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Ivy looked at Second Sight and said as she glared at him,

"Second Sight, you better start running cause once I'm free I'm coming after you."


Shadow looked up at Second Sight and said with a nod,


(He goes by first names, mostly)


Then he returned his gaze back to the vampire and said as he tightened his grip around the vampire's neck, 

"I will repeat once again, get off our leader, now"

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Summer just managed a "f...i...n...e" as the force around her neck was nearing blackout levels of strength, She first took the weight of her hoof then took her hoof of the bandit leader, this was all done very slowly as to not cause him to knock her out. It was becoming very hard for her to breath.  

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Second sight raised an eyebrow at Ivy "After all we've been through I thought we were closer than that." He snarked.


He turned to Shadow beast. "Seriously? Still gonna resort to threats? I mean, do you even realise the situation you're in?. Second sight gestured to the rest of the room. "You kill the yellow pony, and get your brains blown up by a sniper rifle while your leader gets pummelled to death."


( emerald bolt makes the post where she releases Ivy )


Second Sight sighed. "Oh well...". He backed away from summer and the dragon pony and slowly began trotting towards a small pile of rubble, a small chest poking out of it containing Second Sight's personal belongings.

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Ivy got up and said,

"Judging by how you said ex-colleague, is sound like you're going to betray us. If you're still on our side, why don't you help us chain these ponies up and take their weapons away, then I'll know that I'm wrong."



Shadow released the vampire neck and then reached into a portal and pulled out chains. and dropped them to the ground.

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Second Sight scoffed at Ivy. "I've seen the things you've done," he spoke, clearing away some rocks. "I see everything". The chest generally cvkeared of rubble, second sight opened the hatch and retrieved its contents, putting on his coat and hat. He slowly walked back to summer, a card occasionally slipping out of his coat and drifting into the ground as he walked.


"And I'm not going back. You never had my loyalty." Second Sight admitted. "But hey! It's not all that bad. How about we just settle this peacefully, part ways..."


His expression softened. "And never see each other again"

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"Then I'm sorry, but we have to save our lives."

She reached down and grabbed the assault rifle and threw it to Shadow then grabbed her pistol and aimed it at Second Sight's forehead. 


Shadow caught it and pointed at Second as well.


Beast poked it head out of the bag and started crying

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"I really do have to do it all myself today, you can all thank me latter." again just as she finished speaking Summer moved so fast one would think of teleportation, and took their guns from them, threw the assault rifle hundreds of feet away then stepped back and pointed the pistol at them. "you're former colleague has more sense than both of you, now take your wounded and leave, before i get thirsty again."   

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Shadow sense defeat but decided something else then surrender. He lift his wings and said as he swept them,

"we will be back to take the most valuable thing you all have."

He grabbed the pistol, then grabbed hold of Ivy and dragged her into the portal.

When the dust settled they were gone.

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@@reader8363, @, @, @@Sporemane, @@Orbit


After her brain managed to process what the hay had just happened, Foray's first and instinctive action was to dash in the direction the assault rifle had flown. Reaching its location panting, she grabbed and more or less hugged it, pressing it against her body, stating firmly, "This is mine now."

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Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt, @@reader8363,  @,   


With Summer's swift end to the fight, Second Sight relaxed, easing his hold on his enchanted card. 'Stunning speed... those fangs appeared for a millisecond there... A vampire perhaps?' he pondered, backtracking and picking up the cards he had 'accidentally' dropped. 


Noticing Foray's... affection towards the assault rifle, Second Sight called out to everyone.


"The Raiders keep their loot stashed in a hidden room somewhere. I know how to access it; ammo, guns, armour, magical artifacts... the list goes on and on. You guys want anything? There's some rations too"

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@ @@reader8363 @@Sporemane @@Orbit @


(I'm pretty sure you meant Foray instead of Meson...)


"Rations first," Foray announced, strapping the weapon to her side and hastily crafting her remaining piece of cloth to improvise a battle saddle. "If you didn't notice, we lost just about all our water, so that's the first issue. If you can take us to food, lead on." She aimed a glare at Travelture and added, "We don't seem to be heading anywhere else fast..."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,@,

Travelture said as he changed back into his original form, 

"I said it's about a days worth."

He turned to Second Sight, and said as his horned glowed, 

"Hello, I would go for rations, and probably some armor, but I won't be there for the weapons."


Feeder said as he placed Beast in the bag, 

"Do they have meat there?"

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"Unfortunately not. Shadow Beast keeps his personal stash in his portals, i think." he replied, walking over to a wall of seemingly little importance. Using his claw, he lifted away a couple of rocks and pulled a lever hidden below them. The door to the storeroom opened with a low groan, a large rock moving out of the way to reveal a hidden tunnel.


With a jerk of his head,, he motioned for the other ponies to follow him.


Second Sight entered the storeroom and examined it's contents. "Shite, there was less than i thought. Some ammunition, a few cans of food, a few bottles of purified water... but that's it. The weapons seem to be... gone." he cursed under his breath. "Take what you can and let's get out of this cave before the raiders return"

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Travelture didn't need to be told twice, he ran in and grabbed some food, water, and ammo, then he ran out. and waited for the other. He walked up to Second Sight and said, 

"I don't think we were properly introduced, my name is Travelture Balland,


Feeder grabbed two bottle of water and ran out.

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@@reader8363, @


Foray's first move was to go for the rations, but she suddenly realized that she wouldn't be able to carry any of them. "Ugh, Celestia break my spine and rape me with her horn..." she cursed angrily as she was forced to turn up her nose at the vital supplies. "If I could eat ammo I'd be set for life..."


Filling out a few spare magazines, she strapped them to her battle saddle. Now fully armed, she would be independent save for her lack of food and water. As much as she hated trusting other ponies with vital supplies, she had no choice at this time.


"We've wasted enough time here. If we waste any more, we'll be out in the middle of the wasteland at dark. I don't think we can risk that."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@reader8363@@Meson Bolt


Second Sight acknowledged the greeting. "Name's Second Sight. Who are you guys anyway? Merchant caravan? Travellers?" Second sight grimaced. "Rival faction?"


He waved his mechanical hoof. "Doesn't matter, anything's better than these guys"




"We've wasted enough time here. If we waste any more, we'll be out in the middle of the wasteland at dark. I don't think we can risk that."


"Then let's move. We'll get better acquainted on the road" , Second sight left the storeroom

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Travelture said in a little hint of fear,

"Just traveler heading home."


Feeder said as he walked out, 

"I'm Feeder, I'm a doctor and a vet." 


@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture turned to Foray and said,

"Yes, let's get going. The raiders took some precious time. If we don't get to my home, We sleep in the nearby ruins."

He took off running, followed by Feeder.

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Foray followed the duo, sidling close to Second Sight as she trotted along behind them at a steady pace. "Um... I'm Foray. Great name, I know. I'm a nopony. Besides my name, there isn't a single interesting thing about me." She eyed him speculatively. "Who are you, may I ask?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Summer was last into the cave since everypony (really you all forgot) about the two dying ponies on the ground, Summer walked over to the two poor souls and put them out of there misery one shot each. (p.s she still has blood all over her face but appearance is back to normal) 


Inside the cave Summer she took some magazines for her new pistol and a holster that was sitting on a box, she put the magazines and pistol away. Summer walked over to this new pony that had betrayed his comrades, she gave him look over @, "well no offence but i'm keeping an eye on you and I can see through walls so no funny business."

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@@Meson Bolt,




"Who are you, may I ask?"


Second Sight grit his teeth. This was the third time he had to introduce himself. Purposely raising his voice such that it echoed around the caver, ensuring that every pony ( and thing ) could hear him, he replied; "I, the newcomer, am Second Sight". 


Satisfied that every pony heard his introduction ( or so he thought ), he continued walking. 






"well no offence but i'm keeping an eye on you and I can see through walls so no funny business."


He raised an eyebrow at this. "Don't try to intimidate me. It is physically impossible for you to see through walls. You read blood beats or a magical signature. Unless you read heat" , the image of a black and orange batpony flashing through his mind. "You aren't the first vampire I know."

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"well it's basically seeing through walls, nice to meet somepony who actually knows about my condition to a degree, everyone else here hasn't a clue really. Also." She walked right up to him, "it's not called intimidation, really I'm threatening you, I don't really need sleep it's optional your's is not, ponies are so vulnerable when they are asleep." She smiled at him, a rather nervous causing smile, then walked past him. "earn my trust and we'll forget this ever happened."

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Second Sight shrugged. "Whatever you say, Vampire, though, just so you know, if i had sided with the raiders then..." His voice dropped to a lower, serious tone. "You'd be dead where you stood.". He returned to his neutral, bored tone. "Really, if that doesn't earn your trust, i don't know what will." 

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"ha, I'm already dead there honey, we'll see, I don't bear you any harm it's just you were a raider like 10 minutes ago, so give me some time hey?" She walked out of the room back to where the others had gathered. Has the mindset of a raider that is for sure, earn my trust Sight is all I ask of you.

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"Sure, I understand. Take your time." Second said, keeping his eyes forward. "As much time as you can take in a wasteland like this."


He exited the cave, taking in a breath of relatively fresh air. "There's a settlement I've been keeping a secret from my 'boss' ahead, in the direction of canterlot" He spoke. "I'm unsure if it's abandoned, but we are sure to find water and shelter there." 


The earth pony stopped at a figure laying at his feet. It was the large unicorn raider from before, the one second knocked unconcious. Near him, his revolver lay in the dirt, a shot primed and ready to fire. 


'Sorry, pal. Heh, i'm sure ivy'll come back for you.' 


Second sight inspected the revolver. It was specially designed for unicorns, as it had a trigger too small for any hoof and a grip too clumsy for any mouth.


'I can use it'


He picked it up with his metal claw, spun it a few times and flicked it to eject the cylinder. It had room for 8 .45 rounds. Only 6 were filled.


'Good enough for me'


He walked back to the group and called out. "Keep your eyes out, this isn't the only raider gang out there."

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@reader8363@Emerald Bolt@EnzoAquila@Sporemane@Orbit


Foray quickly trotted forward to catch up to Travelture. If she was to be completely honest with herself, he was the only pony that hadn't managed to piss her off at almost every turn. Sidling up close to him, she stared at the ground moving underneath her hooves before looking up and mumbling, "Hey there... how you holding up?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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