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private Blood Lessons RP


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"well I have news for you, tomorrow will be an easy night and that blood beat you herd outside the house was your fusion...Scrlet I think the mares name was, she was on her way to Doge city and hopes to see you soon." Cresent hugged his lover. "the thing with being a vamp is don't give the hunters more ammo hence I stopped you, you got to be more car full love" he nuzzled Emerald

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her ears picked up "Scarlet? Why in the world would she not just take the train, she's a bit odd that one, very funny and a mean cook though one of the best salesponies in all the land could sell you something you owned." Emerald giggled from that, "I dared her and she sold me my own armour just to prove it." She gave him an odd look something like confusion "but what difference would it make they'll hunt us regardless why not kill them scare the rest into not doing in, but I guess we should be better than that." She got up and went to the door way. "I'm gonna have a shower and clean myself up be 5 to 10 see you soon."

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Cresent grind glad her mood better, "take your time hun" said Cresent "I'll make us dinner my treat" he went towards the cabnits and began to pull out food and such. He called to his buddy's outside "beaky coolwhip give new hoof will ya" his two friends poked there heads in "all clear?" asked black beak

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(will give you one post to say stuff while i'm away so make it a good one, could push it to two though) 


Emerald waked into the shower and turned the water on, she wasn't actually a fan of showers all pegasi disliked them, a bath would be better she loved baths but alas she thought it rude to have one. The hot waters was really good though the bottom of the shower was awash of blood, it was everywhere for quite a few minutes as it poured of her face and neck. Her wings were thoroughly soaked, no flying for me till these dry then. She started to sing


just the words obviously.



After 10 or so minutes she stepped out of the shower squeaky clean and  quite wet water was dripping on the floor she got a towel and dried herself to a degree and the floor, then looked in the mirror "I think I do love him, he's just so nice to me even when I have gone nuts."


Emerald made her way down the stairs back to the kitchen... 

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(while emerald is taking her shower un aware of the noise below her, shower next to cresnet's room on the upper level heads up this will be wordy on my end)


As the three of them prepped for dinner the three of them were silent, finally cresent got annoyed "ok guys, what's up?"


"well cres, just everything that happened...you didn't plan it did you?" asked dark beak slicing the peppers


"how could I plan Jadas showing up on my way back, the test was just to sit her down with you and coolwhip" said cresent serching for more ingredients


"which she still would have failed" coolwhip said casually as he stirred the pasta. Dark beak glared at the earth pony "yes we missed you too"


Cresent didn't hold it against the pony, he was a PI by trade so thinking faster then everypony in the room had to be his norm for the sake of bits. "even so, no blood was going to be shed" said cresent. The bat pony found what he was looking for and put the rest of the herbs into the pasta


"seriously though I need your guys' thoughts on what happened" cresent said taking over stirring the pasta


The earth pony and gryphon exchanged un easy glances with each other, "well cres..." began dark beak


"Jadas should have been killed and her apprentice go free" coolwhip completed


"ok riddle me this, if I let emerald kill jadas what would that teach her, I STILL haven't found my brothers killer yet and im not batting every suspect now am I?" cresent shot back. His two friends knew what was coming, or what was about to from the bat.


"or she would learn about how to kill and hide...oh wait that still would go down hill with her and the guard" coolwhip said placing a hoof under his chin


"but look at it this way cres one less hunter to worry about right?" asked the gryphon


Cresent spun around looking at the gryphon "BAKKA! what of the client who hired her for my head, what of the other hunters that would have came in legions on hearing shoe's tale, what of her family once they here she's killed another pony, what of Luna finding out banishing me to the bloody moon and only she knows what to Emerald tell me then after all that happened how I would not be like a beast!" the batpony realized he was panting after that. He saw the look of shock from black beaks face and coolwhips surprised one.


Cresent looked at the floor, "sorry guys....you didn't deserve that...its just..." the batpony looked at the bubbling pasta


"I love her too much for her to go like that...half of the stuff I'm doing is based of what I had growing up and some literally I'm pulling out of my flank...its so damn stressful. And we all know what happens to a untrained vamp" he said


There was another pause of silence then Dark beak taped cresent with his talon, cresent turned around to meet a face full of the gryphon punching him. Cresent fell but caught himself, "i probably needed that...thanks" Cresent said to his friend


Dark beak helped him up and hugged the bat pony wordlessly, coolwhip wanted to do more to cresent then punch him but decided to go for the group hug. after the three parted all of them sounded like they were just a bunch of bros again


"you need help, we get it. but we are the wrong ones to help with this" said black beak


"actually....no he's right" coolwhip lied


"now lets get this done with. what else do you need?" asked the gryphon


"nothing else really you cut the peppers good the pasta is getting happy with the herbs and....you two arnt hungry" said cresent


"the cider took my belly sorry mate" the gryphon smiled


"im about to sleep" admitted coolwhip with a yawn.  


"ill give her your regards go to bed gents thanks for stopping by" cresent gave them all a hoof shake and a bro hug on there way out. waving goodbye he added the peppers to the pasta and herd Emeralds familiar blood beat, and pretty sent that gave him butter fly's coming down the stairs

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(Brohoof!! but nice though)


Emerald passed both of them on the way out there face's were a bit off, she came in a sat down. "I know that look, I'm causing too many problems, I can't get myself on track one moment i'm fine, then next i'm sucking the life out of hunter with no regard to their life, it's against my code as a guard...I...I" she looked down, "I know you love me, and I belive I love you too, but I'm a danger to all around me, should...I...just end it?" Emerald looked at crescent with seriousness in her face, but it was most evident in her eyes, A few tears came down...

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Cresents friendly smile turned to a sympathetic one. "oh emerald" he hugged his lover feeling her tears run down her cheeks. "no life is worthless no matter who they are." he kissed her deeply. after a bit of the kiss he pulled back.


"yes you have had a hell of a day, yes it wasn't the best but I can promise you its not the worst. what took me three time you did in one go with your shadow. your family loves you and hopes the best for you even when they know your a vamp. and im not going to lie....seeing you kick that hunters flank was awesome when we first ran into them so stop kicking yourself love"


The batpony grabbed an orange "remember we all want the best part of the orange, there are many ways to reach it. chucking it will just leave us hungry no? and as for the guys. they are not nocturnal so they need sleep. don't worry about them" he gave her a close hug with his wings.


"now do you really want to eat cold pasta or actual pasta before sleep?" he asked in her ear

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Emerald sniffs as she wipes away her tears, "yeah I'll have the pasta, but do something for me will you, no lessons tommorrow let's just snuggle, sleep in and be lazy tommorrow I want to rest for a day and not worry about lessons or hunters or ponies or anything just us for a day?" She smiled and waited for some pasta

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"agreed love, we do need a break" cresent gave emerald a peck on the cheek and led her to the table of good smelling pasta, "say hello to my familys secret pasta one of a kind spicy herb blend" he said sitting her down and opening the lid to a very steamy pot that showing what looked like a painting but in noodels with pepers and flakes of herbs.  


(you hungry yet? lol also time skip after this post will let you begen the next night)  

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(i'm eating IRL right now actually lol 2 more posts before time skip play with this.)


Emerald scoffed in the pasta well maybe inhaled it was more appropriate, she sat back and rubbed her tummy "that was perfection in a bowl, you should sell this you'd make a fortune." She got off the chair and put her bowl in the sink. "can, can I sleep with you today...not like that but just together," She blushed think about the other 'sleeping' (and we sure hells not going there)

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Cresent nearly choked on his cider when she asked the sleeping question, he blinked and coughed bit before saying anything remembering Luna, her cousin, and well more. "its ok" he said gasping. Of all the things that's happened tonight THAT was the one thing that triped him up. "and...you can. besides" cresent began  


"I have too many pony's already gunning for me if I mess this up, your cousin scarlet made that known too" he said rubbing his main where he was grabbed smiling and blushing brightly. It was making his grey coat look funny to Emerald. He got up after eating and put the dish's in the sink  


"just help me wash these before hoof" he said turning on the facet.  

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"ok sure I can do that." I have sure put my hoof in it now we are both thinking of that and that is not what I meant that is annoying There was no much conversation as they washed the dishes then like a pair of phillies on their first day to school they went up the stairs to Crescents bedroom.


They were both standing there, both blushing a tremendous amount, Emerald rubbed her main, "Um look you I just meant actually sleeping right. You get in first i'll just stand here looking silly then I'll get in and we can go to sleep I mean it's 6am the sun is due soon." 

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Cresents blush was matching his mane butting back the obvious responses playing in his head, he breathed out "just sleep your right" he later in his bed on his back "again Luna would kill me if more then kissing happens between us. And you thought hunters are bad" he joked trying to cut the ice.

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Emerald lied in the bed next to him she gave him a kiss then, rolled onto her back and closed her eyes, "night Cres, hope you dream well, see you in the 'morning'." Emerald was rather quite happy and slipped into sleep with a few minuets, her dreams were really nice that day, which were going to put her in a good mood the next day.



Next day. 

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(I assume the wake up facing each other) cresent woke up seeing Emeralds peaceful form. He smiled kissing her lips, seeing her eye flutter open he just laid they looking at them "morning love, sleep well" he nuzeled his lover. "I have a fun idea for today, you game to see the best spot in the woods here?" he asked  

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Emerald woke to being kissed never had that happen before but it was a very nice thing to wake up to, "um not what I had in mind for today but the night is young let's see what happens." She gave him a smile, she then sat up and stretched her legs then her wings, then big yawn and hoped of the bed. "come on let's have some breky." 

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Cresent scratched his man jumping off the bed "never herd of breky, some sort of pasta dish?" he asked grabbing a map on his desk looking at it to double check his markings on it.  "one of the best parts about mapping out a new place is finding the un expected" he looked back at Emerald smilling "in more ways then one" he said winking. He took the map and put it in a back pack and slug it around himself

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"really breaky? it is short for breakfast silly, hmm oh well lets us down stairs." With that Emerald went downstairs to the kitchen and wondered if she wanted anything special for breakfast to eat. ​exploring the forest dose sound like a bit of an adventure, probably will be quite fun oh well that will be a bit later. 

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"ahh that makes sense." cresent said glidding downstairs he went towards the cupbords and browsed form some 'breky'. finding some grapes and berrys. Then he found a box of bred rolls, pancake fixings, and surpsingly...muffins. "how about some muffins for breaky?" he asked still getting use to the new word     

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"sure muffins are rather nice, why not?" Emerald hover over to her chair and sat down, she had not had muffins in quite some time so would be nice for a change, a lot of that happening recently when she thought on it. "you sure mapping the forest will be uneventful Jadas and Show are still out there somewhere, no doubt plotting against us."

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Cresent placed the muffins on the table still surprised he had some still, he paused when he herd Emeralds comment "something tell me Jadas and Sho made it back to...well where ever they go when not hunting...or lick there wounds from yesterday" he said taking a bite from the muffin. A small part of him wanted them honestly never to return but, she was right to be cautious.

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"well i hope you are right, but you are right though I left her on death's door yesterday, she would in no condition to fight today so never mind me." Emerald picked up a tried to puck up a muffin how Cresent had but feathers don't work like that see in the end moved it in front of her then picked it up we her mouth and ate it whole.

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"and shoe will be having some fun with what coolwhip did to him, which reminds me" he took a bite from the muffin using his wings to hold the muffin. And bitting it then looking up at Emerald, then decided to try to eat it like she did. It looked more comical then he was expecting. After swallowing he said "wheres the farthest youv been from your home?"  

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"Saddle Arabia, long ways to the South there on diplomatic duties last year, but all of this is a long way from my birthplace and family home, Orange Grove it's way up north near the Crystal Empire, haven't been home in four months now, I do miss the farm." Emerald tried with another muffin she used the largest of her feathers on both of her wings to scoop up the muffin, she then precariously balanced it until she could eat that one whole a process that took a few moments. "I have a weird way to eat muffins those wings of your must be rather useful."    

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Cresent glanced at the wings of his "id be lying if I said your wrong but they do make things useful. mostly for gripping, reaching, and just general use." he paused realizing Emerald didn't have such luck with her wings and felt bead for the show.


"all tough just feathers must be easer to then these tho. sometimes I forget to sleep right and it takes for ever to use them. think sleeping on your leg when it gets all annoyed but this time along the back with your wings" he said hopping he wasn't showing off  

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