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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

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Deja sits next go her and sighs as she sniffs Summer's neck. She smells the blood but backs away skittish at the thought of biting her again and hurting her. "Summer..I love you", she said and hustled against the made affectionately. "Hey, you and your cousins keep mentioning how weird my being a vampire is...are unicorn vampires really so rare"?

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"Um well kinda yeah, it doesn't well tends to happen, and you having wings that has never happened unicorn vamps just get the teeth no wings so you're still my vampire princess." Summer blushed and cuddled up to her. "And Deja, I would not even mind if you killed me I love you too much." 

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Deja shook atbher words about killing her and shook her head. "No, I refuse to hurt you again damn it", she said and hugged the made tightly keeping her nose as far from her as possible. "I refuse to bite you any more, at least until I'm certain I can control myself", she protested though she wasn't sure she could keep her word.

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"Aw don't put your nose up at me, I think you don't like me anymore, just don't think about it, take a leaf out of my and Echo's books just ignore the smell and it will go away you know like an itch you ignore it for like a minute and it goes away, do it like that. Now I need some back, actually just a little more." Summer sunk her teeth into Deja's neck and drank for a few moments. 

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"I don't mean it like th", she starts but gets cut off by her neck being pierced and her blood flowing from her, a light gasp escaping her lips as she felt the fangs. Once the made had drank enough she switched out and Echo took control as Deja tried to regain her composure".

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Summer pulled back "aw she still won't let me feed on her, it's a thing vampires do." Summer looked down disappointed, "aw she's such a challenge, hey Echo." Summer wiped her muzzle and licked the wound. "all better one day she'll let me feed on her, it's nice the closer to death the better, well for me anyway."  

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"She doesn't want to feed on you or vise versa because she s scared she'll hurt you again", he said quietly trying to comfort her. "You know she loves you, don't you", he asks as he holds her in his hooves. His wings flutter nervously as they sit there. He uses his magic to conjure a flower and stick it in her mane, sitting by her ear.

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"...I know it's just apart from well, stuff you do in the bedroom vampires feed on each other and she's fed on me lots of times now I want to feed on her, it's not that much to ask, I want to share the experience and the pain it's good, well for me anyway she...aw..." Summer sighed and looked him in the eyes. "love you too Echo." 

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He nodded and pulled Deja out who looked down uneasily. "I'm sorry I didn't let you drink my blood...really I am", she said and offered her neck to her. "Please, drink from me..I need you to know that I share your desire for closeness", she said trying to push her neck to the mare.

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As Summer was grazing Deja with her fangs, "you don't have too Deja, it can be a thing I do with Echo, if you don't want it..." But Deja had said the words to Summer again and she couldn't fight it and again bit down on her neck and closed her eyes, she was going to make Deja feel good so went about slowing her heart rate and forcing her adrenal glands to kick in. Summer transmitted her thoughts into her mind through her feeding, "this should feel really good."

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Deja sat limply letting the mare take in her blood, letting out steady breaths as she tried to get used to it. It took a couple minutes but she quickly adjusted and smiled a bit, sighing on content as the mare fed on her. "This does feel rather nice", she admitted casually though her voice showed she enjoyed it more than she let on.

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Summer fed for a few more minutes she did not take much she simply took the least amount that she could, she wanted Deja to experience the event and find out being fed on was actually rather good. She stopped and licked the wound. "See it's not actually that bad being fed on Deja, this is why I don't mind when to bite me gives me bit of a kick."

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Deja smiled a bit and nodded in agreement. "I do apologize for not letting you feed on me before, I just felt it was a bad idea for me to be around blood, even my own". She said simply as she looked into the eyes of the sun coated mare. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings when I didn't let you bite me".

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"No it's fine Deja you did not hurt my feelings, I understand you are somewhat afraid but you can't go nuts on yourself, can you?" Summer kissed Deja rather romantically taking her down and the both laying on the couch as Summer kisses the life out of her. 

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Deja would have argues that she had royally screwed things up, just jot in those terms since they were not proper but the kiss fried her thoughts. She merely laid back leaning up into the kiss and laid there fumbling with her words as she tried to form a full sentence and only came out with something about Summer.

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"haha, still can knock you for six then." She leaned over a bit and whispered in her ear, "I know how to shut you up now if you argue with me." Summer lay on top of Deja, circling her hoof on her chest. "there are some benefits to having a marefriend in a colt's body, like laying on you is not a problem."

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Deja smiled a bit at her bit her bit about being able to shut her up. "Oh, you must not shut me up though, I thought you liked y voice", she did in mock disappointment. Her jokes fell as the made circled her hoof and mentioned the bit about the bodies. "Well, I'm surprised you don't mind that a mare looks male..most ponies think Echo is faking multiple personality disorder for attention, it's infuriating.

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"Well i'm young and opened minded and remember I have seen you as you want to appear when I forced you against the blood demon, remember? You looked really pretty, well you do now but you suited the body you mind made for you, your hot either way and Echo is a stud so don't mind me, an I do like your voice but when we are arguing or your shouting at me now I can just kiss you." Summer smiled.

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Deja only nervously nodded blushing at the mare on top of her. "It would take more than a simple peck to shut me down like you did. Only those sudden deep kisses that make you feel like space is standing still, one of stars is dinging your praises and we can fly anywhere"

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Summer blushed, "you do have a way with words Deja, one of those things I love about you." Summer lay her head on her chest looking into her eyes. She was in a state of bliss again. "Oh I wish we could separate you two into different you's...hold on what about the mirror pool?"

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Deja looked a bit crestfallen, even hurt by the question. "Summer..we make each other complete..without the other we cannot perform our magic properly. If that isn't enough to convince that you just asked the most unfair question ever, two bodies means two different ponies. If we were to separate, we would rip apart which means you'll have to choose one of us to love and the other would be forced to suffer an eternal brokan heart by your choice", she said with tears in her eyes.

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"...oh, I...I did not mean to hurt you...I...I" Summer sat up and looked away she never meant to casue both of them such harms she was bright red she looked away she had said a selfish and hurtful thing and she was thoroughly embarrassed, "I...I" Summer then ran up the stairs crying. 

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It took a couple of minutes for Deja to compose herself wiping her eyes rather ashamed by her retort. There was probably a better way to say it if dge had looked properly. Once she was mostly calm she slowly walked up the stairs to Summer's bedroom and walked over to her. "Summer...I'm sorry I said that to you..".

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Summer was face down on her bed crying her eyeballs out, She heard Deja's voice and her words but she could not stop crying she had tried to make something happen that could not be possible and she had been offencive in its manner, she could not compose herself in order to respond.

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Deja wlakedd over and nuzzled her carefully. "Summer..we both we you didn't mean to offend anyone, we know thinking purely from a relationship standpoint that two bodies would make things easier but then ethics come into play and well you date two separate ponies, that's cheating. And we need each other to make our illusions a reality", she said quietly.

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