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private Even in darkness, something will shimmer [1x1 w/simba86]

Icicle Frost

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nightmare leaned in closer to icicle, "I am the living incarnation of every nightmare that ever was and ever will be, so long as ponies sleep there will be a nightmare lurking in the shadows waiting for them, so it has been since the beginning of pony kind and the creation of the dream relm, I love to see terror because it is what I am"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle nodded jotting down some notes, thinking of something else. "Hmm... what if somepony dreams of you and its not a nightmare you were summoned to?" He asked, wondering what sort of answer he'd get from her that way. It was a possibly, however unlikely. There had to be somepony who liked being with Nightmare Moon and thought of her in a good light rather than a bad one. Though, to be fair, she is a rather beautiful mare though he kept that thought to himself.

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she put a hoof to her chin to think, "well of course ponies can dream about me on there own, it would be chance if I ever stumbled across them dreaming about me though, I travel the dream relm on my own and I choose whose dreams to turn into nightmares on my own, dreaming about me doesn't put me in there dream any more than it does any other pony, the dream relm is to vast a space for even I to know the goings on in every dream all at once"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Ah, I see now." Icicle said with a nod. That wasn't something he knew, he just assumed that she and Luna would more or less know what ponies dreamed of at any given point.


At that point, Joe had come over with a tray. He set the scone and tea in front of Icicle and a pair of crisp glazed donuts and a glass of milk in front Amaris. "You enjoy now." He said with a smile before going to tend to other customers.


Icicle lifted the hot cup of tea, blowing gently before taking a sip. "How does your ability to go into other ponies dreams work? Both you and princess Luna share this ability. Do you just find a dream and pop in or is it more complicated than that?" He asked, having a feeling that it was more difficult than that. Dream walking wasn't by any means a easy spell. It was probably among the most difficult and something that isn't taught.

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nightmare moon picked up a donut with her magic and took a bite, "well I can't speak for luna,but with me being from the dream relm originally it is actually quite easy for me to enter dreams, I can choose any pony I wish to give nightmares, it is just a matter of choosing the right door,it is magic that is far beyond the capabilites of a simple unicorn, only alicorns can do it"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"So its more like a giant room with many doors?" Icicle said, jotting down a few notes. One of which was his own opinion that he didn't think the spell was within the scope of an alicorn alone, they just had enough endurance and power to successfully cast the spell with ease. It would take an immense amount of training that could even take a lifetime for a unicorn, even one with as much raw talent as himself or Twilight Sparkle.

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"yes, it is a relm of darkness and night and an untold numbers of doors, all of them unmarked but after 1000 years or so one can remember which door belongs to which pony"  nightmare moon said taking a drink of her milk and finishing her donut.  "getting to the dream world is easy compaired to controling what happens there in the dreams"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle nodded, taking notes of her words and explanation. "I suppose that would make sense."


Joe walked by, abit curious of their conversation. "Its a rather odd conversation you two are having." He said


Icicle froze a little, that was bad. "Uhh... oh! She's just helping me with a report I have to turn in at the end of the week." He said, which wasn't a lie at all. "Great food, as always Joe." He said with a smile, taking a big bite from his scone, which hadn't been touched until then.


"Oh, right. I forgot you were going to Celestia's magic school. Well, if y'all need anything, just let me know." He said with a smile.

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"thank you Joe, the donuts were lovely!" she waited for joe to walk off before she let out a moan

"well that was a close one" nightmare said as her horn stopped glowing "I thought i was going to have to erase his mind for overhearing our conversation, pitty, i really enjoy getting the opportunity to use my mind wipe spell too" nightmare said with a pout

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Don't be like that. When you're with a pony like me, others are a bit less suspicious of things ponies normally would be suspicious about." Icicle said, wanting her to be comfortable and not have to worry about being caught. "What other things do you enjoy? Like, things that aren't related to scaring ponies in their dreams." He asked, wanting to get some more personal information so his paper wasn't all about Nightmare's abilities and history though it was for his own benefit too.

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Nightmare moon thought for a minute, "well lets see,  I like my personal bat pony gaurds, I like the creatures of the night and the moon, I love to get out among the commoners but I do not often do so, I am quite unpopular after I was banished to the moon, I do like to watch how ponies interact with each other, I enjoy watching them live their lives"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle thought for a moment, rolling up the parchment and tucking it away in his bag. "Oh! I have an idea." He said with a big smile. "We could goto the Crystal Empire! The empire came back after your banishment so they don't really have any information about you. I wouldn't be surprised if they just thought you were a diplomat or official from another land coming to visit." He said, thinking it would be a good way to let Nightmare Moon be herself without hiding. She could actually interact with other ponies as herself without worry of being attacked or something. "How's that sound?"

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I suppose that would be a good idea, I have not seen the crystal empire in over 1000 years, it would be nice to see it again, it always had the most amazing buildings and country,I am not so certain that I would not be recognized though" she said wiping her mouth with a napkin"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"True, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance will likely recognize you." Icicle said, rubbing the back of his head a little. That could pose a problem. "I think I can pull some strings so they don't see you as a problem." He said, though the citizens of the Crystal Empire may not fear her, other tourists might. "I have a healthy relationship with Princess Luna. I'll speak with her tonight to see if she can help. The times have changed since you were here last. If Discord could be allowed to roam freely, I believe Princess Luna would think its alright for you to walk openly with a guide in the Crystal Empire." He said with a smile, feeling rather confident that he could pull something that big off.

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perhaps something like that could be arranged, Discord is allowed to roam free because he is reformed somewhat , I on the other hoof am not but I suppose i could behave and not cause to much trouble so I could visit the crystal empire. "nightmare moon said tapping her hooves together""

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"So, I take it you like the idea?" Icicle said with a smile. "Hehe, I'll go speak with Princess Luna immediately." He said, taking the scone and munching on it. He took a about twenty bits in a small pouch and put then on the counter. "Keep the change Joe!" He said, gesturing for Nightmare to come with. "You can stay with me at my house for now."

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nightmare moon got up from the table and followed icicle out of the shop,she waved at joe on the way out "I must admit that I do love the idea of seeing the crystal empire again if it can be arranged" she said trotting close to icicle as they made there way through canterlot

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Its one of the most beautiful places in all of Equestria. I got only a glimpse of it when I first came to Canterlot." Icicle said, looking to Nightmare with a smile. "It'll be nice to observe how you behave towards other ponies." He said with a faint blush, just realizing that he sort of just asked Nightmare Moon out on a sort of date. It'd be fun to day the least!

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Nightmare moon trotted along enjoying the night air and the moon light. "I think I will be far to interested in sight seeing than causeing to much trouble, I just hope they don't run away in terror, i am certain someone has told them the stories of me and filled them in on everything that has happened since they was banished" she said

Edited by simba86

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle frowned slightly, "I hope your wrong about that. It would just make things awkward and uncomfortable." He said though when he said that he'd enjoy watching her behavior, he didn't mean scaring ponies, he meant watching her behave normally like a pony would. It'd be fun a proof that she wasn't just what her name suggested.

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we shall just have to wait and see how it goes I suppose, I tend to scare ponies even when I'm not trying to because all have seen me in there nightmares at some point or another, and these fangs don't help "she said as she stopped to watch 2 ponies kissing"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"I suppose that's true." Icicle said before noticing that Nightmare Moon had stopped walking. He stopped and turned to look at her. "Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing her staring in a particular direction. He tried to follow her gaze to see what had her attention. "Them?" He asked, point at the two ponies making out.

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nightmare moon turned back to icicle "yes them, things sure have changed, back in my day it was taboo for a unicorn to kiss a earth pony, in fact back before equestria was founded each group kept to there own tribes and if two ponies from different tribes got together they tended to not be accepted very well" she said "although it does make it fun to guess what the baby will be"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle chuckled a little, "That it has and that's just the tip of the iceberg, as it were. Lately, there has been more homosexual and non-monogamous marriages." He said with a smile, "Its nice to see that the Equestria is becoming more open. Alot of the more recent changes and notions that involve ponies social lives does come from Princess Cadance and word does spread due to tourists rather quickly." He said before nodding, "I suppose that's fun too. My mother is a pegasus and my father is a unicorn but my sister is a pegasus and we both took more from mother's side of the family than father's."

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"truly equestria has gotten much more progressive in my time locked away" nightmare said as she continued to trot along  "I would have been truly lonely on the moon had luna not been with me, 1000 years is a long time to pass on the dark,cold moon, why it nearly drove us both INSANE!" she said flashing her crazy eyes at icicle before laughing like a maniac    "but we made it though until was say our chance to escape"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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