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Return of the Age of Heroes (RP)

Dapper Charmer

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144770-return-of-the-age-of-heroesooc/page-1


The year was 2026, ten years after the original age of heroes, and the city of Maretropolis was in trouble. Without heroes to protect the city crime ran rampant through the streets. The city was in need of some new heroes to fight this new wave of super criminals and the city needed them fast.


Hooligan stood atop a tall building in the middle of Maretropolis. He looked out across the city with a scowl, "I am the night." he said seriously.

"That's Batman line." said the voice in Hooligans head known as Bedlam.

"Oh, what about here comes your friendly neibourhood Hooligan."

"That's Spider Man."

"Let's just blow some %#&£ up."

"Now your talking."

Hooligan jumped off the roof smiling as he made his way to the nearest store.

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...Nightlight sneaked through a big apartment buildings corridor, fully suited up and undetectable. Peering his head over a corner he spotted two fancy dressed security guard unicorns, both holding flashlights. Suddenly forced to withdraw his head as the light of the torch went at his direction he listened in as the two guards then begun talking, a red pony and a brown pony.


"Why is the boss so obsessive about the security? Not long ago it was him and several of his goons and bodyguards, and now security has tripled. " Spoke the brown one.


"I have no clue. Fork Prancer, his assistant, apparently said the boss is losing it over something... you think it is serious? "


"I hope not... after what has been going on with the other crime lords recently it may be tied, maybe he fears he is next?


"They're just suicides, is all. "


"Lets hope so...But y'know... don't you get the feeling like we're missing something or being watched?"


"Nah, you're over-AGH!" 


Suddenly, both were on the ground before they knew what hit them, Nightlight teleporting right in between them and then skillfully executing a chain of melee hoof to hoof moves that had both knocked out in hardly two seconds and down on the floor.


"That takes care of that. "


Unlocking the door the two were guarding, Nightlight paused. By a huge framed window stood an alone fancy dressed pony, firm, tall with a deep black mane, tail and fur tone.


"So you did come... apparently the 30 guards I put in between you weren't enough. " Sighing he turned away, facing Nightlight calmly. "I wouldn't have believed it otherwise... the phantom messing around with the criminal ring... Dol Gavarni, The Whisperer, and now my turn coming over... "


Nightlight approached, looking around and surprised to see no bodyguards or signs of any sort of trap. 


"I exploited all your secret contacts to the web and on your companies page, alongside your confession,  redemption request and suicide note... "


The fancy dressed pony buried his hoof in his muzzle, leaning over against the glass and looking down at the city.


"You really thought this through... I'm ruined and done... You even disabled the cameras I wanted to catch you on...   " The pony replied, going into a state of depressing sadness, turning back to the window and seeming to no longer care.


Giving him one more look Nightlights horn lit up, teleporting away... his job was done.


[One day later, at night. ] 


The unicorn sat bare on a rooftop, his white coat contrasting the roofs dark grey structure as the calm warm wind blew through his mane. A radio played, repeating the morning news. '3rd Mafia Leader exposed, Damavani, owner of a famous tech company has been proven guilty after admitting to all his crimes in a personal letter, revealing them on his site and then after leaving a note to his family jumping out of the window of the Town Square skyscraper, falling over 60 stories right unto the street below. Upon further investigation by the Police Damavanis crimes have indeed upon very short investigation been proven true, them finding literally tons of drugs in locations given out within his message... a setup or a crushing defeat for yet another member of the cities elite circle?


Grinning Nightlight got up, lighting his horn and suddenly his suit and combat armor materialized upon his body, looking down at the busy streets below.




[Okay, I did read this like three times, but it was 2:30AM... so... I am due to edit this post tomorrow when I wake up.

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Cipher Bolt jumped from tower to tower. Absolutely bored to death, she started looking around to see if there was anything fun to do or anypony to annoy. She had been in the city for a week now and she still couldn't find anything fun to do.


Suddenly, she spotted a unicorn who was sitting on a rooftop. She watched as the pony's horn lit up and suit and armor appeared on his body. Amazed there was some pony else with incredible abilities in the city, she realized something: THIS CITY WAS FULL OF SUPERHEROES. After a few minutes of thinking, she realized that if there were heroes, there were also villains.


For a week she had been fighting robbers thinking she was the only one who could stop them. But other heroes? No way, she thought.


She herself had been a villain before, (she still kind of was) but she had thought about the lives of the civilians. She had vowed to stay in the city as a hero and not a villain.


(Look, I know it's not much but this is my first time RPing as a hero and not villain. Sorry again)

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It was about 11pm when Hooligan reached the convenience store. Of course he began setting explosives immediately. When the store clerk noticed this he walked up to Hooligan and asked him to stop. And when Hooligan was asked to stop he simply killed the clerk. Hooligan placed the last explosive and walked outside. He used his magic to hold the trigger and sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Bedlam.

"It's just become so boring without heroes," replied Hooligan, "blowing up this building seems kinda pointless."

"So you're not gonna push the trigger?"

"Are you crazy of course I'm gonna push the trigger." The button on the trigger was suddenly pressed and the convenience store was ablaze.

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Suddenly upon hearing an explosion the unicorn quickly payed his attention to the street, seeing the shocked and surprised ponies below.

Then, looking up once more he saw smoke come from a nearby street. Quickly turning off the radio and putting it away Nightlight gathered his strength before sprinting to the edge of the rooftop, jumping off and landing on the rooftop below him and then teleporting to the edge of the building again and jumping rooftops again to save time. Not long of his swift and agile scaling he paused at one of the lower buildings in the district, looking over down to see the building store, and a mad pony in the middle of it all whom all the others shuffled away from. 


Just as he was to jump in he stopped, unable to do it... he couldn't... after how the last age of heroes ended he knew exactly what he was up for if he revealed himself. After weeks of working down in the shadows and trying to remain unseen he just couldn't.


Trying to shake it off he attempted again to go down and help but stopping again, stepping back and simply watching.


"I can't now... I just can't..."

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Hearing the explosion, Bolt turned to the convenience store and flew nearer to see what the matter was? Upon looking at what had happened, she didn't help, she laughed.


Oh, how hilarious it was to see an explosion in real life, while everypony rushed in to save the victims. Ambulances and police cars skidded into the scene. Officers aimed their guns at the pony holding the trigger while nurses prepared pushcarts and wheelchairs. However, they were distracted as they could hear Cipher Bolt laughing nearby! Aiming their weapons at her instead of Hooligan, they continuously shot at the pony but none were able to hit her. "Haha! Dumb FREAKS!"


And with that, she stomped on the ground. All the officers and nurses fell unconscious. Bolt realized her mistake. "UGH, DAMMIT! I killed these mortals! Dammit, if I'm staying a hero here, I at least gotta stop hitting ponies in the eye." She flew away into the moonlight as one of the policemen suddenly woke up.

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Inn Keep idly cleaned a shot glass. His Inn was empty, aside from a black out drunk pony sleeping in a booth in the corner. Business was slow, extremely slow today,  with the rising crime rate and whatnot, ponies often preferred to stay in their homes.


Not that they weren't safer under his protection, ironically.


The resonating sound of an explosion echoed through the Inn, carrying below the Inn's house music. 


"Another one" he sighed.

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Eyes widening Nightlight stepped up again, seeing the flying mare. Surprised that the police force was so trigger happy, before making out details as she knocked unconscious the ponies.


"What the hell... an alicorn...why.."


Seeing that he now had no choice... the one below should be handled by the guards... but this new one. Seeing her fly up to the sky more to his level towards the moon Nightlight braced himself and ran before jumping off, teleporting mid-air right in front of her and with a powerful impact forced her down harshly unto the rooftop of the block building on the other side, hitting it and accidentally cushioning her fall but with another swift spell teleporting up on all four hooves next to her and lighting his horn just in case, inspecting this new pony closely to figure out who or what she is while awaiting her response.



Edited by The Lonesome Spectre
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@ The Lonesome Spectre


Bolt shouted, "HEY! What gives?!" She looked at the stallion who had shoved her onto the rooftop. "Who are you?" She looked at the pony up and down and realized, "You're... A hero?" Surprised, she got up and just looked at Nightlight in awe. She suddenly aimed her horn at him, seeing that he was doing the same. Instead of a normal, curving aura, a blue fire shot out from her horn. "Look, back off, dude, I don't want any trouble."

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His eyes kept locked on the kind of weird pony, moving a hoof to the front bracing and firming his position. Raising an eye as she called him a 'hero' Nightlight wasn't too sure what to do, remaining a bit speechless due to not having a single idea what to do now.

Eventually after several seconds breaking the silence he spoke up, his mask lightly shifting his voice to be more robotic-ish.


"The names Nightlight...and you better introduce yourself first, Love, because I'm not letting you off until you do so properly. "


Smiling lightly his horn lit up a more powerful shade of very light blue as hers burst into flame, the stallion had a clear looking of relentless concentration on his eyes. 

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre
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Hacktune was walking around the block where suddenly, He heard a loud explosion coming from a nearby place.
*sigh* "Another Day, Another Crime. Heh" He continued walking his path, until he suddenly stopped
"You Should Help Those Ponies!" said his thought in his head.     "But..all the ponies don't care about the heroes"  He replied in a mumble. "Being Hero is not about fame" His thought said back, "Fine, Fine, I'm going..... Besides could be fun" He said with a maniacal tone.
Hacktune went to a nearby alley and put on his hood and sunglasses. Later, He vent dashed (dematerialize himself to particles of smokes and materlizing himself at the other end) to a nearby rooftop, So he can get a better vision of what happening down there.

He sat down there, scanning around the places for any trace to the criminal master behind this explosion. There he saw 2 ponies
one unicorn with some kind of armor and an alicorn. He watched from the distance as the unicorn horn glows


@Green Bolt@The Lonesome Spectre

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@hacktune >everyone


Inn keep stopped short in his actions as a though occured to him.


"My music is... Very loud" he mumbled to himself. "Maybe I should turn it down to let my one patron sleep better"


The earth pony headed over to the audio controls to turn down the dials, when it hit him.


"With the music this loud, I still heard the explosion which means...."


He hurriedly shut down the system and proceeded to detach an odd looking and overly ornate door in the Inn's back room.


"...the explosion's nearby."


He set his shield-door on his back and headed out into the night, to the Inn's roof.


He scanned the skies, spying the tell-tale smoke of an explosion close by, over a building in the next street, and...


"An alicorn?" Inn keep scoffed in disbelief. "Probably prosthetics or something. Or an illusion spell."


He decided to go over to the roofs of the buildings in the other street to get a better view of the commotion, when he bumped into Hacktune.


He stood beside the pony, looking down at the commotion below.


"Any idea what's going on?"

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@ The Lonesome Spectre


"Cipher Bolt's the name. And I don't like ponies shoving me onto rooftops in the middle of the night."she said. "I'm a dream demon plus an alicorn. You don't wanna hurt me." She kept her eyes on his horn. "Hey, just turn off that horn of yours and I'll stop too."

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Listening in with much interest Nightlight struggled a bit for a second with his decision but then ended his magical concentration, his horn returning to its normal white state. 


"I don't like ponies causing trouble... you managed to do that..." Taking a few steps back he kept his eyes locked on the pony, still not completely trusting her... but something in her lack of specific aggressive behavior spoke to his soul.


Finally, be broke and foolishly decided to trust her... she after all was an alicorn... right?


"Sorry, you caused some trouble down there and took out those authorities and then attempted to get away... I had to. " 


Turning his back to her he walked over to the edge of the building again to check on the pony down below, completely oblivious to the two others watching them already.


"I wouldn't call myself a hero... those died off years ago... It is a heavy title to bear nowadays...


@@Dapper Charmer, "

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre
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"I know. Especially since I'm an alicorn ponies usually target me. I'm surprised they have another one they're after." Then she saw the watching pony. "Wait, who's that? Looks pretty suspicious to me...." She took off after the pony. Her mane glowed with blue flames again and this time her eyes glowed blue too.

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@,@@Dapper Charmer,


Before he got too much of a glimpse at the pony down there his ears caught her speech... she was a hero?! Then as she pointed out something weird about a pony watching he also spotted the ponies watching, looking back to the pony down on the ground he was split on what to do... everything was just happening so fast, not long ago and he was sure he was the only hero in the city.


"Random crook who I cannot engage anyway or possible crime fighting partner... buck, this is why I prefer working alone. "

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Ephebran was lazily walking through the streets when he heard an explosion far away. It didn't matter to him as it would most likely kill him but still he was compelled to go there. He hastily made it into an alley to cover up his face with the mask he once had as a super hero. He then jumped up the walls of the buildings reaching the top of them shortly. After that he roof jumped from roof to roof until he got closer to where the explosion had been, this allowed him to see where the explosion had been and saw the remaining smoke and fire from the once bigger explosion.


After examining the situation he jumped down the building landing on the ground with a silent crack of the ground beneath him as he staggered slightly when stopping his legs motion from making him fall. It didn't make him fall but made his legs hurt quite a bit before he started walking up to the scene walkthing through and staring closer at the debris. He then sighed as he saw some pony standing there.

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Hooligan laughed at the explosion and the chaos that was going on around him, "I take it all back doing @£ like this is great." said Hooligan happily.

"See buddy," said Bedlam happily, "I knew some random destruction would make you feel better "

"You were right. Now how about we go talk to that pony spying on us over there?"




Hooligan teleported behind the pony and smiled, "you know spying is a pretty serious crime," he said with a smile.


(Sorry if I wasn't allowed to use my powers. I didn't know the range of your power cancelling.)

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@rolle,


Looking back between the Cipher and the pony below Nightlight just kept taking a leap in both directions. Then the simple idea hit him... he'll just execute and knock out the crook below within seconds and quickly return to her before she causes trouble 


And so, fixing his mask a bit and seeing the mysterious villain teleport behind some other weird pony Night leaped off the building, mid-fall lighting his horn and teleporting right behind the weird masked pony, and already with a chain of to-do things planned out the stallion executed it, quickly and suddenly delivering several very precise and swift hoofstrikes at all the critical spots to knock him out and hopefully teleport before anyone got more of a glimpse of him.

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Cipher Bolt reached the watching pony and aimed her horn at him. Her eyes, mane, tail, and horn were all glowing blue. She was about to aim a spell at him when she stopped. She disabled her horn and her body parts returned to normal. "Dammit, I did it again" was all she could say. She punched the stallion and took off.

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@, @@rolle,


Before Hooligan knew what was happening he was sudenly on the ground in pain. Hooligan groaned, "did someone get the lisense plate of the pony that hit me," said a very drowzy Hooligan, "I think I'm gonna take a nap."

"No your not!" shouted Bedlam, "you are gonna wake up and teach this pony who hit us what they get for hitting us!" Bedlam slapped Hooligans mind and suddenly Hooligan was wide awake. Hooligan got up and turned to the pony who had attacked him, "what the @%#% did I ever do to you?"

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Cipher bolt turned around to see Hooligan shouting. She flew down to get a closer look. She saw everypony listening to Hooligan swear and scream. She had had enough. "EVERYPONY JUST F***ING STOP!" She then hit Hooligan with a blue flame. "YOU! YOU F***ING STOP SHOUTING!"

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Cipher bolt turned around to see Hooligan shouting. She flew down to get a closer look. She saw everypony listening to Hooligan swear and scream. She had had enough. "EVERYPONY JUST F***ING STOP!" She then hit Hooligan with a blue flame. "YOU! YOU F***ING STOP SHOUTING!"

Hooligan ripped of his mask, which was on fire because of Cipher's flame, revealing his horribly scarred face. He put the fire out and turned to Cipher, " Cipher the #%#@ did you do that for?" asked Hooligan who was rubbing his face, "I don't owe you any money do I?"


(I wrote that Hooligan knows Cipher because she used to be a villain. But if you don't like this a can edit.)

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"No, you don't," Bolt replied. "But you do owe me some decent apology, HOOLIGAN. I ain't leaving until you show some respect." Her eyes narrowed. "SO DROP IT."


She aimed a gun at Hooligan. "And I know you haven't told me, but I know about Bedlam. I've been hearing everything he's said. So....yeah."

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"She can hear me," asked Bedlam

"Evidently she can." replied Hooligan.

"Hello Cipher," Bedlam said happily. Hooligan took a step towards Cipher. "Look Cipher," Hooligan said calmly, "if this about that trip we took to Monte Carlo then I'm sorry, but I did tell you that it would get weird if we became more than friends "


(PS sorry for under tone of Hooligan and Cipher used to date. Couldn't help my self XD)

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