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private Blood Lessons RP


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Cresent was surprised at her restraint how quickly she is starting to say no to biting after being thro the vision and the sparing.


"ah good your getting better already at the bitting" he said. He just placed his leg back where it was trying to help her relax. Then the name question came up about nicknames and such.


"most pony's call me cres to shorten it. or C in some case's. So its your call honistly" he looked at the nigh sky thinking up how to shorten Emeralds name too less of a mouthful...Em...E....EB......he mused it over some more


"dose EB work for you, shortens Emerald Bolt a lot" he asked

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She chuckled at his suggestions "Eb is fine C." She laughed again but was stopped by the pain it was lessening but not there just yet for it not to hurt still. "are we planing anything else tonight Cres?" she looked at with him with a playful grin. although she was still in a bit of pain never the less the look on her face was truthful.


(short post on break at work when ^ written)

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@, Cresent smiled at the mare wanting very much to try to kiss her, but he was still cautious thinking its too soon for anything like that. "well E, I was thinking of just fighting and biting 101 really. but I think that's it for class today" cresent said looking into Emeralds eyes. They probably should know each other more then just bite and beat each other up. "we probably should know each other more if were going to keep fighting. And I'm hungry, lets have some sandwich's" he said getting up helping Emerald up as well.


As the two pony's entered cresent tree house again Cresent opened and close a few cabinets looking for sandwich fixings "so how was growing up like if you don't mind me asking?" he asked

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Emerald sat at her usual seat, well were she had sat before each time, "my younger life hmm. Well I'll try to sum it up I guess, I was born into the Orange family you may of heard of us since we farm all the oranges in Equestria," She smiled cheekily from that "I was the first of my family in many generations to be born a Pegasus, and my sister the same except she is a Unicorn our older siblings and most of the ponies on our farm are Earth ponies so it came at some surprise to many really except my grandcolt who said there were both in the family tree and you don't know the luck of the draw, me and my sister Sapphire we were thick as thieves still are, we helped at the farm until we, I was 16 she is a year younger than me. When that happened we left to see the world traveling from one side of the county to the next over the next two years, we had fun met friends and experienced much including hardship for us and others we always tried to lend a hoof." Emerald got up and got a glass of water before continuing.      


"A sense of purpose found me when I helped others so I thought I'd join the guard and help everypony, that few months to start with was dull guard duty most of the time. until I went with a detachment to a small town called Ponyville to guard Celestia during the event you know the one where the Elements of Harmony were found and Luna returned. I asked my commander to stay in Ponyville I believed that somepony should stay and watch out for the now Princess Twilight and friends, he said no but Celestia over herd and she said yes and gave me a one the spot promotion for it too." Emerald smiled at Crescent. "Sapphire was not in the guard at the time she joined to follow me so long as we were always together the recruitment officer said yes and that was that. Everything was great until last week when well as I said Fluttershy bit me and well now I'm here." She looked sad then looked down and had some water.  

  • Brohoof 1

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@, Hearing th story of Emerald bolt the bat pony smiled at her god fortune thus far even with hardships of moving around. Also how close she was to her sister he worried how his teachings might effect her later on slightly, he trusted himself tho. And he also had Luna ridding him when she mentioned her destiny the night before hoof. Then how she ended her story with a kind sad tone at being bitten.


"don't look at the flutter bat as a draw back, consider it a new chapter if you will. And speaking of oranges catch," he lightly flew an orange he found in the fridge at Emerald. "you see the wonderful thing about oranges they are like life" he said hearing her catch the fruit.

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She caught the orange just she was not expecting him to toss one. "how are oranges like life then Cres? And I will try to see this vampirism lark as a new chapter, just not having a say in it, the longing to want to kill all my friends and my sister and dying in the middle of it well i kinda ruins the mood, but I will try to take heed of your advice." She started to peel the orange she knew where every orange in Equestria had came from by the smell and look the different farms produced different things. "hmm this one came from my farm actually Orange Grove, ah it smells like home." A tear fell from her eye, "I miss home so far away from here I haven't seen the farm in months. What was it, how is life like an orange?" She genuinely had no clue how the two compare to each other.

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@, Cresent smiled closing the door to the fridge pulling out another "in life you want a goal yes? see the family get into the guard, get the your dream saddle what have you" The bat pony held the orange up. "but half the reason you want it or need it is to help yourself. example im hungry and I want something sweet to eat"


He bit the orange with the skin on, making an ew face he quickly spat the mouthful in his garbage "ok that didn't work lets try this way" the bat pony began to pick at the skin of the orange getting more off then took a bite


. "good but im not a patint bat, heres an idea" he went to the draw pulled out a kitchen knife and cut the orange in half. He took a bite out of the orange with out the skin this time


He smiled "and now iv reached my goal" He took another bite of the orange less show ponying it like he was and actually eat it. "Life is like an orange"

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"that is a strange way to look at an orange," she laughed " but your a bit um, what is the right word? Yes different that anypony else I have met so it's not too far for me to accept your views on oranges?" Emerald looked confused. "Anyway what do you do around her for fun apart from teaching new vampires how to live and making funny stares at me, I've seen that look before in other stallions eyes before there only ever after one thing. I don't know where that came from?! Um forget I said that, your actions up to now have been fine so, why did I say that?" She shook her head and ate her orange, "oh yeah where is your bathroom I need to clean this mess up you kinda left on me." She giggled "hope to make another one soon enough, not as painful though next time maybe you should ask before you show me visions you seem to have to really bite me to get them to work, and it is genuinely painful." She got up put the skin in the bin and walked to the doorway waiting for an answer to where to go plus anything else he'd want to say. You could always show me who know what might happen? Why am I thinking like that?

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@, Cresent blinked a bit at the response, he was trying to figer out if he just hit on him and was asking for 1st base or not really. He wanted to show her himself but something told him don't bite at the bathroom bait, then there was that comment about his stairs he was giving her. he blushed hard at that one "bathroom is 2nd door on the left aand ill answer your questions once you get back from that." the batpony said as he went up stairs to retrieve his map he had been working on


He came back down stairs with a book, a roll of paper he had in his teeth and a pen, Emerald wasn't back yet so he relaxed a bit setting the things on the table. "should we explore the woods today, it would be a fun tracking exercise" he thought out loud

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Emerald went up the stairs and found the bathroom and inspected herself in the mirror, there was a glow about her she had never seen before something noticeable, is this vampire related, i'll ask Cres, she looked at the patch of dry blood on her neck and the pair of large puncture holes, even after all the pain it had caused her she just wanted more of it. She snapped out of her miniature trance and washed herself and looked again the glow was still there and the holes but all the blood was gone just normal her and that was that she supposed.



Emerald walked back down to she Crescent with some items on the table, she walked to her seat and looked at him and the collection of items, "so what we have here then Cres? Also I'm glowing to some extent it's subtle but it's there is that just me going mad or another vamp thing, also" gesturing to her neck "when are these going to go away? how fast do we, well vampires regenerate these things a wound like this normal would never fully heal and would leave scars."

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@, "what we have here is the map of the Everfree forests iv been working The bat pony herd on the bite bit. He turned seeing the mare next examining the mare neck. 


"glowing is definitely new. but as far as cuts and such those heal a lot more quick for us vampires like in minuets. as for the glowing" he looked closer at the glowing wound.


"if anything that's the side effect of the blood memory most likely" said Cresent getting his face closer to the mares neck for more inspecting...he truly haven't seen it before. he scribbled down some notes on it. He scratched his mane "or is that where flutter bat bit you?" he asked the mare   

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"um no I meant me in general not the bite mark, alought thanks for clearing that bit up, and Fluttershy bit me on the hoof here." She raises her front right hoof two small holes are visible just under her fur they are scarred from the attack. "so you are trying to map the Everfree hey? That must keep you busy when you're not teaching fledglings like me or being attacked by hunters." She looks at the map "you have been busy a lot of the Everfree seems to be on there from what I know of this place which is not much as it is." 


Emeralds face scrunches up and she looks away from Crescent to he can only see half of her face, "um...um I have never said this before because it's never happened before but this has been a week of many firsts so, um... Crescent, do...do you want to, well...um Eeee I can't say it." She scratched her head with her wing then looked at him her face was red as blood, she looked around then took the pen and some paper and wrote something on it.


Then she passed it Crescent, the note read, "do you want to kiss me?"

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@, Cresent blinked a bit at the sudden note passed to him at the oddity of it. He looked back at the mare with a confused expression, and then laughed. After he hugged the mare with his wing and brought her in for a kiss on the lips. He let go after a bit of a deep kiss he let go off the mare "lass I have no camera's or mics around here so just tell me what's on your mind when you need to all right"   

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The kiss was actually unexpected she just passed him a note not a invitation but when he kissed her she was on cloud nine is was wonderful, her face was still as red as a strawberry, after she looked away, "I've never done that before." Emerald looked at bit dumbfounded by his actions, or maybe breathless was more accurate. "that was really nice though I feel a connection like when we bite each other without any of the blood or pain. Now like always as we seem to do my turn!" Before Crescent could realize it she lept at him both of them falling to the floor he on his back looking at her and she standing above him, they moved their faces closer together instinctively and kissed again.   

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@, the 2nd kiss cresent didn't see coming, in fact most of the week he didn't see happening much but he couldn't complain. He was always shy around mares, that or just didn't know which hint was what. and this happening the way its been just helped him relax more. As the two pony's made out, all the cares of hunters, teachings and the like left the window. After what seemed like eternity the two pony's needed to come up for air eventually still on his back he looked at the mare in her eyes.


"im not going to lie I half expected you to punch me after that, but this could be fun"  the batpony said

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"right you are there Cres," Emerald then punched him in his shoulder it was nothing but a tap, a playful gesture she then moved over and lay next to him on the floor in the kitchen next to the table and some toppled chairs, not exactly the most romantic scene but they were caught up in the moment it was that which is what counted. she looked longingly into his eyes, they were just a perfect shade of blue and his colorful orange mane was also something to take in, "do you mind if I do this?" before he could answer she grabbed his left wing with her feathery one, feeling his hide like wings was so strange and this was an opportunity to put a feeling to the look. Some time passed as they lay there him on his back looking at her and her features and Emerald on her side moving her left wing up and down parts of him just lightly. There was not a care in the whole world...


...Until there was a knock at the door.


(you can ignore the last part ^ or play with it, i'll introduce who it is in the next post, hint hint she has a blue mane)

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@, Cresent was just enjoying the odd feeling his wing was getting from the mare, without her realizing it she was in fact massaging his left wing which badly needed it. he couldn't recall the last time his wing did get a massage. The knock on the door had him open his sleepy eye of getting lost with the mare. He got off the floor looked at the door, "now who at this time of night would be here" he moved the chairs back where they were and looked at Emerald not sure if she should hide or not. "unless this is a friend of yours be ready for anything" he approached the door


"hold on a sec" he called holding onto the door handel ready to activate his door mat trap by twisting the handel in case its an enemy. the best part about the trap it could be activated with the door open, he opend the door "hello?"

(im gussing its sapphire?)

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(you guessed it, and she will have blue speech to differentiate between the two) 


"Yes hello have you seen a stray pegasus around here, sir?" first place i have found to ask that, Sapphire stood at the door she was in her armour, knowing what was out in the Everfree, she added "her name is Emerald she is my sister." Emerald's ears perked at that, she could hear her sister for the first time in what felt like forever what if i'm not ready to be around her I don't know she walked up to the door and Crescent quietly to him "let her in but I do anything vampy to her you knock me out cold understand!" There was real seriousness to her speech and manner. "Hello...?" 

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@, Cresent noded towards his mare friend/student "come on in she's been here, name cresent want a drink or something we were about to have lunch" he said welcoming the armored mare in his tone was calm yet he was tense. He still didn't see Emerald being around other ponys for the sake of her bitting another pony. Taking a quick listen to the armored mares blood he ould tell she was worried sick about Emerald sense they last saw each other.  

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Sapphire's face was grim as she entered but as soon as she saw her sister she looked like a philly at a candy shop she rushed Emerald and hugged half of her life out of her, Emerald was caught off guard by Sapphire's sudden life crushing hug. That passed almost at once as she hugged back, the two of them beyond words to be in each others company again, a troubling smell came into Emeralds nose though the smell of blood and the sound of her heart beat both were like stabbing knives into her, she stunk of blood much more than even Crescent did even when she had bit him. You won't harm her will you? I might all that blood NOT YOU AGAIN GO AWAY. By this time the hug had finished. 


"Emerald you have me sick to death worrying about you, you just up and left, me and the Elements and HALF of Ponyville were looking for you, why did you leave? Then Luna shows up and says that you will come back when you are ready, then she pulls me aside and tells me you are here and not to worry, well that did not work now i'm here with you sis." sapphire gave the largest grin in her whole life to them both. She then turned to Crescent, "pleasure to meet you there Crescent, thanks for taking my sister in." Sapphire could not see the state Emerald was in but Crescent could sure tell.

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@, Cresent casually trotted over towards emerald hearing her blood react to her sister not in between the two but still in a spot to stop Emerald from biting her sister....this was bad. "pleasure to meet you, you must be Saphire" Cresent took a bow of welcome during the bow he made eye contact with emerald. It wasn't a casual one, it was a 'carful lass' look.


"now I know your worried like bananas but what I'm basically helping her with her new gift" Sapphire gave him a odd look at the term gift. He let his vampire teeth pop out to answer her question. "and she's doing good so far" he said Emerald knew he was lying but saying to her sister leave or she'll bite would have made the whole situation worse   


"and you really should listen to Luna" he said

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The teeth made Sapphire snap out her happy trance, "so you are like my sister is now, well it's good that somepony is helping her." Sapphire noticed that Emerald was looking at her as if she was a hay sandwich after a busy day, it made sense to her now so that is why she left She hoofed her helmet "she can't be around normal ponies right now is that it, why she left?" Emerald was fighting her upmost just to only look at her sister she wasn't ready to be around normal ponies yet. "sis can you do me one favor." her words we disjointed and hard for her to say, "anything Em." "you have to leave and wait till i'm better." "now?" "YES!" Emerald, could not take it anymore the monster wanted her blood, her fangs came down and she tried to run towards Sapphire, Crescent was holding her back, "i'll be back sis, when you are better just let me know." Sapphire hurried out the door and ran like the wind back to Ponyville I'll see you again sis, soon. Emerald was in a blood frenzy with Sapphire out of the picture she now looked at Crescent the same way and tried to bite him... 

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@, As Emerald tried to bite Cresent he held her back more "Wake up Emerald!" but the blood rage had taken full control as she still gnashed her teeth at him. He kicked her into the wall, cresent flew towards the fridge door pulling out the blue potion Zacora gave them. As she recovered and leapt toward him he popped open the bottle and as he turned shoved it into the mares mouth having the liquid flood in her mouth. She pulled back screaming as if she had her young burnt, As she tried to fly towards the door Cresent tackled the blood rage vamp and slamed her head into the floor knocking her out cold. 


Cresent got off the knocked out mare, picked her up and laid her on the bed she had in the living room. Placeing her down he tucked her in kissing the mares cheek. If he did this right she would have blacked out when she tried to attack her sister and not remember what happened next. He locked his front door, pulled a lever by the bed as a bird cage moved from below the floor boards around the bed.


He closed the fridge door, made the hey sandwich for emerald and himself. placed the plat inside the cage for her to wake up and eat with a little note he wrote next to it saying


"Emerald, you may not remember anything that happened after your sister left, she is fine eat this and ill be down soon. tonight's lesson will be on control"


After which he made his way upstairs toward his bedroom, closed the door crawled in bed...and finally let the tears guide him to sleep

  • Brohoof 1
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(very good post there Cwhip, had to be said)


Next night


Emerald slowly opened her eye's the first thing was the splitting headache she felt, placing her hoof on her head and rubbing it. "ugh, what...where why...who?" as her vision came back to it, she noticed the cage around her cage? what, HUNTERS no wait. Her vision had now come back she realized she was still in Crescent's house, "why am I in a cage?" She sat up her head was still pounding, she looked around to see why she was in this cage, "what happened, where is Sapphire and Crescent?" She looked around finding that she was in the bed she had been sleeping in, then spotted the note and sandwich. 


Emerald picked up the sandwich with one hoof and the note with the other. "I could eat something I guess." then started to eat the sandwich and read the note, "what happened?! I cant remember!" That is because I was in charge haha. Not you again bugger off, ​no and I will kill everything you love and hold dear just give me time, your power will only weaken you monster I will control you soon enough, Lies! Emerald then punched herself, she was now rubbing were she had punched I have so much control it is not funny. For now but one day I will lock you in a cage and that will be the end of you, mark my words demon humph those words seem to dishearten it and the monster left her mind again.  


"Well great now i'm stuck in here till Luna knows when, um." Emerald looked over to the clock it was 6.30pm, "Crescent wont be too long now I hope, wait I was out a whole day?" Emerald sat up and looked around borde something to do? I will meditate the note said control lets think about that then. Emerald sat up closed her eyes and started to think about herself, Crescent her sister and control... 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@,(thanks I was going for a lot of emotion that last post sorry if feels hit you)   Cresent woke up from his sleep 'it has to be tonight otherwise it will control her' the thought came to him. He knew two ways this next lesson could go, painful each way. "no I'm not even going near it" he said to himself yet his truthful side said more 'without seeing yours she can realize how to control'


Cresent dumped his head in the sink and turned on the facet letting the water calm and wake him up more. He shook his head looking in the mirror, "here we go" he said to himself.


He walked down stairs to see Emerald upright in a meditation pose, he saw she ate the sandwich. He then sat there watching her meditate, not wanting to break her concentration and admiring how the mare looked. He still didn't believe how last night ended, meeting the family went another direction in his head but hopefully the 2nd take wont be as bad.

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