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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Summer stopped what she was doing when she heard what Deja said, then turned back to her. "what...I...I only asked yesterday...I...I" Summer sat down where she was, she had not honestly expected it so soon she looked up to her. "you are willing to accept the consequences and live with me forever?"

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"I did say I think. I would like some time just to ull over the whole dying thing..other than that o have no complaints", she told the mare. She didn't want to sound overexcited about it but Echo knew once she made her mind up she wasn't going to change it. "Would it really be so strange to think it was a good idea and consider accepting it", she asked quietly.

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"I just well me and Emerald had no choice in hour matters, neither did Crescent we all became vampires but no fault of our own and you would choose to die of your own will? Well if you say yes I mean you are still mulling it over as you say but well you have taken be somewhat by surprise."


(ps think we add you to PM about Summer's background RP so just be ready for that. Then we call all mull it over.)

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She looked down for a moment and backed off. "No, you're right it was stupid of me to even consider it", she said a little hurt by the mare's reaction. "Can we just forget you ever made the offer", she asked quietly though if one listened they could hear the stung way she spoke.

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"what are you kidding me Deja, I would of picked the option anyway immortality rules Emerald was promised to turn me when I turned 25 anyway, I made you sound weird before just come to your own decision ignore me and my silly comments." Summer stood up and gave a smile.


(you're now in the PM have a look and tell us your thoughts?) 

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Deja nodded a bit and smiled momentarily. "Okay, I suppose I should take some time to think it through. I just don't want to scare myself away from doing it...I want to stay with you...and if you turning me makes that more possible... Then I want to do it...but, if I don't do it now or soon..I might convince myself not to", she admitted.

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Summer walked over and held Deja, "No Deja not like that, if you want it you must be sure, I can't in good conscious turn you if you may come to regret it, even If you say no in the end I will spend all of my days with you even if you age we will have many decades together." Summer wanted to say she loved them but she thought it might be too early. 

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Deja looked at her a bit uneasily and smiled before pulling away looking out the window. "I want to be with you...I don't want to lose you to time...", she murmured quietly a bit embarrassed by her own choice of words. She looked back at her hoping she would understand what she had meant.

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"I dont want to lose you to time either, but you must be sure the both of you, I would rather our years be fun, happy and just one lifetime than forever full of regret Deja and well you know that. I...I...lo...love you too much to cause you that kinda of pain so please understand." Summer passionately kissed Deja. 

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Seja nodded solemnly and shared the kiss before talking internally with Echo who had been cool with it from the beginning. He saw it as a thrill, and lived the idea. She had been the more nervous of the two, more uneasy at first but the idea had grown on her. "Well...Echo definitely has agreed in favor of doing it..I'm the one who still isn't sure", she admitted.

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Summer was a bit surprised that they had not picked up on the love you bit, "that is fine Deja you can take years to figure it out if you want. There is no rush on my side a least, are you hungry want some food?" Summer steps back with some discontent on her face she was unsure about the confession of love.

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Deja had heard it clear and walked over to her. "We love you too, Summer..I just...wanted to address the issue if the vampire transition...but...I love you", she said and kised her cheek. "Would I really have to drink your blood to make it work if I agree to the transition", she asked slowly.

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"yeah you have to have some in your system, but if you don't want to drink I can do it all with a bite, the whole thing but I will hurt for a bit, but it's up to you, yes yes I love you Echo and Deja I can't say the words enough." Summer takes Deja swings her down and kisses her again (like the movies you know)

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Deja thought this through until she was caught off guard by her sudden motion, finding heralef looking up into her eyes as she was pulled into a kiss. Echo swapped halfway through it wanting to talk to her as well as enjoy her company. Once he had been released from the kiss he told her if Deja felt uncomfortable drinking the blood he would. He always drank his own blood when he got cut so what was the difference, really?

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"hello again Echo, you want to do it now here?" Summer was not going to question it any longer if they wanted it she would offer. Summers fangs came out and she bit down on her front hoof and offered to him. "drink a lot of it I want to make sure you come back to me."

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Echo looked at her and nodes a bit before taking her hoof to his mouth, drinking the blood that came from wound. Oddly it felt a bit natural, maybe since he drank his own blood he just didn't see it as odd. He drank until she pulled her hoof away, following her instructions to drink a lot of it.

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She sat him down the two of them looking at one another, she moved a bit closer to him then put her hooves around his neck. She smiled "are you ready, I need both of you to say yes and I mean Deja fronts aswell before I break your neck. There can be no doubt are you ready Echo?"

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For a moment he cast an illusion of Deja who simply said yes as he looked at her hooves around his neck and nodded. "We're ready..so you snap our neck, then use your vampire magic to bring us back...is that basically the plan in a nutshell", he asjed her calmly after both had shown they were ready.

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"well no my blood in you does the work...It was nice knowing you both, I love you...see...you...on the other side." Summer closed her eyes then jerked her hooves there was an audibly snapping noise. She opened her eyes to see their lifeless body on the floor. "Oh by Luna I hope I did this right." Summer picks up the body and lays it on her bed and wait's three days pass and she does not move from their side.

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Echo feels the snap and nothing else until what seems like an eternity later he feels a comfy bed. He knew he was in Summer's by House when he died which meant this was her bed. Wait. He died, he was sire of it. The fact that he was even thinking right now meant her plan had worked. His seyes shot open at the realization he wasn't dead and he sat up, meeting her eyes as he did. He felt a strange feeling between his jaws, yawning a bit as his fangs revealed themselves. "Morning..I think"?

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"it worked YES!!" Summer tackled Echo into the cloud, she hugged the life out of him. "you can cloud walk now somehow you should've fallen through my house two days ago. Oh you need to feed and soon it's really important or you will go nuts." Summer put her neck under his mouth. "go on your fangs will know what is what, just don't suck for too long I too can only take it for so long, just drink."

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He shooknhisbhead of sleep and looked at her neck, sniffing it a bit before opening his mouth, his fangs reaching for her blood. He glanced at her neck before biting as gently as he could though he wasn't sure how much he should take, so he just drank a bit at a time. Just enough that he would be able to hear her tell him enough when he had taken too much.

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"oh i'm not that delicate you can feed on me for at least 5 or so minutes, just keep going try thinking about the blood itself try to feel my heartbeat and breath with your fangs focus I guess this is a lesson go on keep going, let Deja have a go as well she needs to know this aswell." 

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Echo couldn't hear the blood over her heart beat as he drank a bit more before letting Deja take over. She paused to listen to ylthe blood pumping and try to feel the beat if her heart before partaking if the blood. Not something she would nlhave done if she wasn't yet a vampire. She had actually begun to like the smell of Summers blood when she pulled away realizing hshe liked the mare's blood.

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Summer's breath quickened as they both fed and her heart beat faster, her wings extended and she started panting. She had not been fed on before but she was enjoying it, without thinking she moved her head down and bit Deja's hoof and started feeding herself.

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