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private A journey into land Incognito

Wicked Funky

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Crescendo laughed. "Haha, i'm sure they won't mind my friend. Crec have a shield! It might make them feel more safe too!" Said Crec with a massive smile adorning his face. He took a huge bite of a pie he was eating. He washed it down with some Ale. "Ahh, that hit the spot! What's your poison, Audacia? Mine's Ale!" Said Crec. He showed her the bottle. He smelled some salad he has gotten himself "This has the smell of a faraway land. Perhaps I shall see it one day." Said Crescendo with a smile

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 Audacia could now smell the hops aroma coming  of the ale Crescendo had reached out to show her, "Ale sure does do the job, Though I prefer something stronger from time to time" she said without being able to lift the eyes from the bottle. She was already bored of the wine they had gotten, It felt to posh for her anyway. 


She tore her eyes of the bottle to continue eating her food.




"This has the smell of a faraway land. Perhaps I shall see it one day."


"Perhaps you will, Soon​" She said not looking up from her food to not loose herself in the magnificent bottle of ale the stallion was presenting.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Crescendo noticed the pirates hungry expression when she gazed at the bottle ale. He bent down, and took out another bottle, he threw one to her. He raised his ale. "Cheers my friend!" Said Crec as he drank every last drop. He let out a sigh. "Ahh, now that's what Crec likes!" Said Crec with a smile. He took some more food on his plate. This time wanting to taste the exotic fruits

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Audacia caught the bottle Crescendo had so generously thrown to her, She looked at it with some hesitation not sure if she should drink it or not.  Eh, What the hell She thought to herself before biting deeply into the cork and dragging it out of the brown bottle and spitting it out on the floor behind her. As she raised her bottle into the air just like Crescendo had done and gave him a swift nod and smile before drinking a mouthful of ale. She let out a deep breath, "Now that's what I call a drink!" she said with a huge smile across her face before once again putting the bottle to her mouth wanting more.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @, @, @@The Down Trotten,

"if everypony is done then we should move on to getting equipment, I suggest that you should not be drunk when we do so" she looked at Crescendo and Audacia "I mean, they gave us food so they should give us supplies as well, ether they just give it or we pick what we get" she slid the empty bottle and plate that was bare of food on to the table as she got up for real this time waiting for a response from everypony

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@Cruki, @blazedtime, @Wubtavia,@@Yoshikupo,


"I agree" the professor said as he stood up "We should prepare before we lose our heads... or our nerves. Fortunately I believe that they have prepared basic packs for all of us. So all that needs to be done is anything extra we wish to carry. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get to the royal library." he bowed slightly and was about to depart. He wasn't a big fan of all this "recreational" drinking.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten@@Yoshikupo, @, @,


Equipment... ​She thought herself growing more and more curious, She wasn't very used to having much more then her blade and what she was wearing. "Equipment? I have everything I need already!" She said as she held her blade and bottle of ale in the air for all to see. She had a very serious expression for the few seconds but couldn't keep her act up for long and started laughing a bit, "Jokes aside, What kind of equipment are we talking about?" She asked as she stood up.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @@The Down Trotten, @, @,

"stuff like warm clothing, supplies to make fire, food, water, emergence med-kit or something, medicine just in case one of us gets sick with something we know, maybe a bit of money, I'm just saying that all of this would help us to survive in the wild...I don't think I'm missing anything because professor over there is getting books and that could be very helpful to us" she looked at the group "I just want to help Equestria and going down here with you ponies won't help it"

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Crescendo laughed "No need to worry! Crec can handle a little bottle of ale" The giant stallion excused himself from the table "Crec needs to head to the blacksmith. My armor is sadly too worn, so Crec needs a new set. If anyone needs me, then i'll be at the barracks" Said Crescendo. He took his giant shield with him, and began to walk towards the door

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Audacia looked at her cape with somewhat of a unconfident look, And watched as Crescendo walked away. Perhaps I should get some sort of armor as well....  She thought to herself as she drank the last bit of ale left in the bottle and put it back on the table. She stretched herself out, "Twas nice eating with you all. But I guess Banner here is right eh" Audacia said looking at the yellow mare. "So, You know where we can get these kind of supplies you're talking about? Or is it just an assumption?", She hadn't been talking a lot to anyone else but Crescendo so she didn't mind going with Banner for a bit.

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, @,

"I bet there's a store room around here somewhere" she says "I guess if we all go to one place to get equipment or for us it would be two because those supplies would be needed more than anything, you know food and the fire stuff" she says then looks at the mare that has not said much this entire time "you would not be against getting medical equipment would you?" she asked getting close to a guard so she could ask for where they would get there items.

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@@Yoshikupo, @,


Rising from her place at the table, Aria nodded towards Banner. It was a welcome thought that, despite her assigned role, the others were sensible individuals capable of planning ahead.


"Of course not; it will be a necessity. Not being knowledgable on equine anatomy, however, there is little more I can do than select the equipment we shall most likely need for this enterprise. Then I will have to retire to the library to research the applications of such equipment, assuming Archimedes is not already doing so."


Aria made to trot through the door, but paused to address the two swordsmares.


"Not that I need to tell you this, but do be sure to optimize your selections. There is only so much we will be able to carry off-trail."


And with that—after getting directions to the royal physician—she was off.

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Audacious eyes fallowed Aria as she exited the room then turning to Banner, "So, Got any idea where we should look for supplies?" She asked as she looked around. ​"​Should we join Crec in the barracks? I feel like I may need a piece of armor." She had no idea herself where to begin with this and relied on Banner who seemed a bit more accustomed to this place, Nor was she any expert on armor since she never wore any.

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"armor is not a priority but I guess heading to the heavy stuff first would be better than finding out its to much with the lighter things" she says the walks away from the guard to where Crec left from "if there's one place I know here its the barracks" she walks toward the barracks with Audacious "what were thinking on getting? myself could do for getting some nice light body armor, chain mail might work" 

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Crescendo was laughing along with the blacksmith "And then Crec said to princess Luna. You have beautifull eyes my queen. Which resulted in a flabbergasted princess with a blush that could rival a red rose!" Said Crescendo. He and the blacksmith roared in laughter

"You are a funny individual Crescendo, but let's talk about your armor. How do you want it?" Crescendo thought for a bit. "Crec doesn't want anything fancy. As long as it can take ALOT of fatal blows" Explained Crescendo

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As the they had entered the barracks Audacia could see multiple things unknown to her, There were armor stands with all types of armors that to her looks quite uncomfortable and inconvenient. "I need something light to stay agile, Possibly leather." She said as she looked around inspecting and knocking on the various armor sets wondering how you would even get them on. Further down the room something cought her eye, It was a set of brown leather armor adorned with silver details and three belts with different sized compartments and a holster. As she stared at the seemingly newly crafted piece of armor with big eyes, "Oy, Banner... Can I take this?" She said not lifting her eyes of it and pointing her hoof at it. 


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"I bet it would look great on you" she realized how that sounded as a light blush formed "I mean yeah, they let you have anything in here if you going into a fight or in this case, going into a wilderness no pony else has gotten back alive from" she said going up to the leather armor and felt it "you know I think I'll have just a bit strong version of this, more metal to block attacks most likely"

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What Banner had said caught Audacia a bit off guard but she was still rather amazed by how smooth the leather was as she removes the piece of armor from its stand. "So they let you have anything if you're going to use eh... That's pretty convenient." She said as she met Banner with a smile since she was very excited about her new attire.  Audacia wasn't a big fan of metal armor, Since she was used to the sea the only thing she could think about was how you would sink to bottom pretty fast in such heavy attire.


A weapon was something she wouldn't need to look for since she had her trusty blade, She wasn't to sure about Banner though. "So, Does the same rule apply to weapons? And what weapon are you planning on using?".

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The blacksmith hoofed Crescendo a gigantic piece of armor. It was made of steel, and covered every vital part of his body. It had a dragon figure on the back of it. "This is the strongest, heaviest and most durable armor we have. Not many are strong enough to wear it, but i'm sure it would fit you" said the blacksmith. Crec smiled "Thank you my friend. Crec apreciates it" Crescendo took on the armor. It had the same weight as his lunar guard armor, but it felt MUCH stronger. He was about to exit, but saw Audacia and Banner. He decided to talk to them "Hello my friends! Found anything you like?"

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@, @,

"I'll be using knifes and a sword, I already have the knifes but having better ones would be good and the sword" she goes to a nearby crate of newly made steel short swords when she heard Cerc "yes, we'll be using a leather piece like that" she pointed to the armor then looked back at him "you sure you'll be able to carry anything in that? because if you can then you can come with us to gather food and stuff" she picked up one of the perfectly crafted steel swords then walked over to the blacksmith "you know that leather armor over there?" she pointed to it "can you make a copy but have it be more protecting" "oh course, just give me sometime...would the others like something like that?" "I don't know...make two more of just the leather over there" she walked back to the others and made a B-line to a crate of steel knifes "we ready?" she said putting about 8 in her bag

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As she heard Crescendo she grew a big smile and turned around to greet him "Hello my friend!", She saw the giant armor he was carrying "Sheesh, That's quite the armor you get there eh.." Then looked backed at him keeping her friendly expression. 


Audacia the looked over at Banner again as she was talking to blacksmith and looking through various boxes collecting different weapons in the process. She once again turned to Crec "Found this beauty, Should protect me enough and still be able to keep me light and agile." She said proudly presenting her newfound attire. Banner had approached them now wondering if they were ready to leave, Audacia didn't exactly want to leave, She found the barracks very interesting but reminded herself that they were kind of limited timewise. "Aye, I'm ready. Crec?".

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Let out a laugh. "This armor is nothing! Back home Crec used to carry 5 ton rocks, so this is nothing" He looked at Audacia "That is indeed a fitting choice for you. Crec recommends that you won't be taking hits with that armor" he nodded. "Crec is ready. Let us go" Said the giant stallion, he started walking towards the exit

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Archimedes sighed as he picked a few choice books from the library, some on botany one on astrology, he also took the time to stock up on quills and ink and journals. He was the recorder after all and seemingly the only one truly concerned with non lethal affairs. There would be no armor or no weapon for him. He had his pens and his hoofs that would be all he would need for this journey... and tea definitely tea "Ugh... civilization is where they have tea." 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Audacia fallowed Crec unknowing of where they were heading, Just like with the gear she had no idea where to find food and once again relied on Crescendo and Banner. As she thought about it she wondered what kind of food they were going to bring, And how much. They had to careful to not bring to much, But with Crec at their side they would surely be able to carry a lot.


"So, How much food are bringing? And where are we heading to get it?"

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@The Down Trotten,


Saddlebags filled with medical necessities, Aria sauntered from one side of the castle to the other, towards the library. Her primary focus had been sterilization and suturing, the tools for which the environment did not properly provide. Among the equipment she had handpicked with assistance from the physician were a handful of needles, several feet of wire, cloth, and a few bottles of alcohol—the last she of which she was keen on keeping under her watch, away from the more boisterous members.


Upon arriving at the exquisite room of knowledge, she faintly heard the regretful voice of Archimedes lamenting the future lack of tea. "That may be so, but civilization also has ignorance," she offered, quietly announcing her arrival. Setting her saddlebags under a table, she set to work, finding those books that would be of essential knowledge to her. She had seen with delight that Archimedes has chosen books that touched upon essentials such as botany and astrology, and now added her own tomes to the collection.


As Aria thought it unlikely that the others would know of medical procedures—aside from perhaps Archimedes, who had a similar penchant for knowledge, albeit disparate in practice—she pulled from a shelf an illustrious book detailing everything from sutures to seizures to broken limbs, and even the most lurid depictions of the internal. I suppose I am supposed to be the collected one under the most dire of circumstances...or however the princess worded it, she mused.


Continuing the search for useful information, she casually attempted to engage Archimedes in one of her least favourite activities: small talk. "So what are your thoughts on this endeavor?"

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