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private Blood Lessons RP


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OOC link https://mlpforums.com/topic/144090-blood-lessons-eb-and-cresent-backstory-ooc/

Cresent the batpony woke up as any other night he did, with a good stretch, a look to his calendar to see if he worked then after a quick wash up and check over in the mirror seeing his grey coat, orange mane, blue eyes and...still scared cuti mark he went downstairs for his breakfast. As the smell of eggs wafted the air the batpony thought about how he'd go about his night, and began wondering how far he would go into the woods to map them out this night.

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Emerald, could not keep up the smiles any longer the apples weren't cutting it and she had to go somewhere ANYWHERE where somepony was not so she could not feel the hunger in her. She left slipped past her sister and fled into the Everfree from her friends, family and herself, she kept running until she was totally and utterly lost, this fact did not scare or even bother her the hunger that endless noring in her head had shut up there was nothing here for her to feed on so the feeling left her. She simple laid back next to a tree and fell asleep, happy that the, the hunger had left and she was not going to harm anypony she cared about for now a least...

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@, "ok so if this is where the owl tree is then.." Cresent mused out loud looking around at the forest and a little note book he had on his vest.


He herd one of the tree's rustle nearby, like sompony landed on it in a hurry...and soon a familiar sensation was starting up. feeding time, he pulled out the blood drink brew he got from Zacora out.


"Seriously zebra how do you even pony?" he took a swig of it relaxing.


He maybe a vampire pony but feeding was always interesting when it came to blood. Only he and Zaccora knew what type of blood it was, hence why he paid a pretty bit every 'blood run' he found himself calling them.

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the light sleep that Emerald was in came to an abrupt end when she started to hear a heart beat in the distance, her first instinct was to leave and with haste, she could not trust herself at this time and may of attacked the source. However as she went to leave the heart beat sounded different somehow, her curiosity got the better of her and she went to look for it's source, why did it sound different, it was not like anything she had heard before, she moved closer to the source.

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@, Cresent looked at the sky then back to his map wondering if he could connect the two somehow.


"not going to lie the whole search by star thing still is getting..." he paused hearing another blood beat. It was similar to a pony's but...not quite...he wasn't being shadowed as far as he could hear. Paranoia? Well if all else fails he'll be reacting to a timber wolf. He wiped his muzzle, stored the bottle as who ever was closing on him came closer. He turned around gauntlet at the ready to unsheathe the blade...if this was a hunter...then it was going to get ruff.

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Emerald managed to draw line of sight to the, a bat pony here? the odd thing she did not understand was why her feeling of hunger had not returned at the sight of the pony. Why am I not reacting to this fella? She flew into nearby tree to just keep looking at him he was a rather good looking, and she liked the fact she did not want to turn him into an empty sack was a nice feeling what she could not shake at the moment she was happy, the first time since she died a few weeks ago, the moment seemed  to last for a good long while.

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@, The blood beat that was rushing towards him seemed to stop suddenly when he turned, he knew this feeling. Sompony was definitely near by and watching him....a hunter would have striken by now but this was.


Cresent spred his wings wide and with a few flaps of the wings he hovered above the tree line and landed on top of one of them looking at the new blood beat with an ached eyebrow "its ok I don't bite too hard" he said to the pegisi.       

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Emerald was stunned by the speed of the way the bat pony had crashed on top of her, "I might though" she smiled at him extended her fangs "I have a pair of those too there bat pony, why don't I show you what they do hmm?" She kicked of the attacker and waited for him to rise back to his hooves. She stopped what she was about to do and looked at him "I don't want to hurt you or break my oath" she raised her hoof and scratched her head, "I did die though? Nevertheless I will leave you, I'm sorry for my actions" she turned to leave. ..

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@, Cresent smiled at the mare "a week after being bitten and you don't full on attack. surpising most ponys don't go long without their first blood night" seeing her stop he knew he had her. This wasn't a hunter it was a fellow vamp

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"What did you say? Are you the, the same as me but how?" Emerald sat down on the tree branch in disbelief, shaking her head she looked up at him "please help me!" She fell forward to him. "How, how can you live with this, this curse, please please help me I can't do this anymore I just want to die."

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Cresent's ears fell back feeling for the mare. Recently turned and no vamp to guyed her, he hugged the panicking mare calming her. After listening her blood slow down a bit he let go "listen, I'm full vampire hence why I live in the woods here" Cresent hopped on the branch next to her. "you didn't die when you got bit, from how far you are right now" resent saw where the bite mark was. He pulled out the blood bottle he was carrying. "we'll make a visit to see Zaccora for you soon. In the mean time you need to drink" he handed her the blood drink.  


"don't worry where the blood came from or is just drink. and yes I'll help you" the batpony looked at the night sky. "so to answer your question I was born a vampire. it is a rarity but it dose happen with us. As to our history its so berried under superstition its hard to find a good book on it. Here what I know, yes its a curse as it is a gift if you learn it. Which we will learn but it wont be all at once" he patted her back with his wing confidently


"so fire away I know you have a lot of questions"

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She sat looking at the bottle, the contents was something she did not think about she simply drank it giving it an afterthought once she downed it, the taste was indescribable. "she looked at him the tension between them before had all but gone, another soul to know this pain she had been through was a deeply relieving thing for her to hear and know, "I think i'm a bit special actually, I was bitten by a vampire that is not one anymore she was made that way due to a powerful spell, she bit me before she was changed back and well I'm stuck with this and she only feed on apples during her time she actually missed an apple and bit me so, apples make the, the feeling go away for a time but it wasn't working in the end. So I left home before I did something I would regret, there's no going back for me is there?" She gave him back the empty bottle and sat still and her ears and features where down and saddened by what she had said to him. "Oh right my name Is Emerald Bolt, I am or was commander of Twilight's guard in Ponyville although it was really a part time job, I mostly do odds and ends here and there most of the time, what is your name?"


(going to bed so will reply in X number of hours if you post before then)

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(sorry fell asleep) "Crescent is the name and right now I've been working on this. I guise you cam call it a job" crescent said pulling out the map he's been scribbling on. "as for the family bit there is a way to still be around them. Weather they find out about the vampire side of you is still your call. Being born a vampire I learned quickly how to blend in..also painfully too" he added looking at the empty glass bottle. "that's another story though" he whisper in the mares ear "we have a shadow you should be Abel to hear it, 2 trees behind us" he spoke his usual tone " now for one of my first lessons I learned" said crescent smiling

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She looked at him, "most of the ponies know of my condition back home they were so helpful to me, I just can't go back until i can control this thing..." she paid attaion to him as he talked about another near them she could hear it now, when she focused, "should we be worried about this other fellow." Emerald demeanor and actions as well as her voice was acting as if she was a child or novice, but then she was in more sence than one.

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Cresent looked at the tree of the shadower. Again not a hunter or if it was a hunter it was a very sloppy one, the tree shifted hearing the blood beat distance itself. Yet the info Emerald just said about herself and he in turn with a prying ear could damage them later on the road. "its good you have a support like that, and its good you know you need help."


The shadow was in reality a unicorn vamp hunter also in training named soft shoe. His lesson he was trying to learn was to shadow a vamp, and the ponys instructer would not teach more till he did a proper shadowing. And this was his last chance not to suffer his teachers wrath, which was anything she could put her mind too. He decided to shift from one cover to another, it was odd his luck tonight so far. Found teachers main target and it looked like the target had a pupil of his own He needed to report this to her right away.


"as for now no, but that dosent mean we should relax" as he herd the blood beat futher itself he debated on chasing it. The way it sounded as it moved it started slow then began to get faster. "ok to hey with it, vamp 101 blood beats. right now the shadow is retreating you should be abel to home in on it. Follow on the ground" he spred his wings and took off from the air in pursuit of this shadower

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"um ok then Cresent." She had a slightly confused look on her face as he stated the lesson, and for her instructions she smiled at him her fangs were still stuck out she hadn't learned to retract them yet. She then proceeded to drop down from the tree and follow the heartbeat in the distance I hope he's realized I can't hurt whoever this is. She was now at a canter as the pony in the distance was speeding up away from her. However she herd Crescent's beat very close to the other, he was incredibly fast and had, caught up to whoever it was. Then the two sounds or were they sounds, feelings almost were as one to her, must of got him or her, she sped up and raced to find...

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"Iv found them teacher iv found them!" soft shoe said half jumping in excitement but trying to remain bowed "really? now" said his teacher a  pony with a hood and cloak making it hard for Emerald to see them.


"and pry tell padawon who you found and is it worth my teachings?" said the pony. Her vice seemed stern almost annoyed if not suspicious


"Cresent has a new padawan, and she just turned into a vamp" said soft shoe


The clocked pony cocked her head to the side, "if what you say is true. then I belive you have gotten better. you do know better then to lie to me soft"


"yes mam, I do. we could get double the bounty for two vamps instead of one!"


The clocked pony was about to replie when she saw the glint from Emeralds teeth, "in that case" the pony looked at emeralds eyes directly "cresent is a poor teacher, wouldn't you agree?" she said looking directly at Emerald

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"what is going on here, who are you?" looking at the cloaked figure, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now actually now that I have found, the both of you?" Emerald scratched her head and gave them a smile, bearing her fangs again, where is Cressent I thought he was here? "um I not going to do anything to either of you if you are worried or something, I'm ok for now right yeah," What dose that mean to them silly? "um I'm Emerald how do you do?"

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soft shoe looked behind him surpsied by the vamp he didn't see was following him he laughed at the foolish vamp. The clocked pony laughed "oh you poor confued thing where are my manors, in front of you is my student soft sho and you may call me... Jadas. but don't worry about my name right now come join us for some cider shoe was just fetching it. right shoe" the clocked pony looked at her student


Soft shoe blinked a bit, they didn't have cider. they had water and poison but no cider. "um teacher where is" he was caught off again by Jadas


"the cider boy, you know by the third pocket in our cart" she empishized the word cider towards her student hopping he would catch on.


"oh,,,right" said soft shoe catching on finaly going to the cart. Jadas motioned to Emerald to sit by their campfire she had going on behind her


Cresent meanwhile was watching this all fold out above one of the trees. "what is jadas doing here?! should I arn...no she needs to know about hunters and her blood beats" Also he wanted to see how emerald would fight to be honest. he hoped she would notice the change in blood beats between Jadas and her pupil

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"guess I could do with some cider that would be nice." She walked over and sat by the fire, she was listening intently to the heartbeats of the two ponies with her, something was not right with the hooded character she was too calm, too relaxed for what she perceived that she would feel in her hooves and the other, was nervous she did not even need to hear him to tell, but his heart was racing as he returned with a tankard of, "what is this? cose it is not cider." She looked more intently at the hooded las, then heard Crescent in a nearby tree reliving he is still here "what is you jobs may I ask, myself I'm a guard you see and I know an ambush when I see one." with that she stood and drew Cloudslicer, "I said I would not do anything that dose not include defending myself!"

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"ah I also am a guard myself, maybe not in the same sense of you. I more guard against....you" said Jadas her horn glowing as the scythe she had been sittng on rose up and swung towards emerald. Soft shoe's jumped from behind the cart with his own sword. Cresent dived onto the ground next to Emerald blocking the scythe with his blood blade the protruded out of his gauntlet.


"you know jadas you do need to work on your theatrics" The hooded mare glared at cresent leaping back with the sycht in her control.


"sho the mares yours, bring me her head and you'll go to hunter collage this ones mine!"


Cresent growled blocking the 2nd blow "you getting no heads tonight Jadas" Cresent pared the scythe and rushed the unicorn. who teleported behind him


Meanwhile Sho lunged for Emerald sword raised aiming for her neck...(your next post feel free to write how the fight between these two go down while I write a bit of cresent vs jadas)

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(roger that)


Sho's attacks were quick and well placed and timed, he was well trained but behind all the training was a primal fear, what is a fear of Emerald maybe she did not know at the time. Despite the speed and skill in which he was attacking her, his skill level was below hers and blocking dodging or him simply missing was all that was coming from the endless strikes being sent her way. "enough of this you fool, you can't win." with that she disarmed him after yet another miss, he had a shocked look on his face, in a single fluid move she brought her halberd to his neck forcing him to the ground, "you stay very still now little Sho, your name is funny haha."

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(roger that)


Sho's attacks were quick and well placed and timed, he was well trained but behind all the training was a primal fear, what is a fear of Emerald maybe she did not know at the time. Despite the speed and skill in which he was attacking her, his skill level was below hers and blocking dodging or him simply missing was all that was coming from the endless strikes being sent her way. "enough of this you fool, you can't win." with that she disarmed him after yet another miss, he had a shocked look on his face, in a single fluid move she brought her halberd to his neck forcing him to the ground, "you stay very still now little Sho, your name is funny haha."

(on the phone kepp that fight going after this post) while fight happens bellow cresent and the clocked mares was above in the trees. Or rather the other trees as the two flew and hoped by this and that tree with speed like a cheetahs. The action was more herd then seen "youv gotten sloppy cresent where is the fire from last time" she said swinging the sythe at the bats wings going for a hook move. Cresent blocked the blade via branch zomming into her side with his shoulder making the made loose momentum going into the trees "don't you have better fish to catch then me or us it hard times Jad?" The made teleported behinde him "actually it'll be double your hide especially a fresh vamp like emerald" she swung the pole side of the syth into crest wing. He flipped around and claped his wings closed to stop the impact. "Me I understand with our history but level her out of" cresent was caught off when she began to lance the syth having him doge the lunges "History?! Is that what you call it?!" Jadas was slowly loosing her nerves as anger was takeing over her. Cresent wondered how emrald was doing
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(going to work soon so last post for for X number of hours)


Emerald took her eyes of Sho for long enough for him to sweep his legs under her and she fell to the ground with a thud, before she could ascertain what had happened, Sho now had his weapon to her throat. "um nice there mate." she made a nervous laugh and smiled at him again. "You're not going to kill me are you? I haven't done anything wrong." She knew the words she spoke were pointless she had seen that look before he was not be swayed be her words and she could not move, she closed her eyes and waited to feel pain then nothing probably who knew what death is like...

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@, While Cresent doged left and right the lance strikes from Jadas he decided to listen to Emeralds blood beat, was slowly stopping out of fear and a a tad bit of adrenalin...was this too ,much for her first time with hunters. Jadas was decent but if he judged her student right Emerald and him should be evenly matched with her guard skills. then a thought occurred to him about how they could help there students through this as an- his mind stopped when he was hit by the staff side  of the sythe stunning him "Ha nows time for the kill!" The unicorn spared no delay swinging the blade towards his neck.


Cresent blocked the blade  noticing her pressure of force had increases 4 fold "listen its been fun but  think we need to check on our students, he forced the blade into the ground he was laying on. Kicking her off he decided to find emeralds beat, Jadas tackled the batpony "oh don't worry somthing tells me shoe will be doing fine"


Soft shoe was in all honesty disappointed in his first fight with a vamp, it couldn't be this easy could it? "oh come on" he said getting off Emerald "is that all you got, or dose the guard need some notes?" he sneared

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