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private The Slant (1x1 w/ ~ Akatsuki ~ & Darkhaert 2099)


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/145429-the-slant-1x1-w-darkhaert-2099/#entry4322483


Dark Façade looked upon the shattered world of the Slant. He smiled at the eternally setting sun. The Lightbearer, Twilight Sparkle, had decided upon a balance between light and dark, and this was the result. It was beautiful no doubt, but Façade wished to be under the sun again. He looked down at the floating city of Avalon, somehow, Canterlot had been shifted off of the Mountain. The world was cold to the wraith, he looked down, and saw the speeding souls, and the malign ghosts. He walked down the Mountain, and headed to the windstone, he liked walking a lot more than flying these days. He entered the windstone and was slammed to the windstone in Ponyville, which still was intact despite the cataclysm. Maybe he should take a break, when he noticed the souls around this area. "Oh..."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Spirit Watcher looked around the ruined town, witnessing the souls of passed ponies still latched to their physical forms. Many of them attempting to cry, only to have the tears whisked away by the wind. She looked down, wondering where exactly in Ponyville she was, but the piles of rubble seemed to meld all of the buildings together, and it was unclear as to where she was. She started to feel a lot of presences at once, and looked up to see why. The souls of everyone who was still attached to their physical forms are now being attracted to her. The souls flew towards her, wanting to know what happened, and why they were still here. "You have to find your own way. I am only here to oversee and guard." She wishes she could help them... But she found out the hard way that helping out a lost soul forces it to stay in the Spirit realm.

After most of the souls scattered, she noticed a pony standing a ways away.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Dark Façade looked about the Ponyville ruins. When he noticed the souls starting to dissipate. Then he noticed the other pony, they burned brightly in his vision. Then he heard the voice in his head, who was only know as Avaris, "She's something else. Like us... But a single soul. Not a wraith. No doubt we look strange to her. Two souls in one body."


"Alright then, Façade said, let's check this pony out and see what they're doing. I'm just going to be cautious just in case." Façade muttered as he walked towards the other pony, "Hello? Who are you?" Façade walked closer, slowly drawing one of his blades.

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Spirit Watcher watched as this pony came closer. When he came within 100 feet, she re-positioned the kunai in her wings, ready to throw, just in case. "That's close enough, stranger." She warned. She really didn't want to fight right now, but this pony seemed strange. Every time she blinked, it looked like there were two souls in the same body. "My name is Spirit Watcher, the guardian of souls. Who are you?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Dark Façade eyed Spirit Watcher. No visible weaponry.... But... looks can be decieving. He stopped, and made a mental note, 'buy a crossbow'. Dark Façade decided to chose his words wisely, "I am Dark Façade, and Greetings Spirit Watcher. I am an..." Dark Façade hesitated, then he continued, "I am a Warrior, of Avalon. What are you doing here, Watcher?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



Spirit Watcher hesitantly took a step closer to this strange pony. "It is my duty to oversee, and guard -if necessary- all souls in Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale. During one of my routine searches, a building to next to me exploded. I ended up unconscious under the rubble. I only came to a few days ago, in which I was disturbed as to how many lost souls were here. So I stayed, in case they needed protection against Wraiths, Demons, or any other unsightly creatures. And now I ask you. What are you doing here?" She didn't know why, but she felt like telling somepony what had happened to her. And since this is the first she met, she told him.



(OOC: Sorry for taking so long to reply. I had some issues IRL and had to take care of them before I could come back online again.)

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Dark Façade cocked his head to the side slightly and heard Avaris, "She's dangerous to us, could really do some damage. Probably to me. Be wary Façade."


Façade nearly replied to the ancient spooked pony, when he remembered where he was. "Alright then, I've been traveling for the past few months, adventuring and so forth. But you speak of wraiths, what do you mean?" Façade was unsure of this pony, he slightly narrow his eyes, and readied to make any necessary movements to be ready for battle. This was dangerous.

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Spirit Watcher scanned her opponent, trying to find weak spots, in case it came to a fight "Typically a wraith is thought of as a soul whose been consumed by fear, anger, and sadness. I've found that there are actually some friendly wraith's out there, but most of them mean trouble. The tormented soul usually stays within a short distance from their point of death. But if any normal souls enter their range, the souls are consumed, used to feed it's emotions further." Spirit shifted her front and back legs slightly, putting herself in her own fighting stance. She had found out that this stance was hers when she was fighting a tormented dragon soul when she was 19. She had found that the stance came naturally, and enabled her to defend and attack at the same time. But to normal ponies' eyes, she just looked as though she were leaning forward slightly. Which was kind of embarrassing...

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"Huh, is that so," Then Façade noticed Spirit Watcher leaning forwards, "Um, Are you okay, Spirit Watcher?" Façade took a step back, and then heard Avaris, "We should get out of here, she's gonna kill us.... She's gonna—"


Façade shouted at Avaris, "Shut up! She might not be okay!" That's when he realized what he had just said. Out loud. "Sweet Honey Iced Tea." Façade muttered.

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Spirit wondered why he asked if she was okay, then realized he had noticed her shift her weight "There aren't many ponies that notice that. You have keen eyes." She thought she heard a second voice come from inside Façade's mind, and then he shouted. "Well that obviously wasn't directed at me. Who else is here? An invisible ally? Another spirit stuck in your head? I've seen that on occasion... Usually friendly, which is fine, but when they're hostile.." she shuddered. "I assure you, I am fine. And I am flattered that you'd pretend to care. But right now, I have work to do." With a grin on her face (which you don't usually see on her), she flew past Façade towards the Everfree Forest. But as she passed Façade, she dropped a note next to him. It read 'If you truly are friendly, seek me out in the Everfree. If you are not, I give you 24 hours to leave Ponyville.'

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Façade barely noticed the grin from Spirit Watcher. "I'm I seeing things? Ugh" Façade shook his mostly unkept mane free of whatever order it had once had, and then proceeded to read the note, "Look at what you made me do Avaris, you gave us away cause you couldn't shut your trap." Façade muttered. Avaris sulked in the back of his mind. "Well, might as well head out to Everfree, I swear, out of all the changes to Equestria, Everfree has always been the same." Façade launched into the air, loving the feeling of air around his wings. "Wonder what this Spirit Watcher pony is capable of... She probably detected you, Avaris. Ugh. Stop being so cautious all the time! Have a little fun!" Façade said rather jokingly. Avaris continued to sulk on the edges of Façade's consciousness. The armor-clad pegasus landed in a clearing he spotted in Everfree. "Way to go, no idea where this Spirit Watcher is, and you're in Everfree."

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