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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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"Well", she started with a redosh tint on her cheeks as her mane folded like a scarf hiding the hickey aacwell as the fang marks. "We are currently in a relationship. She is my marefriend", she exploned quietly looking at the floor. "As for questions, she did a de ejr job of answering most of them though it was nice meeting you. Oh actually, there is one thing. How would it affect my body, sensescand the like...I know most stories say vampires are enhanced for lack of better words"

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"Um well, that is interesting I did not think that Summer lent that way but no judgment from me. I am not sure for unicorns I have never seen any other species other than myself, Summer and Crescent, my coltfriend, I'm sorry Deja but I just don't know, it would be a real learning experance for everypony involved."

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Deja Vu nodded with a small smile. "Maybe she used to not awing that particular direction, but I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be", she said and thought a bit, looking fur other questions. "Hmm...the sun is safe right, I mean, I know I have seen Summer outside in the sun, but I figure I should ask".

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"yeah the sun is fine, no problems at all, natural born vampires don't like the sun, but us turned ones it's fine." Emerald sat back a bit relaxing, "is there anything else you'd like to probe of me the Deja, who's going out with my cousin then?." Emerald waited for more questions

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She looked down again to hide her blush at the mare's choice of words. "Perhaps... Sleep is needed, sun is okay, we don't need tons of blood, I think I have most of it covered she said quietly still a little nervous about the whole vampire transition idea. "Umm..will the transition...hurt"?

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'It depends on the circumstances, my death was horrible I was bitten and infected and I died after three days of the most anginsing feaver I have ever felt, but Summer would of felt nothing so it depends on the circumstances she could turn you in dozens of ways depends how you'd like to die really."

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Deja really didn't take to the idea of writhing in pain for three days and her face showed it. "Is there any way to do this without dying horribly..Summer told me she would have to kill me, I just wanted to know if there was a method where you don't want to die from the pain".

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"yes or course I was bitten by accident, the easiest way is for her to let you have some of her blood more the better with it in your system, she would then kill you quickly like breaking your neck then, you'd come back after about 1 to 3 days depending really."

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Deja was about to say something but Echo butted into their conversation. "So, what ..like we gotta drink her blood, is that even safe, I mean she's a vampire, don't you guys have special blood", he asked and looked at the mare expectantly. "If not, then how do I get her blood in my system"?

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"Like what I said you drink it, who's the vampire in the room. Hold on you seem different from before are you ok?" Emerald sat up and looked at Echo giving him a chance to explain what had just happened. "Before you answer that question I'll add this our blood, vampire blood is very good to drink for non vampires it has amazing healing properties."

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"I'm great, Echo by the way", he said before thinking about what she said. But, being Echo the thoughts quickly went to their things, nameley the Bord chirping outside. "Just think of me of Deja Vu's room mate", he returned to conversation briefly and cracked a smile. "So drinking a vampire's blood, that sounds tasty".

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"I'm sorry what? Deja's room mate what in Luna's name do you mean by that." Emerald was now rather confused by not only Echo's lack of interest but of the out of nowhere change in appearance, voice and mannerisms. "I don't understand what is up with you Echo, but I don't know what vampire blood tastes like to a normal pony so I guess you may find out if you go through with it."

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"Was a joke, sorry. I have multiple personality disorder. Deja is my other personality", he exoalined and nodded. "I know you've never drank blood when you weren't a vampire but do you know if it can you sick. Other thing can my personality disorder complicate things"?

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"Um ok that makes more sense to me now, I have never seen such a extreme and open case before. Interesting, but no the blood will not make you sick in fact it will cure you're aliments if you have any, as for the personalities and the infection I don't know again sorry I don't know."

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"So then we would be like a lab rat for this then", he asked with a simple smile as he relaxed a bit. " I understand you not knowing what will happen, we are a first for you, so that's kinda cool, I'm like forerunner", he said with a wide smile and clear excitement at the idea. Echo if course wouldn't her any negatives like dying.

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"Why did she offer to turn you I mean it's a big deal no going back forever and how long have you known each other I mean if she's offering this to you. If you can't realize it she loves you totally so much that she wants to spend the rest of time with you both do you realize that?"

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"Um. She did say something about not wanting to outlive us..but to be honest we only just met yesterday. Are we rushing this or are we okay", he asked the mare in return. "And yeah, I realize it, if was a huge thing for her to offer it, I'm sure. And I love her, we both do".

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"Well kick me in the tummy love at first sight then." A tear came to Emerald's check "that is simply beautiful I do say the magic of love it's just as good as the magic of friendship you take care of my cousin you hear me and if you decide to accept the change well I'll be here for you as well we Oranges look out for family."

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Echo smiled at her word choice before realizing something. "I don't quite think it was at first sight..she met me first but would up with Deja first....I liked her from the first time I met here, whem she pretty much landed on me, plowing my ace into the dirt, but Deja is Deja, she can be persuasive".

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"I'll take your word for it, now I don't want to appear rude but I have things to do today so I will have to have you leave now. The day's tasks are not gonna get themselves done." Emerald walked to the door. "If you have more questions please feel free to contact me again I just must get things moving today."

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"No worries and thank you very much for your help. You certainly given us much to think about", the white mare said as she exited the building going to the train station to Canterlot to make preparations for the renovation of her gallery, a project she and been neglecting for a while.

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(gonna asume that there will be some time skipping and such so i'll post this)


Summer got home from her shift to fine her house empty, she then went to Emerald's and asked about what had happened stayed for a few hours and had dinner there. She then returned home layed on her couch and started to read a good book.

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(Yeah, it is a time skip)


Deja Vu finished rearranging the art in her gallery and caught the last train to Ponyville, heading to Summer's house since she was still under the impression that she wanted them to return that night. She knocked on her door briskly as she brushed out her mane.

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Summer put down her book and got up and walked to the door and opened. Seeing Deja Summer did not say a word she simply walked to her and gave her a hug which lasted for a while, she then pulled back, "I missed you Deja,would you like any dinner?" Summer gestured for her to come in.

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Deja smiled at the gesture and followed the mare inside if the house, still finding it incredible to stand on a cloud. "I didn't know I was gone long enough for you to miss me", she said quietly with her mind still on her conversation with Emerald Bolt and the whole Vampire conundrum. "I think I may be willing to accept your most gracious offer", she told her in a hushed tone.

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