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private Blood Lessons RP


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It was cresents trun to lay down and snuggle up to Emerald embracing following that up with a deep kiss he pulled up looking down into emeralds eyes getting lost in them. "now I wonder if Luna was snooping for a bet with her sister or something." he layed back down pulling the mare close looking at the stars.  


(basicly how they were before luna showed up)


"which star should we name?" he asked looking at the night sky

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"oh I know that one there." Emerald pointed her hoof to a star that was slightly observed from their position by another planet making a crescent shape, "that one there we can call it 'The Crescent Bolt' and when we look at it we will be reminded of this time here and now, that is being marey (girly) isn't it?" Emerald lowed her hoof back down and kept looking for others.

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"cresbolt...." Cresent looked at the star she pointed at. It was an easy one to know because it was close to the moon, he said it over and over in his head to get it to stick. He smiled


"I like it, cresbolt it is and mary or not" he kiss the mares cheek "this is still the best night of my life" he snuggeld more closeing his eyes.


A thought occurred to him when he remembered her question about ponyville before hoof "oh to answer your question about after this, I think it'll work. I just hope your sisters good with bats...we don't have the best of a reputation after all" he said looking down at his wings

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"She will be, she follows me like a lost sheep not to her detriment but she's gonna be fine with you living with me for a week every month and if she's not well tough for her, you're going to be a part of my life for the foreseeable future." Emerald gave him another kiss then looked back to the sky.

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Cresent was getting a wee teary eyed again at he comment , and gave her a deep kiss, the kiss said more then love and thanks, it said a hundred things cresent wanted to say but was never able to get enough courage to say. Emreald did notice the small tear forming during the kiss. Cresent pulled back for some air and looked back at the sky


"you have no idea how much that means to me em...this is why I love you" he said

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"Got you wrapped around my little feather hehe but really why I mean hasn't anypony ever been like me to you?" Emerald looked towards him wondering why he was so aswash with her she was being kind to him because he had done the same. "Am I your first special somepony?"

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Cresent blinked away the tear looking back at emerald "y...yes really....most pony's get scared by the wings" said cresent. He looked up at the sky thinking back on his past


"not all hunters I run into base it of my vampire side, most don't know im a vamp outside my family which isn't that big. its..." he tried to find the right words  


"its why I live in the Forrest, not many pony's go in it do to superstition, myths, or dares hence why you see levers all over my place."  he said, he couldn't answer why he was getting so emotional at saying this, was it just he couldn't say it only in front of a select few? or was it he could really be himself around Emerald and it was still new too him?   

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Emerald sat up and looked down at Crescent she had a serious but sympathetic look on her face "you can tell me anything Cres you can be yourself around me, I mean we have feed on each other that is the most intermediate thig I have ever done so you can well, know do whatever around me we are special someponies so you know." Emerald blushed and looked away slightly.

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Cresent blushed a bit "well, we are then arnt we." he said looking to the side as well. He then turned towards emerald "And same her for having you feed on me. I gusse i'll get use to it...and it has been a bit sense we did feed..." he leaned forward and bit emeralds shoulder as he was aware he took a good chomp on her neck previously.


This bite wasn't as deep but still as good, he hoped it was this she was inviting him to do next. He made sure to present his arm for her to feed on, yet hoped she bite his neck.  

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Emerald's breath sharpened as he bit her she was taken somewhat by suppised by how Crescent interpreted her words, but this passed hee fangs extended and she leaned down to him while hed kept feeding on her shoulder she looked him in the eye. She saw him offer his hoof but she knew what he wanted she bit down on his neck she felt his own breath sharpen, both sat there in an awkward stance feeding from one another in a sense of painful bliss...

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Cresent was in a mix of being on cloud nine with emeralds blood in his mouth and also feeling her teeth in him making it a fun pain, he knew this of all the weeks events had to be the complete highlight. As the two feed on each other cresent soon felt a tinge of some old urge he new wasn't good.


He stoped bitting emerald as much as he wanted to keep drinking, but because she was still new to this blood feeding he dint want to drain her dry and fell back down letting emerald continue her feeding on him, the batpony began to close his eyes sleepily.

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She followed him down, this was the longest time that she had feed, she relised that he had stopped she kept going for still a few more minutes gradually slowing down until she finally stopped. She didn't want to stop but he had told her that doing it for a while was a bad thing though she didn't know why. She raised her head and looked at him looking rather sleepy "Why do we stop, I mean I get it when it comes to others but we are like a pair of pumps feeding on another and nothing comes close to it or you." Her face was covered in blood so to was his it didn't freak her out any more her fangs still out wanting more she did too, she also believed he did as well.

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He opened his eyes looking at the mare "here's the thing with feeding, even with loved ones. Any time you feed is a risk of our blood demons awakening. I have yet to find a one shot kill for them but that's the main core of it, hence Zaora's blood bottels. Also notice how sleepy your getting?" he smiled playing with her mane with his wing hook.


"waking up with the sun is a ruff way to start any day no matter what type of nocturnal you are and trust me you don't want to learn that the hard way" he chuckled


"but in all seriousness draining blood still takes energy out of you unless your focusing that to fix a wound in a middle of a fight ethier way after the adrenalin wears off you'll be out cold....happened twice to me not so fun times" the batpony finished

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"That makes a lot of sense, I'm tired too." Emerald layed down on Crescent's stomach she was rather tired now that he had brought it up she looked into his eyes "your...you're perfect Crescent." Emerald blushed a lot and then closed her eyes snd started to fall asleep she was in a state of total happiness.

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As the mare fell asleep cresent soon felt the familer feeling of sleep calling to him. He rebelled against the call do to not wanting to wake up to the sun. getting up slowly he carfully placed the sleeping mare on his back in the position. He glided from the ledge towards his treehouse upstairs patio. soon inside his room he gingerly placed Emerald in his bed, and snuggeled up to her pulling the blanket over the two of them. He chuckeled at the dried blood on the mares face, decided to lick a bit off her muzzle. yet sleep made its clamp on him and he soon fell asleep next to his lover


The next night   

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Emerald woke up in his bed she had a massive smile on her face yesterday was the best day of her life, she opened her eyes and looked at Crescent next to her he was still asleep, she did not want to either wake him or move so she simply lay there looking at him for a few moments then closed her eyes again, today was gonna be a challenge not as much as tommorrow but she was putting it off and being happy to boot.

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Cresent smiled waking up still having his good mood from yesterday, he looked to his left still seeing the sleeping emerald. he then chucked at a way to wake her up. The bat pony got out of bed, found a sticky note and wrote the following note on it before placing it on her head and zooming down stairs


"hey love, small change in plans hide and seek find me fast enough and you get a a reward before sparing begins when you wake, but don't be too late ;)"  

Edited by cwhip9
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Emerald opened her eyes again she must of dozed off she woke to notice that there was a note stuck to her head, what is this? She took the note off her head a read it, "let the hunt begin!" She jumped out of bed and flew down the stairs, "where oh where are you Cresy you little bugger?" Her ears were perked up listening for him but she could not hear him she looked in the kitchen for him found a weird stack of cans what is this? It seemed to point outside some how.

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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cresent tree hoped a bit ouside the tree house (play with it this should help) he then saw emerald move towards the stack of cans. Soon opening the door he smiled staying short enough for her to hear his blood beat. He herd hers then backed further into the woods hearing her blood beat in the distance but not to far off.


"come on love I know you can hear me" he whispered out loud

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She heard the heartbeat in the distance just he was kiting her, she knew he wanted to follow him and the faster she went he would probably go faster and since he was faster than her it made her think. She took off from the balcony and hovered in the air as she moved in his direction the distance did not change he wanted to be chassed. "fine then chase you want chase you gonna get." She made a powerful push forward and flew towards the heartbeat...

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seeing the mare head to the tee line he debated on how long this little chase of his should be, mauling over it a bit he decided to have some more fun giving her a chance to get closer then decided to tree hop further in the Forrest, the mane question was whether to pounce now or later, he was however surprised when he herd two heartbeats that wasn't his or emeralds. he decided to turn towards them but was stopped by a small prick on the neck. he slapped it examining his hoof he recognized the small capsule


"bite me side-" unconsciousness soon had him fall from the tree knocked out.

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(...it's the finale countdown... uh hem I mean confrontation :D)


Emerald was flying towards Crescent when she heard his heart rate rise for a second before dropping dramatically then sound whent down smacking on the ground she then noticed two other sounds in the distance, in a delicately sarcastic tone "oh what a bloody surprise, I'm gonna kill her this time regardless of what Cresent wants." She landed in a tree overlooking Crescent's unconscious body... 

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soon emerald herd the beat before she saw Jadas "damn, sho you taged the wrong vamp, but" the unicorn circled the knocked out batpony "this could still work" she placed a hoof on cresent and teleported away from the forrest.


Shoe ran towards where his teacher was previously "crap crap crap! this wasn't the plan" he was panicking and emerald could tell he ten turned towards one of the trees and spotted emerald "I'm not telling" he pulled out his sword in a ready stance.


"and you'r going to have to bleed me dry to get where he is!"

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Under her breath "it will be my pleasure." She swopped from the tree landing in front of him, "Shoe my misbegotten friend, I rather love that batpony your master just stole from me and me being pissed is a...Fucking understatement!" She raised herself up and pulled out Cloudslicer, extended it and gritted her teeth. "One of three things are going to happen in a moment Shoe two of which involve you're death, one you tell me and you live, two I beat you then torture the information out of you then suck you dry, three I kill you in this fight we are about to have little pony!" Her appearance changed and she took a step closer to him, "one last chance Shoe." She readied her halberd she was going to kill him in a moment or two she doubted he was going to beat her in the state she was in.   

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"Never!" shoe swung the sword at emerald at a surprings speed cathing her off guard, sadley for shoe he was panicking to much to focus on combat and emerald found herself blocking and dogeing the attacks


"your all freaks! your kind took my mother! took my teacher, if anypony should die it should be you!" (play with it  bit more)


****Cresent woke up to the sound of running wetter, the unfamiliar feeling of being gagged and chained down to something. he opened his eyes to see bars of a bird cage

"ah cres glad you could finally wake up, not what I thought of for shoe's final but I think it was timely enough, after all you probably thought the same for emerald"


Cresent tried to bite through the gage but was punished by pain in his mouth by what ever he bit into.


"now now cres don't try fighting, I think we both know your tired of that" Cresent glared at Jadas seeing her walk around the water fall like it was a Curtin for a stage show


"and soon we'll find out who is the better teacher, darling" she said

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