand in his way. His chest was adorned with 5 rows of medals. The earthpony looked around and noticed a mare sitting in the middle of the crowd. She looked scared, He approached her "Здравствуйте мадам. Тебе нужна помощь?" Asked the stallion in a gruff voice 

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Crescendo made it safely through the crowd "Ahh, finaly some space. Won't you agree Al-" He was cut off when there was no Alice behind him "Bollocks" Muttered Crescendo


(Playing as the military OC Crescendo mentioned)


A massive red coated stallion walked through the crowd. His massive size and intimidating look scared off anyone who would try and stand in his way. His chest was adorned with 5 rows of medals. The earthpony looked around and noticed a mare sitting in the middle of the crowd. She looked scared, He approached her "Здравствуйте мадам. Тебе нужна помощь?" Asked the stallion in a gruff voice


Alice looks at the red stallion in front of her, speaking a weird language that is way beyond her mind to translate. "...what? Sir.. Sorry to be rude but I can't really understand what you are saying.." She said, getting up on her hooves as the stallion looks at her. "Sorry sir.. I'll be going now.." Alice sighed before picking up her hooves and starting to trot away from the stallion.

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His eyes widened She speaks english? Well that does explain why she sat in the middle of everything. She is a lost tourist He gently grabbed her "Ah colossaeus hoof is sorry about that ma'am. I did not expect a tourist" Said the stallion with a slightly broken english

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His eyes widened She speaks english? Well that does explain why she sat in the middle of everything. She is a lost tourist He gently grabbed her "Ah colossaeus hoof is sorry about that ma'am. I did not expect a tourist" Said the stallion with a slightly broken english

Alice looks at the stallion. "Yea.. Sorry about that sir.. I'm not from here.." Alice replied with a sad frown appearing on her face, looking scared than ever. "You must be a citzen of this city?" She asked, tilting her head gently before looking up. "Moscow is a really beautiful city.. Isn't it?" She said.

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Colossaeus Hoof nodded "Yes indeed. This stallion has lived half his life in mother russia. I know just about everything about this city." He hesitated at her next question "Well... The city is beautifull, but the polution has increased tenfold in the last few years" Said the giant stallion, as he pushed through the crowd

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Colossaeus Hoof nodded "Yes indeed. This stallion has lived half his life in mother russia. I know just about everything about this city." He hesitated at her next question "Well... The city is beautifull, but the polution has increased tenfold in the last few years" Said the giant stallion, as he pushed through the crowd

"So that's why some buildings are covered in muck.." She said, walking alongside him. Alice noticed that there was a lot of ponies heading towards the shopping mall, all chatting away on how much money they are going to spend, the clothing they're gonna purchase and pretty much talking in another language. "So um.. What's the main language in Moscow?" Alice looks at the stallion with a confused look on her face.

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He nodded "Indeed. That's quite the observation miss, and to answer your question the main language is russian." Said the stallion. He was about to push through another crowd, but was met with no resistance as they moved away from him. Wether it was out of respect or fear he wouldn't know. He noticed her lag of warm clothing, and took off his military jacket. The medals made a melodic sound as they touched each other. He hoofed her the jacket 

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He nodded "Indeed. That's quite the observation miss, and to answer your question the main language is russian." Said the stallion. He was about to push through another crowd, but was met with no resistance as they moved away from him. Wether it was out of respect or fear he wouldn't know. He noticed her lag of warm clothing, and took off his military jacket. The medals made a melodic sound as they touched each other. He hoofed her the jacket


Alice smiled gently and hoofed into the jacket. "Thank you sir.. I was about to shiver.." She said, seeing how cold she was. Alice made an observation on the whole town.. "So.. From my point of view.. Moscow is a pretty city will the population drowning very slowly.. The main language in Moscow is Russia.. Whoch is why I couldn't understand you.. And its temperature is mainly cold? Around -13 degrees Celsius?" She said, trying not to be loud in front of other Russian ponies.

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He nodded "Yes that's mainly correct. Our temperatures do go up to 40 degrees Celcius in summer, and they fall just as hard as they rise in the winter as you can feel" Said Colossaeus. They approached a military camp. A few guards came up to check who was there. Colossaeus and the guards exchanged a few words in russian, and they were let in. He opened the door in to a room, and went inside

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He nodded "Yes that's mainly correct. Our temperatures do go up to 40 degrees Celcius in summer, and they fall just as hard as they rise in the winter as you can feel" Said Colossaeus. They approached a military camp. A few guards came up to check who was there. Colossaeus and the guards exchanged a few words in russian, and they were let in. He opened the door in to a room, and went inside

Once they were inside, Alice looks around the whole room in front of her. "Woah.. A military camp.. The last time I've been in one was when my Father fought for the war.." She sighed gently and looks at her cutie mark. "All I have is a Cooke and a lollipop for a cutie mark.." She thought as her mind filled with sad memories of her life, but she decided to shake it off. Alice coughed a little bit, trying to get a little bit of a Russian accent. "спасибо.." She said to the stallion.

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Colossaeus laughed with a booming voice "Ah, i'm going to have to learn you russian some day... The posibilities are endless!" Said the stallion with a massive smile. He pointed at the room "But welcome to my home, i'm sorry that  i don't have a big mansion like some of the other fancy generals" Said Colossaeus as he took off his hat. A sign was hanging over the door 'General Colossaeus Hoof' it said

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Colossaeus laughed with a booming voice "Ah, i'm going to have to learn you russian some day... The posibilities are endless!" Said the stallion with a massive smile. He pointed at the room "But welcome to my home, i'm sorry that  i don't have a big mansion like some of the other fancy generals" Said Colossaeus as he took off his hat. A sign was hanging over the door 'General Colossaeus Hoof' it said

(Poor Alice XD)


Alice smiled at the red stallion who welcomed her into his home. "Thank you.. And I know I know.. I just thought I'll try a tiny bit of Russian.. Even thought my accent is pretty off key lad.." She said in her Irish accent. Alice sat down on a chair and stretched gently. "Ahh.. That fells nice to lean on and rest your back from a lot of walking." Alice said, looking relaxed a bit. The mare looked over to a sign on a wall saying "General Colossaeus Hoof". Her eyes widen, it can't be.. She was chatting to one of the generals in Moscow! She quickly got up and looked at the sign once more.

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Colossaeus watched as Alice flew up from her seat to look at his sign. He approached her from behind "Found something surprising?" Asked Colossaeus with a smile "I'm surprised you didn't find out about my position. You were wearing the answer the entire time" Said Colossaeus and pointed at the medals that were on his jacket

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Colossaeus watched as Alice flew up from her seat to look at his sign. He approached her from behind "Found something surprising?" Asked Colossaeus with a smile "I'm surprised you didn't find out about my position. You were wearing the answer the entire time" Said Colossaeus and pointed at the medals that were on his jacket

Alice looks at the medals on his jacket. "W-woah.. A general.. All I ever met was a private.. But a general? This is so cool!" She said, an excited expression on her face. Returning the maturity, she started to take off his jacket. "Do you want it back? Cause it looks like you need it more than I do.." Alice asked as she started to hoofed over the jacket she was previously wearing.

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Colossaeus pushed the jacket back "No need. I'm quite used to mother russias harsh winters. But tourists on the other hoof aren't" He sat down at his desk, and began signing documents "So how did you end up in Moscow? Tourists usually travel in groups" Said the military veteran as he stamped another document.  

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