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private Blood Lessons RP


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She stood from him, "that was an error of judgment Sho I will not be making a mistake again" Sho smiled at her now. She was going to take advantage of her wings and started to hover then unfurled her halberd it must of been longer than her whole body. Sho gulped and swung towards her, she dodged with ease then with a single overhead strike brought down the hammer side of Cloudslicer and hit the pony square on the head the force knocked him out cold. Emerald did not notice and flew towards the cloaked pony. "You will not kill the answers to my curse." She flew towards her swinging her halberd...

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(Sorry for the delay) cresent herd emerald charge them Jada turned her head towards the new vamp "you have got to be" she was cut off as cresent smiled at the hunter "looks like I won" he brought his bladed hoof to the side moving his head from where the blade would have cut him and kicked the hunter off him. The piny flew back trying to fiber out what just happened. She readied her sythe for the two "fine you may have this night but enjoy it while you can freaks!" She teleported by soft shoe and teliported again bringing soft who with her. Cresent breathed out "and that dear emerald...are hunters" he said

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"if I learn to control this, are ponies gonna do that in town to a guard or are they more reclusive?" Emerald sat flew down to the campsite and sighed "I never asked for this and now ponies are going to try and kill me." Emerald laid down and looked at the stars, "why are we so cursed? And thanks for leading me into an ambush back there cheers."

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Cresent sighed "its better to answer these questions at my place its still to hot for my liking" cresent nodded for the made to follow him. Along the way as he looked around he said "I can answer your hunter question. Most perfer to be sneaky and pending on how the price I'd set whether a spicfic one aka me or a general one it dosen't matter some are reckless and will try to get a mob on you. Consider those two" he paused opening the door to his tree house. After she went in he closed the door. Licking it and pulling a lever orvtwo near it. He looked back at emerald a hopfull look on his face. "And this isn't a curse don't let any pony tell you that, for example you saw how easy it was yo find our shadows right. Did you just follow me or listen to their blood beat?" The bat pony went to the kitchen "and do you like pasta? I'm hungry for some"

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"Yeah pasta sounds nice, at least I can still eat normal food, image if you could not eat normal food at all my word that would suck." She noticed her own fangs still stuck out, she sat down on a couch "how do I get this things to go back in?" gesturing to her mouth, "thanks again for helping me, I'd be dead dead now if those two had found me alone, If I didn't kill them for the blood or something." she laid back on the couch spreading her wings she felt safe and relaxed in this rather odd tree house in the middle of the Everfree Forest. 

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@,"the fangs do that based of adrenalin just relax, from what im told it took me a good year to learn that as a colt" Cresent said getting the water started for the noddle's and going in his fridges. two blood boatels left. He needed to see Zacora and teach emerald more on blood magic. pulling out some spices he said towards Emerald "as for killing them her pupiel I have no doubt, but Jada's is beginning to teach. And im not sure if I should be worried about that or not. In a nutshell about hunters will strike anywhere, and use anypony to draw you out" the bat pony used his blade to cut up the spies he would throw into the pasta. "odd question who else knows how to fight in your family?"

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"Um my sister Sapphire is a guard to she can fight and she's good with her magic too, she is going to be worried about me we are very close." This comment worried her Sapphire may very well come looking for her. "I'm not worried about the hunters but I am if she finds me, I don't want to risk hurting her until I can control this thing." Emerald walked into the kitchen and looked around to find various items to get out such as plates etc. "She may not abandon her post though, oh Celestia Twilight and her friends may come looking for me, they are no strangers to the Everfree." This is going from bad to worse!

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Cresent stopped in his tracks "hold on...who might look for you again. Might be the blood talking sounded like you said Princess celstia" batpony said. He didn't have s problem with Celstia but he still wasn't sure how she would take the trees aperence. Pluse she had a team of guards with her everywhere she went. And he might know one that he met before "and you'll control this. Don't worry" he brought the pasta into thE pan and began to stir in the spice's

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"I spoke too quickly there, not Celestia, I meant 'by' Celestia however Princess Twilight and her friends the other Elements of Harmony and my sister may come looking and even Summer too, that poor lass should not come here. I may be overreacting I don't know what to think." Emerald continued to try and find various items with hit and miss success around the kitchen. "I hope your next lessons don't involve such a steep learning curve." 

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@, Cresent stopped the food making and saw the mare kind of fumble with his kitchen for where was what. He breathed out approaching the mare and place a wing on her back. "net lesson, relax" the bat pony hugged the mare hearing her blood slow down a bit


"I appreciate you getting the forks and knifes out just sit and relax got lunch for us" He let go and went back to the food making. "so we might have company, hopfully I have enough pasta for them. I wonder if theres a thing called royal pasta?" he mused out loud for a bit as he stred the pot of pasta up.


He realized he said the word lunch feeling he just confused the poor lass. "how has sleeping been for you since the turn?"

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"Ok then" Emerald Sat down, at one of the chairs around the table then looked at Crescent, "who is coming to your house do I have to worry about attacking them? Sleeping hasn't been a real issue I was mostly on night duty so being up at night hasn't really been a huge issue really for me so yeah." Emerald sat down and started to groom her wings for something to do. "your sure you don't want help"?

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"to anypony else showing up not that I know of, and good about the sleeping bit a lot of pony once turned have a hard time redoing there sleep scheduals, and" cresent put the lid on the pan and stuck his head into the fridge.


Emerald didn't sound like she needed another blood drink from the battle with the hunters. He pulled out the cider and pourd two cups using his wings, bringing them towards the table.


"we're just waiting for the noodels and sauce to get happy with each other. now then about your lessons, you already know how to fight so I wont worry about that much but don't expect i'll stay easy. you handled yourself well with the hunters, so I think we should work on blending in for a bit along with a few more basics. sound good?"  he took a swig of the cider he had waiting the mares response

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"The more I learn about this the better I suppose since I can't go back." Emerald sighed after saying that, then picked up the cider and had a sip, She gave Crescent a smile as she looked at him he's been so kind and helpful to me "your a good pony Crescent you helped me when you did not have too." That comment was a bit embarrassing for her to say and she looked away blushing lightly.

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@, cresent simply shrugged "a species that gets hunted as much as we do im surpised were not endangered yet, its more a natural instinct to help each other out, besides" Cresent paused taking a swig of the cider wth his wings


"with out you showing up I wouldn't have known they raised the price on my head." He then saw the blush from the mare, having a crush with her couldm't be a bad thing.....it could actually the more he thought about it....the timer on the pasta went off savng him. Getting up he went towards the pasta and carfully with oven hoof gloves he place the hot pan on the table with a ladel in it.


"besides im too nice of a pony to leave you hanging like that" He scooped the pasta into two different bowls passing one to emerald the 2nd to himself

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"This looks really nice." With that she buried her head in the bowl and demolished the contents in a few moments, she have a big 'argh' after finishing lent back on her seat and rubbed her tummy, looking to him "what do vampires do to others in order for these 'hunters' to have jobs? I mean I never even heard of vampires until I became one myself" Emerald had a large grin on her face she really liked the pasta, one of the best bowls of it she had in a long time. "your pasta cooking is superb."    

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@, "thanks old family recipe threes about a bowl or two left if you still want some" cresent said eating some of his own bowl. He concentrated on the question


"honestly its hard to say, some times its a matter of political rumors, others its a vampony that just went on a blood rage, most of it is basically an purging system" he took another bite concentrating


"in my case vamponys are believed to be an experiment between  bat and a pony, and some see that as 'un pure' to the equine race" Cresent kind of stared at his pasta getting lost in memory's..he shook his head "not exactly a straight answer but to cut to the chase half of it is vampnys that have no control of themselves the other half is because we have bat wings and sharp teeth and other view's us as scary"

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"I'll have another portion if you're offering, I can see that about the blood rage part, but ponies aren't like that are they I mean batponies are fine I met some when Luna came to visit Ponyville they were a barrel of laughs, but they were i'm 'normal' batponies is that right? I don't mean to offend or anything since I'm like what a half or third one now." Emerald laughed at that and started on the next bowl of pasta.  

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@, "to my knowledge my fellow batpony and I get along well some knowing about the vampire others not caring, and that brings another thing about hunters" he paused taking a swing of cider 


"The worst are batponys in terms of which hunter to watch out for" He thought about the question more. He chcuckeld a bit


"in terms of how much bat you have in you I cant answer that properly mostly because I don't know much on our genetics save a vamponys 

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Emerald had yet again demolished another bowl of pasta, "but if and when this is over I mean when you think I'm ready for the outside world again, I will have to watch every pony I meet because they may want to kill me? I mean I watch for that before when I was merely a guard but now it will be double forever until I die, great." She looked down "at least I'm still alive I guess that is something I must be grateful for i suppose I could of just died and that be the end of it." 

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@, "you'll be ready when you feel ready. Just like guard training after boot you started socializing when you felt fine no? I didn't hear you on the news so its going to be your call. But if you want my personal opinion.." the bat pony paused remembering all the stuff he knew he learned at an unnatural way and half of which by accidents


"..I need more data to make sure nothing blow up. Then again you said you were bitten a week ago and haven't gone on a blood rage? that's a good sign in itself so...give me a month and you'll be pony friendly. Which reminds me when your ready we'll take a field trip" said cresent getting up after finishing his cider and collecting his bowl

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"sure whatever you want Crescent, I was on the verge of attacking everything that moved that's why I ran here, well the forest anyway so yeah what is the field trip for then another thing about vampirism or this for something else then." Emerald got up and walked over to the door waiting for Crescent to leave with her.  

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@, As cresent did a quick job on dishe's he went to his saddle bag again pulling out the last two blood drinks. "not hunter reacted more survival related" he went to the door following Emerald outside locking it and pulling a lever on his way out. "an old friend helped me a lot when I first came here. ever herd of a zebra named Zacora?" he said and started trotting towards her cabin

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Emerald followed Crescent, "yes i know zecora she comes to Ponyville from time to time to buy supplies and such I have met her once or was it twice she's a bit different to us in the way she speaks but a nice enough zebra so yeah I know her. That was longer than necessary." 

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@, Cresent smiled "all good ethier way this is where I get my blood from...kind of the logistics are pretty complex but she is the man reason I've here n the Forrest...aside from my tree house and my parnoia but that's all natural. no every one of us needs this in one shape or from. And there are mutipule ways to get enough, what we are doing is the safest. How Zaccora dose it...will be another day" he said as they trotted on

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"I noticed that apples make the 'feeling' go away maybe I can just eat them now that I have had some blood, hold on you gave me blood! NO, no I don't want to think about it don't tell me anything I don't want to know about it let's just get to Zecora's and I can stop thinking about it." Emerald's mind was racing with what or how that blood got to where it did I hope nopony was hurt in it's creation.

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