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private Blood Lessons RP


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(no worries mate, emotion makes for some of the best reading)


Even as Crescent sat there watching her she a obvious for some time, it's possible an hour passed as Emerald was deep in thought about many things, after the time passed she came back to focus on the world around here picking up on the heartbeat outside the cage before she opened her eyes. "good morning Cres," she opened her eyes and looked at him, she was very calm at this moment it was in the way she spoke and how she looked at him, "what happened yesterday? I can't remember after hugging my sister." I think I might want to stay in the cage until he thinks it's ok.

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Cresent smiled "morning lass, yesterday kind of ended on a ruff note for you. somehow your blood rage was triggered after you hugged your sister" seeing the mares face go to concern he quickly added "she's safe don't worry, she left as it was starting. I had no choice but to knock you out, hence the cage" He approached the cage wanting desperately to hug her but he stopped himself.


"i didn't realize how easy your blood rage would take over, and I didn't want it happening while I slept, I hope you understand E" he cleared his voice a bit. "now todays lesson, its going to be painful now matter what for you, not like the sparing we did but still going to leave a mark. And I'm giving you two choices on how we do it" He breathed out


"1 I show you thru  blood memory how I took care of my blood rage" he paused thinking up the memory, Emerald noticed his generally cheerful tone was more serious like he was arguing with himself "or 2 we re awake your blood rage and I teach you about locking it up" He waited for the mares response

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Emerald thought about the two options and the seriousness of what Crescent was saying, "and I thought today might be less intense oh well." She raised her hoof to her chin and rubbed it in thought. "well I don't want that thing in charge again, and I don't want to hurt you or put you at risk to option one then Cres." She knew it was going to hurt but hurting him was not an option for her they had a connection time would tell where that would lead.

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Cresent grimed "good that make the 2nd part easy" he said he pulled a lever bringing the cage gown into the floor boards again. Trotting over to the mare he kissed her cheek.


"I'll try not to bite to deep this time" before she could respond cresent bite her neck. Emerald found herself in a different cottage with an even younger cresent next to her

He looked like a colt and he still had a cutimark as a lamp but the face was that of a anoyed and scared colt facing a fountain twice as tall as him "but teacher he's scary can't you do it?" cresent said to a batpony with a dark purple coat and a blue pair of wings mane and tail to match


" cresent nopony can do this but yourself now drink from the fountain" the young colt shakenly approched it beating his wings to reach it.


"You sure it will taste good?" the purple batpony huffed in frustration and dunked Cresents head into the fountain. Sparkel found herself in another room of sorts. It felt darker then the tree house but could still see colt cresent or rather two of him.


The 2nd colt cresent had the same features except for one thing, rather large difference between the two of them. The 2nd colts face had a wicked smile on his face that seemed to have been stretched past any normal ponys Emerald had thought possible.


"Ah so here you are finally, I was wondering when you would grow your fangs for this dance to happen" The 2nd colt's voice seemed to be in a higher voice then the younger cresent.


"I..i'm going to stop you, this time...m" the 1st cresent began trying to be confident in the face of himself


The 2nd cresent laughed, it wasn't one Emerald would want to remember "Really now? if you were to stop me then why cant you say my naaame?" jeered the 2nd cresent. in which then tackled the original cresent holding its hoofs around the others neck "what's that, something you are trying to say, your teacher said so herself this is your battle cres. your really going to die like this and let me win this easily?" 


The 1st cresent struggled final moving the chock hold away and head butted the 2nd cresent. The 2nd cresent smile went to an annoyed look then punched crescent jaw still holding him down he raised his hoof and hit cresent with more strikes "really a head but? and I thought with Willow gone you would fight better after all...you did kill him didn't you." The 2nd Cresent was about to make another punch   


Emerald saw the 1st cresents expressions go from terror...to absolute rage. The first cresent bit the incoming hoof making the 2nd give a surprised shriek and tried to pry the first off the hoof. the first cresent let go of the hoof and kicked the 2nd off him. He got off the dark floor screamed in anger and rush the 2nd Cresent,


It was then both cresents seemed to pause in motion, Emerald herd the older cresents voice "now from what I remember it was close between me and Mall here but here are the highlights" the two cresents where now bloodyed up, more so then Emerald had seen in cresent other visions. One of them had a missing wing, well missing wasn't the most accrued as the wing on one of them had looked like it was about to fall off. The only difference between the two Emerald could was how each sounded. The one with the messed up wing sounded similar to the 2nd Cresent


"you...your nothing...nothing without me....think about it...together we" the Cresent that had his wings still attached pounced on the wounded one having a cry of pain from it.  


"your not me, you've ruined everything for me!!! you wont be here anymore!!!!! your not in charge any more MALL!" the cresent with the wings said and then stomped on the near broking wing breaking it from its joint.


Emerald felt a rush of wind as if being plucked up by invisible hands as she found herself back in cresents tree house. Cresent had let go of Emerald looking like he just flew a marathon as he stiffly moved off the bed, he also seemed...weaker

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She looked at him her neck yet again was in some pain, however it was not as bad as the last time he had shown her visions, he was getting better at it maybe rusty after and absence from doing so. She looked at him her eyes said a lot to him, what he would be able to tell would be sadness and a longing to want to help him, she finally spoke "Mall was your demon then, and you beat him so you are in charge, now?" she gave him a hug nevertheless. 


She then pulled back from it and looked at him again her face was more stern, "how and when will this happen to me?" Like he even knows? The pain from her neck as intense but he was the priority for the moment she lay back on the bed on her back, then motioned to him for him to lay his head on her chest (basicly I see it as Cres putting his head on her otherwise he is lying next to her), she stroked him lovingly with a combination of her hoof and wings.  

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@, With his head on her chest crescent closed his eyes thinking, the problem with her question is theres no one size fits all that he knew off. So Emerald fighting her blood rage like he did


"It could happen anytime really" he said truthfully. He was still sad do to how she became a vamp, "the problem with how I did my training vs. yours is most of what I know was done when I was little, but I do know this much about it"


The bat pony turned around to face the mare now hugging her close "it will be the hardest if not 2nd most painful day of your life love. And I can rush you into it but that's all I can do for it" he kissed the mares lips. He felt like he should apologize more to her, but how?  


He pulled back from the kiss looking in the mares eyes getting lost in them "and yes im in control Malls dead"

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This new moment was blissful, the two of them together looking at one another, "well I don't know about that, I guess you should until i'm in charge my sister will always be in danger around me and i'll never be able to go back to her or my old life." The only thing bothering her was the pain again in her neck she was getting sick of him inducing visions on her without so much as a bit of notice, however they were very effective in conveying messages. "I love your eyes." Emerald looked away slightly as she said that but then looked back her face a pink colour of embarrassment then she kissed him again, waiting for how he was going to induce this battle she had to have.

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Crescent smiled kissing the mare " your eyes are better, but in all seriousness" the bay pony stood up walking towards the cage button "no matter how we do this in putting the cage up to be safe, I don't want to hurt you." he pressed the button as the cage pipes up around the bed again. It was then emerald saw he had his gauntlet on. The blade popes out " this will be round 1 of it'll look bad I might step in but that won't do much save knock you out." he pressed the blade close to his arm " remember your loved ones that will help, ready?" ( next post of yours be as long as you want your turn for some epic writting cresent will cut his arm after she nods also happy New years)

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(well this is gonna be long)


Emerald was slightly unnerved by how Crescent had just locked her in again but there was a reason behind it so she did not show it. "ok then here goes nothing." She smiled at him and then closed her eyes and then resumed her meditating sitting pose,


(alought all the following will be in her mind all the thoughts text like this she is speaking it out loud)


Well where are you then let's have this out monster. Good about time you faced me. For the first time Emerald actually saw her demon


 We will have this done by the end of this! Oh yes we will, soon you will have no power at all my dear little pegasus. You are over confidant and that will be your downfall. HAHAHA, we will see little Emerald soon I will beat you then i'll take command of our body, breakout of this cage and suck that little precious lover of your dry as a desert! By hell you will! 


Emerald took off from her ground stance and unfurled her halberd from her tail, you are in my domain daemon and you will die! This is my domain as well welp. (referring to her as shadow for this.) Shadow too takes off both or them just above the ground there prefered fighting spaces, Shadow then pulls out a pair of glowing red blades on in each hoof. This will be easy my little Emerald. With that she launched forward with lightning speed similar to the speed Crescent was capable of, the force of the impact knocked her to the ground, Shadow was now standing on top of her, pinning Emerald under her. That was too easy little pegasus! The Mistake is your's fool, with that Emerald kicked Shadow in the chest with her rear hooves winding her and breaking some of her ribs, the force of the impact also knocked her some distance into the air. She somehow took the hit and recovered quickly. Shadow looked at Emerald that was a good shot there you little B@#$% grr for that i'll just kill you and be done with it! DIE! Knowing that I will kill everypony you know and love! 


Shadow launched herself again, a flurry of strikes with her blades. Emerald either just managed to dodge or block the incoming blows until she tired, Emerald seized the initiative and swung a long arching horizontal strike. Shadow failed to dodge it and the blade from her halberd clipped her stomach, blood seped from her wound but she was unfazed by the injury and only got more angry. Grrrrr!! Emerald had not stopped and used the inertia of her strike to launch the spear point of her weapon straight into her stomach, all the way into the hilt (6"s) You are so weak compared to me! With that Shadow cut with her left blade and disabled Emeralds right hoof as the blade cut to the bone, arrgh!! Emerald reeled by the attack and staggered back pulling out Cloudslicer with her, she then folded the stock to turn her weapon into a heavy one hoof axe. Ignoring the pain or trying to she again struck at Shadow knocking one of her blades out of her hoof.


You can't win you weakling! We'll see you monster! Again the pair attacked one another either blocking or dodging one another. Until Shadow over shot badly and Emerald exploited it bringing her blade cutting into her, the axe head embedded itself into Shadow, Emerald let go and punched the other blade out of Shadow's hoof then kicked her onto the ground. I Yield, I YIELD! Fine but you will never escape the cage I said I would lock you in. A cage materialises around Emerald's shadow. the cage is covered on the inside she can't see nor hear Shadow.


Emerald pulls out of the trance she is in and with one last moment of strength says to Crescent "it...is...done." She then collapses and falls unconscious...


(well bugger me never thought i had it in me.)   

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(brovo bro as this rp go's on get used to that style it'll help you in other writing's, and its cool seeing that out of others)


 As Emerald feel back down passed out cresent almost stomped on the button pulling down the cage, and rushed his lover holding her close. Seeing the battle and hearing it on his side was like watching somepony you loved argue, fly, and danced almost like they were shadow boxing. but with her eyes closed....the shadow had more power then he thought if he did a similar thing during his. but her didn't know which emerald this was. The one he knocked the previous night or the shadow.


From her heavy breathing and pumping blood her knew her inner battle was over but...she did move around...ALOT....he noticed the deep cut on her hoof. Was his just as strong, or is this just a completely different struggle? He kissed his passed out lover's lips wondering if that would get a reaction from her. Hearing her blood get elevated the first time he kissed her calmed him, this was the real Emerald all right. He tucked her in the bed again and went over to the phone dialing a phone #


"Hey beaky its me bad time, no? good are you free tomorrow, great I could use a hoof....no no nothing urgent, just a test really. yes, yes still in the tree house....great oh and one more thing bring your staff. No its not that relax...ok....ok....see if you can get coolwhip to show up to haven't seen his mane in forever...all right peace". He hung up the phone looking back at his lover passed out sleeping.


As much as he wanted to snuggel up with her he decided it was too soon for them to wake up like that, so he decided to leave the cage down. double checked the doors were locked tight, made a note saying


"congrats love you did it! not sure if you'll wake up first or I will ether way tomorows and easy day. i'll be upstairs if you need me


With that he smiled and went upstairs to his sleep.


(don't worry I wont have your next post as wordy again bravo, your next post will just start the next day)

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(Good cose that took a bit of thinking I'll need time to do that again, and thanks for the praise)



The next night


Emerald came to rising to her hooves taking the covers with her, "CRESCENT!!" She screamed as she rose, "where is he! Is it over! Did I win?!" She looked around the room for him, I NEED TO HUG SOMETHING! "CRESCENT!!" She screamed again.

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Cresent's eyes went wide heparin Emerald shout he grabbed his gauntlet and flew down the stairs with the blade out "Emerald whets?!" he paused seeing the panicking mare, no blood anywhere, and no other blood beats near by. He hugged the mare kissing her to hush the alarm. "its ok love its ok" he rubbed her back with his wings deactivating the blade. "now breath, what's got you screaming bloody murder now eh?" he said looking the mare in the eyes calmly  

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Emerald said nothing and hugged the breath out of him, "just hold me Cres." where were you? Leaving me alone after this ordeal of mine, but you're here now. "I nearly lost to that creature, that shadow, she nearly killed me, I...I just need you to be here with me, tell me it's ok and such." Emerald was in a state her body was shaking and her voice trembling, she was terrified of what had happened and all the emotion was hitting her at once right now. She then over killed her hug wrapping him in her wings aswell "just hold me Cres."

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Cresent realized maybe sleeping upstairs wasn't the best idea for his lover, the hug was tight tho, he patted her back to single to let go a little. once she did he kissed her deeply and hugging her close. The two lovers stood like that for a bit cresent broke the kiss feeling his lovers tears. "your fine love, noponys going to hurt you now I promise" he snuggeled the mare close.

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She needed the comfort he was offering, "thanks I...I really needed that," she moved back a bit they were still close but at a talking distance "I beat her the demon inside but I did not kill her she in a cage now I can't hear or see her now will that be enough? Should I go back and kill her now, she can't escape from the cage though." She then pulled away completely and stood up and walked to the kitchen entrance "I really need to have some blood actually."

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Cresent stood there thinking carfully, he still hadn't truly killed his blood rage only crippled it severely to were its barley there...just....a small...pebbles worth in his sub conscious


"part of it being your battle hun is your call on how and when the killing blow really is" he walked by the mare patting her shoulder with his wing...this was the REAL emerald...right?....he hugged her and walked her towards the kitchen. letting go of her after a kiss on the cheek he went to the fridge and only pulled out 1 blood bottle, followed by the left over's of Zaccoras blue medicine.


"take this before the blood" Cresent said holding out the blue drink, this would be the test. If this was the real Emerald she would shrug and take the blue bottle, if she didn't....well it was all the proof he needed on what to do next.

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(i'm gonna let you make the decision on how you want to take it so have made a neutral post) 


Emerald had a puzzled look on her face, "why would I need that now I won so um why waste it?" She sat at the table She was quite confused by why he wanted her to drink it, "I really don't know why you want to make me have that?" She kept looking at him with confusion on her face a plain as day, despite it being night. "if you think I should?"

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"Oh just a fail safe love, I'm not doubting you beat it but it took me 3 times to beat mine so trust the bat then I'll give you more blood" he sat in front of her hopping it would be enough, he was ready to begin the 2nd round if she needed it. And it'll be a more direct intro for what he had in mind.

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(my intention is for Emerald to bite Crescent and show him what transpired, either in one or two posts depending, and for her to find her vampiric side's strength)  


It dawned on her why he was doing it now "you...you, don't think I won?" Emerald became angry from this, "I...I I WILL SHOW YOU!" he's gonna think that i'm the monster well there is something still in here. Emerald had a look of anger on her face, "you will not doubt me when I'm done Cres!" She moved towards him her anger just grew and grew like a kettle coming on to the boil, but she stopped half way towards him, her anger had unlocked something in her and she was now in transition.


Emerald cried out in pain, "what is happening to me?" she felt her skin tear and her wings the bones broke inside she fell to her knees screaming in pain her wings began to change, her fur darkened and her fags shot out of her mouth, Emerald had never felt agony like this before worse than anything she had ever felt.

note the eyes are blue so it's still her. post-35804-0-33916400-1451783345_thumb.jpg



Emerald rose to her hooves, felling power like nothing she had felt before, "I will show you now Crescent my...love?" the word actually threw her off for a moment it sounded natural for her to say but weird all the same. "I will show you like you showed me, stand still this will hurt." She then resumed her advance towards him.



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As emerald had her transformed into her, well vamped self he rushed towards her when she started, and soon stopped her screaming. he said "That was, your shadow..." As the mare was about to bite him he held out a hoof. "remember, match the beats then bring it to the brain"


He closed his eyes feeling the sharp but somewhat conferting pain of her blood memory, with his gauntlet leg still tense out of habit.

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(will be copying some of the earlier post already done the hard work why make a mountain out of a molehill)


Emerald focused on what he was saying to her, but she was furious with him and bit down hard on purpose in anger, but she soon found what she was aiming to do, even now he was understanding and gentle with her...


Now inside her mind they both stood there, "I can't believe you thought I'd lost Cresent your lack of faith is worrisome to me." her face was grim. "I will now show you what transpired." 


They now stood to the side of the fight she had with her shadow, "see and witness that I me the normal loving pegasus won not her!" 



Well where are you then let's have this out monster. Good about time you faced me. For the first time Emerald actually saw her demon Spoiler  We will have this done by the end of this! Oh yes we will, soon you will have no power at all my dear little pegasus. You are over confidant and that will be your downfall. HAHAHA, we will see little Emerald soon I will beat you then i'll take command of our body, breakout of this cage and suck that little precious lover of your dry as a desert! By hell you will!    Emerald took off from her ground stance and unfurled her halberd from her tail, you are in my domain daemon and you will die! This is my domain as well welp. (referring to her as shadow for this.) Shadow too takes off both or them just above the ground there prefered fighting spaces, Shadow then pulls out a pair of glowing red blades on in each hoof. This will be easy my little Emerald. With that she launched forward with lightning speed similar to the speed Crescent was capable of, the force of the impact knocked her to the ground, Shadow was now standing on top of her, pinning Emerald under her. That was too easy little pegasus! The Mistake is your's fool, with that Emerald kicked Shadow in the chest with her rear hooves winding her and breaking some of her ribs, the force of the impact also knocked her some distance into the air. She somehow took the hit and recovered quickly. Shadow looked at Emerald that was a good shot there you little B@#$% grr for that i'll just kill you and be done with it! DIE! Knowing that I will kill everypony you know and love!    Shadow launched herself again, a flurry of strikes with her blades. Emerald either just managed to dodge or block the incoming blows until she tired, Emerald seized the initiative and swung a long arching horizontal strike. Shadow failed to dodge it and the blade from her halberd clipped her stomach, blood seped from her wound but she was unfazed by the injury and only got more angry. Grrrrr!! Emerald had not stopped and used the inertia of her strike to launch the spear point of her weapon straight into her stomach, all the way into the hilt (6"s) You are so weak compared to me! With that Shadow cut with her left blade and disabled Emeralds right hoof as the blade cut to the bone, arrgh!! Emerald reeled by the attack and staggered back pulling out Cloudslicer with her, she then folded the stock to turn her weapon into a heavy one hoof axe. Ignoring the pain or trying to she again struck at Shadow knocking one of her blades out of her hoof.   You can't win you weakling! We'll see you monster! Again the pair attacked one another either blocking or dodging one another. Until Shadow over shot badly and Emerald exploited it bringing her blade cutting into her, the axe head embedded itself into Shadow, Emerald let go and punched the other blade out of Shadow's hoof then kicked her onto the ground. I Yield, I YIELD! Fine but you will never escape the cage I said I would lock you in. A cage materialises around Emerald's shadow. the cage is covered on the inside she can't see nor hear Shadow.



She looked at him as it ended and the other version of her faded until just both of them were there, "see it's alive but caged forever in my mind, I hope you see now."


Emerald pulled her teeth out of him and regained her hold on reality it was somewhat disorientating, then looked at the deep bite she had inflicted on him and all the anger and rage left her. "oh by Celestia I'm sorry Cres, what came over me she reached out to him with her wing then noticed a bat like one instead of her regular feathery one "what is this? I'm not a bat pony? No we will sort that out later." She moved towards him embraced him then gave him a long kiss, after she lowered her head to her side presenting her heck to him. "go on I really hurt you."

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Cresent held her close, she did take a lot of blood from him for her first blood vision, but she was proving to be a fast learner. He sank his teeth into her neck, the opposite side of which he bit last time and began to drink. Not much but enough for her to keep going along with himself. After his feeding he kissed Emerald back, pulled back looking his lover in the eyes


 "you did well hun, my doubt didn't mean anything against you. I just like being sure...as for your battle with your shadow. well done, but take heed love, cages can always break" He hugged the mare again feeling her breath on him. He kissed her deeply again, then was interrupted by a knock on the door. He pulled back annoyed at the timing and seeing Emeralds face do a cute little pout, he moved her mane out of the mare eyes with his wing tip.


"its ok, this is part of the lesson today. They are good buddy's of mine" he turned towards the door, opening it. "Beaky on time as always!" Emerald saw Cresent greet a rather odd gryphon. The gryphon's beak was jet black and coat resembled the pattern of an eagle.


"not a problem cres, and coolwhip will be here later said he was wrapping up a case" The gryphon walked in following cresent into the kitchen seeing Emerald. "ah so sorry names Dark Beak, Cresent giving you trouble now or the opposite?" The gryphon said jokingly trying to get cresent annoyed  

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"um hello there um Dark Beak." she giggled on the inside Gryphons have such unoriginal names She looked over to Crescent, "um why am I like this is like the fangs, oh am supposed to say that around him." gesturing to Dark Beak. She then moved over to the sink and washed the blood of her neck and moved her mane over the wound. Let that heal now. She then moved over to her normal seat and looked at them both "Cres has failed to mention you before and the trouble is both ways so it's equal." 


She studied the gryphon, worried she may go blood mad again but then she remembered that she was gone, so that would not happen again she would remain in charge. I wonder if i can go home soon, and what of this thing that is going on with Cres he lives here and me in Ponyville it's not too far I guess but we'll see. She gave them both a smile as she waited for them to say what they were going to say.


(and with that off to bed 12.20 am here)  

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@, Cresent grinned at Emerald "don't worry E, your looking at one of the very few gryphons that don't hunt us for sport, dark Beak hear helped me a while ago when I was in hot water"  


Dark beak raised an eyebrow at cresent as the bat pony got cider out of the fridge "hot water is not the right word" the gryphon looked at Emerald with a cocky grin on his beak "this fool gets lost" the Gryphon pointed at cresent still smiling "and fly's into Gryphon stones temple, and slams into the elder as he's in the middle of a hunter blessing"


Cresent rolled his eyes as he put the cider in front of the Gryphon, catching an raised eyebrow of shock from Emerald he blushed scratching his mane "I use to have a bad habit of sleep flying after a long night"


"Flying to Gryphon stone asleep is more then a bad habit bro" he drank the cider given to him the put the bottle down. looking at Emerald now defiantly messing with the batpony "or was that when he pissed you off, if so add a note to him if found yada yada " The Gryphons jokingly whispering loud enough for cresent to hear 

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"Ok then, nice to meet you again then," she looked at crescent "Crescent I'm not a bat pony what is this?" waving her new wings about, she then tried to fold them in but could not manage it she kept struggling, "they don't close help me Cres, they dont work like 'my' wings." Emerald looked quite silly trying to fold her wings like someone trying to sit down but to drunk to figure it out.

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