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private Even in darkness, something will shimmer [1x1 w/simba86]

Icicle Frost

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Icicle chuckled nervously, "Well, I'm glad you two didn't go insane. Equestria would be a very different place if you and Luna were insane." He said, stopping infront of a small two story house. He opened the door, releasing a small gust of cold air and a small flurry of snow. Inside was the living room, which had a healthy layer of snow on everything. "This is my house. I'll send a letter to Princess Luna for an audience later tonight." He said, walking in and closing the door behind Nightmare. "I don't think my sister is home yet so feel free to change back to your regular form."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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in a flash nightmare moon returned to her regular form and she proceeded to look around the house "we are quite fortunate that I spent 1000 years on the cold moon or I might be cold right about now" she said blowing a snowflake off the end of her nose

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle chuckled a little, "My sister and I have a unique magical aura that's appeared on my mother's side of the family. There's a small area of cold energy around our bodies, which keeps us cool in the hot summers and keeps the cold bite of winter at bay." He explained, "There's also the fact that my sister has a certain gift with this sort of magic that is tied to her emotions." He walked over to what appeared to be a small coffee table. "She is able to manipulate winter weather far better than the average pegasus at a level that rivals that of a skilled unicorn."

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Snow Frost

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that is quite interesting that such a thing would occur natually, usually such control takes much effort and years to perfect "nightmare moon said stitting in the closest chair "tell me more about how your sister's emotions affect her magic" she asked very interested in the subject, in all her years she had only heard of such a thing a handfull of times, it was very unusual for such magic to just happen with no apparent effort on the unicorns part

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Well, its easier to explain with myself since I am a unicorn and the aura is tied to my magic. When my magic becomes exhausted or extremely diminished, the size and effectiveness of it is also reduced depending how much magic I've used." Icicle begain, "Though, for my sister, its difficult to explain. She is a pegasus so the kind of magic she would normally possess is for flight and weather control. That is a given but, she can't fly." He said, finding a piece of parchment under the snow and a quill. He began to write to the princess to request an audience as soon as possible, with in the hour would be preferred. "We're not sure why she isn't able to fly and its not from the lack of effort. She trains and practices very hard every night with Princess Luna to even the slightest hover possible but she'll made little actual progress. On the otherhoof, she has very high aptitude for weather control, specifically when it comes to winter weather. Even on her own she is able to create a blizzard if she is happy or angry enough to do so. Strong emotions seem to augment her 'magic', so to speak." He said, kind of gesturing as to why it looked like a blizzard had taken place in the house. "With Princess Luna's help, she's learned better control and restraint over her powers, like a unicorn with their magic. She's able to create things with snow and ice, able to pull it out of the air and other sources to make things happen. Its very fascinating."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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that is quite interested, perhaps luna will be able to teach her to properly control her magic, her magic could be of great use to equestria "nightmare said still pondering the possibilities"

you shouldn't have to , much trouble getting a audience with luna, it is night time after all and that is the time that she is taking care of her business

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Icicle finished the letter and rolled it up and tying it with a blue ribbon. "You underestimate my influence." He said with a smile as he zapped the scroll away. "Snow and I are fairly close to Princess Luna so we do keep in touch with each other regularly." He said, taking a seat beside Nightmare. "I'm not sure if Snow's powers could become that great but they are useful nonetheless. I'll continue my own studies though I do need to find employment soon. I'd hate to keep going there on behalf of the loans the princess has been giving me. I don't want to take advantage of her generosity, I'd like to start giving back somehow."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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luna always was a bleeding heart,she never could seem to turn down someone who needed help, I suppose that is why we made such a great team with me being her opposite. "nightmare moon said" although she could be quite devious on her own when she wanted

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"I don't think she's like that, sure she's really nice but she can be firm when she has to be." Icicle said, stretching a little. "Still, I hope to find something to be able to help repay her. I've been considering enlisting into the royal guard. I think that's the best way I can repay Luna for how much she's help me by helping others however I can."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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nightmare moon scoffed "the royal guard is ok, but the strongest and most fearless ponies serve me in my night guard, when I sank the world into darkness my guard easily handled celestia's royal guard, it was like taking candy from a baby until celestia got ahold of the elements"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Actually, Princess Luna reinstated the night guard. They're her personal guard but I don't really know much about them beyond that." Icicle said, blushing a little. "It would be nice to directly work for her like that but I have to work towards that first." It was fairly obvious that he wanted to get closer to Luna in more ways than one.

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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if you really wanted to be in the night guard then I'm sure princess luna could fast track your training and get you into the night guard fairly quickly, and I'm certain that you could convince her to make you one of her personal guards, although the training would not leave you much time to study magic "nightmare said"

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Yeah, I know." Icicle said with a nod, "I would like to go at it in a faster pace but I don't have the time to do both my studies and advanced guard training. I don't think I'd be able to take the stress." As he finished, there was a flash over the coffee table and a small scroll bound with an indigo ribbon dropped onto it. "See? She's quick about mail."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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"that was fast, I never was that fast answering letters. i was always to busy so i would have some of my minions do it for me, being a ruler can take a lot of time, so what does it say" can she see you tonight?" nightmare said looking curious as she watched him open the scroll

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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"Ahem." Icicle cleared his throat. "Dear Icicle, I will be able to meet with you later tonight. Please come to the castle when you are able to. I will notify the guards to let you though since visitors aren't allowed tonight." he red the letter out loud, a bit confused about why she said that visitors weren't allowed tonight. "That's odd, usually ponies are allowed on the castle premise after-dark. Many enjoy visiting the gardens during the night as there are some flowers that are only in bloom under the moonlight."

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Icicle Frost
Snow Frost

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Hmm, perhaps there is something going on at the castle tonight that luna does not wish the public to see? I am quite curious as to what reason she would have to close down the castle to visitors but i suppose we will find that out when we arrive" nightmare said

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I fail to see how it would make a difference, you are telling luna that you are going with me correct? I don't think there would be a huge difference in you asking to go to the crystal empire with me if i'm with you or not, but if you think it wise to go alone when you ask then i will simple stay behind "nightmare moon said"


"sorry for the late reply, i never got any notification that you had posted a reply :( "

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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