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private Unity?

Trevor Bright

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The Princesses are at war. No one is sure what happened, but what they do know is that anguish and anger drove the young Luna to regain her former dark power, becoming Nightmare Moon once again. This time though, she seems to have retained some semblance of sense. She still prefers to be called Luna, though many of Celestia's supporters still insult her by calling her Nightmare.


Luna was not the only one to be affected severely by this mysterious power. Celestia herself also changed. She turned in to a darker form of herself, one dubbed Sunstroke. Her mane is like the fire of the sun itself and her wrath is just as fierce.
After these strange transformations, the sisters had a fight, one that escalated from angry voices to that of magic. In the escalation of their terrible battle, ponies ended up having to flee Canterlot for fear of their own lives. Many tried to find refuge in ponyville, but even that was not far enough away to avoid the sisters wrath and in a violent last ditch effort put on by both princesses to try and be rid of each other, the both created a blast so strong, that, together, they destroyed Canterlot and Ponyville.
Survivors from the destruction went to the Crystal Empire hoping to find refuge in Cadence's realm.

They went to Las Pegasus where, sick of the destruction caused by the battling princesses, vowed to live on their own, with no alicorns aloud inside their walls, they live in some semblance of peace. It is said that they have been focusing on a way to rid themselves of the sisters, and may have a weapon that could harm even an alicorn.

Or, they went to one of the remaining factions. The New Lunar Republic, which promised a new, safer way of life. The Solar Empire, which promised a brighter, better future. Or they fled to Appalaloosa.

After the sisters started warring with each other, the Mane Six had a disagreement. Twilight wasn't sure she knew Celestia anymore. Celestia, for her part, did nothing to allay those doubts, calling on Twilight to help her attack Luna. Twilight refused and left. She contacted Applejack and made arrangements to move some of the survivors to Appaloosa where the Apple family helped tend to the wounded.

Appaloosa became a place for peace. Neither taking sides nor persecuting them, they retain their neutrality only through Twilights constant negotiating and dealing. Being an alicorn, both sides want her to join them, but neither wishes to do something that might anger her and force her to join the other side. So Twilight remains neutral, a blissful peace in a war torn land. That's not to say that they can't or won't defend them selves. The NLR and SE both learned the hard way that force won't get Twilight to join them, so they both focus more on the other side then Appaloosa and Dodge City.

The rest of the mane six was scattered. Besides Applejack, they moved in to various places.
Their current whereabouts are unknown.

  • Twilight is currently the leader of a small but powerful neutral faction located in Appleoosa/Dodge City.
  • Apple Jack is in Appleoosa/Dodge City with her family and a portion of the refugees and Twilight. 
  • Rainbow Dash moved to Cloudsdale where, after the death of Spitfire in one of the more extremely aggressive fights early on in the war, she became the new head of the Solar Empire Air Force. She has become a great strategist and is renown for her ruthlessness in combat.

(This will update as the mane six is either found or clues about them are found.)

If this wasn't bad enough, the changelings, sensing a weakness in the land, invaded to try and take over once and for all. They were unsuccessful. They attempted to cross Discord's swamp, unaware of what befell those that attempted to do the same thing previously. It was slaughter. The pure fury that nature unleashed on them cut their numbers by a full third. Now, the changeling force is left divided on either side of the swamp. King Spellcaster on the south, and the new Queen Spellbinder on the north.
Hive Spellbinder is undisciplined and scattered, erratic. She is new to ruling as she just recently disposed of King Metamorphosis and took his place. Her rule is not concrete, and most of the drones that are supposed to follow her act more like feral animals then devious insects.
Hive Spellcaster, on the other hoof, is quite organized. They've taken control of the Bad Lands, uniting some of Chrysalis's drones with his own. This makes King Spellcaster a force to be reckoned with.

That is the situation Equestria is in. Chaos, strife, hatred and anger rule where harmony and friendship used to be. Can harmony be found and peace be reclaimed? Or is all hope lost?

Red: Completely hostile to any faction member (semi-peaceful to neutral parties)
Orange: Solar Empire (hostile to New Lunar Republic)
Seat of Power: Cloudsdale
Blue: New Lunar Republic (hostile to Solar Empire)
Seat of Power: Manehatten
Purple: Twilight (mostly peaceful faction)
Seat of power: Apple Loosa
Brown: Discord's swamp (imminent death upon entering)
Seat of power: Hayseed Swamp
Green: Changeling infestation
Seat of power: Bad Lands (imminent death upon entering)
Pink: Crystal Empire 
Seat of power: Crystal Empire (mostly peaceful faction)
Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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The cloaked Unicorn stalked the ruined, warped halls that once made up the glorious city. His grey horn glowing with a feint arcane energy, the figure desperately searched through the rubble that he had called home years earlier. It had come as no surprise when Canterlot became a battle ground of sorts, but the so-called "Megaspells," were an evil nobody knew the Princesses were capable of. Truly, this place was a testament to the raw power that the citizens of Equestria had been living alongside since time immemorial, merely lacking the will for destruction until now.


The loss of life and utter annihilation of any Magical stability had proven enough to drive most away, many unable to withstand, let alone comprehend the scope of suffering present in but those few moments. Now the grim reminder of Magic's potential dangers lingered throughout the halls and ruined buildings, ghosts and reflections of those short dark times cascading through reality, twisting, morphing and groaning as nature was transmuted by the raw arcane essence.


It was not without reason that Binary had returned to Canterlot, for there were things once found here that could prove essential in restoring order to the world. The libraries of Canterlot were perhaps the greatest repository of magical knowledge, both forbidden and no, that Equestria ever seen. The risks of death or corruption at the hands of the remnants of those terrible rites were worth the recovery of anything that might have survived, and so Aphelion continued onwards.


Wizened eyes scanned the former city around him, his retention allowing an estimation of the Royal Archive's ruins. The remains of books, constructs and ponies scattered across the ground, some twisted or broken further by the raw Magic that stirred within this accursed place. Perhaps he would find something here, something that could put an end to this madness...


Whatever he found, he would hide. There was not enough time to read through such invaluable knowledge now, and Celestia would surely grow impatient with his absence. Binary did not approve of the war, nor did he approve of each Princess's respective new natures, however one could not truly survive in today's world without the favour of an Alicorn. Seeing more redeeming qualities in the newly named "Sunstroke," than the infamous legend of Nightmare, he had carefully feigned loyalty ever since the war began and would continue to do so until her favour was no longer required.

Monthly Contemplation:

Illusion Magic is a lot like lying. You can convince the opposing party that you are capable of truly wonderful things and take advantage of their preferences. Of course, people are liable to lose their patience quickly when they see through the smoke and mirrors, especially the actual wizards.

- Worst Wizard, A Study of Arcane Shortcuts

Dramatis Personae:

Binary Aphelion, The Hermit Scholar

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@@Worst Wizard,

As you continue your investigation of the battered and ruined library, something tickles you ears making the hair on the back of your neck stand on edge. You feel it again. You're not alone in this room. A whisper in the dark. Something stirring. Waking. It knows your here. It-...the feelings gone. Almost before it started. This place isn't normal. It's not the safe, quiet, peacful library that you once knew and loved. Something is wrong. The atmosphere feels...off. Just as soon as that thought registers, There's a flicker of movement off to your left. Down a hallway you don't quite remember exitsting before. Not that it just appeared out of nowhere, a large hole in the wall indicates that this hallway had been hidden from every normal pony before the great war. Before you can decide whether or not you should go down that hallway, you notice that you are actually near the section of the library that's all about Star Swirl the Bearded. The gate has been destroyed for a very long time and most of the material inside actually looks intact. If neither of those options seem appealing, you do know that you have the option to continue your investigations of the rest of the Canterlot library. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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The scavenger that now roamed the tomb of a once great civilisation had prepared for this venture. It had been hypothesised by many, and proven by a few that the Ascended Arcana had shattered the natural balance of Magic around the Canterlot area. Stories of inexplicable events, ghostly apparitions and magical constants malfunctioning as if reality itself despised their formations. Thus Binary had taken it upon himself to re-study the art of counter spells long before he returned. The soft, cobalt, eldritch light that emanated from his grey horn attempted to force order and stability on the raw arcane power that irradiated through the ruins. He would never clear this place of those terrible fluctuations, but at the very least it could prove to ward off some unwanted phenomena.


This safety measure failed  to soothe his paranoia, however, and the invasive sensation proved more of a shock than a real surprise. His nerves were as ice as the unnatural feelings stirred through and around the room, forcing a temporary pause to regain his usually calm and collected nature. It would have been unwise to pursue such a thing, for its origin was almost entirely unknown. Certain Magics had been known to provoke such stimulations, many of which Aphelion could recount as his mind tried to rationalize the situation, knowing full well that pure inductive reason could not truly paint an accurate picture in such a destabilized and warped environment.


The hallway called to Binary's thirst, even as its existence perplexed him. It was no surprise that the Alicorns and Unicorns of Equestria had attempted to hide knowledge from the masses, especially given the potentially volatile and dangerous nature of Arcana in the hands of an otherwise immature mind. Why any would hide such information so close to the grand library was beyond him, perhaps they wished to hide it in plain sight, or perhaps it was merely a decoy used long ago, offering empty promises of the forbidden and secret?


As one would threat a needle, the Unicorn uttered a self-manipulative trigger phrase as his horn's luminescence ascended to an intensity of almost triple. The strands of a Telekinetic grip would try to enforce movement upon nearby stones, empty bookshelves, whatever he could grasp without risking Magical destabilization. He would block off this entrance for now, ensuring that very few would ever notice or care to enter that hallway before he. The Star Swirl exhibit was not new to him, and most of the information there would already be stored within his memory. However, this knowledge would greatly benefit those without it back in the Solar Empire. Sunstroke would likely appreciate the gesture, and the people would no longer suffer ignorance in this particular field.


Once the material he deemed most valuable was secure within pouches, the investigation of the hallway would commence. 

Monthly Contemplation:

Illusion Magic is a lot like lying. You can convince the opposing party that you are capable of truly wonderful things and take advantage of their preferences. Of course, people are liable to lose their patience quickly when they see through the smoke and mirrors, especially the actual wizards.

- Worst Wizard, A Study of Arcane Shortcuts

Dramatis Personae:

Binary Aphelion, The Hermit Scholar

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@@Worst Wizard,

As you slowly move things to conceal the hallway, your spell works well at calming the otherwise volatile state of the building. When you believe the wall is camoflauged enough that other passersby won't recognize it, you move on to the Starswirl the Bearded collection. After picking through it and salvaging a surprising amount of material, you hear the sound of many armored hoof steps on the ground. They are a fair distance away, so whoever it is, you shouldn't have to worry about them for a while. You could continue on through the library, or you could go back to where you hid the opening to that secret hallway? Or you could head back to Cloudsdale? As you ponder your options, a small reflection catches your eye. Is that...it is! It's a security camera. Someone's watching you. You could look at the camera?

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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