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private comrades in arms, one on one with ENNebula

Mentis Soliloquy

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Emerald was talking to her sister, Sapphire. (only for this opening post Emerald is green Sapphire is blue also this is the only time there will be colour text for now)


"So sis. anything of note happening?" "What in the coming week?" "yeah." "um let's see," Emerald opens a notebook on the desk and looks through the pages but doesn't get far, "Oh Luna I forgot." "What Em?" "There is some Solar guard coming like today, what time is it?" Sapphire looked at her watch, "it's nearly knock off time so 7.47." "better hurry then." "Have fun sis." Emerald had already left the room by then.


Emerald flew home rather quickly the morning train was due at 8 so she was in a rush, she dumped her armor and weapon. Had the fastest shower in history and bolted for the train station. The station clock said 8.04 the train was running late good now i can sit and wait hope i'll figure out who it is. The train arrived 4 minutes later...


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Bored. Very bored. So very, very bored. Extremely bored. A sole pegasus thought to himself as he rode the train to his destination, Ponyville. He had been given a task by the Captain of the Solar Guard that required him to stay as a residence of Ponyville for a week, maybe only a few days depending on the difficulty of the task. The solar guard was glad he got to leave castle grounds as he dislike patrolling, especially if he had to stand still to guard certain locations. He was never the pony who can stand still at one spot for too long, but unfortunately it's the job he sought for... well kinda.


The pegasus was looking forward to this trip, but soon a rather loud groan escaped his muzzle causing some of the passengers to give him odd glances. Some of them were probably wondering why somepony from the Royal guards was acting in such a unprofessional manner. Why, he's suppose to be a calm, stoic, impressionable, stern-looking, uptight, boring guard! How dare he acted otherwise?! But none of that was important as he was faced with a very huge problem... His arch nemesis, Boredom stole his interest of counting clouds and trees. The dastardly villain even stole the numbers of clouds and trees straight from his brain, and he had counted to the three digits! The guard dare not to start over unless he wishes his nemesis to strike again so he did his best to cope with having nothing to do... for the rest of the train ride. Why did they make him take a train? He could have easily flown himself to the pastel-colored town, and probably arrive faster too.


The private was on the verge of letting another groan escape from his nuzzle when he heard the conductor, over the intercom saying they will be arriving at their destination in less than five minutes. Feeling his spirit lifted, the pegasus' body started bouncing up and down. When the train finally arrived the solar guard tried rushing out of his seat and to the door, until he met his second arch nemesis, crowds! However, that did not stop him from thinking outside out the box. Look, over there! A opened window! Adjusting his strength the solar guard jumped and successfully made it out the train car. "Huzzah! I hath succeeded!" He stood proudly for brief moment, ignoring the once again odd-looks, giggling, and chuckles he received from ponies around him.


For brief moments the white-furred, blue-maned solar guard stood there, don in the usual gold-plated armor and the gold spartan helmet with blue plumes, thinking about his next course of action. Arrival to Ponyville, check. Escaped from boredom, check. Escape by jumping out the window, check. I still don't understand why every guard has to wear armor that makes everypony look the same. I can't wait to get this armor off. Got all my belongings, check. Not that I brought anything anyways, 'cept for my bits. He mentally checked off his list of tasks-to-accomplish before complaining about the armor he wore. "Next, to meet the princess!" The pegasus said to himself as he adjusted his helmet. With everything in place, the solar guard started trotting towards the direction where the princess of friendship dwells, passing by a pegasus with off-white fur, with streaks of green in her mane along the way

Edited by ENNebula
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Emerald noticed a pegasus in full uniform pass her, well that's has got to be him, I mean he has the armour on so that was not too hard. She turned to catch up with him as he headed in the direction of the castle, "hold up there guardsmen, we need to talk before anything happens." She then moved in front of him blocking his path, "I assume you are from the Solar Guard?" Emerald was using her own guard voice alought he had no reason to know who or what she was so it may of been a bit weird for him.

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The pegasus, with a smile plastered on his face, took a few steps before somepony obstructed his path. His vision was soon filled with the color of off-white, dark grey, and green and he realized that it was the pony he had passed just moments ago. The private wanted to say something, but she beat him to the punch. Sounds like she has business with me. And what's a guardsmen? What's that? Oh, wait, is it like guardspony, except you replace the pony with men? I don't think I've ever been addressed like that before. Hold on, I do recall that the minotaurs address each other with words like man, or men. Sweet! Did she visit their country before? Awesome! The solar guard mentally conversed with himself without saying a word of reply, and his expressions changed from smiling, to a stern face, then with his brow furrowing and rising, and finally one with glee and excitement. At first he thought about what she said, but obviously it didn't take long for him to get sidetracked.


Finally snapping back to reality and realizing that he was staring at her the whole time he was spacing off, the pegasus let loose a little cough of embarrassment. "Ahem, um, sorry about that. I was... thinking, yeah, thinking about something. But yes, I am a Solar Guard. Private Vermillion at your service!" Virtus saluted to her, casting his light blue irises on the mare in front of him. "Do you require my aid, Miss?"

Edited by ENNebula
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"That is Miss Bolt, Emerald Bolt but when i'm on duty it will be ma'am to you, I am the guard commander here, and have come to say hello and to help. Later you'll visit the castle but first I can show you around first then where you'll be staying which will be at my house." Emerald sizes him up a capable looking lad, "I wasn't actually told why are you here actually, Twilight does have her own detachment," she smiled at him "we have our own colours too, our crests are purple and the armour is silver in colour similar ish to Crystal ponies. Now that I think about it?" Raising her hoof to her chin for the last part.


Emerald gestures for him to follow her, "there is a good cloud to see all of Ponyville from and you can get your bearings." Emerald gracefully lands on a cloud above him then waves down "come on come up here!"

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Virtus took a few moments to process everything the mare said. "Oh, my apologizes, ma'am! I did not realize that I was speaking to a superior." The pegasus quickly stood tall and firm, giving the commander another salute. Guess it's been a while since I've last pay Ponyville a visit. To think I'd even forget the face of the commanding officer here in Ponyville. Now that I think about it, I've been traveling all over Equestria to accomplish the missions assigned to me. Virtus thought to himself before responding to Bolt's statement about the armor's color. "Yes, you're right on the color, ma'am. And also yes, I don't believe many have heard of the reason why I'm assigned to Ponyville. I've been given a task by Princess Celestia to explore a ruin located inside the Everfree Forest, and to meet with Princess Twilight Sparkle once I arrive." The private told her, of course he didn't tell her everything. The only ones who knew are the Princesses, except for Twilight, some of the council members, himself, and his true superior.


Seeing the guard commander gesture for him to follow, Virtus did as such and followed her into the air with a flap of his wings. The pegasus soon landed on the cloud next to Emerald Bolt as he took a look around. He could feel the cool crisp breeze that swept pass him and the warm rays from the sun. He felt empowered being exposed to the sun's rays at a closer distance than on the ground. "Thank you for showing me this spot, ma'am! However, despite it being quite a long time, this is not the first time I've been in Ponyville."



(( As mentioned before, I have not revised Virtus' profile so some information about him is not written in the profile, like who he truly works for. He does work for the Royal Guard, but he's working for another group. Also, his left eye has magical properties when he's exposed to the sun. If you want to know more, I'll tell you via PM or in the OOC thread that you made. ))

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(more information the better there mate)



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Emerald, started pointing out houses, businesses, the castle, town hall the space where the library used to be, she then pointed to a small cottage similar to others in the town but with a white roof different from the others around it, "that's my house and my sister lives there too." She looked at him a smile on her face She points to a cloud house on the far side of town it's just visable "my cousin lives there but she is up north at this moment, and now that i think about my other cousin, I have a lot of relatives, I come from the Orange family you see Bolt is actually my middle name but I don't really use my family name. Anyway my other cousin lives with us when she's here but she's gone to work at a mine as a cook or something for a few months, I'm chewing your ears off, sorry." 


again she gestures for him to follow, "come on we may as well go see Twilight." They took off towards the castle "now some ground rules she is very informal so no your highness or Princess or salutes she hates that stuff, she quite normal really loves to read, come to think about it I'm not formal either honestly me and my sister work part time, during the night mostly or on official stuff but otherwise we are general labourers around town, that is why I'm not in uniform."


(you can speak for Twilight, so will I if I believe it necessary, and I'll speak for my sister too)  

(Twilight speech Sapphire Speech and i will be just black (Emerald))

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Every direction Commander Bolt pointed, his eyes followed. Virtus knew the town's layout pretty well, however he only memorized the roads and other pathways in the town. As the mare continue to speak, he made no attempt to reply back until she was finished. "Oh, no, no worries. Compare to what I've experience from my superiors, you don't even come close as chewing my ear off. I appreciate you telling me all that you did, and since you told me about yourself I feel it's only fair if I do the same." The private gave Bolt a brief smile before he continued. "I don't believe I told you my full name earlier, so once again, it's Vermillion. Virtus Vermillion. I don't have a middle name, at least not that I know of. As for my family, the only family I have is my mother. I may have relatives, but I've never met them before." He shrugged and stared off into the distance. "Must be nice knowing your relatives and having siblings..."


Watching as Bolt took off the cloud, and gestured for him to follow, Virtus too took off after the pegasus. He wanted to ask why she's using her middle name instead of her last name, but he didn't want to pry into somepony's life. "So, Orange, huh? Is that like the Apples here in Ponyville, but instead of owning a apple farm, your family owns a orange farm?" Virtus asked her, eyeing her with  curiosity as they flew closer towards the castle of the princess of friendship.



(( I'll mention Twilight in my next post. I plan on skipping the whole dialogue with Twilight and just say in my reply that Virtus spoke to her and gathered some information from her, which will be revealed as the RP progress. ))

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(that is fine less text when it conveys the same message)


"Yeah that is the thing with farming families rather unoriginal last names, so there are all sorts out there the Apples, us, Bananas, Peaches and so on and so forth. Me and my sister are different from the rest of the family though everypony in my family is a earth pony apart from me and my sister, and one of my cousins she a pegasus too. My sister is the only unicorn in five generations, me and Summer that's my cousin she's away from town at the moment, I said that already anyway we a three generations in our gap." They landed at the doors of the castle after a few more moments of flying.


Sapphire was on her way out when they arrived, "hey sis where is Twilight?" Sapphire ignored Emerald and looked at Virtus "oh I like him already see you at home big strapping colt." "Sapphire!" Sapphire locked to attention "Sorry ma'am, she's in the meeting room." Emerald waved her off, Sapphire passed them without another word but gave Virtus a wink as she left. 


"i'm sorry for that she is a bit odd sometimes follow me." They walk further into the castle down the long main hall, Emerald pokes her head around the door they have come to, the comes back again "She's in there and will probably be expecting you, since you said I'm not to know I'll wait here have fun and remember what I said about how to talk to her no formal stuff."

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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