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private nerd or not? one by one with KikiTwilight

Summer Breeze

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(OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/145130-nerd-or-not-1x1-with-kikitwilight/)


the bell rang and the hallways of canterlot school of art and health filled itself with students. it looked like a strange mix: art and health but the tow schooled decided to get together and make one big school due to financial problems. but that was long ago and now CHAH was one of the best schools of equestria. the big modern building had two sides, one for the art section and one for the health section but they shared the same entrance, lunch room, library and sport hall. and it often happened students had to be at the other side of the school. that way the health and the art students were not seperated, at least that was the plan. but because of one certain pony, the sides were seperated and it looked like that would never change.


dusty rose walked down the hallway of the big school. the sun was shining bright through the windows and it was a lovely day, but no way rose would eat outside! her hooves would get dirty. behind rose where her friends: dusk dawn and velvet, they where the most famous groop of the school and they allways could walk freely through the hallways because everypony would step back for them.

dusty arrived at her locker, threw her books and camera in it and levitated the red bow she had in her hair out of it. she changed it for  her signature red rose she always wore behind her ear. everything about rose showed she was the most popular girl: the way she moved and looked at other student's, the way she talked and especially her rich parents. all of this made her untouchable, in this school rose was the queen.

dusty closed her locker with a loud bang, and a second later both her friends did the same. they walked to the lunch room and saw there where some first years sitting at her table. they had their books open and where discussing homework. rose walked to them, with an angry look in her red eyes. 'what made you think you could sit at my table?!' she said loud and clearly while standing behind the young pony's. they truned around and when they saw who stood behind them they quickly stood up and ran away. 'I thought so' rose said and looked around, the other ponys where looking at her but when they saw rose had noticed them they quickly looked away. 'I can't beleve somepony sat on our table!' said rose to her friends when they sat down and grabbed their home made lunch, prepared by their private cook. 'give them some time, the school has only started for a month' said dusk dawn, the indigo collored Pegasus was the calm one of them, while velvet was much more hot headed. but they all shared the same passion: fame. the three friends where feared in the whole school, even the headmaster lissened to dusty them. nopony could say no to dusty rose!


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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It's been exactly a month since Misty Night enrolled the Psychology course of Canterlot School of Art and Health, the school famous for its history and many ponies famous ponies who attended it in the history. She heard that some most famous psychologists in Equestria went there, and soon enough - she decided to try it on her own. She had talent of understanding other ponies' emotions on a different level, but she never thought she'd be any better than others, her self-esteem was always rather low.


She did hear a lot from older students about another student Dusty Rose, but she didn't appear to care about her that much. A popular girl from the Art side of the school? It sounded way too mushy for her, as she always kind of hated popular girls. She did feel a bit of interest, as she tries to understand everything, but she was glad she didn't have to interact with her. Or so, she thought.


She was sitting in the Lunch Room with her small group of classmates, but she didn't talk too much to them. She just listened to their conversations, and from time to time getting lost in her thoughts. She was kind of sad she didn't fit in very well, but her shy disposition made her have very small amount of friends. Plus, she just joined this school recently. 


She was "awakened" from her daydreaming by a loud voice. She realized that it belonged to another female grey-maned pony who was yelling at her fellow student. She just couldn't believe someone was capable of yelling at another pony for sitting on "her" table, so she approached Dusty Rose without much thinking.


"What makes you think this is your table, whoever you are?" she asked as assertively as she could. "This place belongs to all the students!" she added.

Edited by KikiTwilight


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"What makes you think this is your table, whoever you are?" she asked as assertively as she could. "This place belongs to all the students!" she added.

rose just wanted to take her first bite from her salmon sandwitch with imported mayo when she heard a voice behind her. she slowly stood up from her seat and turned around 'and who do you think you are' rose said slowly to the pony who had been talking to her 'you look like a little newby so I'll explain you the rules in this school. when I say something is mine, it is. you might not know me but I am Dusty Rose. dauchter of mister and misses rose, equestrias main flower producer. everypony in this school does what I say.' when rose finished talking she looked behind her to dawn and velvet to say something. velvet stepped forwards and bend over to the pony 'that's right, you little loser. in this school, we rule. we say what's cool and what not. what's ours and what's yours. and we are generous, we gave the library to the losers like you, so why don't you sit there? loser!' velvet said with her face close to that from the pony, and when velvet said loser she pushed the pony away. 'very well said, velv' rose said. with a mean smile around her lips.

Roses horn started glowing and the little dust particles started moving towards her. they came together above the new ponys head and slowly formed the word: loser. the word got bigger and bigger and then they melted together and made the ponys head with a really funny looking face. it looked really realistic, it even had the right collors. the pony's in the lunch room started laughing, and rose laughed to, the mean little smile again. she bend over to the little pony and whispered in her ear: 'now you know why you shouldn't speak against dusty rose'


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Misty was in shock when Dusty Rose responded to her. She wasn't used to standing up to ponies, so she was a bit confused that somepony actually took it seriously. What she did she just did without much thinking.


When she finally got back to her senses, which took her good 5 minutes, she decided to respond.


"This place doesn't belong to you," she said in a rather calm voice. "You could just go and sit someplace else. That's what all of us do. Or you think you are something special? You think you have everything you want just because you are popular? I've heard of you, and I pity you. Hopefully you'll sometime get to your senses."


She then looked at Dusty's friends. She didn't want to admit it, but she felt something off about them. And she didn't like the way Velvet stood up for Rose. It didn't even sound like she was defending her. It's like she wanted to get some spotlight too. But she didn't say anything about it, because she thought she'd spoken enough for one day. Even that was too much for her.


When she saw that thing made of dust, she just stared at it for a bit and then started crying. It was always hard for her to take situations like this, and she therefore felt awful. It was even worse when everypony started laughing at her. She ran out of the door without even getting lunch. 


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when the pony ran away crying rose looked at her with a sense of triumph. this is what her made feel strong, ruling this school. everypony knew and feared her. she turned around with a 'humpf' and sat down to finaly start eating her salmon sandwitch with imported mayo. when she took the first bite, she tasted the strong taste of salmon, she actiually didn't like it at all but it was a really fancy food and it looked cool when she just ate it on a sandwitch. when she swollowed her first bite she put the sandwitch down and looked at velvet 'you told that little loser the right things, velvet.' rose said to velvet. her golder collored friend had been a bit agressive but it that's what was needed sometimes to keep at the top of the school, and it had been rose who made her cry so the honor still went to her. but then rose looked at dawn 'why didn't you say anything, dawn? do you still think we need to give those newby's time?' rose said a bit agressive to her friend, 'velvet at least had my back but you where just standing there, doing nothing!' and rose turned her back to dawn and ignored her attempts to appologise. i'll forgive her when i need her to make my homework rose thought.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Misty didn't do very well at school that day. She was lost in thoughts about Rose, wondering if what she said was too harsh. She didn't seem like a bad pony after all, she just seemed spoiled and corrupted. 


"Well, at least she might be thinking of what I said and learn something from that," she suddenly said out loud in the Methodology class. "Or not," she added in a disappointed voice.


The teacher looked at her disapprovingly and everyone was laughing. 


 "Who will learn something from what, miss Night?" the teacher asked in a sarcastic voice.


Everyone started laughing even more loudly.


"Never mind," she whispered, more to herself than her teacher. "It's not important."


Her face turned very red, and she just stood up from her chair and went through the door. She couldn't stand the class anymore, not when everyone's laughing at her. She wasn't able to concentrate anyway. She wished she had brought her camera. Making photographs always relaxed her. But she had not, so she just went to the school yard walking from here to there.


She looked around. It was a beautiful place and she generally loved to come there when she's too lazy to attend classes. That didn't happen often, though. She liked the special golden flowers that grew only in these yards, one of the school's prides. She also liked the dog who loved to spend his time there. He was sleeping right then though, so she decided not to disturb him.


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rose walked around the empty hallways. classes had begun shortly after what happened at the lunch room. right now, rose should be at photographical history but she hated that subject. and the teacher to, he was so boring she couldn't concentrate. right before the lessons started again rose had accepted dusk's apologies and now dusk would take notes for her, so she wouldn't miss anything.

rose was bored, she had allreaddy been to her locker and to the bathroom to ajust her makeup and now there was nothing to do anymore. she was just wandering around the school and came into the health part of the school. this side was totaly different: instead of art there where medical posters at the walls and there where even some skeletons standing in the hallway. suddenly rose heard something behind her in the hallway. she quickly walked around the corner because she didn't want to be seen in the health section of the school without a good reason. rose heared a familliar voice comming from around the corner. the door opened and hooves walked away from her. rose quickly looked to see who she thought it would be and it was the pony from earlyer today! it would be mean if i followed her, right? rose thought. so when the pony was out of sight rose ran through the hallway to see where she went, the door to the garden was slightly opened so rose guessed she went outside.

rose walked outside, but watched out her hooves wouldn't get dirty. she looked at the flowers and saw how beautifull whey where, i should go take photos here sometime rose thought.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Misty felt bad that she left the class. She always felt bad when she did that, but she just didn't think. What if they do something important? She might miss on something! But there wasn't much that she could do right now, there was no way she could come back now!


So, she just sighed and looked around. Everything was familiar, but still kind of different. It looked the same, but it somehow didn't feel the same. It was hard for her to explain why, though.


The dog woke up, so she came and patted him. He waved his tail two times and licked her muzzle.


"What's to worry about"? she thought then, and smiled. Suddenly, she felt much better.


Right then, she saw the pony walking in the yard. She was rather surprised to see anypony here, as the students generally didn't appreciate this place way too much. She was even more surprised when she realized that it was none other but - Dusty Rose. She was worried a bit, but decided to approach her. She felt really bad that she got no feedback from her earlier, so she hoped she didn't hurt Rose's feelings.


She approached her very slowly, trying not to look Rose into the eyes.


"Um.. hello," she said finally. "Sorry about today, are you OK?"


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rose looked up in surprise, was that pony really talking to her?! how was that possible? rose had been so mean to her in the lunchroom today, and this pony apologised to her. while rose had been the one to call her a loser. why would this pony apologise, or be worried about her? if rose was honest she didn't even deserve it, why would this pony even talk to her?


suddenly rose realised she had been staring at the pony with her mouth open. she closed her mouth and shook her head. then she looked at the pony and said: ‘o-of course I am! why wouldn’t I be okay?’ she wanted to sound strong and show the pony who she was talking to but instead she had been stuttering, and her voice sounded weak.


rose was so confused she turned around and ran back inside. this never happened before and she didn’t know what to do! she felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time, she felt sorry for somepony else! rose ran into the bathroom and locked the door. ‘come on rose, be cool! you can handle this’ she said to herself and she tried to calm herself down. she was mad at herself that she had shown weakness, what if the pony would tell everypony and they would know she was not the cool and mean pony they thought she was? they would stop doing what she said, or they would even laugh at her! ‘that’s not true, rose. she would never do that. and nopony would lissen to a little loser like her’ she said to herself in the mirror. this calmed her down and she splashed some water in her face, then she took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Misty was confused by Rose's reaction. She was used to apologizing hen she feels like that, but ponies usually didn't stare at her with mouth open for that. "Poor girl," she thought. "She's not used to kindness."



She smiled at Rose's confused response.


"I'm glad you are OK," she said. "I just thought I might have been too harsh on you... sorry."


As Rose ran into the school, she was even more confused. Now, she thought about Rose even more than before. "She's not a bad pony, she just doesn't know what friendship means." After that she remembered that she sensed something off about those two friends of Rose's. She hoped that her guesses were wrong, but those two looked like they are using her!


This thought frightened her. She sensed something in Rose that she never thought she would. She wanted to help her, but she wasn't sure if she could.


Then she remembered that she must go to the class. "Maybe that will clean up my thoughts a bit," she thought and entered the school.


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when rose came out of the toilet the hallways where empty. it looked like nothing ever happened but rose knew that was not true. why am I so confused? rose thought. she always knew what to do, because everything always was as she wanted it to be. but now, that had changed. everypony was always afraid of her, or mean to her. but if they where mean rose was mean back. how was it possible that it had changed now? rose didn't want it to change, it made her scared and confused.  


the bell rang and the next class began. rose walked to the classroom and saw dawn 'did you write everything down for me?' rose asked her friend, but she already knew she did. dawn always did what rose asked her to do, dawn was a nerd but rose kept her in her groop because dawn made her homework, and she had rich parents. velvet was also useful because she was quite agressive and if rose didn't like somepony, velvet would make sure they wouldn't bother her. nopony can touch you, rose, you're still the queen of this school rose thought once again. and she knew it was true, as long as rose was a studend at CHAH there would be nopony that could ever beat her. at least, she hoped so.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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