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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Echo, a white coated stallion living in Ponyville after leaving his family home in Canterlot, shook himself awake to see the sun pouring in the window. He had moved into the town a while back, never to fond of his boring life in canterlot, with parents he never understood and never had the time for him. He quickly tossed his covers onto the ground before going downstairs to his kitchen grabbing something to eat as he showered hastily, knowing her had overslept and his prank shop was closed past its time. If Pinkie had come by and found it closed...he didn't want to imagine that as he quickly showered and left for his modest prank shop, where he spent a decent chunk of his time, the cool morning breeze bringing a grin as he stepped outside heading through the small town, always happy to hear the simple pleasures of Ponyville.



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Summer woke from her own bed that morning rather lazily, she had no work scheduled today, nothing at all. She got up and walked over to her bathroom and had a shower, dried herself and did her hair in her usual style, then left her cloud home and landed on the ground just outside town. Summer was trotting through the main street when a pony she knew waved in her direction distracting her enough that she ran headlong into another... (you :D)

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Echo was blissfully taking in the Ponyville when a yellow coated mare slammed into him, knocking him to the ground with a hearty thud. "What was that for", he muttered as he stood back up dusting off his saddlebag with a wry smile. "Am I really that insignificant", he asked her with false hut in his voice before chuckling. He couldn't help but laugh, since laughing was after all the best medicine. He readjusted his bags and cracked a few joints as he shook the dirt off his coat.

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"Oh I so sorry they're um... well whoever you are I wasn't looking where I was going it was my fault." Summer became slightly confused when the station started to laugh. "why are you laughing I mean I just knocked you over what is funny? Have I seen you around here before you live here don't you?"  

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Echo just stood there for a moment catching his breath as he stopped laughing. "Yeah, that was fun, I got to see the Ponyville soil on a level I never have before", he answered with a grin as he thought about her question. "Um...I'm..not entirely sire", he said honestly and looked at her more carefully trying to recognize her. "Yeah. Nope....never seen you before", he admitted with a chuckle.

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"I suppose you have not seen me I usually not on the ground I spend most of my time in the air due to well you know." Summer raised her wings to make a point. "Apart from these my job involves making the weather working you know a weather pony, by the way my name is Summer Cloud it's nice to meet you even if well if we haven't started on the best of terms."

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Echo smiled again and shook his head. "Best circumstances, who's to say what the best circumstances are", he asked before giving her his name. "I'm Echo, by the way", he told her, echoing his name for added effect as he looked at her wings. "So....I take it you make the rain come down, then", he asked her curiously.

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"Well yes and everything else too snow, sun, thunderstorms, everything really me and my work colleges we keep the weather and clouds in check." Summer burst into laughter. "Imagine clouds not doing anything we told them to that is ridiculous." Summer fell over from laughter "clouds not doing anything haha."

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Echo nodded as he listened to her, now understanding the weather pony tasks, something he had never thought to look into until getting floored by her. He looked up at the sky seeing the clouds above and thinking about clouds that were not controlled by pegasi...a weird thought by any means.

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Summer got up recovering from her bought of laughter. "So what's there to know about you then, Echo what do you do for bits?" Summer walked to his side, "mind if I tag along I'm not working today so something to do would be nice otherwise I will find a cloud and probably sleep for most of the day." She gave him a smile, giving him a knudge "come on lwt me tag along say yes."

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"I've got no objections", he said simply and smiled before pointing to a small shop down the road. "I run the Crazy Box, a joke shop here in town... And on occasion I do illusion shows up in Canterlot", he explained as he led her down the street pushing open the door to his shop letting her in if she wanted to come in. "You ever been to Canterlot", he asked blankly for the sake of conversation.

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"Um no actually, I have not been to Canterlot this shop is impressive I bet Pinkie gets all her stuff here, that mare is something alright." Summer walked around Echo's store looking at all the weird and wonderful gizmos and gadgets that he had there was something for everypony, "you preform that is cool. where do you get all this stuff from?" Summer sat down looking at everything in some degree of amazement. 

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"Some of it I make myself, some I get from different craftsponies..as for Pinkie...she gets most of her stuff here, but some like...that party cannon...I can't explain", he shrugged at the thought as he fiddled with a few items that had been left out of place by him the night before. "Yeah, I usually wind up being dragged to the gatherings up there and do a couple shows for them, nothing major, just a few extra bits in my pocket", he said as he grabbed a couple of items from the shelves, a joy buzzer, a can of paint and a box of stink bombs. "You'd be surprised how many of my customers are young colts", he muttered as he set the there aside for a pick up later in the day. "That's not to say I get a lot of business, but it's Ponyville..and Pinkie's here so I do alright, always buying something she ran out of".

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"I'm not surprised by that statement she'll keep you in business till the cows come home in a few decades time or longer." Summer got up and walked over to the counter, "so who do you know in town maybe we have friends in common I mean we must have this town is tiny almost everypony here at least knows of each other I mean I knew about you but not the other way around maybe I need to get out some more."

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"Ah, well I know the cakes, I know Vinyl and Octavia, they're both phenomenal... I think every one knows the Apple family..but I mean as for friends, well there's Pinkie Pie and Rainbow, they're always up for a good prank..and I occasionally will spend time with Rarity though that is a ...Rarity", he said with a snicker at his own pun, not caring if it wasn't funny. "Um...who else do I know..yeah to be fair I don't actually as many ponies as I thought".

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"Well we do know someponies in common then Rainbow is my boss, so that is something at least I'm from the Orange family so I know all the apples well actually and the music duo of Vinyl and Octavia oh they are brilliant, go to everything they play. So we do have some friends in common and have not met what is this magic I mean the Princess of Friendship lives here and we are not friends what is up with that?"   

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"Well, I only spent some of my time here", he admitted with a docile tone as a way of answering without giving a real answer since having two distinct personalities was s bit odd for some pony you just met to say. "So I don't have a vast amount time to mingle all the time". Deja Vu, his other half, if you will, held an art gallery in Canterlot, by the name of Deja Vu Lala, a play on words but she thought it was catchy. She had taken well to the Canterlot life, high society, unicorns everywhere, but he just found it boring.

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"why is that I mean running this shop can't take up your time my job certainly does not, also what do you mean by only spending some of your time here you live here don't you do you have to go to Canterlot all the time for your shows? Maybe that is why we don't, no that's not right haven't met before then so what else do you do then or is it just the shows?" Summer was trying to read the pony he seemed to be hiding something what she had not a clue, but his heart beat was telling her something. "Come to think on it how don't you know of me and my Cousin Emerald we are the only vampires in town after all."

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He stood there looking blankly at the made. "Wait..what", he asked with a calm voice but his mind was racing at that. "Um..well I also have a house in Canterlot

..I guess you could say I run an art gallery out there", he explained but neglected to include the pony-in-his-head part.

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"haha knew that would get you here let me show you I don't bite, well I do but well you have nothing to worry about I feed on apples most, no all of the time my Cousin keeps me in check.


Summer appearance changes before his very eyes. "see vampire, but I'm mostly harmless." Summer's appearance then goes back to what it was before.


"so you live here and in Canterlot so you live between the two cities Rarity must be jealous of you."

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He stood there gawking for a moment before shutting his mouth. "So, yeah...that's...something", he said as his usual smile returned genuinely intrigued by her. "Um...right...Rarity.... Yeah she gets pretty jealous... I won't lie to you", he says with a wry grin but keeps the last bit of info hidden, still thinking it order than her being a vampire.

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"I've freaked you out haven't I sorry, I'm too open to everypony so yeah I tend to reveal this to most I meet I dislike not telling ponies it's a key part of what I am now, I would be dead, dead if I was not a vampire my Cousin saved my life so anyway yeah so you kinda know all about me now there is not much left to this little pegasus."

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Echo shrugged and laughed a bit. "Nah, I'm not freaked out, it's kind of cool, I mean...now I kind of have to share, huh", he said to no one in particular before smiling at her again. "So, like I told you I sort of run an art gallery on Canterlot...well, the reason I say kind of is it is not actually me who runs it".

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Summer titled her head at him, with a confused look on her face. "Um what do you mean by that then, are you a co-manager or an employee or a shareholder, the way you said that makes me think that none of them are the answer, come on I'm on tender hooks tell me you have me wrapped around your little hoof(hand).

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He looked at her with confusion at her bit about being wrapped around his hoof, a bit amused as he was pretty sure he had never had anypony around his hoof. "Um..yeah, about that..a good friend of mine by the name of Deja Vu is the owner", he said simply as he let out a breath. "And she is inside of my head...well, I have multiple personality disorder".

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