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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Summer sat there with a still confused look on her face, "um now that is something I have heard of I think, does that mean there are like two of you in there." Summer put her hoof to his chest "so you're like sharing an apartment except you're the apartment." She then gestured to the entirety of his body. 

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"Yep, that just about sums it up", he says with a shrug. "She's the high class Canterlot type while I never could stand that city, way too uptight for me..I mean, don't get me wrong, she can be helpful at times, like when being proper is required..mainly when I do my illusion shows up there", he explained. "So we sort of have like a permanent coin toss life style, fun sometimes, weird others".

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"That sounds confusing to me, I don't really understand but I know nothing of what you go through so you will have no judgement from me." She smiled at 'them?' "How do I know when she is well talking to me does she know what transpires between us? Do I need to repeat myself when she says hello, this is quite confusing to me."

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He stood and looked at her. "Well, um, we have different sounding voices, and we talk differently, its like I said, she tlaks very high class while I talk like a ppnyville pony. As for her knowing what we talk about, no, when one side is active the other is in a sort of sleep mode.., so she will not know about you being a vampire...", he admitted, feeling awkward about calling himself a female.

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"ok so that is weird but ok then I guess at least she won't remember me knocking her over then I mean you over, um yeah it's gonna take some time for me to wrap my head around this but I will try you are my friend Echo and I will accept all your um weird things that happen to you, no that was not right um your uniqueness? Do you know If Daja will like me?"

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Echo looked at her with a look that told her he honestly had no idea if Deja Vu would like her. "Thanks, I get a lot of weird comments when we switch at the worst possible times...like in a purchase for her gallery and I pop out, tend to mess things up...same when she comes out during one of my pranks.. Kills the moment", he said. "And, hey there is no better way to make a friend than to have them plow your face into the dirt", he teased her in a joking tone.

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Summer giggles "well I can think of a few but if you say so, even if she doesn't like me we can be friends at least, has this 'change' ever happened during an intimate moment, you have me really curious now, I wish to learn more so I can well be a better friend to you and her is she'll let me."

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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He thought on that for a minute before realizing it had. "Yeah..I was my old marefriend, just enjoying the night, watching a stupid movie, just something funny and well...we were..ya know, kissing, and..in the middle of a kiss, Deja Vu switched into control because she appearantly had some meeting to go to...killed the moment, my marefriend was...less than happy about it, wound up breaking up cause she couldn't handle the idea of it happening again, one more reason to love Canterlot, huh", he asked sarcastically after finishing his story.

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"Well I think that is rather shallow of her, not accepting part of what you are that is horrible, well good riddance to somepony who doesn't like you and all your quirks even if yours is a little bigger than most, well I'm gonna ask it but I think you won't know is Daja gay? I mean you said that she took over during the kiss but does she like that sort of thing being stuck in a male body must be weird."

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"I honestly have no idea as to her preference.. But you do bring a valid point up about her interrupting the kiss..maybe she is", I mean I know I'm not but it's not like her an I actually talk to one another all that much, I mean that's more of a misconception that multi personality means you talk to yourself. But, you might be right about her, I'm not sure, he admitted not sure how to really respond, since he really wasn't sure what Deja preferred.

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"well I guess I'll find out when we get to meet this is just so odd your two ponies for the price of one, and by the sound of it totally different ones so hmm...I don't know what else to ask you about her since you don't seem to speak so i'll stop I guess she'll answer my questions hopefully then I can tell you and you can get you know your roommate better seems like an idea oh this is gonna be and and so weird." Summer had an excited look on her face. "anyway what's the plan for today then Echo?" 

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Echo nodded in agreement with what she was saying, and only thought about her question for a moment. "Well, I gotta keep shop here until Pinkie comes in and get a her stuff, other than that I'll play it by ear", he said as the pink pony jhoppdd into the store grabbing a few odds and ends with a hello only pinkie can achieve and tossed a few bits onto the counter before hopping out. "And ponies think I'm odd", he says with a good natured smirk.

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Summer stood there watching as Pinkie left, then turned back to him "yeah I don't know about Pinkie but she does throw the best parties and always remembers your birthday, then throws you a party so, she's cool and she's the Element of Laughter so Insane amounts of happiness fit the bill then I suppose. So she's been and gone what now?"

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"Um, I'm not really sure, I might grab a bite to eat..you could come along if you like", he offered just as a friendly offer since he had skipped eating breakfast and wanted to get something to eat. "If not its fine, you know where I work so you can find me if you wanna talk. I know I..or she, rathe ...has to go pick up a painting later on but that can wait, I don't mind being a bit late".

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"Sure I can go for a bite to eat, or a suck to eat." Summer giggled from that. "you'll see what I mean when we get there but sure lets have some lunch then Echo." Summer got up and walked to the door opened it and walked outside then waited for Echo to do whatever he needed to do so she sat down and waited.

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Echo quickly locked up the shop and hit the lights, switching the sign to closed before exiting and locking the front door behind them, soon after waiting for her to lead him to whatever she had meant by a suck to eat, though he had a feeling it was an apple tree, at least that's what he hoped she had meant.

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"Well If i'm picking the place then follow me then." Summer led them to a small cafe where they sat down at one of the free tables, a waiter approached them "hello Summer the usual?"

"No the second usual and 4 today please."

"of course Summer," he turned to Echo "and for you sir?" 

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Echo had no idea what the cafe even served so he went on a whim and hoped he wasn't setting himself up for a mistake as he just asked for whatever she was having, figuring it had to be pretty good if she had ordered four. Suffice to say, he is not the most logical of ponies, but logic is wasted if you spend too much time thinking about it, or at least he had read that somewhere.

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The waiter returned with eight apples and placed them on the table "enjoy," he then left them to it. Summer looked like a Slobbering moron when the apples were placed in front of her she, picked up one staring at it intently then put it down, a pair of fangs one and half times the length of her mouth, stuck out of a pair of unseeming teeth she then plowed them into each apple in quick succession within half a minute she had sucked all four into shriveled husks. She looked up at him the look of food was gone but her fangs remained, she brought up her hoof and covered them from his sight, "they take a while for them to go away it's embarrassing." She looked away some blushing to her cheeks.   

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He nodded simply understanding the feeling of embarrassment in situations far more serious that just grabbing a bite to eat. "Fair enough", he said surprisingly keeping his mouth shut about the fangs being kind of cute but he decided saying would seem awkward even though it would be only meant to make it seem less awkward. "So, yeah", he started after eating his own apple. "I probably have to catch the train to Canterlot soon, I'll see you layer", he asked unsure if she had planned to go along or not, since her wording had been a bit confusing to him.

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"No i'd like to come with you I want to meet Daja remember so how can I do that if you leave without me," She gave up hiding her fangs "these things have a mind of their own and will go away eventually I guess there are me why I keep hiding them, they just scare so many ponies who don't understand, I get it if you want to go alone." 

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"Hey, I'm always one for company, and its nice when she meets my friends, it's nicer when she befriends them as well, bit I'm not expecting it, its a rare gift when she does", he smiled at his own complexity and looked at her fangs in detail, noting the curve of the tooth as well as individual grooves within the enamel before he realized he was being weird again.

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Summer noticed the way he was looking at her mouth, "are you genuinely interested or are you just staring both are fine, I'm used to the second option now but most in town are accepting but it took some effort to make them understand there is a lot of superstition when it comes to my species." 

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"Um no, I was more or less interested. I mean, its cool", he said after looking away with his ears a bit back, not wanting her to think he was staring at her fangs out of mistrust, when it was his curiosity that got the better of him. He stood up from the table, now feeling a bit weird after looking at her mouth for almost a minute and mentally facehoofed. *Can I get any weirder, seriously*, he silently asked himself.

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Summer got up and walked over to him and hugged him, she stood back after. "look we are both a bit, um different yes but that shouldn't mean anything. So when is your train due to leave then?" She smiled well tried to smile when one has a pair of steak knives sticking out their mouth it's not too easy. 

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