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Command & Conquer: Equestria

Prince Midnight

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oh boy, im gonna kick myself for this one, i know its bad, but im working with what i have at the moment XD so bare with me.




Eastern equestria yellow zone, GDI base outside stalliongrad red zone , 2047


“Good morning commander.” a computerized mares voice made my ears twitch, “damnit EVA, 5 more minutes?” I groaned,

“commander, you told me to wake you up at exactly 6:00 AM eastern time, and that is what im doing.” and with that the AI opened the blinds and let the morning sunlight pour in.

“AUGH.” I cried and fell off the bed, I layed there for a moment, about to tell the computer off, when I realized that is the time I wanted to be up,“yeah....your right, thanks for the wake up call.”

I groaned and stood up, streaching my back and my wings, troting down the hallway and into the command room.


“commander.” a unicorn mare came up and saluted, I saluted back, “good morning colonel dawn,” I yawned, and streached again, “had a late night?” she smirked,

I laughed, “yeah, remind me never to tell EVA to wake me up at an exact time.”

Dawn smiled “noted, in any case, here are the morning reports from the scouts, increased Nod activity near the stalliongrad red zone, the tiberium crystals growth in the local area hasnt improved, so hopefully thats a good sign.” she tapped the tablet that she held in her magic and sent the reports to my specialized PDA.

It fit around my ear and came down beside my cheek, the screen itself coming over my right eye, it could detect my eye movements and do what I wanted it to do just through that.

Yes I had a horn, and limited magic, but I think this looked much cooler, and more snazzy then toting around a tablet sized PDA.

“thanks dawn,”


Spooling through the general reports of tiberium growth, suspicious activity in the nearby towns, and the spotting of a few hostile vehicles, everything seemed normal.

But only just, tiberium landed on the planet 50-60 years ago, and had been slowly overtaking it, 30 percent of the world was red zones, most cities that were on the shores of the oceans were the first to be destroyed.

Red zones were completely devoid of life, and uninhabitable, sad really, but what can you do, next were the yellow zones, these were habitable covering about 50% of the world, tiberium still grew uncontrolled, but it spread at a slower rate, and most of the population lived in these zones.

And finally were the blue zones, protected by strong magics tiberium had yet to scar these cities,and landscapes, these covered the other 20%or so of the planet, they used to be large or capital cities before the tiberium came.

There was the Canterlot blue zone, it encompassed the mountianside city of canterlot and the surrounding towns, ponyville, and trotsdam.

The Marelin blue zone was the smallest, the magic was only enough to surround the city, towns outside were left to their fate, and this is where my parents lived, and I hoped they were alright.

Next on the other side of the world, was the Foal chi minh blue zone, the last place in the ibex empire that was habitable, I felt sorry for the creatures that lived there, it was rough.

And lastly, the everfree blue zone, though ponies tended to call it the cloudsdale blue zone, but it curiously encompassed cloudsdale and the everfree forest, but what was so curious about it, was the tiberium couldnt gain a significant foothold on the life in the everfree.

Most of the princesses research resources was focused on finding the secret behind that, and hopefully reverse this terrible disiese that has befallen the world.

The GDI held the blue zones, and tried to keep the peace in the yellow ones, civililians were of top priority, but it was an uphill battle, as the enemy, known as Nod, wanted to dirupt the peace, their charismatic leader believed that tiberium was the next step in pony evolution, and wanted to spread tiberium growth.

His forces ran rampant in the yellow zones, and completely unhindered in the red zones, though, now that I thought about it, Nod has been quiet lately, it seemed as if they just dissappeared.



hides his face* oh god, please dont kill me XD


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Equestrian Union:

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Oh wait wrong series, I mean "Peace through power friendship! Kane Celestia lives!"


Also the fic is a little too...close to the actual C&C plotline

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Equestrian Union:

Posted Image


Oh wait wrong series, I mean "Peace through power friendship! Kane Celestia lives!"


Also the fic is a little too...close to the actual C&C plotline


its the best i could come up with, im sorry v_v, it may veer away sooner or later, but the vehicles and stuff will stay the same.....just ponyized XD


I first thougt it was a RA2mod.. X)


sorry for getting your hopes up ;_; though in retrospect it would be a kickass mod ^^

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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its the best i could come up with, im sorry v_v, it may veer away sooner or later, but the vehicles and stuff will stay the same.....just ponyized XD




sorry for getting your hopes up ;_; though in retrospect it would be a kickass mod ^^



Yes it would have been.. hmm... I have seen how to create a mod... it's a big job but..not hard..



This signature was made by Adro2305 *thanks to him*

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Yes it would have been.. hmm... I have seen how to create a mod... it's a big job but..not hard..


id support it, id be cool seeing a pony mod for generals or something


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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id support it, id be cool seeing a pony mod for generals or something


Sounds like you are playing A lot of C&C.. And I haven't seen mods to Generals?



This signature was made by Adro2305 *thanks to him*

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mostly zero hour, but the best mods are on modDB.com, ive had plenty of diffrent generals mods, but my favorite was one that added the tank that was scrapped before the games release, my personal favorite, and for my favorite side, the USA Mammoth tank XD


Chapter 1

oh i know its bad but eh X3




Chapter 1


My name is Midnight moon, I am the commander of the GDI forces in the eastern part of equestria, and germaney, I was proud to serve the Global Defense Initiative, under the princesses, I personally wanted to see this world returned to the way it used to be, and if that meant fighting, then I was prepared, mentally and physically.


“sir,” a colt, just barely out of training, what was his name.....bah I was never good with names anyhow trotted up and saluted, “yes private?”

the colt nodded, “the 45th armored has returned.”


I smiled, “thank you private, dismissed,”


making my way down the stairs and out into the main base, I took a moment to look at my surroundings, behind me was the command center, it dominated the other buildings by a margin because it also housed the construction yard.


To my left, the barracks, two half oval buildings that ran 4 floors underground, where all the soldiers lived and trained, I was curious as to how the thing was built so quickly, but the unicorn builders never had much to say, and it was the usual “yes sir, no sir, this and that sir.” to be honest I was sick of it.


On the right was the war factory and motor pool, which sat half empty, the gleaming and large metal beasts known as tanks, were part of the 45th armored division, and they were just coming back from patrol.


I smiled as a stallion I knew well hopped down and removed his goggles with his magic, his blue coat and slightly unkempt black mane, said something about his personality, he was happy most of the time, he kept a positive air about him, despite everything around him.


He has been my best friend since I joined the GDI, I have had a few others, but my other best friend, a unicorn by the name of jade, disappeared almost 2 years ago when Nod had the haunches to attack a blue zone.


“hey man, how ya been?” he clopped his hoof against mine in greeting, I smiled,

“oh you know, same crap different day.” and smiled, “find anything out there?”


Schwartz shook his head, “except a couple of refugees that we relocated to a township nearby, we found nothing in the way of NOD, well, except a few odds and ends that had their mark, but nothing else.”


I shook my head, “i should come out with you one of these days schwartz, being couped up in the command center for days on end can get a little.....samey.”


Schwartz smiled, his friendly smile “and my men would love to have you come along with, you've helped us survive time and again, in previous skirmishes and battles, we trust you with our lives.”

I smiled “well, I will have to take you up on that off..”


My headset beeped as dawn appeared “commander we need you in the control room, now.”

I nodded “ill talk to you later Schwartz.” reared up and bolted to the command center, dawn sounded surprised and very nervous, I couldn’t imagine what it was, but it sounded important.


“commander, there you are.” the unicorn approached and pulled me into the room that was full of computers that usually showed battles in real time, honestly it was hard and very stressful being a commander, making decisions in a split second.


Dawn pulled me over to one of the screens that seemed to be watching a small group of soldiers and 2 APC's, they were hunkered down behind some dunes that were covered In tiberium, but that isnt what caught my attention.


4 unidentified tanks and I could count at least 4-5 infantry squads were moving closer, “ohhhhh bucking hell, where is this?” I turned to dawn who shook her head, “umm, border between germaney and equestria,”


I frowned, “whats the nearest unit in the area?”

she swallowed, “the 12th armored about 2 miles away....should I redirect them?”


I nodded, “yes, and if they can spare the fuel, tell them to go full speed,” I frowned and watched the screen, “those APC's wont stand a chance against the cannons on those tanks.”


“battlefield control initiated.” EVA spoke up,


I frowned and watched the screen, “can anypony hear me?”


“yes sir, this is captain strong of the 345th light infantry commander.”


I nodded, “captain, im sure you already know those tank cannons could tear your APC's to shreds.”


“whats the bad news.” I could hear the smirk in clouds voice, and couldn’t help but smile,


“we have the 12th armored on their way, but itll take a bit of time for them to arrive, do you have any Anti armor weapons?”


“we have a couple gryphon Anti tank missiles, but their inaccurate as it is,” I nodded and frowned as new data was sent to my PDA,


“well, captain, the 12th armored is bearing down at full speed and should be there within less then 10 minutes.”


cloud nodded, “we can hold out until then, right boys?”


I smiled, “do your best captain, I am watching, and I don’t want to hear about any deaths, and that’s an order.”


he nodded “don’t let us down commander.” then saluted and signed off.


  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Chapter 2

i dunno, i like the idea of still using Command and Conquer units, it just gives it the C&C feel okay, XP



Frowning I watched the screen with increased nervousness, the 12th armored devision was in the area, but it would take them a little longer to get to the 345th, and by that time, the enemy tanks would be on the APC's and the infantry.


“commander, theres somepony on the line for you.” dawn walked up, “im patching you through now.”

“commander, this is the flying hawks, we heard your boys were in trouble and wanted to know if you needed any help?”


I smirked, the flying hawks was the 9th squadron, and the best squadron of orcas in equestria, they could handle their vehicles as if they were just an extension of their bodies.


This improved clouds odds against the tanks and infantry, and with the arrival of the 12th armored's medium and mammoth tanks that ensured our victory.

“any help you can give, I would appreciate it captian dash.”

she smirked, “were on it commander, over and out.”


smiling I re-contacted captian cloud, “captian, I have the 9th squadron on their way to you.”

I could tell the captain was relieved, it was in his voice, “thanks commander, I was beginning to think id never see my wife and child again.”


I frowned at that statement, a lot of ponies had someone they needed to protect, which was why they were fighting with the GDI, but unlike them, I had nopony I cared for on that level.....well, there was one, but I doubt she would even acknowledge my existence.


I shook my head, “youll make it out, they should be coming overhead.....now,

the screen lit up like a christmas tree as two tanks exploded and the infantry scattered, trying to find someplace to hide from the incomming bombardment of unguided missiles and machine gun fire.


“LETS GIVE EM A TASTE OF GDI HOSPITALITY!” cloud yelled, probibly not knowing his mic was still on, I had to marvel at how just moments ago they were cowering, hoping they could find some way out, but when the 9th squadron appeared, it seemed to just give them the boost they needed.


The APC's and the two rifle squads kept behind the dune, but gave off sporradic machine gun fire into the mass of infantry, effectively bottleing them up and pushing them back with the help of the orcas.


“commander, this is the captain of the 12 armored bergade, we heard your boys needed their flanks pulled out of the fire.”

I smirked and looked to the left of the screen, as a large armored vehicle that the GDI techies called the mammoth Mk 1, rolled over the hill, complete with its accompanyment of 3 medium tanks.


The mammoth was a force to be reckoned with, even on its own it could hold its own against tanks, jeeps, and even aircraft, its dual 120mm cannons could shread armor faster then a potato peeler could a potato.


On each side of the turret sat two boxes with guided mammoth tusk missiles, each box holding about 6 missiles, so 12 overall, these missiles could take down ground targets, but were also extremely dangerous to air targets as well.


Celestia herself called the mammoth a tank of ingenuity, her hope that it would never have to be used fell short after the first of the

Nod attacks on blue zones, where it proved itself time and again against anything nod had to offer.


Yes it was slow, slower then the other tanks in the GDI's arsenal but it packed a punch, and captured reports from old nod installations showed it was an effective demoralizer.



I watched in admeration as well as slight horror, yes I was prepared to fight for equestria, and the world, but I didnt want to kill, that was something I wish I never had to do, or order other ponies to do.


But it was nessicary, both luna and celestia agreed on this when they, and the deligates from the other blue zones, came together and created the Global Defense Initiative, a global government that was in charge of defending and protecting every civilian in the blue and yellow zones.


The ponies in charge of the entire operation were princess luna, princess celestia, and princess cadence, then came the generals, I only knew one personally, and that was Twilight sparkle and she was the general in charge of the forces in the canterlot/ponyville blue zone.


Next were the chain of command, down to the individual commanders, then on down, I was the commander of this area, my area was larger because well, to be honest it was backwater equestria, all the commanders and generals didnt like serving out here because they deemed it “boring.”


In my honest opinion boring meant good, it meant that peace could be happening, granted there were a few trouble spots with unidentified aggressors, but some ponies I guessed couldnt resist fighting.


“commander, all agressors are either retreating or dead, we are victorious.” EVA said in her seemingly non caring computerized voice,


“thank you EVA.” I smiled and turned to the brown coated mare to my left, “and thank you dawn, couldnt have done it without your help.”

she smiled “thank you commander.”



and heres chapter 3 :3





Chapter 3



I slowly made my way to my office, I had a few reports I needed to send, and a few to read as well,

as I sat down on the chair I looked down at the reports the local hospitals were sending me.

Tiberium posioning, it wasnt pretty, tiberium destroys all carbon based life, at least, thats what the scientists at Zone 51 kept saying, if I could believe them or not was a different story.

In any case, it infects its victims by posionus spores (how a crystal moves by spores, I would never know) or by touch, usually the infected show signs within a week or two, usually it started by having trouble breathing, then tiberium would spread on the infected's body.

And it didnt kill quickly, in fact it killed slowly, usually it took months for tiberium posioning to finally kill, usually by heart failure or something sickining like that.

But there are some that are infected, but the crystal mutates them, these ponies diserve better then they get, they should be studied, see how the tiberium dosent kill them, try to find a vaccine for tiberium posioning.

But instead they are shunned, by yellow zone townships and the blue zones alike, it is unknown if NOD shuns them as well, but it has been theorized that because nod wants to embrace the tiberium, they are welcomed.

I hated Nod, and their leader Kane, he was charismatic sure, but the murder of civilians, and blaming it on the GDI, his “one vision, one purpose, peace through power.” speeches get through to the weak hearted, but the GDI saw through his lies.

I remember being a young fresh faced colonel just out of training, and thrust into his first command, a small outpost of about 300 soldiers in a yellow zone near where my base was today.

After those fake news reports aired, I remembered the riots, 6 of my men killed, 5 wounded, 2 humvees torched, and after a tense few hours, and quite a number of warning shots fired, the rioters backed off without another incident.

I later found out this happened all over, and Nod had grown, a lot larger, a lot of ponies believed the propaganda, but a lot of ponies believed the truth, the Truth the GDI put out.

I sighed and flicked through the updated files, Tiberium growth was increasing in what used to be stalliongrad, I would need to get with the local ZOCOM commander and get a team in there, study the crystals, they were some of the largest growths in the world, and we still had yet to figure out why.

I sat there thinking that I was a little bored, when my communicator beeped, “now who could be calling me?”

I was met with the face of general twilight sparkle, “good evening commander.”

I smiled and saluted “good evening general, how is canterlot?”

she chuckled, “getting the small talk out of the way colonel?”

I nodded and smiled, “yes ma'am.”

her tone grew serious,her purple eyes boring into mine, “colonel, one of our communications arrays went down, its to the north of you, and half an hour before, we lost contact with a small outpost on the border, we need you to go and check it out.”

I tilted my head “fearing it may be NOD, general?”

she sighed, “im not going to lie, were a little on edge right now midnight, weve had threats from unknown sources, threatning the blue zones that they “will unleash the flow of tiberium.” if that dosent sound like Nod, I dont know what does.”

I smiled, “alright then, I will gather my men together and we will move immiedietly.”

she nodded, “commander, one more thing, the local ZOCOM captian has agreed to join you on this and supply some of your troopers with powered suits, you are heading into a red zone, so be careful, I cant stress the importance of this mission, but you and your men are worth more.

I nodded and smiled, “tell the ZOCOM captian to meet us at the relay center,” I looked up in thought “just so I know its him, challenge will be: the moon is beautiful tonight, the rely should be, “yes, luna is a wonderful artist.”

twilight nodded, “i will notify him, and....” she smiled “good luck midnight, out.”



8 hours later

I looked up at the large sattalite dish structure in front of me, its dish had holes in it, the outpost defenses, guard towers and guardian cannons, were offline, something had happened here.

“captian, I was the base set up near the west wall, I want the command center set up inside the dish facility itself, and somepony figure out how to get the defenses back online.”

Captian schwartz saluted then barked orders at the rest of the company while I took a small group of 5 or 6 soldiers inside the building itself.

This place looked like hell, it had deffinetly been an attack of some sort, the lights were on, but most of them flickered, like one of those old time horror movies, you know your not supposed to go in to the dimly lit room, yet the characters would anyway.

There were strewn wires everywhere, scorch marks, bullet holes, but the worst thing that I saw, was when we got into the main control room, bodies, strewn everywhere, its like they didnt know the attack was coming, like someone had let the enemy inside.

Most of the ponies had died from blood loss, a few had died from shots to the head, and still others had no visible wounds on their bodies.

I shook my head “it would take a unicorn severly twisted to do this....” I turned around to the men that had followed me in, “spread out, teams of two, if there are any survivors I want them brought to the command post for examination,”

they nodded “yes sir.” and they began to spread out into the winding halls, I turned back around and looked at the bodies, this wasnt right, “schwartz..”

the black earth ponies face appeared, “yes sir?”

I sighed, “get the engies in here, and.....get a medical team in here, I want these civilians identified and the right people told about this.”

he nodded “yes sir.”





and chapter 4 X3




1700 hours


I looked out at the darkened and barren landscape, since we were near a red zone, all plant life was essentially gone, well, except a few sticks we fondly called trees, sighing I turned around and watched everypony hustle around the small command center.


I raised an eyebrow when I noticed lights in the distance approaching rapidly, turning I noticed dawn right behind me “get the troops into defensive positions, just in case,” she nodded “yes sir, think it might be the enemy?”

I shook my head, “it could be the ZOCOM troopers weve been waiting for, but it dosent hurt to be prepared.”



I looked behind me, I could make out the glint of rifles and rocket launchers poking out from the defensive wall, I looked a little further up, and smiled, my best sniper team was watching my back, and that, to me, gave me some comfort.


The ox transports bays opened, and I covered my eyes as dust was kicked up from its enormous engines, it was then I noticed the large ZOCOM suits all these men were wearing, they were bulky and looked ineffective, but in fact it was quite the oppisite.


These suits were actually highly maneuverable, heavily armored, and heavily armed, each stallion and mare was equipped with a repeating rail gun, and if used effectively, could become a serious threat to both infantry and vehicles alike.


I could make out the unicorns and pegasai of the group, seeing as the earth ponies and pegasai had their guns attached to their suits and were remotely controlled, where as the unicorns could use their magic, the pegasai didnt have jet packs, and instead had tiberium proof armor for their wings, it was extraordinary.


But the most extrodinary thing was their leader, dragons didnt suffer as badly from tiberium as ponies had, mostly it was birth defects if the mother or father came in contact with the substance, this dragon must have come from a blue zone, he was the right size for , as I assumed, his age.


I looked their commander in the eye, err what I assumed was the eye, his helmet covered his face, “the moon is beautiful tonight.”

he pulled off his helmet and set it on the ground, then looked up “yes, luna is a wonderful artist.” then smirked, “good evening commander.”


I nodded and made a hoof gesture, telling all my men to relax and retun to their posts. “good evening captian, I am sorry about the passphrase and everything, but you cant be too careful.”


the 8 foot tall dragon nodded, “yes, you have a right to be worried, ZOCOM is, well, WAS one of the safest groups,”

I frowned, “what do you mean captian?”

he shook his head, “a few days ago, we rooted out a spy, of course he took a cyanide pill before we could stop him, but it was the first time we had ever been breached, and who knows how much information he fed to Nod.”


I sighed and shook my head, “well gather your men, ill meet you in the command center and fill you in on whats going on.”


GDI outpost command center, Relay Dish #7

1900 hours


The captian had to squeeze a bit to get inside the door, but he seemed to be used to it, I guessed not many buildings were fit to house a dragon of his size.

“alright captian markus, im sure youve been told that the relay dish is out correct?”

he nodded, “yes colonel,”


I nodded “what about the outpost that went silent 1 hour before?”

he shook his head, “no, what happened?”

I sighed, “i dont know, its a ZOCOM outpost so I was hoping you would know, but that dosent matter now that your here.” I turned and looked out the window, towards the in progress power plants “my engineers are working as hard as they can to fix the relay dish and get it, and the base defenses back online.”


I turned back, “an attack on an outpost, then an hour later this facility is destroyed, and nopony left alive? Nod is up to something, and with your story about that spy, that just confirms it.”

he frowned, “so what are we, I mean my men and I, doing here?”


I looked him dead in the eye, “you, your team, me and a few of my soldiers are going into that outpost to find out what happened,”

his eyes widened, “but sir, y-you dont know how to operate the suit, none of you do....”


I raised my hoof, “captian, im sending you in there, and I dont want to sit here comfy in my commanders chair, while you lay your lives on the line, if nod is there, you could use the extra firepower, im going and thats an order markus.” I smiled.

He couldnt help but give a toothy grin in return, “you know commander, with an attitude like that, you would have made a great ZOCOM trooper.”


I smirked, “dismissed captian, we leave tommorrow at noon, I will have the boys up early so you may show us the basics of the suits.”

he nodded, “yes sir.”


Edited by Midnight Moon
  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool! A C&C-based fic. Not that I'm particularly a fan (I am) but it was a blast to read. Need more sci-fi MLP fics.


Speaking of which, have you done any original sci-fi fiction (fanfic or otherwise)?


Everypony is special and has a unique talent. Never think your talent is worth less than somepony else's. ^-^V

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Cool! A C&C-based fic. Not that I'm particularly a fan (I am) but it was a blast to read. Need more sci-fi MLP fics.


Speaking of which, have you done any original sci-fi fiction (fanfic or otherwise)?


no, i can only work with ideas that i know XD





Chapter 5

0000 hours

“commander...” one of the changelings in my command approached me, I looked over at her “yes storm?”

she saluted, “sir. We found somepony in the relay center, shes badly injured, but I think we got her to the infirmary quick enough that she should make it.”

I nodded, “thank you seargent storm, I want to know the minuite shes stabelized, because I have a few questions id like to ask her.”

storm surge nodded and saluted, “yes sir.”

I shook my head, “one survivor? Out of hundreds.....somepony was methodical, but not thurough, I hope she saw the face of the pony who did this.”

sighing I turned around and walked outside, and onto the security wall, I needed air, and someplace to think alone, “a unicorn who is ruthless, kills without mercy....must hold a personal grudge against the GDI?” I sighed and held my head over the edge, the blinking lights of the wall I could see, meaning the power was almost restored.

“mind if I join you?” it was marks, a professional marksman she could hit a bit from half a mile away, and I could trust her with my life, I wish I could trust her with something else, but I knew these sort of things were dangerous.

“no, I dont marks,” I smiled slightly then looked over the edge again,

“not thinking of jumping are you? Thats a hell of a fall, would break a leg or two.” she smirked, trying to make some humor.

I smiled at her attempt, “nahh, I have too many responsabilities, besides, what would you and the others do if I wasnt around hmm? Somepony has to keep you in line sometimes.”

she sighed and came up, only about a foot away, “what is it midnight?”

I sighed, “its this phantom war marks, sometimes I just think it isnt worth it, ponies, changelings, dragons, everyone in the world are being attacked by nod with no exceptions and just once id like to actually gain some ground on them, actually get the ponies in the yellow zones on OUR side, we are the ones trying to protect them, yet they just dont bucking understand.”

she frowned and stepped closer, “commander.....midnight, is something wrong?”

I shook my head and wiped my eyes, “y-yes im fine,” I sighed again calming down a bit, “i just cant understand sometimes, how can ponies not see that we are only trying to help, and protect?”

she smiled and shook her head lightly hitting her hoof against my shoulder, “sometimes, ponies are not willing to listen to reason and truth, and sometimes, they get violent.”

I frowned and looked down again, “even love is a hard thing to find out here,” I shook my head, “fearing the inevitablility of the spouses death in a NOD attack, or lose them to tiberium poisioning...”

marks smirked, “yeah I know how you feel,” she smiled and set her hoof on mine, which I blushed and looked at her, she was doing the same, but did her best to keep it hidden, “i sometimes see the way you look at me midnight,” she smiled, “not shure, shy, but protective, you havent treated me any different from the ponies, but, ive noticed you demand respect for my brothers and sisters, and weve all learned to work together for the most part.” she pecked my cheek, “i thank you, we all do.”

I blushed brighter about to say something then my commuicator beeped, “commander, the survivor shes awake.”

I smiled “thank you storm.” and shut off the radio, and looked at marks, “we can talk later, alright?” I smiled and nuzzled her, then galloped off to the infirmary, I hoped I could at least get some answers from the survivor.

“commander, shes heavilly shaken, whatever happened it was bad, all we can get out of her was it was deffinetly Nod.”

I nodded and pushed open the curtain, “hello.”

the mare was shaking, but when she saw me she started shaking a little less, “h-hello.”

I frowned, “do you know where you are?”

she swallowed, “n-no.....i-im scared..”

I shook my head, “your under GDI protection now,”: I smiled reassuringly, “nothing is going to happen to you.....do you have a name?”

she swallowed, “s-sha....shadow dancer, sir.”

I nodded, “how old are you shadow?”


I frowned, “16? your just above mares age.....” I shook my head “do you know what Nod wanted?”

shadow shook her head, “n-no,”

I sighed, “probibly the usual nonesense.”

she nodded, “w-well i-i remember w-what the leader looked like....a-an what he said.....”

“go on.” I sat down and waited.

“he...was a white unicorn, pure red mane and tail.....i-i didnt get a good look at the cutie mark, but it was green....”

I had stopped listening after that, could it really be jade? Why in the hell was he TAKING Nod's side? This didnt make any sense to me.

“...something about repaying the GDI for his friends death.”

I shook my head, “what?”

shadow blinked, “i said, that he said something about this was a repayment to GDI for his best friends death,”

I frowned and turned around, about to walk out, but she stopped me, “wait, I remember one other thing, he mentioned a red zone outpost nearby, that it would make a perfect started base.”

I nodded, “thank you Shadow dancer, you have helped me more then enough, just focus on getting better, then once you are, we can arrange transport to your home.”

shadow dancer nodded and tried to calm down, I could plainly see the PTSD though, everypony she knew, dead, that was a hard thing to see, espically for somepony as young as her.

0220 hours

“midnight, are you alright?” I had requested for marks to meet me in my room, so we could talk, but she had noticed I had been quiet and she had done most of the talking.

I shook my head “i think I just figured out who did this attack.”

she tilted her head, “who?”

I swallowed, “my best friend, jade, I think I told you about him once before, in basic.”

she frowned, “i met him before......are you serious? Jade? How could he do something like this? I mean he is a skilled unicorn....but....”

I shook my head “i dont know, but I think i know the reason....”

she raised an eyebrow and trotted over, laying her hoof on mine, “Do tell.”




                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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thanks X3


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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