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private Blood Lessons RP


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@, Cresent breathed out, was this rushing things too fast for her? trying to put himself her her hoofs possibly but blood drinking was the first thing he learned. He stoped holding a wing up before trotting on. "Emerald listen" his calm and happy expersion went away giving her a meaning full look.


"the main reason vamponys go into a blood rage is beuse the don't get enough of it and go berserk." he breathed out realsing he was holding onto a breath,


"if your serious about this don't make me put you down, I will in a wing beat and you do NOT want to learn that the hard way. if what you said is true you are getting close to a blood rage if you cant handel yourself around other ponys"

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She stood back from him his attitude was not somewhat hostile, "I think I understand that I may now need blood now but I can't and wont hurt anyone in order to get it, even if my sister said so and offered her's. Which is impossible so...so do it finish me off I died a week ago, I can't and wont hurt others." She sat down and closed her eyes... I can't do it I WON'T do it just make it quick.  

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@, Cresent did not see this part coming...maybe he was being hard on her. Blinking away the tears of surpise, sorrow, and a tad bit of anger he was torn. He looked at his gauntlet, looked back at the mare. "get up!" he said or rather yelled it, it was truly one hey of a night for this one so far. He did feel sorry for her, he truly did. He didn't see her react so he did the next thing that came to his mind.


He aproched the mare...and hugged her with his wings.


of all the things the bat wanted to say he was too sad to say them, so he just hugged her.

Edited by cwhip9
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Emerald was tense as she waited for death or she thought she was waiting for it when she felt the hug she was in a state of shock, but instinctively hugged him back, the feeling was intense between the two of them as the sat there in silence hugging maybe he's nicer than life has made him they pulled out of the hug looking at one another "I don't know if I can feed but if what you say is true it is the lessor of two evils, but I don't know." Emerald lowers her head and looks away slightly.

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@, "this life isn't easy but," he turned her head so they could look eye to eye, also to help cresent hold back tears of his own. "theres always hope for it. trust this bat when he says you have a beautiful life still. throwing it out will be the worst way to hurt those you love and care for" he let go of the mare shaking his head to get rid of the tears he hoped weren't showing.

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"Are you crying? Crescent are you ok." Am I the only one he's ever talked to like this before? Maybe he is as scared as me, nah, maybe. Emerald raised her hoof to his chin "it goes both ways my friend you can be yourself around me it won't work if it's only one way, why don't you tell me what is troubling you." she looked him in the eyes her face was sincere and intense as she spoke. 

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@, Cresent knew it was time, and she was right. If He was to help her out and get her better at her vampony powers she needed to know the full story, we he was the way he was. So he thought up two ways, simple telling...or showing...he decided to show was a better way to tell. Vamponys could share memorys with each other thrue bites...he'd only done it once with surprising success.


"its best I show you, its going to hurt but it will answer a lot" he moved he hoof and sank his teeth deep into her neck working her bloodbeat to match his and channeling it up into the mare brain.


Emerald would see the whole thing as she shirked in surprise.


Blood memory (what Emerald see's sorry for the god mod)
a group of ponys at a table dscussing somthing, two young colts looking on soon a scream of pain alerted the group and the young bats, walls in the house explode in flames, instint blackness, a snowy night, the youngest of the bat ponys crying over a burnt body of another pony too burnt to tell what pony it was. The crying bat pony looks up. a Dark outline of a pony walking away


Cresent let go of Emeralds neck pulling away. He looked at the mare, her seeing the young batpony who was crying before older and in front of her.

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(no worries mate this is a 1 on 1 so it is fine with me) 


Emerald saw the visions and felt the pain, she could not really belive that hit bit her like that without warning dose vampirism really going to do that to her? Once he stopped biting and pulled away she looked at him "that is awful Crescent, it wasn't your mother was it?" regardless of the answer she pulled him close and hugged him tightly, wings and all "nopony deserves what happened to you Crescent". She did not care for what he did next and him biting her was an intense feeling the pain was a good pain for some reason like standing in a shower that is on the cusp of her pain threshold, she almost wanted him to bite her again. (you know the vampire shows like that yes? that's what I'm aiming for) 

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@, cresent closed his eyes accepting the hug, glad she had not bit back...all tho that would be another lesson..."my brother...he didn't make it...." Cresent paused feeling the warmth of the hug getting lost in the confert of it all. It had been a while sense he got one from another pony it was half refreshing, half new. And also the fact he just bit her and still had he blood in his mouth was he had to admit to himself......exhilarating.


"to this day That hunter is still at large. The only pony I will bleed dry and kill is that hunter" as the hug continued he noticed the wound he made in the mare. He rested his chin on the mares shoulder, she needed to learn how to bite he could listen to her blood wanting more, he did too....he decided to help close the wound.


"now heres how to heal other ponys" He sank his teeth into the spot where he bit her, this time not as hard. He began to focus the blood flow again having it retreat from the new wound. Hearing her sharp breath during this bite he knew she would remember this mark   

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Emerald was internally confused, what Crescent was doing to her was very painful, her breath quickened and was shallow the bite was not as painful as the last however he was she felt what was going on he was fiddling with how her own blood was moving about her body is was an incredibly odd sensation, something she was not objecting to but the pain from his bite began to dull and all she could focus on what he was doing, she had no clue maybe it was a lesson maybe he was killing her. All these and many thoughts were racing through her mind she was now some odd reason enjoying it the pain from his bite was now a good pain is there such a thing as a good pain? I want to do this to him.


Emerald pulled away from Crescent enough that he could not reach her neck anymore, the look on his face was like something she akin to thinking that a child has had it's candy taken away. She moved back to him, "my turn" with that she did the same to him he did not even react when she moved his neck to her face, biting was a strange thing to do to somepony else, she hadn't a clue on how to do what he did to her, so she just tried to wish it with her mind to do that to him, she did not know weather it was working or not, there was only three things on her mind by now. That how he was right with the blood thing, maybe she could feed on others and they feel like her and both parties would be ok, that blood was now the best thing since crispy hay and she felt a connection to him something she had never felt such a connection to another individual before even than that of her beloved sister.     


(that was a mindful, anyway Merry Christmas Cwhip!) 

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@, cresent was surprised at the mares forward and eagerness to bite in, feeling her try to work with his blood was half amusing and confusing...the mares blood beat was (he didn't know if she knew it yet) was trying to match his and move it, In reality she was just sucking his blood and more or less repairing her wound. He felt he bite deeper enjoying it, he wondered if she truly knew how to take blood safely.


His body was reacting well to the sensation of slow blood loss, feeling a usual happy pain was something he missed. And something told him if he was to help her with this she would need to know how much to take in. His wing patted her head "good, don't over do it now" it came out as a whisper. "try to match you blood beat with mine now" he told the mare not knowing if she'll bite deeper or not for this part


(also merry Christmas too Emerald :) )   

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Emerald was thinking on what he was saying, and was guessing that too much more of this is not a good thing for either of them, the blood was really good though, she focused harder on trying to do the same back to him he's now treating it as a lesson, she bit harder driving her fangs into their full extent, she swear she had hit a bone, I'm gonna figure this out now Emerald really focused and then like a lightbulb it went off and she could feel the movement corresponding to what she wanted it to do. She focused on the body of his to heal the bite she was inflicting and then pulled away, her fangs receded and her usually white face was covered in blood, dripping from her mouth even the only thought passing through her mind was to bite again to not stop but she resisted I guess that's why ponies go blood crazy she looked at him eyes locked "that was um...different but nice, really nice and all I want is more great so this is the cost of not dying oh well." She looked away trying to put the idea of sucking him dry like a wineskin out of her mind. Her face may of given that thought away.    

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@, Feeling her teeth hit the bone did get a gasp of surprise but held back his instinct of kicking her off. He knew he made the same mistake learning how to bite as well. Feeling the bloodbeats slowly match made him smile. She was a quick learner it seemed. 'good hopefully the rest of the teaching go's smoother'. When the mare pulled out he herd her response getting a chuckle out of him. He massaged the new wound,


"well for your first bite it went well. save the bone bitting bt but I did the same when I learned how to bit so im not going to worry about that too much that was the only down side" What he wanted to say was please do that again but that wasn't the point of today. Seeing her blood covered face it looked kind of cute, if one was accustomed to seeing bloody face's.


"this way so we wont scare Zaccora" he led her to a little pound to wash the blood off himself.

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Emerald moved to the pond and looked at her reflection, the sight of that blood on her face overcame her, "i'm a monster, this is wrong those hunters were right." Emerald sobbed as she looked at the reflection. "How can this be ok? IT IS NOT RIGHT." She kept crying, looking at her blood covered face she was a predator now this is what they look like monsters. A voice came into her head that was not her own mind what's wrong my dear, you knew what you were doing when you bit him and you bloody well liked it didn't you, you have merely moved up the food chain no need to cry. WHO ARE YOU?! me i'm the monster in the dark sweetly here now for you for all your days the other voice fades with a menacing laugh.

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@, As cresent dunked his head into the pond and began to wash the blood off he pulled up hearing sobbing to his right...he forgot how she would react to seeing blood. And it sounded like she talked to sompony...crap appels... Cresent shook his head trying to get the water off and put a wing on Emeralds back soothingly.


"Emerald look at me" seeing emerald turn towards him tear and bloody face he gave her another wing hug. "your not a monster. your not a freak, your are Emerald of Twilghts guard, sister and friend who loves her family very much" he pulled back abit looking her in the eye "and never listen to the voice in your head, that's your madness. We'll take it out later now say im not a monster" he let go of the mare stepping back

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"I'm... I'm...I AM...N...NOT a, a monster, I said it but I don't believe it, I just don't right now Crescent." She looked at her reflection again she had horrified by her own appearance, it just brought back the same feeling as before, Emerald simply closed her eyes and dunked her head into the water, then pulled her wet head out of the water. She sat there her head soaking wet and stared down at her reflection the blood was gone, but it did not feel like it. Emerald turned to Crescent "let's just go Zecora's I need to think while we go there, we can fly if you want." Her voice was low and sad with her second lot of words, the voice said nothing to her for now which was of some comfort as was Crescent's kind words, he could see the light in her when all she could see was the darkness.

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@, cresent hugged the mare again...this is going to be longer then he thought in terms of teachings go. He patted her back with his wing. "keep repeating that on the way to zaccoras that's your homework for now." he nodded at the mare to follow him. He opened his wings turned and took off into the night passing over tress, clouds and more looking for his old friends hut.


Soon the two landed in front of the hut. "hope she's still awake" Cresent knocked using his wing and stood back. A voice rang thru he was all too familiar with "Enter, remember cresent to wipe you hoofs along with your friend. so it could begin" Cresent smiled looking back at Emerald.


"cheer up were going to see one of my best friends" he opened the door wiped his hoofs and led Emerald into the hut  

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Emerald Stood just in the doorway as Crescent walked in and gave Zecora a hug, She looked at Emerald after the hug (I can't write the way zecora speaks so you'll have to make it sound like her in your head) "what are you here for Emerald? and with Crescent this is unexpected." Emerald walked in without a word and sat down on a chair she looked up to Zecora "I, I i'm like Crescent now you know like that way." She looked at Crescent "he's been a lifesaver for me trying to help me adjust with this." Emerald gestured to herself.    

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@, "I see then your not one use to blood, and I have good news lass. Vie worked with vampires in the past. And your in no greater hoofs then cresents for he sure is a present for you"


the Zebra pulled out a ladel from a draw and stired it in the pot using her mouth after stiring what ever the brew was she tested it herself. "needs more spice, soon ill get this brew down and nice"


The Zebra looked at Cresent now "the drinks, have you shown her how they come to be or did you leave that too me?" she asked him


The bat pony scratched his mane "that'll be another lesson, tonight's she's been through enough right now"


The zebra nodded in agreement looking at Emerald. She went to her fridge using her teeth brought out a potion bottle with Blue liquid in it and set it in front of Emerald "this will keep the voice at bay till he teaches you how to deal with it some day" She looked at Emerald hugging the mare. After letting go she went back to the fridge "it'll be double after today Cresent, please remember so I wont get unpleasant"


Cresent pulled out two bags of bits from his saddle on cue "you know me Z, why would I do something like that?" he said with a smile

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(Firstly, round of applause sounded like Zecora to me)


Emerald looked at the potion, "another odd thing to drink tonight great." the voice cut in as she was drinking WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOOOoooo.... as it faded, "she's gone from my head thanks for that." She noticed the exchange of money,"no wait you can't pay for me I will pay for myself, but i have no money on me it's in the bank, i...i'll pay you back when I can. Can we go home yours I mean and get some sleep tonight has been a lot for me" She looked at Zecora "you are the best zebra I know Zecora, Celestia's blessing to you." Emerald got up to leave...  

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@, (thanks honestly she's one of my favorit ponies so I try my best when writing her) Cresent herd Emerald mention the money "don't worry lass bits shouldn't be your concern, and we'll head out soon don't worry" Cresent then helped the Zebra with the case's of blood drinks out of the fridge. Once they were secure in his saddle he hugged his zebra friend


"thanks again Z your a life saver" the bat said letting go of the Zebra


"ah Emerald one more thing, don't drink that in all one go. It will turn into a foe for your belly" The two left Zacorra's hut and made there way back to Cresents tree house

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Back in the tree house


"Do you have a spare room or bed or something I'll sleep on the floor at this point but a bed or something would be nice." there was a nagging thought in her head, she had calmed down from before the talk with Zecora and the flights were nice to think but something was making her keep thinking about it, she turned to Crescent and said rather cautiously "do, do vampires l...like biting each other? Just I kinda of liked it when you bit me, is that weird i'm so confused. I want to sleep."  

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@, As Emerald asked her questions Cresent grinned at how relaxed she was getting while he put away the blood drinks "yes I do have an extra cot in the living room. pull the lever on the left side of the couch a bed should pop up for you as in terms of biting" he closed the fridge door


"its natural to like biting but you cant like it too much. your bites have little effect on me in terms of turning as I was born a vamp. If your asking if I liked biting you....yes as I haven't actually fed on anypony in ages which reminds me. If you need to feed I have the drinks here in the fridge if I'm gone for some reason. And honestly I'll get into bite more tomorrow but for now go sleep. tomorrow night is going to be a long night but not as intense as tonight's been for you" The batpony hugged emerald using his wings and patted her back pulling away he added


"we'll get through this I promise" And with that he made his way up stairs "night Emerald" he called back   

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"night Crescent"


Emerald touched the lever and the bead sprung out, she flopped onto the bed and closed her eyes "tonight is the bottom of this new crazy life only up from now on, only up..." with that she was already gone, sleep was an interesting thing that night/ morning. Luna visited and gave some words of advice and courage, then ensured that her family and friends were waiting for her return and that they knew why she had left, and gave her a minor promotion to the night guard since she was now a bat pony in some degree and that she would help with her new problem. And would visit Ponyville and tell her friends and family aswell as Twilight how to act and help her when she returned. Emerald was stunned by Luna's grace and kindness and slept and good sleep until she woke... (leave it to you how and when the next RP day/night starts)

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As cresent got to his room he breathed out washing his face again in his bathroom. looking in the mirror he had to ask himself, what n the hey was he doing?! a new vamp to teach when he did have the place for it but he still wasn't sure of himself "a hunter hasn't got her family yet she's fine" he told himself. He looked at his book case scanning for something to help him teach that he had, sadley most of his books were on mapping and wild life of the suronding area. "I wonder....maybe I need to write it down" he found a notebook and flipped towards a blank page. After writtng a list of lessons he looked out his window seeing the Sun about to rise


"night forrest" he closed the curtin to his window over looking the forrest, crawled on his bed and let sleep take him. He got a present surpise to see Luna of all ponys there


"your highness" taking a bow to the night mother


"Cresent how many times do I need to say you don't need to do that in your dreams. I know your helping Emerald with her transition and her family knows about you teaching her"


Cresent got up from bowing "sorry old habit and all, and thanks that'll make this easier...but something tells me you came for more."


Luna smiled "still sharp as ever even asleep cres, these hunters you ran into I have a reliable source that checked the market. Your bounty was trippeled. You can afford of hunters running into Emerald again, we don't need that attention near ponyville."  


Cresent blinked a bit "how close were the ones we ran into today?" he asked


"well I had to calm down fluttershy...THATS how close they were" she gave a scowl at the batpony at the tail end of that statment 


"sorry about that Luna, I wasn't expecting to run into them honestly"


"take care of her cresent, I think Emeralds destiny will relay heavily on your teachings"


"yes Luna I wll do my best, ill teach everything I know so she wont become a danger"


The night Princess looked to her left like she was being called by sompony "time to go, ill check in somtime to make sure you guys are all right in the meantime sleep well cresent" And with that the dream Cresent had became happier as sleep came over him


Time skip


Cresent yawned stretching his wings and looking around. The sun was setting, basicly early morning for him, he smiled wondering if emerald was awake. The lesson he had planed today was kicking in his head as he moved towards his desk looking at the notes he scribbled the night before 


night 1, bitting 101 and fighting 101

The bat made his way down stairs and moving towards the kitchen and began to make breakfast   

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