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private Hooves vs. Wheels

Jon the VGNerd

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The Rainbow LFA drives at the side of the forest, in hoping to find less tree roots, eventually finding the area where there are less tree roots and branches as it makes the turn before picking up the pace again, amid being shaken around from the rough terrain, while driving over some small tree roots, and hitting some branches, which scratches its paint job from the bumper, hood bonnet, and both side doors after sideswiping the tree trunks several times, along with its windshield showing some cracks after impacting one of the branches at a moderately fast speed, as it traverses through the forest in the process, eventually emerging from the other side, only to see that Rainbow Dash is way far up ahead as it now speeds up in an effort to keep up with her.

Edited by Jon the VGNerd


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Rainbow Dash looked behind her at the car, now just emerging from the forest, and blew a respberry at it as she increased her speed. The smooth plains up ahead would offer advantage to the scratched-up vehicle, and she was going to need all the head-start that she could get.

If I don't win this, AJ will never let me live it down.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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As Rainbow LFA picks up the pace more, it nears towards her with blistering speed, despite having been received cosmetic damage from its paint scratches and a cracked windshield from the forest earlier, it passes Rainbow Dash once again, as the car picks up more speed in a slight downhill section from the smooth plains, which brings closer to Rainbow Dash to fall behind.


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Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth in annoyance as she watched the blur of a car speed past her. I have to step it up! Willing her hooves forward, she pounced across the dusty plains, trampling the grass and dirt as she struggled to catch up to the speeding car. Come on, Dash. You've got more in you than this.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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While the Rainbow LFA's speed continues to dramatically increase, it suddenly makes a turn into the uphill section as an alternate route in an effort to go further ahead of Rainbow Dash out of her range,as some of its wind speed begins to surround the scratched-up vehicle as it ddoes whatever it takes to go even faster in an effort to pull her away.


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Seeing the vehicle revving up quickly, Rainbow Dash concentrated heavily, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, summoning motivation from every ounce of her body to keep up with the machine. Her legs were starting to become sore. I'm beginning to tire, she realized in shock.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Suddenly, there is a sound of a sonic boom, with a blast radius that resembles exactly like Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom, The Rainbow LFA races over the edge of the cliff, despite not being able to make a rainbow while airborne, and it lands back onto the ground, with tremendous force and breaking off the rainbow, at the cost of damaging itself further, with some of its suspension parts being broken off, its front and rear bumpers severely damaged, its car door handle damaged, which results the door to swing open, its rear wing dangling on from the impact, including its windshield showing large amounts of cracks, as well as broken headlights/tailights that have been damaged, rendering them useless. The Rainbow LFA nears towards the finish line, despite losing amounts of speed from the harsh impact, in an effort to outpace Rainbow Dash.


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Rainbow Dash gaped as she watched the veheicle speed up towards the finish. Badly damaged? Yes. But it was still ahead of her. By a large amount. She willed every muscle in her body to speed her forward, but she could already tell that although the badly damaged car had slowed down considerably, it still had a large lead. Too much of a lead, in fact.


Is this it? Am I going to lose? wondered Dash, even as her hooves pounded across the dusty ground. She was dimly aware of all the ponies cheering at the finish line, and for a second contemplated breaking free of the rope and flying towards the finish. But she discarded that thought almost instantaneously-she'd learned her lesson from her friends. It was better to lose fairly than the win a cheater.


Her friends, Rainbow Dash remembered, the world whizzing by, just a blur. Would they be sad? Angry? Disappointed? Her tired mind conjured up images for her. She dimly remembered Applejack's big winking grin. Win this for me, pardner. Twilight's startled glance. You better win this, so I can write a book about it. And even Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash, once you win, we'll all throw you a big party! It'll be fun!


And then, of all things, her thoughts turned towards her family. Her mother and father, the day they sent her off to Flight Boot Camp. They'd always pushed her, hadn't they? They'd want her to win. For them. For everyone, Rainbow Dash promised herself, as she quickly stretched every aching tendon in her legs to maximum potential. Her hooves were really starting to hurt, and her breath was little more than weak ragged gasps for air.


Is this really worth it? a voice in the back of her head asked as she barreled after the blueish car. Of course it is, she promised herself. Rainbow Dash never loses. Her head was starting to pound painfully, and her chest was aching like crazy. She kept one goal and one goal only in her thoughts-the finish line.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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As Rainbow LFA races towards the finish line, after gaining a huge lead by Rainbow Dash, one of its tires and wheels from the rear from both the impact and the intense friction from the immense speed, suddenly explodes to smithereens as the vehicle now begins to slide wildly and out of control as it struggles to maintain control, to no avail, as its speed was too much for the racing machine to handle as it slides sideways uncontrollably and catapults itself from the rough terrain into a deadly barrel roll after not being able to maintain its pace to the finish line. The crowd groans as they watch Rainbow LFA barrel roll several times helplessly, each impact results in its severely damaged bodywork to give way, its front and rear bumpers, hood bonnet, rear wing and several of its parts, like brakes, suspension parts, as well as another of its tires/wheels flying off, as well as another of its tires/wheels severely bent after landing back on four, or three, wheels, just short at the finish line. In a last ditch effort, the Rainbow LFA once again struggles to drive to the finish line, but, to its misfortune, its engine seizes as it billows smoke from its exposed engine, the vehicle now at a dead stop, being unable to beat Rainbow Dash.


"Ohh, and Rainbow LFA falls just short at the finish line! With the machine no longer able to reach the finish line first, we can only hope that Rainbow Dash can make it to the finish line first!" announced The Mayor. "We gotta cheer for Rainbow Dash and show that not even a futuristic-looking machine is better than the greatest flyer of Equestria and Cloudsdale!" said one of the crowds, with such determination. "I agree! Let's cheer for Rainbow Dash and prove that she's better than the "pony of the future thing!" The crowd begins to chant for Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!"


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(Oh crap, I haven't checked this for a long time...)


Rainbow Dash, blinking with determination, ran towards the finish line, kicking up clouds of dust as she went by the stalled car. "Knew it!" she said triumphantly as she passed by the stranded vehicle. "No one beats Dash!" Happy with herself, she skidded to a halt in front of the finish line, and eagerly stepped a single hoof over the line, basking in the cheers of the adoring crowd as she jumped across the line, almost like it was a hurdle, to land neatly five feet past the line and into the welcoming hooves of her adoring fans.


She stuck out her toungue at the stalled car as she was carried away by the cheering mob.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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After Rainbow Dash was carried away by her fans, the Rainbow LFA simply stands there, completely wrecked after its fruitless effort that ended in a catastrophic crash that led to a loss as the crowd leaves to return to Ponyville, still chanting Rainbow Dash's name after her victory. Its damaged monitor reads:




Its text now becomes static as its condition is so severe that its four wheels now has two, and its battered engine and other compartments are rendered useless due to it being unable to move at all as it remains on the spot where it fell short from the finish line throughout the entire day.


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Applejack returned home a bit early from the after-race celebrations party Dash hosted immidiately after her victory, a bit woozy. She was sure Berry Punch had slipped a little something into her cider, but her brain was too tired to make any accusations. She could barely see Sweet Apple Acres in front of her.


As she gingerly placed one hoof in front of the other in an attempt to slowly get back home safely, she ran smack into a large metal object, falling unceremoniously to the ground "Ah! Whuzzat?" Clearing her head and straightening her hat, she glanced upwards blearily, her focus made blurry by the spiked drink she had consumed. "Ain't that the machine Dash was racin' against?" She heaved herself off the ground, and totteringly marched over to the car, banging on the window. "Hey! What in tarnation are ya doing here? Ya can leave now, the race is already over!"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The damaged window breaks as Applejack banged on its window. The car was so severely damaged from the race earlier, with only two wheels remaining as one wheel was completely blown off and the other wheel thrown off from the barrel roll, the Rainbow LFA remains helplessly onto the ground, with its monitor filled with static, with the words "DNF..." that have froze after the race, thus the car cannot move at all.


A random Ponyville citizen, who is trotting along town, happens to see the wrecked Rainbow LFA, with Applejack by its side. "Hmm... this machine needs to go to the hospital, and fast..!" said a concerned citizen. "I thought doctors can heal ponies, not... living machines?" replied a concerned Ponyville citizen. One by one, the Ponyville citizens becomes a crowd once again, this time with concerned expressions and comments on figuring out on how to bring the Rainbow LFA back to its home place from Equestria. "Should we get Celestia?" said another concerned pony. "What should we do about Rainbow LFA, Applejack?!" said a worried unicorn pony.

Edited by Jon the VGNerd


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Applejack frowned at the RAinbow LFA, now little nore than a heap of nuts and bolts.

"Well, uh..." she stammered, thinking of a response. "It's just a machine, ain't it? A mechanic will get it fixed up good in no time."

Unfortunately for her, she knew of no mechanics around Ponyville. She looked glumly at the broken-down car as she tried to think of a solution.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Everypony looked at each other, having no experience whatsoever to repair the heavily-damaged vehicle at all. Meanwhile, a brown unicorn colt with reading glasses had just arrived Ponyville for a visit when he suddenly spots a large crowd gathered around, with worried comments. "Huh? I could've sworn that Ponyville should be peaceful like every day should... maybe I'll check out and see what the hay's going on." He trotted along to find out what was going on. "'scuse me ponies, curious techno-geek wanting to find out the problem." He moves through the crown of ponies, carefully not bumping into them, and spots the damaged racing machine, or Rainbow LFA, with Applejack by its side.


"Whoa... no way!" Techie said with a surprised expression as he pulls out his book from his backpack pouch using magic as he quickly flips through the pages until he spots a page about Rainbow LFA. He quickly reads i before closing the book and putting it back into his backpack pouch. "Hey everypony! I found out where that machine came from!" The crowd grows quiet in an instant right after he mentions on where the Rainbow LFA came from, with some hushed whispers from a few ponies.


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Applejack raised an eyebrow at the newcomer pony. "Oh? Spit it out, then," she said curiously.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"It came from Vehiculia, which is.." he paused for a moment as he opens his book from his backpack again and quickly reads it before resuming talking, "an alternate dimension of Equestria!" Everypony gasped. "Vehiculia?!" "Alternate dimension?" the ponies looks and talk at each other with confusion. "Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but it's also true. It's weird how that machine got there... what happened to it? Did it drove itself into may trees or something?" he asked with confusion as he looks at the wrecked Rainbow LFA.


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Applejack scowled. "More like it blew itself apart ta haybits tryin ta keep up with Dash." She looked around for the rainbow pony, but couldn't find her anywhere-she must have flown off.

Darn it all, ah wanted ta congratulate her. Ah well-maybe next time.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Hmm... I think I know how to get it back to its own dimension, with my handy teleporter in Canterlot," he pauses for a moment, "although I was merely using it as a science project for the University of Canterlot, I dunno how it ended up in Equestria" he thought before resuming talking "but judging on how... damaged it looks.." he looks around to see if there are any remnants of the Rainbow LFA's parts that it had flew off. So far, he finds several vehicle parts such as brakes, suspension parts, pieces from the engine bay, pieces from the overhead valve, a car door, a hood bonnet, its rear spoiler and its front and rear bumper, as well as a whel and tire that has been flown off from the car, as well as its pieces of what it appears to be what is left of the other tire and wheel.


Using his magic from his horn, he collects many parts from Rainbow LFA, but holds onto them before looking at everypony. "Does anypony have a wagon or something like that?" he asks. One of the ponies bring up a large wagon over to Techie,"Got it!" He then puts all Rainbow LFA's parts onto the wagon for the pony to carry along with. "Now... who can push this machine to the train and take it to Canterlot?" he asked to everypony. He then points out to a muscled pegasus pony, Snowflake, "You! Would you be able to help move this vehicle to the train and to the teleporter thing in Canterlot?" he asked. "YEAH!" said Snowflake with determination as he immeiately flies on front of the wrecked Rainbow LFA, ready to take it to Canterlot. "Heh. Looks like that's all there is to it. See you everypony back in Ponyville!" he waves good-bye to everypony before he leaves Ponyville, with Snowflake, who is carrying the wrecked car, and the unnamed eath colt pony, who is carrying the parts from Rainbow LFA. "Oh, and name's Techie, by the way." Techie said to Applejack as he leaves.


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"Well, howdy there and nice ta meet ya, Techie," responded Applejack, shaking his hoof. She was secretly relieved that she would wouldn't have to have anything to do with the clean-up process. She already had a large load of apples reading for bucking. "Mah name is Applejack," she added. "And, er, ah grow apples," she added, rather lamely.

"So, all ya need to do is fix up the car and it'll be all ready ta leave, right?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation away from ever-increasing awkwardness.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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He was momentarily stopped as Applejack shook his hoof. "Nice to meet ya too, Applejack," he replied to her with a chuckle. "Well, actually, I'm no mechanic or anything, but this guy here'll take it to the teleporter, as well as the parts, to another dimension, and it'll be fixed in no time!" Techie said with enthusiasm. He also whispers to Applejack, "I pretty much built a teleporter as my science project." He then looks at everypony and waves good-bye to them so he can return to Canterlot with Snowflake, who is carrying the Rainbow LFA with his front hooves and the unnamed colt pony, who is carrying a wagon with the car's parts Techie has collected. "Don't worry, everypony! I'll be back once we return it back to its own dimension!" He leaves with the two other ponies, as Ponyville citizens cheer for the three ponies as they leave for Canterlot.


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Applejack scratched her head as she watched the pony leave, before turning back for Sweet Apple Acres. "Ah'm done with this fancy-pants scientific shenanigans," she grumbled, stepping out of the way of several loose car parts as she walked.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The three ponies arrive inside the train, with the wrecked Rainbow LFA stored inside the back of the train, before the train sets to Canterlot, with Techie simply laying back on his seat, relaxed, while waiting to be arrived back at Canterlot.


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Princess Celestia sat at her royal desk, scribbling out yet another note to one of her retainers on a sheet of old parchment as uninterested guards sat staring at the throne door, twitching their spears occasionally.


*POOF*! A single message fluttered out of the thin air, startling Celestia for a second, before she bent a hoof down to unfurl it, wondering for a second if it held some interesting news, but was disappointed-it was nothing more than a letter from one of her border scouts announcing the arrival of a strange vehicle of sorts that they had not seen before. Yawning, she turned back to her desk, waiting for a note from Twilight Sparkle.

Edited by Aureitas d'Aequitoid


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The train then arrives at Canterlot, with Techie seemingly asleep, his manee poking out from the window, before being jolted awake y a slight twitch. "Erm.. wha... we're here?" he looks around, with himself and the colt aboard the train and Snowflake outside of the entrance and the train, carrying the Rainbow LFA around his back after pulling it out from the back of the train and the colt pony, still carrying onto the wagon containing vehicle parts. "Hey, let's get a move on!" he told Techie. Techie stumbled out of the train, trying to regain his balance after his brief nap. "I'm comin' dude.. whoa!" he nearly loses balance as he exits the train before regaining balance. "Alright guys, lets take that machine back to its own home!" he said with enthusiasm as the three ponies trot around Canterlot before arriving at a teleporting machine, although it appears to be more of a prototype, just outside of his home. Along the way, many Canterlot citizens watch in surprise as they see a mangled vehicle and they begin to gossip at each other, with hushed rumors while seeing the mangled racing machine that was carried along by Snowflake.


Eventually, Techie arrives at the teleportation machine, which is used for a science project for his college in Canterlot. He activates the machine, which had very little power due to it being no more than a prototype, which opens the portal to the alternate dimension, known as Vehiculia. "Alright. This thing has a small amount of power, so we only got one shot at this. Ready, big guy?" he asked Snowflake. "Yeah!" he replied as he prepares to hurl the mangled vehicle into the portal. "Aaand... now!" Techie said as he tells Snowflake to toss the car into the portal, in which he successfully did. "Do you want me to put all these parts inside the portal?" the earth colt asked. "Nah, its cool. I'll take it from here." Techie replied as he uses magic to carry all of its parts inside the portal before the machine dies out from running out of power, as Techie sighs in relief. "Too close." he sighed. "Looks like our job is done. C'mon, let's head back to Ponyville." Techie, Snowflake and the unmed earth colt leaves Canterlot and return to Ponyville via train as several ponies cheer for the three. "Now now, I'm just only getting the job done, which I did in the end." Techie chuckled before the three arted ways, as Techie wanted no more than to explore Ponyville.


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