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open The wasteland adventure RP


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( I'm assuming that you have second sight a lockpick to actually proceed with the challenge. Oh, and I'm on mobile now. Rip red text )


"Ok then" Second Sight shrugged, taking the lockpick and bringing it over to the door he had been trying to open; the reason he needed a lockpick in the first place.


He peered into the lock.


'Standard tumbler lock. Nothing special. Most of the dust clogged inside came loose when I punched the door.', Second sight mused


With careful precision he began to pick the lock, his mechanical claw giving him exceptional agility with the tool.


Most of the raiders and scum of the wasteland straight up assumed that his Mechanical hoof was made purely for bashing skills in. Truth is, it was built to allow him to manage hazardous material and tinker with equipment ( better).


The extra punch it packed was an added bonus.


'There we go', Second Sight whispered, as the lock clicked open. He pushed the door open, revealing...


"A foal's... Playroom?" Second Sight gasped out loud. Toys were strewn everywhere and a cradle stood at the corner of the room, all illuminated by a single window high up, too small for any pony larger than a foal to fit through.


Second Sight walked into the room, with an extreme amount of caution despite knowing that it was abandoned. There was something about this place that gave Second Sight a reason to respect it.


He checked the corners and saw it; the skeleton of a pony, sitting in an intact pile down in a corner.

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Ivy groaned and sat up. She looked around to see that she was in a ruined house. She looked around to see if her eye patch. She cursed when she couldn't find it. Then she saw a door open. She closed her left eyelid, and said, as she walked towards Second Sight,

"Where am I and where's my eyepatch, you traitor."

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Second Sight perked his ears up and slowly turned around, the dim light shining from the window behind him causing his hat to enshadow his face.


"Oh, you're up. You're in the ruins I talked you out of raiding the other day. As for your eyepatch, it's with the others"

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Ivy turned to the pony pointing the sniper rifle at her and said, 

"Shut up and point that somewhere else or I will shoot you with it. What am I a prisoner?"

She sighed and opened her left eyelid. It as an empty socket. She said as she walked into the playroom,

"What are you two looking at anyway."

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"oh our 'friend' is awake hello lass, sleep like a coma?" Summer kept an eye on Ivy, she had a feeling that she would try something and she was going to stop it when it happened. I really don't know why we don't just kill her I'd do it, for free without ammo either. "don't you nothing stupid there bandit."   

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Second Sight raised a hoof; "not my call, not my problem" he proclaimed, Inching backwards into the room. "Besides, we pretty much saved your life and spared it multiple times; that should earn us some damned respect from you"

He turned to Summer. "Sleep like a coma? That's.... an interesting analogy"

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Ivy turned to the vampire and said, 

"Let's see how you feel when a scorpion bats you unconscious."

Then she turned back to Second Sight,

"Tell me how you all spared my life, I'm with the enemy.  Also, why are all of you out this way?"


Feeder got up and went to check on Ivy.

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"I said it once, I'll say it again" Second waved his hoof in the air and strode out of the room. "Wasn't my call, isn't my problem."


He paced out of the ruined house, looking to the sky. He didn't care what the rest of the crew did with Ivy. He needed to scavenge the village for resources. Fortunately for him, the moon shone bright tonight, bathing the village in an eerie glow.


It was like taking a midnight stroll.


Out of the corner of his eye, he spied a water pump. He rushed to it, and began pumping the lever, hoping for the best.


'Come on.. Come on...'


To his surprise, water began flowing. He pumped his hoof and exclaimed: "Yes!".


>Second Sight filled up his own bottles of water, as well as everypony else's. 


He set down the last of the bottles back at the unofficial base camp, shivering slightly as a cold draft drifted through the room. Second  Sight looked to the skies.


'If we plan on reaching canterlot anytime soon, we better make the most of tomorrow daylight' He mused. Sighing in relaxation, he sauntered into the same room as Foray; the only one seemingly immune to drafts. He sat down in a corner, wrapped himself with his cloak, and drifted to sleep.



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Foray stirred almost the instant he stepped into the room. Her sleeping habits had obviously changed since leaving her original group. Normally she'd be sleeping on her left side, with her "good" ear facing whatever she was resting her head on, but as of late she'd been sleeping inverted, as the nature of her existence demanded constant alertness. Even now that she'd joined a different group, changing her habit to sleeping on her right side would take a lot more effort.


Mumbling something as she was awoken, she rubbed her eyes gently and sat up. "...Second?" she whispered as she laid eyes on the stallion, barely getting the word out before a yawn took over. "You're up late..."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Second sight didn't twitch his ears at the prompt, staying completely still.

Eyes still closed, Second sight replied. "And I was about to sleep."




He paused for a bit.




"By the way, I refilled our bottles and Ivy woke up. She hasn't started anything so far, but having a gun pointed at your head does have an effect on you"

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Summer sat in the room looking at the sleeping ponies or most of them close to it, she remembered do this same when she was younger and less dead, but now the night was her day and vice versa but there had been no chance for her to sleep, so she was 3 or 4 days without sleep, she could go a lot longer but it was starting to bother her, since everypony was asleep she thought about things to keep her going, the world her life recent and long gone events whatever popped into her head really.


@@Meson Bolt,@,


"you two sleep now, I have the watch, well all night really so rest you little heads." 

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@ @


"Oh, right..." Foray whispered quietly, shifting her position. "S-sorry for hitting you with the crowbar, by the way... that was an accident..."


Turning her head slightly to face Summer, she added, "Thanks for offering to watch for us. Just wake me if you need me to take over."


The mare yet again shifted, trying to find a comfortable position. She didn't want to ask for more blankets as she'd come off as selfish. Instead, she simply muttered, "Is it just me, or is it freezing in here?"

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Summer got up and walked over to the mare, "you're cold they're lass, here." Summer placed her blanket over Foray, she then walked back to where she was sitting and well sat back down. "before you say anything, I can see you're cold your um how to put this you blood is less red which means your cold, and I can't really sleep right now it's day time for me so sleep as long as you want to."




Summer looks over to Second, "you too Second both of you sleep now." 

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"For me, ya can walk away anytime, just don't try to kill us" Cyan put his rifle back on his back, the room was empty anyway. He get back to camp and look at the ponies and old kitchen "welp, no cooking at night anyway..." He say to himself and look at Summer.




"I can't sleep anyway, care to join me searching those building?" He looked at one of bearly standing buildings "Could use ya' eyes, if ya know what I mean". 

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"sure I know what you meen," Summer giggles from that. "but alas Some one must watch Ivy. And you need sleep aswell come lie down and try anyway." Summer lays down herself and looks out the door outside, I do say it is a nice night.


(time skip now? people just me go bed myself now anyway)

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@@Meson Bolt


"I'm fine." Second Groaned. "Apology accepted, whatever. I was a raider for a while, remember?". He uncomfortably in his place.


"If Ivy starts anything just holler or something, I'll go and sort it out." He droned. "If nothing else, all of you, go to sleep. Well, except Summer."

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@,@@Orbit, @@Meson Bolt, @,

Feeder came in and said as he walked into the house with Ivy in it.

"We have some things to discuss."


The sun shown on the horizon, lighting up the ruins. The embers of the village brazier had died hours ago. Beast slipped out the of his bag, moved to around the ruinesand stripped of his skin. Ivy was digging through the bags. and Feeder was carefully looking at the shotgun Cyan gave to him

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@@reader8363,@, @, @@Meson Bolt,  


Cyan wake up early, he fall asleep as quickly as he sit on the chair. He looked at sleeping pony, well... It's breakfast time, he make a little campfire outside and some holding for pot from kitchen of ruined house nerbay, open his canned beans, put them in pot and empty his water bottle in it. "where is it..." Cyan whispered while looking throught cabinet's of nerby house "score!" he take a little package of spices from it and add it to the soup, this soup have no right to taste good but for some reason Cyan got some kind of luck with cooking, and most of his food taste good.


He walked back to kitchen and put pot on the table "Morning everypony" He shouted to sleeping ponies when sun raised. "Breakfast" Cyan put dishes on table. 

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@@Orbit, @@reader8363, @, @


Foray sat curled up in the corner, shivering. Two sheets, a pillow, and the sun shining down, and she still didn't feel warm. Well, most of her body didn't. She didn't know whether to allot it to a lack of sleep, general stress, or something else, but she was feeling rather down.


Shifting position to face away from the sun, she mumbled, "Y'all go ahead and eat... I'm not hungry."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,@@Orbit, @@reader8363, @,


Second Sight just sat in the corner, his hat blocking the sun's rays. He sat there: still, unmoving, his eyes staring straight downwards.


He was absolutely stoned.




"Morning everypony"


'No, i don't want to move too comfortable. Is that- is that beans?' 






'Beans are not breakfast. Still, food is food. I smell spices. He put in extra stuff. i will forgive his mistake.'


Second Sight rose like a zombie, his eyes half lidded, avoiding the sun's rays. He staggered to the table and retrieved 2 plates of beans, holding one in his mouth and the other with his claw. He then dragged himself back into the room.


He set a plate before foray and returned to his corner.


"Eat. You'll need the energy."


Second Sight snuggled into the corner. He was beginning to like his corner.

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@@Meson Bolt


"C'mon ya hurting me! I spend all morning making it!" He shouted and eat his weird soup "It taste better that it look's like" Cyan take his portion of bean soup and walk to the Foray and Second.




"Eateable right?" He eat the rest while walking through "camp". There's still some unscavenged buldings "After breakfast do ya two care to help me check that buidlings?" He pointed three closed buildings. 

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@@Orbit,@@Orbit, @,

Ivy found her eyepatch and placed it on, then she went and got some breakfast, then checked if no one was watching and grabbed the a few clips of ammo. Then went into the house and said, 

"When do you think we're leaving."


Travelture got up and levitated a plate to him. After finishing his plate, he set it on the bed and headed to the big building at the other end

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