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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Deja felt the fangs and felt her eats drop as she blushed a bright crimson from the hickey. She quickly wrapped her mane around her neck like a scarf to hide it, and with it her embarrassment. She wouldn't dare admit that fangs on her didn't feel weird, and in fact, felt kind if nice. She was fairly certain she was insane to think that and didn't want the mare knowing. "How come you need to call out, you do not look sick".

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"I think you liked that hickey Deja, you don't need to hide your feelings from me we are going out I'm not some stranger well i kinda am we only met yesterday, what a day that was. To answer your question I'm not sick I never get sick ever, but I'm due for work in like three hours I can't be with you If I'm working well you could come with me but you'd find work boring."

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Deja looked at her and unwrapped her mane before lightly pushing her fangs. "Oh. Well.. Even if you have work I'll be around when you get back", she assured matter of factedly not wanting her to miss work because of her. "Oh..about meeting just yesterday. Be glad it was Echo you landed on, I might not have been as happy about it", she says with a wink.

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(you said matting you mean meeting, MOD might see that so i'd fix that)


"well I was distracted someone waved to me, anyway you keep it up with being more open with me, I prefer it you can put your act on with others I want to see under that shield, well If you insist I guess you two can talk about me listen to the radio or read a book I have a few good ones, should we get up or do want anything else."  Summer gave a rather sheepish grin.

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Deja nodded a bit and cracked a smile."I know, it was not intentional. You don't need to tell me twice. And we may just take you up on your offer to talk about you..and maybe the offer you made me in Canterlot, if you remember what it was", she said as she snuggled back up against her.

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"I dont think I'd forget something like that in a hurry, considering that you are the first I have offered it to. Well I must eat something or I'll be a grump at work." Summer go of the bed and stretched like a cat, then stretched her wings and walked to the door. "you coming?"

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Deja nodded at her question and got up as well, following her from the room. "I am really the first pony you've offered that to, why is that if I may ask". She had no idea where the amre wanted to go if she qmated to eat out and really don't care as long a s the food was as good as the company.

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Summer took them to the kitchen downstairs next to the living room. "pull up a chair i'll see what I have to make." Summer was rummaging through the pantry and fridge, she talked while doing so. "you're the first..." Summer stopped for a moment and looked at her, "you're the first pony I have gone out with so I don't know why, maybe if this works I don't want to outlive you I won't age ever, forever." She resumed her looking.

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Deja looked at her and understood her reasoning. "You don't want to get involved with some pony just to watch them due as you never age...that, actually makes a lot of sense", she admitted as she pullednupna chair as she was prompted to. "Well, I guess Echo and I will need to discuss that".

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She stopped and looked at her, "you do that, it's a massive decision there is no going back, in order for it to work I will kill you, but there are quite some perks, anyway food." Summer started to cook somthing on a frying pan adding various items, the smell was very good.

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"Wait..to do it you have to kill us..wh..oh right...undead, no, that makes sense", she said as the scent if the food hit her. "That smells good, I have to say", she says as she walks over and kisses her cheek before turning back to the table. As she headed, back her tail swished slightly, a sign the made was fairly carefree at the moment.

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Summer finished cooking her well their breakfast, then plated it and put one down for her and one for Deja she then sat and dug in, "it's Lemon crepes, there awesome dig in." Summer eat like most ponies without magic do she just put her mouth to the plate and ate whole bits at a time.

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Deja thanked her for the breakfast but before she took a bite the pony's muzzle went to the plate, eating I'm a rather uncivilized manner that didn't quite fit the behavior of Deja Vu. Echo ate his crepes quickly,smiling like an idiot after practically absorbing the food. "You weren't lying about them being awesome".

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"haha, she can't eat like us Celestia, I like Deja, your bloody fun to Echo how are you this morning being informed on everything, what did you think of the hickey?" Summer grabbed the plates and put them in her dish washer and set it off. "well that's done now I have..." looking to the wall clock. "two and a half hours to work, hmm."

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"The hickey..I think you mean the badge of honor", he said and puffed out his neck to prove his point. "As for the whole killing me thing, if I were to agree to it, would it hurt", he asked blantently and carried his plate to the sink, washing it off before kissing her cheek. "Had some crumbs", he lied.

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"um I don't know I died before I was turned you would have to ask Emerald she was infected before she turned so she could answer your question, I don't remember a thing about the whole event, just really wanted blood when I woke up." Summer walked into the living room and sat down on the couch putting her lower hooves on the coffee table.

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"Okay..then..I will have to ask..wait, who's Emerald", he asks. "I know she's your cousin, I just don't know where.. She, you know, lives", he says calmly, a noatbale change in behavior from his usual tactics. "I might actually want to do this, could be useful, gotta admit".

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"She lives in Ponyville too the cottage below with the white roof you can visit while I'm at work I guess just tell her that I offered to turn you. She will answer your questions I think." Summer stretched out and lay there rather happy that they were even considering it.

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He smiled and nuzzled her neck lightly once he had sat beside her. "I'll head down there after you head to work, see what there is to see", he assured her though he still wasn't sure about the whole become a vampire thing. He was hoping Emerald would be able tobhelpnhim decide weather or not it was a good idea. "If we do, will we get cool fangs like yours"?

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"Well of course silly, vampire without fangs that would be a pony without legs. Tgat is a silly question Echo." Summer kissed him back they kissed so different from one another such difference between the two of them. She liked both sides of them they were so different yet so similar in the best of ways.

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Echo smirked at her response and giggled. "It was supposed to be, just wanted to see if I could get you to shut me up", he said and leaned against her, kissing her neck experimentally. It was a few minutes before he pulled away, grinning like an idiot as he glanced at her neck, where he had left a light bite mark from a joking bite, teasing the vampire.

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"Do you want me to bite you? I swear im not reading it wrong am I?" Summer sat up and looked at him rather seriously. "Do you really want it?" Summer's fangs came out of her just thinking about it, "oh these things pop out at the most inappropriate times." She covered them with her hoof.

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"Would be good to know how it feels, so I have that information in my decision. You know so I'll know what I'm doing to anypony if I were to bite", he said honestly and oddly with a real sense of thought. "Just wanna know what I'm getting myself into, you know", he asks smiling as he tilts his neck towards her fangs.

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Summer got right up to him before she started, "this will probably hurt." Summer kissed his neck first then she slowly penetrated his neck she pushed him over and fed for a few moments on him. She had no clue how he was taking it but she could feel his breath sharpen and his heart race. She pulled away from him staring intently "how was it?"

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Echo couldn't help but wince a bit at the initial puncture, eyes widening a bit at the bloodletting. He laid there feeling his heart race as she drank of him. It was an odd feeling, him taking strange pleasure from it, as he did with most new experiences. Once he could sit up he smirked before licking a bit of blood from her fang. "Weird. But not unpleasant", he admitted.

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