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private First Words [Roleplay]


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@@Akari of Duskshire


Ochre finished his share of the oatmeal while listening to Stormcloud before nodding. "Those are certainly interesting theories. If having a dragon ancestor is the truth, that must have been an ordeal for the ponies or dear involved." Ochre laughed, before moving to the Kitchen sink to clean his dish. "What can you tell me about the family you do know of, are they nice?"

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"No, smooth lines are how I roll.  " He'd joke.


Looking back at the other guards for a second, them trying to act as if they are not interested in what is going on by doing their jobs, but clearly still battering an eye here once in a while.


"Quite honestly I don't think they've ever seen me talk to a mare that wasn't a co-worker. "


Star would be a surprised at her story thought, that was very spontaneous for a train coming from Ponyville, but still understandable, making him more drawn into the subject as he'd almost let go of the situation, simply spending less time thinking about everything going wrong and just going with the flow without giving it much thought.


Something was certainly different in this mare, but he still didn't know what.


"Well, that is quite spontaneous. So, I imagine you have some sort of plans of what you will be doing here? Or, you just getting around to that now that you are here?"


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"Yes, existentialism does that to a pony", she replied flippantly. The answer seemed as cryptic as the ambiguity with which she asked the question, yet in it lay unnamed truths too numerous to count. She would have to fully ponder its meaning later, and to do so, she would need a better idea of who this stallion was. "Come, let us get inside. It would not do to dwell on these things with a headache." She proceeded towards the Victorian structure in which she had been spending most of her time as of late. "Forgive me, but I don't believe I caught your name, nor how you came to know where I would be."

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It took a few seconds to register what Ochre was talking about.  When it did, Stormcloud's eyes widened and she covered her mouth to keep herself from spitting her oatmeal out.  "Oh, you did NOT just go there!" she said in mock anger, laughing all the while.  She finished her oatmeal as well, taking it to the sink.


"My family?  Well, I love them, but they're strict.  They're one of the many families who still adhere to warrior traditions, even after the wars ended half a century ago," she said, gesturing to the longbow.  "It took a lot of convincing and compromising for my father to allow me to come here as an exchange student.  My mother helped, but she's not the most affectionate kirin.  My older brother though, he's real kind and supportive.  I think last time he wrote to me, he became a personal disciple of one of the commanders.  He also gave me this."  She gave her magatama a loud tap with a nostalgic smile.


"Every member of my family is training either to enter the military back at home, or instructing the younger generation.  Not me though.  I'm sort of the 'black sheep' as you call it."

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@@Professor Annabella


"Differently," he asked, somewhat confused by that. "I wouldn't say I treat you differently from how I treat others. Sure you have hit rougher paths in your travels, but kindness does everyone good." He smiled softly at her as he finished loading her bags with the carrots.


"Oh, and my name is Pathfinder," he said with a nod. "I'm not sure if I am the best you could look for in regards to proper diet as you can probably see from my own bags, but I'd be happy to lend a hoof. In any case there isn't anything wrong with cravings as long as you don't overboard with them, but that advice can go with just about anything else."


"I don't think I caught your name Ms...?"

"Well you just said...." Anna sighed "Okay I guess"


Annabella looked at his bag and saw some things that were only specially grown in Ponyville. The way he looked around and conducted himself, she could come to the conclusion that he was just as new here as she was. It was quite simple, really, he was a tourist. Anybody who would pick out such a perfect and random selection, was obviously picking out the things that were special in Ponyville, simply because they've never had them before. Common residents had Sweet Apple Acre apples so many times that they didn't need to buy a surplus of them, such as this stallion was doing. Anna wasn't like the rest of the population in her diet, but it was a witty insight she made.


"I'm Annabella" She answered "But you can call me Anna, Pathfinder. And I must ask... Are you new to town? If that's the case, I'm new too. Just moved in a week ago. Still finding my way around, honesty" she chuckled.


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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After placing his headphones back in his hoodie pocket he followed her. "My name's Tungsten Wolfrem. And I could tell you were a musician from the calluses on certain spot on your hoof. I work with someone who plays guitar and he has the the same  calluses on his hooves. As for how I knew you would be here, you told me last night about your boxer friend. I asked the guy who set up my room where this place was.


It's not that hard to find someone." He followed two steps behind her.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


Ochre laughed along with Stormcloud at his jest. "Come now, that can't be the first time you've heard a joke in that vein."


Ochre listened intently to Stormcloud's account of her family. His ears perked at the mention of her being a student, but remained silent until she finished. "My family almost all have something to do with rock farming, even the pegasi and unicorns. It's been that way for generations. We do get members that end up leaving the farm either to do business elsewhere, or to pursue other interests. I liked construction mostly, and wanted to see the world, so I joined up with the Equestrian army's corps of engineers. I get more odd looks from ponies outside my family though. They mostly think of the army as something exclusively for fighting wars. It's good that you have your brother for support. I was an only foal growing up, but I had a lot of cousins, and we were basically all brothers and sisters, even if I had trouble remembering all their names."


"So you mentioned that you're an exchange student? May I ask what you're studying in particular?"

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Jazz simply rolled her eyes.Sure, sure. Keep thinking that, Mr.Guard.”



“Never seen you talk to a mare? And here I was thinking you’d practiced regularly on mares you just happened to teleport in front of.” She mused, flicking her mane out of her eyes. 



“I know, I don’t know where it came from. I just wanted a change of scenery, so no plans. Just going with it.” She explained, shrugging. She herself didn’t quite understand what compelled her, so an answer could not be provided. “Maybe busk a bit, get some bits. The ponies here are a pretty generous lot”



Just as they exited the station, a sudden thought made her stop, and she turned to face him fully. “I haven’t even introduced myself yet, I don’t think. Jazz. Jazz Sonata.” She said, sticking out ao hoof for him to bump.


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Dusk looked around the resteraunt as they were lead to their table. It was still a little too early for there to be many ponies there and there was only one other couple out their on the patio with them. Dusk had only a small thought about that and quickly pushed it out of her mind. This was just breakfast with someone clearly just as distracted as she was she told herself as she sat down and started looking over the menu. "So what sounds good to you?" She asked Cresent while still trying not to directly look at him. 

Cresent looked at the menu, so many good food on there so many idea's his belly said yes too

"spaghetti, bugerser, something called pinkis sala....I didn't know pinki made salsa thought she had it in for cupcakes" he thought out loud looking at the menu then looking up at Dusk "im thinking spaghetti you?" he asked

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@@Akari of Duskshire



Stormcloud washed the bowl and wiped it clean with a rag in her hooves. "Well, I wasn't studying anything in particular. I was just in a high school in Yanhoover. I got my first taste of Equestria there, but I never went outside the city and wanted to travel even more. So here I am, a few years later, on my second trip. It's been nice here, experiencing it all while working odd jobs so I can go on to the next town. It's what I plan on doing when we get to Canterlot. At most, I'll be there for half the year or less."


"So, you're an engineer? Anything you specialize in? Can I see them?"

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Star would chuckle at her practise comment, and listen to her further.


"Heh, yes, you will find the folks here VERY generous... so, I guess you are a musician and can put that guitar on your back to good use?"


He'd look at the guitar for a second, before they'd get off the station and she faced him, making him feel in a bit of an awkward situation as he'd face her.


"Oh, heh... I guess we did forget about that -" He'd pause for a second as he'd see her offer her hoof for a bump... something that he hasn't done in a long time since childhood... hoofbumps or hoofshakes were something that he just never did and felt weird even thinking about doing."-Well, a pleasure, pretty name. I'm Dark Star... " A bit unsure with his hoof, he'd do bump her hoof lightly it all so alien to him.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Oh? Staring at my hooves, were we?" She gave Tungsten a coquettish smile. Tungsten. Of course his name would be Tungsten...so tough, yet so easily broken. "Well, I might just have to request your talents of finding ponies one of these days," she said as she proceeded through the glass doors leading into the atrium. It was only several hoofsteps after this that she nearly stumbled down a small flight of stairs. Sitting across the way was the very pony she had in mind, and was the last one in the world that she wanted to see right now...


"Heh, ah, you know what? Let's head backstage, instead...I'm sure there will be something there to temper that headache of yours..." Aria gave Tungsten a slight nudge to direct him elsewhere. In an attempt to distract herself from her thoughts, she instead focused on Tungsten's. "So what brought you here anyway? Not here here, of course, but...well, are you from around here?"

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 Tungsten just followed her wherever she led him. But he watched how she acted. This was a normal habit for him. He liked watching others, cause of this he's learned how to read ponies pretty well. It made avoiding ponies easier without giving off the wrong impression.


"Yeah, Down town. Like I said, I don't come uptown much. As for why I'm hear, I thought you could help me... look at myself in the mirror again." He had a reluctant look on his face. This showed how inexperienced he was at asking for help. "It seamed like you offered, and I can't tell that you're a nice mare." He said honestly.

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“I’d hope so.” She chuckled, before gesturing to her flank. “It’s supposed to be my special talent after all.”



She simply nodded when he bopped her hoof despite his previous hesitations, glad that he was willing to try something a little out of the ordinary. “Nice to meet you, Dark Star. I’m gonna keep calling you Mr. Guard anyway, though.” 

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Well, I am in construction now, but I helped work on several bridges in the north, along with irrigation canals in the sound when I was in the army," answered Ochre. "Currently I'm helping build a new meeting hall in Ponyville. It's grown in the last few years. What jobs do you normally take?"

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"Oh joy.."He'd say sarcastically but in a joking manner in response to his new title. Looking around, he'd note that it would be getting darker and darker by each minute, the beauty of winter showing as the snow would simply bounce off the moonlight creating a lovely atmosphere everywhere. "You said by the end of the day you'll be going back... by that you mean midnight or nightfall?


He'd see a patrol of guards, they passing by and giving the two a bit of a surprised look. 


"I'm going to be the center of attention for a while now am I...


Looking around he'd think of what to say, before facing her again. 


"So, what is your first destination in such a lovely night?" Star asked, "And does my escort apply beyond the train station? " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll stay the night – I’ve got a couple of music buddies here who’ll probably let me crash.” She said, watching the falling snow and catching a piece in her hoof. The gentle snowflakes melted almost as soon as she caught them, and the hummed a short tune to herself.



“Well… I’m not sure. And your escort applies for as long as you’re willing to stay.”


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"Well, I'd guess after such a long trip in a cold train a warm meal would be the best of options?" He'd smile. "On me, of course. "


Looking around at the city street he'd think of any good restaurants nearby.


Heh, what am I thinking, I havn't went to any resteraunts in a long while, at least no ones to take a mare to.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"I sometimes work in shops, cafes, restaurants, the like.  I've worked in construction a few times, I helped out on farms, but if I'm REALLY lucky, I'll be asked to take down a local threat," she answered, once again gesturing to the bow in her possession.


She dried the bowl and placed it back into the cabinet she thought Ochre got it from.  Stormcloud levitated the light-looking saddlebags to her back and slung the bow across herself.  "Are you ready?" she asked, ecstatic.

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Aria gave a brief rueful smile in Tungsten's direction. "Nice..." she chuckled, her voice seemingly diminished by the size of the corridor down which they currently walked. She had regained her composure, no longer feeling flustered by the sight of the pony in the atrium. "I may be many things, but nice is not one that immediately comes to mind. I am just...honest. From my perspective, nothing is inherently good or bad, and so I tend to approach all ponies in a similar manner. If I had not reserved judgement, I would never have met you, for instance." 


Realizing that she was rambling, Aria changed tack. "And believe me, I may not be the best mare for the job. This...situation," she paused, both in speech and movement. They had come to the door that would take them backstage, but Aria needed to proceed with her thoughts before she could proceed with her hooves. "It just seems like an...emotionally charged situation, shall we say? It's just that I've never been very good with expressing or dealing with emotions..." she finished lamely.

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“A warm meal?” Jazz thought aloud, blinking in surprise when a particle of snow landed on her muzzle. She didn’t feel cold per se, but the idea of soup did appeal to her. “Sounds good! And no, regardless of how chilvarous you feel, Mr, Guard. I’m paying for myself. Where would you recommend?”


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"Neither have I." He said simply. "I go out of way not to meet others or make friends. Mostly because I don't know how things will turn out. Everyone lies or hide their true intentions with false sympathy. And if you bite you just end up getting hurt while they just toss you aside like and old newspaper, you don't look at it twice.


And I can tell you're not a mare who gets off on others misery. If you are, you hide it very will. So I wont assume that I know you. But at this point I don't have anything to lose. " He stepped closer to her. "And I'm not a child looking for someone to hold my hoof and tell me 'everything's going to be alright.'. I only need someone to talk to and who'll be upfront with me. But if you're not up to that I'll leave right now and never bother you again. " Throughout all of that he had a blank look on his face, making it hard for him to be read.

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@@Professor Annabella


Upon hearing her name, he smiled and bowed his head in respect. "I am pleased to meet you Anna," he said raising his head to meet her eyes again. "As for your question I wouldn't call myself new to town, BUT I don't live here. I've come here for special events in the past, but I actually live in the town of Derbyshire, which isn't far from Baltimare. That is actually where I live and work. You see I'm a cartographer, map-maker, and navigator. I live and work in the museum there that I run and own with my friend and partner Sojourner; who is an archeologist."


He finally caught himself; sometimes when he got started on his profession and such he couldn't stop. "Apologies, I tend to ramble sometimes, but I do what I love and I love what I do, so what can I say?" He gave a slightly nervous chuckle with a little blush.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Aria considered him for several seconds with an appraising look. "Done. If you wish to open up now, however, you are going to have to do it whilst I am rehearsing." 


Opening the door in front of them, Aria trotted over the threshold to greet the orchestra with which she would be performing. She received quick nods and smiles from familiar faces in the ensemble as she proceed to the corner in which she usually practiced. The air was filled with the sounds of instruments being tuned and notes being rehearsed. Preparing her own equipment, she turned her attention briefly to Tungsten. "Not that you'll be concerned, but you may speak freely here. The sounds will mask our conversation. Now, what would you like to discuss first?"


Taking position, she began to coax forth a soothing melody of Franciscolt Tarrega's, ready to listen to the stallion's problems.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Ochre Dust inclined his head to Stormcloud, his eyes wide. "You're ready to head out for Canterlot right now?" He looked to the sky, the sun was already setting, but then he shrugged. "I suppose we can sleep when we get there," he said, before leading the way to the main road.


The scent of night-time humidity coming out of the air thickened as crickets chirped by the side of mountain road leading to Canterlot. As the elevation slowly heightened, the forest slowly shifted from deciduous trees to conifers. On occasion the surrounding plains could be seen, several rivers flowing across Equestria.


Ochre shivered both from the temperature and the sight. It was good to be back in the heartland of Equestria. "The lands are beautiful, don't you think?" he asked Stormcloud.

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