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open Casual canterlot RP

Love Doctor Blaze

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                           Casual Canterlot RP


Today was the day that Canterlots grand festival started. Ponies were galloping around and prepairing themselfs for the big night. One particular DJ was setting up his stage. "Man these boxes weight a ton" Said Blazedtime with a heavy box on his back. With a flap from his wings he managed to go airborne and drop the box on the stage. "Phew, that was heavy" Said Blaze and whiped some sweat from his face. "Looks like i'm done, i wonder if anyone else needs help" Said Blaze and walked away.

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Random Action was wandering around the street, watching the other ponies set up for the Grand festival.  "This looks like it will be alot of fun!" he said to nopony in particular.  "I'm so glad that Ennex sent me to Canterlot for a few days!"  His brother sent him here on a business errand, but Random really wasn't interested in any of that.  He wanted to help, but he also just wanted to have some fun.....





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Hidden was troting around annoyed that she let her brother and sister talk her into going to Canterlots Grand festival "I'll get you for this brave heart" she said "I think I'll find someone to prank hmm maybe there is somepony by the stage." She looks around and sees a red Pegasus setting up. "Time for me to get to work" she softly said as she rased all the sliders

Edited by redshell


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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As usual, Random was looking around everywhere except in front of him, and he walked right into another pony.  "Oh, sorry about that," he said, shaking his head and looking at whom he just plowed into.  It was a purple Pegasus mare.  "Hey, you ok?" he asked.  "Are you here for the festival too?"





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"I've had worse, and yes I am here for the festival, not by choice, but what can you?" she said getting up and smiling trying not to show her annoyance and failing. "don't go to the stage your ears will  you know what never mind. By the way I'm hidden heart whats your name?"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Me?"  He pointed a hoof at his chest.  "I'm Random Action!  And I guess I'm kinda here by choice, but kinda not.  See my brother sent me to Canterlot on an errand, but," he looked around the street, "how could I say no to a festival!"  He looked past her to the stage. "What's wrong with the stage?  Somepony blow out the speakers or something?"





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"I'm pulling a prank on the DJ, tampering with any thing and getting way is simple for me, I raised all the slider on his equipment" she said a cold emotionless smile crossing her lips "wait why am I telling anypony. dear Celestia  I'm  an idiot, don't tell anypony please?"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Tell anypony?" he said, mock-shock in his voice.  "Of course not!  I love a good prank!  Oh, Oh!  Too bad we can't rig fireworks to come out of the speakers at the same time!"  He laughed, clutching his side.  "Can you see it!  All the ponies running off from the overloaded sounds and fireworks spraying everywhere!" 





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"I think that would have being so funny but i don't think even I can sneak fireworks into speakers" hidden said laughing "and if it goes wrong it could and hurt somepony a lot of my more extreme pranks have got somepony hurt, anyway what errand did your brother have you come here for"? 


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Oh, just some business thing or something," Random replied, rubbing a hoof on his head.  "I'm supposed to represent him at some trade deal."  He shrugged.  "But between you and me, those things are really booooorrrrring........"  He sighed.  "I mean, I want to help him out.  But then I saw this festival, and was like 'I gotta check this out'!"  





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Blaze came back to the stage. "Huh, i guess no one needed my help" Said Blaze confused. He shrugged and climbed up the stage. He wanted to test his speakers, to make sure they were operateable. Once he turned them on though, he got blasted by a sonic wave of music. Blaze went flying. "Aaahhhh, what the hell hap-uff" Blaze came to a sudden stop when he muzzle planted in to a building. He slided down the wall. He looked at his bleeding muzzle "Damn, i didn't know my speakers had this much power"

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Dapper sat facing the stage. He had his easel and his paints. Dapper smiled he couldn't believe it was finally time for the Canterlot grand festival. He had waited all year for it and now it was finally time. The music and atmosphere was said to be magnificent and Dapper was gonna paint it all. Dapper was about to put hi paint to paper when he heard a loud blast of music. He then saw a Pegasus fly off and hit the wall behind him. Dapper got up and walked over to the Pegasus, "Hey buddy, you alright?"

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At the sound of the speakers blasting, Random jumped.  "AWESOME!" he called out.  "Did you see that Hidden Heart!  It blasted him clear back to the building!"  He watched as the DJ crashed into the wall.  "Uh oh," his excitement dying down a bit, "should we go check on him, or something?"  But as soon as he asked, he noticed the llama wandering over to the DJ.  "Oh, I guess he already has help..."





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"Haha that was awesome did you see his face when the sonic boom hit him, I didn't know that the speakers has that much power, but I'm not doing that again" She said rubbing the back of her head "I think we should get out of here before someopony suspects us"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Us?" Random asked.  "Ok, sure.  Where are we off too?"  Deep in his mind, a voice tried to warn him about getting sidetracked away from his assignment.  But as usual, the voice was ignored.  "Another awesome prank?  Or did you have something else in mind?"  He looked around the festival.  "I wonder if they've set up any games yet?"





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"I think we should go anywhere but the stage, how about we try to get food?" Hidden said "I mean this is a festival it must have food right." She reasoned with herself "oh and two pranks and we are there at both, ponies will draw conections that is not a good idea."


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Dapper sat facing the stage. He had his easel and his paints. Dapper smiled he couldn't believe it was finally time for the Canterlot grand festival. He had waited all year for it and now it was finally time. The music and atmosphere was said to be magnificent and Dapper was gonna paint it all. Dapper was about to put hi paint to paper when he heard a loud blast of music. He then saw a Pegasus fly off and hit the wall behind him. Dapper got up and walked over to the Pegasus, "Hey buddy, you alright?"

Blaze looked up. "Yeah i'm good. Thanks. Someone must have pranked me. I never leave my speakers at such a high volume" Said Blaze and got up. He scratched the back of his head. "Kinda my fault as well. Should have checked it before turning it on." He shook his head. "Were are my manners? The name is Blazedtime how about you?" Asked Blaze

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"Food sounds great!" Random replied, getting excited again, the stage shenanigans already forgotten.  "Festivals always have the best food."  They started walking away from the stage.  "This one time, my father took us to a autumn festival in Ponyville.  I'll tell ya, they had the best apple fritters you've ever tasted!"





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"I would expect so the apple family takes pride in their apple treats. Like this one time my brother was a taste tester for a new pie and said that he did not like the pie he then spend hours tasting pies till they got it right now he never says negative things about apple pie" She said with a slight chuckle


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Silent Wind woke up in bed. He stared at the ceiling for a bit wondering his purpose. He closed his eyes momentarily, then reopened them to get up.


Silent made his way first to look outside, seeing all the ponies doing their daily activities. Lilly Pad rushing to pick up the groceries for her hungry colts. Clear Skies going out to play with her friends before school started. A DJ hitting a wall... Wait.


Silent was confuzzled for a moment, used to routine. He added it as a possibility, and decided he`d come down for a better view.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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"So random do you have anything you want to eat? What was the best prank you ever pulled? Do your pranks ever fail like mine?" At the mention of failing pranks her voice trailed off as she looked down at her hoofs "so anyways what do you want to eat?"

  • Brohoof 1


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Eat?  Well," he began looking around at all the booths that were setting up, "I was hoping that those Apple ponies would be here.  Could definitively go for one of those fritters!  Wait, you mentioned pranks!  Hmmm" he trailed off, thinking.  "In collage, we once filled an entire elevator with empty cider bottles.  And not like thrown in there as trash, but carefully arranged in perfect rows."  He laughed to himself.  "You should have seen everyponies faces when the doors opened and all those bottles were perfectly lined up!  They all just stared, watched as the doors closed, and then took the stairs down!  Oh, and the time we covered the gym floor with water in the middle of winter.  We had our own ice rink for a week!"  

  • Brohoof 1





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"Alright that would be so funny" she laughed "what about screw ups? I need to know I'm not the only one who screws up on the level of nearly killing somepony, who am I kidding it's just some times my insanity stops me from thinking clearly. I'm sorry I talking nosence let's just get some sandwiches"

  • Brohoof 1


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Naw, it's ok," Random reassured her.  "And i've had some problems myself.  Not so much as pranks gone bad, but I've gotten into my fair share of trouble."  A bit of shame crept over his face.  "Since my father died, my brother has looked out for me.  I'm not supposed to know, but he's been the one that usually bails me out of trouble.  Just keep ending up at the wrong places at the wrong times..."

  • Brohoof 1





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"By the way what is your brother's name if you don't mind me asking?" Hidden asked "my brother's name is guarded heart vice captin of the 3rd division 4th squad in luna's personal guard. And my sister is brave heart captin of the 3rd division 4th squad in luna's personal guard."

Edited by redshell
  • Brohoof 1


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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