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private Blood Lessons RP


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(I have a feeling that you are enjoying this as much as me)


Emerald had woken some hours before Crescent the day was still a realm she was involved in her life and sleeping patterns had yet to change more drastically, she had made the bed she lay in and then returned the couch to it's normal state and had been laying on it thinking on what her life was going to be like, she was deep in thought and the few hours of the day had left and Crescent had come down stairs and gone into the kitchen to make breakfast she believed Pony of the night that one Emerald walked into the kitchen, then sat down at one of the chairs "um good night? or is it morning to you, I don't know. So what is in store for me tonight then, master?" she giggled at that is was kinda funny she sounded like a minion or something. "and what's for food?"    

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@, "technicly its morning and for food uh..." he looked around the fridge thinking of idea's "how do you like eggs?" he herd the master comment and was about to say don't all me that but technincly he was. Ok he perfered the term "teacher" or "sensi" and master did soud, well close too it but he never thought he'd be called that. Yet it would make it easy for him to stay in the mentor role not cru- he hit his head on one of the shelvs pulling the eggs out 'focus cresent' he cut that thought out and focused on the food.  


"as for today it'll be easy. you have two choices where to start first. bitting or fighting?" he asked as he began to look for more ingredents for the eggs

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"Eggs? Ponies don't eat eggs, have never eaten eggs before yuck. But I didn't like blood before either so ok then. Can you elaborate on both options, I guess biting will be fun." Emerald blushed from saying that, was biting akin to something what special someponies do together? "What does the fighting involve because you know that I am trained so something vampire thing then?" Emerald then gave Crescent curious look as she said, "how do I eat eggs?"

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@, "really huh must be just me then. you eat it like you would pasta with a fork. I'll give you the classic omlet to start out" the bat pony took the eggs out cracking them over the warming pan with his wings


"the bitting you need work on in order not to hit the bone, but the more I think about it youll need to heal more after our sparing. Because I know how gaurd's fight but they didn't train you much on being blind and fighting did they?" Cresent said smiling at how his mentor taught him blind fighting.

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"Um not using my eyes was one of the things about fighting I kinda need to see my opponent to hit him, so yeah I guess that will be tonight's um first lesson?" Emerald smelled the eggs starting to cook the smell was nothing like she had smelled before but, the smell was quite pleasant actually.

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@, Cresent smiled remembering his first lesson on blind fighting, he then thought how to go about it. His teacher used a whip during the exercise, he knew he didn't have one so he began to think. He stoped that thought as he remembered trotting off in ribbions of blood after words. It did teach him how to fight while blind and bite more but not many hunters he's met has done that kind of damage to him. He looked at the mare sniffing the air of eggs trying to see himself doing that to her....he couldn't. He just nodded at the mare


"sparing after breakfast it is then, so tell me" Cresent turned back towards his cooking as he added some peppers to the eggs and began to chop up unions using a knife


"what has been the hardest fght youv been in, pre bite I mean" asked the batpony

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"ok then fighting in the morning it is, um early night? I still don't get that." Emerald looked more grimly at Crescent "yeah i've seen some rather nasty scraps in my various years in the guard, the worst fight was in was the changeling invasion of canterlot we lost a lot of good ponies that day there were so many of those bastards, killed a lot of them too." She spits on the floor. "oh sorry about that it just grrrr..." Emerald got up and got a cloth from the sink and wiped up her mess she had made returned the cloth and then went back to her seat. She took in smell of the eggs it seemed like a nice thing when they were ready. 

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@, Seeing Emerald spit on the floor sent an anoynce that was quckly cooled when she cleaned up after herself.


" I herd about the Canterlot battle but never took part in it, part of me whish's I could have tho. but something keept me away that day" Cresent said.  


Carfully the bat pony moved the hot pan with his wings tipping the pan with the freshly made omelet onto Emeralds plate trying not to burn himself. "so you were at the canterlot battle eh, cant see how I could make that harder. worst one for me was" the bat pony paused setting the pan down and began to make himself an owlet, he also had to think about it.


"There was this one lead I was tracking in The bad lands, turned out to be a red haring. Found that one out after getting thru this cyberpony. It was an prototype bassed of rainbow dash. Haven't met her yet but this cyber pony would give that pegisi a run for her bits" Cresent said as he added his own peppers and spices to the omelet

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"a what now cyberpony like a machine pony? How odd sorry for the spiting I just it's not good for me yes." She looks at the omelet on her plate what is that? She hesitantly takes a small bite of the emelet, then chews it slowly in her mouth making a funny face. "this is not too bad, I can learn to like it hmm." Emerald eats the rest at a slow pace taking in each mouthful expecting the next to be horrible but soon enough she has eaten all of it and that was that. "i'll meet you outside then for what ever you have in store." Emerald puts her plate in the sink and goes outside and is on the ground stretching most of her limbs... 

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@, As Emerald made her way out Cresent called to her as she was at the door


"grab the red scarf on your left on the way out ill be there in a bit" The bat pony quickly eat the Omlet thinking how to go about the lesson. once he downed the omlet he smiled at the idea


"She'll hate it but will thank me later" he went towards the fridge pulling four blood drinks out. He looked outside to see Emerald stretching. perfect she was on the right part of the yard. He moved back up stairs to his trap board. turned on his PA system "ok Emerald here's what were doing. first put the scarf on your eyes. this is a hearing exercise" he said into the mic. A look of confusion crossed the mare face, she shrugged and put the scarf over her eyes.  


"now things are about to get, loud" he pulled a lever at his trap board as the earth she was standing on suddenly was pulled slowly up via a lift. What Emerald didn't see was the four empty buckets spaced out around her in a circle attached to 4 poles. He flew out of the tree house and filled the bucket up with the blood. The platform she was standing on had enough space for two pony's to duke it out. Once satisfied with the blood buckets he stepped on a button that began to rotate the circle stage clockwise spinning the mare.


If cresent started this right she should be hearing the blood seem to move around her, he looked up seeing how she was taking the whole adjustment

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"what is going on here you lunatic?" although she had a smile on her face as she said it, she was totally disorientated, and could only seem to pick up on his heart only nothing of the rest of his body and the buckets of blood around her. "how can I defend myself If i can't see my attacker? I have a feeling I will be hurting after this yes? She pulled her halber out of her tail and unfurled it half way the length of a 1 hoofed axe with a more extravagant blade section...

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@, Cresent laughed at the lunatic line "you think I'm crazy now, you've seen nothing yet" he jumped onto the moving platform and using his wings grabbed the staff of the and yanked it with more force then he thought having her pulled forward towards him. He held up his hoof having her run into it face first. He flew up with the halberd and tossed it aside flying back down.  


"were starting at the basics, no weapons, now show me what you got" said the bat pony folding his wings in tight getting in his kick boxing stance. facing the mare

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"ow my nose" she rubbed it, "if have no weapons I'm not staying on the ground." (like this


she took off and was hovering a foot of the ground. now he's quick, can see me, and is expecting nothing akin to a challenge hmm. Still totally confused she tried to home in on only Crescent but the smell from the buckets was very off putting making her fags come out again. She moved towards Crescent slowly deliberately slow, he did not move from his position, well his heart anyway so that was what she was aiming for as she closed on him trying to make out that she could not see anything "where are you? it's like playing marco, punches Pollo, really" she kept moving forward until she was so close she thought they might kiss each other and with that with all the strength and speed she could muster a punch from her right hoof directly to the heart of Crescent...

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@, seeing Emerald fly up impressed cresent watching her soon dive towards him as he spun he didn't know how it would go honestly. Then it was the dive on how she was homing in, with him spinning she was keeping her ears forward As her face approached his he wanted to stay there seeing if they would kiss, feeling her lips brush his he flew up. not sure if there lips made contact or not. He wasn't able to find out as he blocked the right hoof with his and using her momentum to send her into one of the blood buckets. The spinning arena kept her from fully resting on the pole as it more flung her off the stage into the grass.


"good try with the areal but what if you cant fly what then lass?" The bat pony jumped on the mare holding her wings down placing a hoof near her neck. "that makes you dead, try again" he spred his wings and flew off her back to the spinning stage "and keep the scarf on till I say so" He wondered what the mare would do next   

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"um ok? why not cut my legs off too while you're at it?" The tone of her voice was a degree of frustration now, spinning on the platform was really bad doing this for a while would make her sick, ok then, I will probably have armour on in the future so. Emerald Started to throw punches kicks and the such towards the only thing she could see, a lot of her hits were missing and the ones that landed were either blocked or he took them without much effect. His counters to her attacks were painful, breath taking and accurate. She backed off from him still spinning "how can I do this? Like trying to hit thin air, while it hits you back." She wondered why not he's gonna keep winning anyway, she moved back to him and attacked again except after he counted again she moved with the strike and charged and took both of them off the platform. 

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@, as the two ponys went off the platform cresent soon found himself trading blows with the mare while hovering above the ground as they both recovered. This was another few things that impressed im so far but her movements were slowed still like she was use to wearing her armor. Plus her blood was hammering like an fright train with how annoyed she was getting at cresent. Her strikes and attacks showed it,


"don't let anger get in the way of form" he said blocking a strike and countering it with moving back and slapping his wings in front of him hard sending a wave of wind into the mare having her crash to the ground. Cresent hovered there waiting for her to recover, then glided on down to the mare taking off her scarf "that's enough fighting for tonight lass" said the batpony smiling at the mare.


He trotted over stepping on the button that stopped the platform spinning. Looking back he sat in front of the mare looking at her exhausted face "hunters wont care about your armor. do to their unpredictability there may be time where your just forced to hoof on hoof combat."  

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Emerald was still quite angry at this point, "yeah they might catch me with no armour but not when I can't see and fly either. I need to hit something." She flew over to a tree and kicked a branch of it a large branch at that. She flew back over to Crescent and lay down 'ouch' was all she could say as she laid down he had beaten her quite badly and everything hurt and her face was wincing in pain the whole time as she moved things slowly testing for what would hurt or not. Emerald looked up at him "can we not do that so much it's hurting a lot now." She tried to smile but could not manage it.

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@, Crescent laughed at the mare,


"oh we'll keep doing that till you beat me. Then you could use your weapon on me... that'll be fun now wouldn't it?" he said looking down at the mare. He remembered how he reacted to this training by simply walking away from the grounds. Which he was surprised she was still here.


"then again when I did this my master did have a wipe on him... your welcome" he said looking at the sky laying down next to the annoyed and tensed mare.  


The two pony's lay there gazing at the sky for a bit just breathing. Crescent then held out his arm in front of the mares face "bite me, you need to heal, and don't hit the bone again" he said still looking at the sky.

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Emerald did not really think about it now, a somewhat frightening thing as she relised after she had simply bit him without any thought, i guess i'm changing now aren't I? The blood was sweet and lovely and the the action felt weirdly natural now. She simply lay there next to him drinking feeling the injuries she felt before going away. She also felt a lot happier now with him being so quick to help her. you may of not used a whip but you still hurt me a lot. There eyes were somewhat locked at she fed.     

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As emerald Fed on him cresent breathed in slowly as she sank her teeth in his arm and slowly breathed out. It felt good honestly to get bleed and seeing it help her out. There eyes met as she Fed more on him he knew what she was saying 28th the look she was giving him. He just smiled glad she hasn't bit his bone, and a side of him admitted she looked cute.

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Emerald finished after a few moments knowing that any longer was a no go for either of them, after she stopped she held his hoof and now kissed it "kissed it better." when there eyes met again it was embarrassing so she blushed and looked away from him back up to the night sky. The stars were so beautiful to her, "I love the stars, wonder where they all come from?" She rolled onto her side and moved closer to him present her neck, "your turn if you want."  

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feeling her lips on the cut she made on him made him blush a bit, even more so when she presented her neck to him, he did need to recover a bit from the long sparing. He placed his wings around her facing her neck


"a bite shouldn't be too bad. plus you asked about the cyber pony. I think I can show you how that went down" He sank his teeth in the mares neck focusing again on the memory magic he was taught



At the sharp but great pain Emerald closed here eyes then found herself in a dessert with wind blowing up the sand around her, she then saw a somewhat younger version of cresent not as young as the first blood vision. He looked just 2 years younger then her sister yet it was hard to keep track of his orange mane as he dodged something big and metal trying to smash him.


The younger cresent was scraped up and bleeding Emerald saw as he sore above the giant pony and steady himself for another attack. The "cyber pony" was3 times the size as Cresent was, when the shadow cast over him the robot pony seemed more threatening. On Cresents forward most hoof Emerald saw his Gauntlet with the blade a bright blue color that shined in the night of the dessert.


The Cyber pony made a similar stance Emerald recognized as Cresent kickboxing style, yet not only had the cyber pony had more height to it two of its own blades sported from its for hoofs.


"now that's just being lazy" cresent said and charged the tall cyber beast. It swung the blade low to get cresent head cut clean off, he ducked blocking it with his blade. yet had his right wing hit by the cyberponys 2nd bladed hoof. Cresent screamed in pain and shock at the wound crimpling the bat pony


"so what would you do if you couldn't fly lass?" his voiced echoed in Emeralds mind seeing that. Cresent responded by stabbing his gauntlet blade into the bigger one cutting the bigger blade. The cyber pony backed up confused at what just happened to it blade.


Cresent seemed to have barked in anger at the cyber pony getting its attention. the two began to trade blows with the blades left and right. The cyber pony's powerful and bone crushing while slow on the recovery. Cresents was quick and staggered strikes with the bleeding wing grounding him. yet the recover was about the same for the bat as it was with the cyberpony.


Finaly the 2nd blade broke on the cyber pony giving cresent the perfect gap to go for the kill lancing his gauntlet blade into the cyberponys head. He kicked the cyber pony to get the blade out, as the head fizzled, sparked, and soon blew up having the pony fall lifeless.  


Emerald felt the sharp but good pain again as she found herself staring at the night sky again in the present

Edited by cwhip9
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(cheers for extending that post)


Emerald was panting, breathing quickly and shallowly as the intensity of his vision he had placed her in, the pain to begin was severe, and was intense throughout the entire vision. her eye that was not in the ground looked back at the bloody mess her neck was in. The sight made her smile, which was weird she did not understand how and why she was now enjoying this vampire thing it was against her personal set of morals, she performed whatever vampire actions was immediate and without thought only after she saw the aftermath she was shocked by her own actions, this change was really affecting her as a pony and she was worried this all a internal conflict that Crescent was unaware of.


Her neck was quite sore now Crescent had bitten deeply in order to show her these visions she tried to move her head to look at him but the pain was acute and she sighed in pain, "so that is why you won't let me fly," you were sloppy so I can't use my wings, although the training can't hurt but you do. "so that was you hardest fight hey? That is pretty good one actually." She smiled but he probably did not see it. "I need to lie here for a few more minutes that vision was quite painful to watch, not that it was bad, well seeing you hurt was not nice, but you bit me deeply to show me it I need a few moments now."   

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@, Cresent grimaced embarrassed by his biting.  "ya sorry for that deep bite I gusse I did over do it on that one." the bat pony hugged the mare loser trying to make up for it.


"also for the flying bit I just wanted to see how you fought without wings, they could be used against you and I didn't feel like impaling one of them. Hence why when on the ground you keep your wings closed tight"  


The batpony looked at the mares neck feeling bad, aside from the sparing, he held out his bitten arm in front of her to bit again, kissing the wounded neck he said "bite me it will help regenerate this" he said

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She looked at his leg and went to bite again, but stopped herself "no Crescent this is going in circles, I will just rest here i'll be fine soon enough the biting is nice and being bitten is nice too but not as hard as before but no more for now."


Her personal moral system had won this round of internal arguments no more blood for now, so she simply looked at the stars again taking in their majesty. "but you're so selfless to offer without much question, but we'll just leave it for now ok...do you have a nickname Crescent is so formal after all of this, you can give me one too."


the last half of that sentence was quite chirpy and cheerful, again she tried to move her head which with some effort and pain and groaning moved onto her back now looking up at the night sky.

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