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private Blood Lessons RP


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Scarlet looked up and jumped a little from Crescent's sudden entry, then gave him a once over. "hmm... what is a bat pony doing here most of you live in Hollow Shades or are in Luna's guard what you doing here?" Scarlet got up and put her sandwich away into her bag. "where are my manners," she extended a hoof to the pony, "names Scarlet Orange how you do?"


(is Emerald with Crescent or back at the house?)

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(emeralds back at the house) "well I live in the forrest here its a lot more quiet then Evershades and m not part of the guard. just herd you from my place. Names Cresent by the way" he shook the hoof of scarlet reached out shaking it.


Back at the tree house Dark beak sat on the front step of cresent door kind of annoyed at his bat friend "still leaving her hanging you really need to know more about dating cres" he thought outloud

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Scarlet felt a good firm hoofshake, "good shake there Crescent, any way I can get some help I be lost in these here woods the Unicorn who have me directions was an idiot but he sounded like he knew at the time." She kept up her funny looking, "i've never seen a bat pony up close like this before I mean I have been to Hollow but you seem different and you herd me, is your house in a tree above us, I haven't made much of a sound?"




Emerald walked outside and sat next to Black Beak, she looked at him, "I heard you say that tell me then, what do I need to know about dating Crescent then?" She was curious as to what he knew about him.

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Cresent just smiled his ears flickered "echo location and I do live in a tree house just not in this section, and because iv been making a map (forgot to say cresent had a vest on when he left with his map in it my fail) for lost ponys" he paused pulling it out of his vest.


"so you are here right now" cresent said pointing towards the map "and if your wondering how to get out theres a path over here, or too your left to the exit" he said


from the blood beat this mare wasn't looking for a fight or an ambush of the like




"hmm well should we start with his like or dislikes, and sense he hasn't told me about any other mares I think you'll be his first. all tho he did have one crush that he developed a clingy habit with her, so that might happen." said black beak he chuckled at another memory


"and he can hold his cider better then most ponys I know so you wont worry about that popping up, and if you havnt noticed he loves pasta. So on a bad day make him pasta, that always cheers him up"

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"so go this way then?" Scarlet moved away and was going to leave until she remembered about what she had heard about Emerald, she stopped and turned her head to face him "have you heard of a pegasus called Emerald Bolt, she's out here being um taught how not to be one or one, a vampire I mean i'm not sure, anyway she's my height whitish fur, green and grey mane and tail seen anypony like that around here?" maybe he's seen her would be nice to see my cousin again.






"pasta ok sure I love pasta too, (IRL too) so make him pasta if he's down that seems easy." she looked out into the forest. "so where do you live then? Haven't seen you around before are you a local of the area?" She looked at the sky the stars were lovely tonight.

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On the question to where Emerald was Cresent just smiled showing his sharp teeth to Scarlet "you looking at her teacher right now actually and she also herd you from the tree house and doing good" said cresent then his happy tone went a little serious "and did luna say to stay away, you must be one of her sister's. But I think she's good enough for a visit but it might be brief. She has more to learn still"

Cresent felt word travels slow among her family. Must be a family thing or Luna just told her parents hopping they would reach the rest of the fam.




"Griphon stone is where I hale from really, today was just a lucky break from work, im a merchant by trade so sometimes I have to go abrod for some clients pending on the rarity of what they ask. I come here to visit rarely, glad to see ponyville and the forrest still the same pretty place as before. and you?" Black beak asked


"that might factor in dating him, I gusse you hail from clouds dale or ponyville right?"

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Scarlet turned around to face him, "ha knew that there was somthing different about you and she's not my sister we are cousins and I was passing through on the way to Dodge City, so I wasn't planning on it I did listen to Luna, but if I can see her it would be quite nice yes." She looked at him again so he's like her now hmm, well that's see what you have been doing for my cousin.




"I hail from a farm way up north called Orange Grove, but I now well did live in Ponyville, I guess that is on hold until I sort out this current problem well you know the vampirism thing." A idea popped into her head "would he come with me? to Ponyville when I'm better or visit lots of times just I might love him but my life was, is in  Ponyville and I can't live here." 

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Cresent raised his eye brow looking over the mare, good Luna did do the full family it looked like. Her little sister still came when Luna said no yet this one happened here by accident. "If today hasn't been ruff for her in the start I would allow it, but for the sake of her and your safty I cant right now sorry. I hope you understand, pluse im under orders from Luna not to have her family visit till she says so" Cresent did feel bad for this but it was needed, pluse this would be a good shot in the arm for her moral  


"If you have anything you want me to say to her for you I will with no problem"



Dark beak scaned the forest and deep in thought for the mares question at hoof. "well he moved her to the woods to stay away from ponyville, mostly do to hunters and prankers....but pending how you pitch it he might move to Ponyvill." Black beak thought more of it, when he did see his bat friend in ponyville it was always on errands or maybe going to sugar cube corner "And when ever these blood lessons get done he'll probably visit. but I honestly don't know Emerald"

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"if you won't let me see her, well there is not much I can do about it." She kept her composure and walked right up to him, then grabbed his mane violently with her hoof and brought him close nose to nose. "you do anything to my dear Emerald and I'll come back with an army and beat the crap out of you vampire." She let go and trotted off "let her know I was here." leaving him in a daze and some surprise. 


(Scarlet is family loyal and somewhat racist hope you can work with that) 



"I guess I'll have to diplomatic then and i'll probe him when the time is right." She gave him a smile "thanks for the information there, Beak." she gave him a hug with her wing and buddy style hug, her ears perked up. "the other one is leaving now I guess i dodged the problem for now, but I assume that, that the one leaving is not your friend." 

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(Very workibul :D he's a bat because im noctanal and white. ok I thought of him as more grey then black but still workable)


Cresent blinked a bit trying to figger out what just happened. He shook his head "just remember follow the road to your left and it'll lead you out" He turned back around and made his way back to the tree house 'hell of a thank you' he thought. He only hoped the rest of her family wasn't so ruff




Black beak did get a little nervous at the hug but then realized it was a friendly one and relaxed "no prob, and I have night vision but not your hearing so I wouldn't know. The gryphon hugged her back buddy styl then let go before it go awkward  "Speaking of friends coolwhip must be running late. wonder what news he'll bring" said Black Beak scanning the woods for his friends

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(Racist in terms she dislikes anything not Earth pony) 


"well I can't here anything else, but Cres is coming back. I wonder who he was talking to wonder If I know them?" She looked back to Beak, "I am saying some of that out loud not like you would know, so who's this Coolwhip you speak of for starters, lass or lad? Vamp or non, and well anything else you think I should know about them." 

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(mobil typing just on a small break) as Cresent made his way back via tree hopping he was deep in thought how to gage how her cosin is. If she knew an army of hunters he would be in trouble. If it's just her family she's talking about her in less trouble with- he was caught off in thought when one tree he flew too sudenly sprayed a net in him. Back at the tree hour black beak responded with "coolwhip might be the smartest pony I know honestly if he was Abel to stop or tie Cresent in a battle"

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(if that was the case I'll bring Beak with Emerald in my post save you some work)


Emerald's ears picked up again hearing somthing, somthing akin to a gut feeling she looked quickly to Black Beak "there something wrong, Cres is in trouble we must go now!" Emerald did not even give him time to respond to her she flew off towards Crescent at some speed, Black Beak following as fast his own wings could carry him they both landed in a tree near by and watched on as...

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cresent swore harshly at his embarrassment he could here his teacher now 'stop over thinking cresent!' followed up by  hit with her damn whip. The tree he was stuck in had a very clever trap hidden in the tree like a open chute, the force of him going into the tree made him and the net now hit the ground. He moved to try to find a way out then a sharp painful surge of pain ran thru him having him give a surprised yell of pain. After the surge was through him he herd a very families laugh.


..."todays lesson, tree traps" he looked up seeing the familer cloak, of Jadas smilling at him

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(remember that Black Beak is here too)


Emerald launched out of the tree taking on her vampiric form without thinking (you know the picture) She flew straight towards Jodas and knocked her clean of the branch she was perched on. they both crashed into the ground with a thud, Emerald standing first "I'll kill you this time Jadas, no games this time!"

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"Emerald look AHHH!" another surge of pain ran through cresent as he tried to worn his lover of another net that warped around Emerald from what sounded like a gun having her fly off Jadas. Black beak  launched himself at Jadas who teleported behind the gryphon and shot a beam of magic at his back sending him into the tree she was just standing in front of before hoof. Another net was shot out this time at the gryphon, and then another with more enthusiasm


"Shoe leave the pigeon be" Jadas shook her head getting her mane out of her mace.  


"Holy Luna teacher, I love this thing!" said her very eager sounding pupil


"yes now remember what I said" Jadas sounded in a teacher like tone as she approached Cresent


"fiiiine" complained the unicorn rolling his eyes putting the net gun back into his bag


"so the great trapper himself has fallen for the simplelest of traps oh and we have his faithful little student too" she looked between the two vamps like a filly deciding which cake to eat first. She then held up a remote with her magic


"funny thing technology now a days, most ponys still think magic and science cant dance together" a button was pressed shocking all 3 of them with pain

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The pain was Intense as the net shocked her, but it only seemed to piss her off. "ENOUGH OF THIS!!" She wriggled and squirmed and, then tried to tear the net with her teeth it was on little use she could not escape. Emerald looked right and Jadas "I'll kill him in front of you, just you wait!" 

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"oh thanks for the reminder" Shoe trotted over to the mare and stomped on her wing "that's for last time!"  


Cresent's teeth poped out "DONT TOUCH HER!" he was caught off by the net shocking him again


"sorry, didn't catch, emeralds busy right now leave you message after the-" before the pony could finish his sentice he was interrupted by another voice. this one new to Emerald didn't recognize


"before you finish that line how good are you a digging holes?"


All the pony looked at the new voice. The origin came from another pony sitting casualy on a tree branch with blue curly hair and a grey scarf with a saddle bag around him.


"asaide from the one you got yourself into I mean, if your a real hunter jadas you would know you are currently standing in timberwolf hunting grounds which means it would be rather bad for you if some pony would...drop some good bait for them?" he raised an eyebrow holding up a pound of bloody meat in his hoof

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(there is little for me to do while stuck in net)


I'm going to kill you both, no more niceness to hunters! Emerald shock the net furiously she was in a state of utter rage at this point. She noticed the other pony above them "who the hell are you?!" she looked right back at the hunters though, "grrr..."

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"my apologies Emerald, cres, beaky sorry I'm late" the pony hoped down putting the meet back in the saddle bag "but sadly this whole stage has lost its atmosphere. names coolwhip you may have herd of me" he said trotting towards the center of the group


"now shoe be a good boy and release my friends please id hate to see your blood everywhere while those around me......ok I take that back your an idiot if you think this will help you get your dads respect. blame your mom for that, hard I know but think about it for a bit...if you can and that will explain how you met jadas" 


The pony blinked trying to work out how in the hey did he know about him "wait...what did you just say?"


"and jadas lets be honest here you have a good chance to kill cresent now yet your ego is in the way as it always is hence how he slips by now then Shoe be smart and listen"


"how about this instead" Shoe then turned towards coolwhip about to charge and in a blink of an eye he was upside down tied hog style with coolwhip standing next to him "just give me one second" he had the remote now in his hoof looking at it. smiled then pressed a button. The group realized the vibrations that was humming from the nest they were in stopped suddenly.  


Jadas glared at coolwhip "I'm going to kill you"


" oh get in line hun" coolwhip smiled at jadas.


The unicorn drew her syth and charged the earth pony, coolwhip simply dogged the strikes. As the two fought cresent got out of his net helping emerald and Black beak with theirs.


"cres get emerald out of here beaky I could use a talon with this one" he said still dogging


"no this ends tonight!" cresent then rushed Jadas and was blocked by coolwhip


"she's not ready, we both know that ill meet you later"


"THE HELL YOU WILL!" Jadas swung her wepon at  where coolwhip stood and was blocked by black beaks combat staff  the gryphon and unicorn traded blows and strikes  right behind coolwhip standing in front of cresent

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(play with this hehe)


Emerald stood in silence not a word to any pony, she was staring at Jadas I'll just kill you now, you hurt me, my friend and my special coltfriend (boyfriend) She walked past the ponies in front oh her so she was the one facing Jadas (Jadas) "come to die like the rest little vamp?" 

"it will be you that will meet death tonight." Jadas swung her weapon at Emerald the blade borrowed into her side some way, Jadas smiled at Emerald, this was not met with anything from her. Emerald grabbed Jadas by the scruff of her mane with her wings so that they were face to face, with some speed Jadas realized how open her defence was, but not in time with vampiric speed Emerald shoved her head aside and sank her fangs into her neck.


Jadas screamed in pain as blood flowed into Emerald the sword (just gonna take it as a sword) dropped out of Emerald's side and the wound healed in seconds, Jadas felt her life fade and she weakened and fell Emerald simply went after her they were now both on ground. Jadas on her side and Emerald lent over her feeding, like nothing before. The first time she had blood of a none vampire...


(you can pull her off or let her kill Jadas up to you)     

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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Cresent pulled Emerald off recognizing the feeding behavior Emerald's trance stopped after being pulled off and when still going for her, the batpony closed his eyes kissing the rageing mare stopping her feeding. "Your not a best"


"you....damn..... fool" Jadas spat out blood in raged breaths


Black beak was shocked as well as coolwhip at the sudden feeding. Black beak shoved his pole into the bite mark emerald made Cresent saw it and barked at him still holding back his lover "NO BEAK!"


"but cres, she's a hunter. she's killed more then her fair share of your kind"


"If I killed every hunter I came across we are no better then a damn beast!" he looked at emerald not sure if she'll fight him more or not "lets go home" he said and began to walk with his lover back to the tree house


The gryphon blinked and gave a stern glare at the unicorn "your lucky he's hear" He let the unicorn go and began to follow cresent along with coolwhip

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Emerald was silent on the way back to the treehouse.




They were all now in the kitchen, She felt like she had been naughty at school, the three of them giving her looks of uneasiness and other things along those lines. "I...I don't know what happened, I was so scared," she looked at Crescent "for you then I was angry because they hurt you then well, well you say what I did. I know I said I'd get of the moral high ground when it came to hunters but, I lost it...and the blood...was...so...so...sweet." Her appearance had changed back to normal on the way back but her face was caked in blood.


"I was going to kill her, if you did not stop me and then I would of had the other aswell. There must be something wrong with me." Emerald slumped on the table, under the blood you could tell she was blushing intensely from both her embarrassment and from feeding, "there was something about her blood...so...sweet."

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Coolwhip and dark beak glanced at each other, coolwhip gestured outside and the gryphon followed "we'll be right back cres" said coolwhip leaving the two lovers in the tree house.


cresent wordlessly nooded pulling out two blood drinks. then hugged the mare from behind where she was sitting and pulled up a chair next to her with the blood bottle's in front of her. He was angry, sad, but mostly scared of what just happened. he kissed his lover on the for head hugging her close doing his best to hold back his tears.


"I know love....I know"


outside the tree house coolwhip and black beak stood facing away from the house almost like guards "I still cant believe he let her live" said black beak


"I'm surprised more at Emerald" said coolwhip


The gryphon turned raising an eyebrow "how so?"

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"I guess I have a lot more to learn, I get so more emotional than before, it's like this is making everything more intense it's all still so confusing Cres I am but a philly in an adult's body." Emerald looked at the drink but in the end rejected it, pushing in away "I think i've had enough."   

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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