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private Even in darkness, something will shimmer [1x1 w/simba86]

Icicle Frost

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It was a little after the evening hours, the moon just poking out over the horizon. Most ponies that were near or in the Canterlot castle had gone home except for the guards. Two guards were escorting a pale blue unicorn stallion dressed in a blue cloak lined with small snowflakes at the base and bore a large snowflake on the back. The guards led him to the library as he had asked. They don't let just anypony into the Canterlot archives. Since his sister, Snow, had close ties with Princess Luna, she had asked her to grant him permission to use some of the history books there for some research he needed to do for a paper. "Thank you, I'll make sure to leave everything as I found it." Icicle said with a firm yet kind tone to them. The two guards nodded and left the library to get back to their posts. Since he had permission from the princess, they knew that he could be trusted alone. "Oh wow... Snow was right... This place is amazing!"

Edited by Snow Frost

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it is quite magnificent isn't it? "nightmare moon said with an evil sounding chuckle as she stepped out from behind a large shelf of scrolls, her blacker than night armor glistened in the light of the torches, "there is more knowledge in these tomes than a pony could learn in a thousand lifetimes, even I have yet to read them all, so tell me knave,what brings you here during my glorious night?" she said, her eyes glowing in the partial darkness as she looked him over

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle squeaked in surprise from the sound of the sinister voice. He didn't expect anypony else to be there, certainly not Nightmare Moon. It was a definite shock to see the mare here. He didn't know what to do but he was there for a reason. "I-I... I'm here to do some research for a paper I'm writing for school." He said, slowly regaining his composure and getting his nerves back inline. Maybe if he didn't appear too afraid, she'd leave him alone. Yeah... that could work. He slowly walked towards one of the bookshelf, looking through the different tomes but nothing in particular was jumping out at him. He was looking for something in particular.

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nightmare moon's fangs glistened in the darkness as she flashed a sinister grin.

"a paper for school hmm? how quaint and utterly boring that sounds, and why pretell do you need the archives for that? Surely you could find what you need in the regular library instead of the canterlot archives, the archives hold many dangerous and forbidden secrets of times long since past" she said stepping closer" tell me child,what is it you seek?

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Icicle felt a shiver go down his back but it wasn't because it was cold, his body was colder than any winter in Canterlot on it's own as was the air immediately around him. "Well... there's far more information here. Information the public library simply doesn't offer." He answer and he wasn't wrong. This was the two sister's private collection. "Even here though, the information I want is sparse at best." "He said, still looked through the shelves, finding a few tomes that would be good reads for later but his immediate target wasn't on the shelves infront of him but behind him.

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well then exactly what is it you need that even mine and my sister's grand archive does not have? "nightmare said as she slowly strolled down the rows and rows of ancient knowledge she couldn't help but be curious about what the young stallion was after that even the archive her and her sister had spent millennia amassing lacked,

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"Information about somepony that Princess Luna doesn't like talking about." Icicle said, glancing behind him. "Its you." He said, holding a small, old journal. "The only information here abou you is this journal from Celestia when she had banished you the first time." He said, opening the journal. "But this hardly provides enough information for a research paper."

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nightmare moon looked abashed at the mention of her lack of history, her sister had not really spoken of her in the thousand years she had been locked away on the moon,and much of what was written had gotten changed over the years and even turned into a frivolous night for children to play and eat candy.no one really knew anything about the nightmare besides what little celestia had told them, and the nightmare had gotten pushed back into the darkest places in the dream relm when the mane 6 had used the elements to defeat her she could still reek havoc on her own.

"well you are in luck young one, I am feeling benevolent this night and I suppose I could answer your questions, it will be better than the nonsense those teachers are filling your head with by far" she said raising her armored hoof and tapping his head to punctuate her offer

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle scrunched his muzzle a little. It seemed to good to be true. Why would she want to freely give out information? Very interesting... "Alright, uhm..." he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. "So... its understood that you wanted to cast Equestria into eternal night because you felt that ponies didn't appreciate it, is that right?" He asked, starting with something that was common knowledge about her.

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nightmare moon let out a contemptuous snort, "they didn't appreciate the night I had created at all, they would sleep right through it and then celebrate celestia's sun in the morning, they simply refused to see the beauty of my night so I decided that I would MAKE them! and if it wasn't for celestia's meddling they would have came to love the darkness, but my sister always had to be the center of attention while everything I tried to do was ignored, even with my banishment she took over my nighttime duties and made them her own and those mindless fools loved her for it"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle took down notes about what she said, truly excited about getting a first hoof interview with somepony he should fear! How odd of him. "I see." He said, thinking about what else to ask. "Assuming that Celestia's never banished you, how do you think Equestria would have faired under your rule?" He asked, wanting to get some insight to her previous plans as the ruler of Equestria.

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Nightmare moon looked out the window at the darkness lit only by the moon,  "It would have been a wonderful reign, the ponies would have come to love my night and they would have come to love me in time, they would even forget celestia herself after a time and they would forget about the day and know only night"  nightmare moon said with a far off look in her eyes

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle nodded a little, "How would you have provided sustenance for your subjects?" He asked, knowing it would have to be a very good one. Growing food without the sun? Wouldn't that be an excellent project to undertake sometime. "Surely it would have been difficult. Plants still need the sun for that."

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nightmare moon chuckled "I'm sure those with a limited amount of knowledge on magic and equestria might think that, but they forget that plants in the everfree forest grow all by themselves even in the darkest parts deep in the forest" nightmare said with an all knowing grin

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"That is true, I won't deny that." Icicle said though there was some problem with relying on the Everfree Forest for food. "But not all the plants there are safe." He added as he wrote down some more information. "I'm a bit peckish, want to go grab something to eat with me so I can keep getting information?" He asked, completely distracted with the task of getting information from Nightmare Moon that he had forgotten that he was speaking with Nightmare Moon!

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nightmare pondered to herself for a moment,

"and just how do you propose that we go eat without terrifying the commoners? I am certain that my presence would cause a glorious mass panic"

nightmare moon said with an evil cackle as if she could already see all the terrified ponies

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"You're a powerful alicorn, I'm sure you know some sort of transformation spell that could help you get around without rousing suspicion." Icicle said as he rolled up the piece of parchment and stowed it in his saddlebag. "This has been very informative, thank you for being so cooperative!" he said happily, standing up and walking towards the exit of the library. "Though that laugh may make other ponies uneasy, it'd probably be best to uhh... tone it down a bit." he suggested.

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nightmare moon shrugged, "I suppose I could turn into something a little less menacing" she said as her horn began to glow and she was enveloped in a bright light, when the light faded a light brown unicorn with long brunette hair stood in her place, "lead the way" she said with a grin and whipping her hair out of her eyes

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle smiled a little, gesturing towards the exit. "Very nice." He said, leading Nightmare past the guards posted around the gate that led to the gardens. It was the closest to the archives. Though the guards seemed a bit unsure of who the unicorn with Icicle was, they didn't really do anything. "You'll be able to experience Canterlot's nightlife while we're out." He said with a smile. He had brought her to a rather well known sweets shop and cafe. "Hey Joe! How's it goin'?" Icicle said with a smile.


"Hey! I've seen you around town a few times. How's city life treating ya?" Joe asked, seemingly already have encountered the pale blue unicorn before.


"Its great actually, thanks. Though, I kind of do miss home so I might go back and visit sometime." Icicle replied.


"Sounds good. Hey, who's your cute friend?" Joe asked, looking mare. "I haven't seen you with anypony else."

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my name's Amaris ,sugar "nightmare said winking at joe" I'm from outta town and icicle here was just showing me around town and helping me soak up the nightlife, heaven knows how much I enjoy the night " she said with a downright bubbly giggle

"ain't that right icy?" she said giving him a punch in the shoulder

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle chuckled a little, nodding along with what Nightmare said. "That's right." He said with a smile.


"Heh, well, what cab I do for you two?" Joe asked with a smile.


"I'll take a BlackBerry scone and cup of tea, green tea with honey." Icicle said with a nod.


"What about miss?" Joe asked, turning to look at her.

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"Hmm,I don't know, why don't you surprise me?" she said with a grin, "I'm sure you won't disappoint" she said batting her eyes before looking back at icicle

she did have to admit it was kinda interesting watching ponies having fun and not screaming and running for cover for a change, she even noticed a few stallions eyeing her, and why wouldn't they? nightmare moon had taken the form of the sexiest mare in equestria that had been quite famous a millenia ago but had long since died and been forgotten, and since there was no camera's back then she was but a face forgotten in time.

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Joe thought for a moment. "Hmm... ah! I know just the thing." And with that, he went to go get the food for the two of them.


"So." Icicle began, "What sort of things do you enjoy?" He said, bringing out another piece of parchment as he gestured to one of the empty booths by the window. He still had a paper to write but he would have to pick his words carefully with other ponies around.

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nightmare scooted into a booth with icicle

"well, I love exploring the night,and I love to watch ponies dream in the dream relm,I especially love giving them the most hideous nightmares! watching there pleasant dreams turn into a terrifying one is such fun! and I love how ponies are 100 percent honest when they sleep so I enjoy learning everypony's dirty little secrets, I enjoy basking in the glow of the moon and listening to the sounds of the night"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle wrote down the information, "Why is that?" He asked, wanting to go more into detail. "Why do enjoy the fear and terror of others so much?" He clarified. As he understood it, her powers came from those very emotions that she provoked from her victims though what if they weren't afraid of her? What would happen then?

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