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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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"I was trying to be nice, eat your way, since you were eating my way", she said now looking at her with an embarrassed smile. "Why do ponies eat like this, I can barely see my food for Celestia's sake", she muttered and wiped her muzzle before going back to her proper eating etiquette.

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Summer demolished her pasta is short order then raised her head and licked the sauce of her lips and muzzle, "it's not art we don't look at it we eat it that's the whole point yes? Am i showing my farm filly side now, just well you know I think it's silly all of the knives and forks stuff." Summer picks up a loaf of bread and eats half of it in one massive bite.

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Deja smiles a bit as she watches the small town made eating her food. At least her voracious method showed she enjoyed it so no complaint there. She took her own bread and cut it up into small bute-sized pieces before eating it. "No worries, dear, farm fillies eat their own way, I will not force the Canterlot etiquette on you".

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As she chewed her own piece, "we..ll..that....'s...nice...of you..." after she swallows it, "sorry that was rude, mom told me not to do that but I'm in my own house so..." She stuck her tongue out "...her." she then ate the other half of the piece of bread, after finishing that. "you're a good cook Deja, maybe i'll make you cook more often."

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Deja shook her head slowly. "I'm not a good cook, you've got the wrong pony", she said quietly before turning to her salad and sipping of her drink. "This was a fluke, I assure you, my cooking is awful, worse than eating sour apples for dinner and nothing else", she said trying to find a good comparison but failing since she was lying. She had already cooked a nice meal and she knew the mare had enjoyed it but that was embarrassing. "I'm a bad cook, my food must have fried your taste buds is all".

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"I don't know what you are talking about I know you're lying I don't need to be a vampire to tell that, why can't you accept that you're a good cook it's a great skill to have, why would you deny that Deja, you are confusing me I thought we would not lie to each other you're supposed to share everything with me i'm your vampire mate after all."

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She looked down and shook her head. "I just don't like doing it all that much and I never cook for any pony..I expected your response to be well...worse is all", she said honestly and looked at her across the table. "I apologize for lying, I do", she murmured and went to her food again picking at her salad.

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"you could've just said that to start with I mean why lie to me i'm your marefriend not some Canterlot snob, it's fine i'll cook for you that is ok, but you'll have to do things for me too, you know like mundane stuff well I can't think of anything off the top of my head but you get the jist."

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Deja looked at her relatively calmly and looked at her uneasily. "I have no problem doing things for you, I just never liked cooking all that much, it is art to me but then I watch that art get destroyed as ponies eat it", she said quietly and finished her food.

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"that is a funny way of looking at it, but we are different in quite a few regards i'll clean up see you next door, you're gonna drink me dry again aren't you." summer got up and gathered the empty plates and bowls and such and started to stack her dishwasher then set it off...

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Deja looked at her and smiled as HSE walked over to her. "Can I", she asked the made quietly admitting she wanted her blood again. "If not I understand, I'll just go out and get some blood", she offered uneasily and curious if Summer would allow her to go bite somepony else.

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"oh no you don't you can even think like that ponies are off limits permanently don't even joke about it. Fine if you want more." Summer lead her to the couch in the living room and laid down on her side, then closed her eyes. "I like it when you bite me but be gentle I am a mare after all." 

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Deja mumbled something about being sorry and not wanting to hurt any pony else as she followed the mare to the couch, sitting beside her and gently licking her neck. "You are sure you don't mind me drinking a bit more", she asked carefully and nibbled her neck affectionately.

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"well at least your being less I want to drain you dry not listening to me anymore thankfully, but I was not lying in the kitchen to you it's fine and I kinda like it in a weird kinky sort of way, the more you take then weirder but nicer for me, just don't well suck so hard or push you fangs in all the way draw it out, make it an experance for me to, manipulate my blood think about things while you drink that you want me to feel or hear and I can if you do it right go on love." summer lifted her wing and gently forced Deja's head closer to her neck.

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Deja had no idea what she wanted Summer to think about and decided to forget about that and just enjoy the blood and the closeness. She lightly pressed her fangs unto the mare's neck, feeling the blood starting to trickle out as she held the made in her foreleg, not wanting her to squirm too much as she drank. She tried to make her feel as much pleasure as possible from the exchange, lightly licking her neck as she drank of her.

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"if you can hear me Deja, when we feed we are connected beyond just the physical, think about what you want me to hear and feel and I will you can do that to other vampires." Summer was panting she was enjoying herself but she knew it could be better. She hoped that Deja was listening.

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Deja heard her and tried to think thoughts to her love but she couldn't find the concentration. "I love you", she thought to herself towards the mare unsure if it would be heard as she fed. She dared not pulled away from her since she felt at peace when she fed on her and she knew the made had practically asked her to.

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To Deja's Surprise, Summer's voice was in her head when she responded, "I know, I love you too and you did it well done lass. As I said a connection greater than just a physical one." Summers breathing slowed it was still shallow but she was trying to stay calm and enjoy herself more.

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Deja pulled away, effectively frightened for a moment by the sound of Summer in her head and cowered behind her wings before collecting herself and getting up, sniffing her neck lightly and nipped at her again. "That was strange, but not unpleasant", she said, trying not to show how uncertain she was about the whole telepathy thing continuing to feed on her lover's blood.

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Summer was now talking again, "you broke the connection, you have to think again then it will work again, I hope i did not scare you." Summer winced as she resumed feeding on her but she wanted it more than ever now. "bite me Deja, I want it so bad..." Summer was in a state of bliss.

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Deja smiled a bit and fed for a few minutes, holding her close and loving the mare's closeness before letting her go and smiling. "Your blood is simply wonderful", she said happily and hugged her for a moment. "Um...I should probably go, now, shouldn't I", she asked slowly.

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"no." Summer rolled over and pulled Deja down so she was half lying on top of her, she whispered to her, "I don't want you going anywhere, just lay with me with your head on my chest just listen to me breath and my heart and we can just be like this for a while just us."

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"I didn't mean...never mind", she said and smiled before letting herself fade from consciousness and Echo kissed the mare lightly. "Evening", be said quietly hoping they hadn't upset the mare. "I know you wanted to lay with Deja and everything but...I wanted to see you..".

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"I wanted to lay with you, you as a whole not necessarily Deja, I love you both so it's fine. You want some blood? Deja was rather gentle with me so I have plenty left if you'd like some Echo otherwise just lay with me I just want to be close to you right now." Summer's tummy went up and down on purpose lifting and lowering Echo's head was she breathed.

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Echo looked at her and smiled. "Well, we just had some blood, and I'm glad she was gentle with you, but might you want some yourself", he asked offering his neck to her as he held a leg around her he gently. "If not, I get it, my blood isn't good enough for you, you uppity Canterlot madre", he teased playfully.

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