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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

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"Well now, Summer..they are my employees and I don't hire snobs so, no, these ponies are not snobs. They are however highly respected and highly knowledgeable about art and for that I don't dispute their opinion on any piece I bring in", she admitted and led Summer off the train. "It feels different than last time I was here...oh right, back then I as alive....but I also didn't have those nifty wings or you, did I", she spoke as they walked from the platform.

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"the wings you must hide or ponies will be scared of you, but no I guess a few things have changed since we were last here, so it's new for you in a way come on I want to meat your workers." Summer was actually quite excited to go back to Deja's studio, she was acting young again.

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"Yes, yes, I know, most unicorns don't have wings, I know, love/, she said as they walked to the studio. She cropped open the door to let in the pleasant breeze that was blowing through the city and went to her office a very messy room since she has recently lost track of her things and made a royal mess of the place. She eventually found the key to her desk and pulled out a manilla envelope which she gave to a gray made who was waiting just outside the office, one of her inspectors. Deja led Summer back outside to grab breakfast so the inspectors could do their jobs and the two if them could eat. "That was Opal Shine, my newest inspector", she informed her as they walked.

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"nice to meet you Opal, I'm Summer Deja's...friend from Ponyville." Summer did not say anything else she was scared to talk to anyone in Canterlot after the incident with the art buyer she was put off saying anything else so she just walked next to Deja after that in silence.

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Deja smiled a bit at her nervousness and quietly led her outside. "You don't need to worry, Opal won't bite, some of us Canterlot ponies have basic understanding of compassion, I mean..not all of us do, but..not all of us are as ignorant as the oaf that offended you last time you were here", she tried to soothe her marefriend discreetly as they pattered along the cobbled stone streets.

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"I'm trying Deja just even Vampires can be scared of social rejection i'll get there just give me some time to get used to the swing of things. But thanks for the encouragement." Summer smiled at her and pecked her on the cheek all proper like. "thanks no that's not right uh hem thank you Miss Deja."

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Deja mailed at Summer's total nervousness for a moment. She had practically forgotten she could be scared of rejection of any kind, she just didn't seem the type to really care what other ponies thought about her personally but Deja has clearly guessed wrong. She lightly returned the peck, grateful for her company as she led the mare to a cozy restaurant that served great sandwiches.

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"so what food do they sell here, I don't think I can use cutlery correctly yet." Summer stood next to Deja waiting for her to well do all the social interactions she herself was not keen yet to talk to anyone else, her words were to normal for those around her she thought.

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Deja sat her down at a table covered by an umbrella and ordered them two sandwiches, bringing them to the table in her magic and setting the played down between. "I hope these sandwiches are alright with you, I just figured you would prefer not needing such ridiculous cutlery", she explained and took her own sandwich.

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"there not that silly it's well you know, no magic it's not so easy for me but I can do sandwiches so thanks, thank you for that Deja." Summer with some poise picked up half the sandwich with her wing and took a neat bite from in and dabbled her mouth with a cloth held with her other wing.

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Deja smiled a bit and started on her own sandwich happily eating across from the made she loved, accidentally forgetting her manners and using her muzzle, growing used to Summer's Ponyville etiquette. She fell into a bright blush and wiped her face rather aggressively, quite embarrassed by her actions.

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"How are you forgetting to eat properly here of all places!" Summer took another bite, she was even more nervous now that Deja was forgetting how to eat in Canterlot. Summer tried to smile but she was quite worried and her heart was racing because of it.

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"Too long spent in Ponyville, that is all, just a small slip in culturally diverse etiquette", she explained and regained her poise as she finished her food. "You rubbed off me, your small town lifestyle is honestly nice sometimes", she had to admit it though it was clear she wasn't made for the small town, Echo was but she was a city pony.

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Summer nervously continued with her sandwich, "well I like that I've had an effect on you." Summer smiled but she was really nervous more than she thought she could ever be the social pressure was very real  for her at the moment and she could not shake it. 

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Deja had quickly regained her composure and finished Ber own sandwich eating in the elltale Canterlot etiquette that she had tried to teach Summer. Once they had finished she offered the made to either stroll the city or return to the gallery, leaving the choice to her guest.

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"How long are we staying here? I mean I don't feel like exploring Canterlot my confidence is a little shaken now that I'm here, so can we just go back to the gallery, sorry if you wanted the option Deja." Summer looks somewhat down she did not want to disappoint Deja but she was not up to exploring.

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Deja thought on the mare's words and shook her head. "Oh no worries, my dear, I honestly don't mind one way or the other. As for how long we are staying, just long enough to get my painting hung in place, I don't want to keep you out of your element any longer than I have to, I assure you", she offered as she stood from her seat to leave.

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summer got up aswell and they headed back towards Deja's gallery, "But you live here don't you I mean we can stay here in Canterlot for a while at your place here if you'd like to stay a while, I don't want you going back to Ponyville and staying there most of the time just because of me."

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Deja only chuckled at this as they walked."Summer, you forget that Echo lives there in Ponyville. It is no inconvenience for him and I to be in either town since weha e property in both...very well, if you truly wish to spend some time here in my residence, I will not argue that wish".

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"I don't want to argue either just you have not been to your home since we met so it seems unfair that you are the one who dose not get to stay at your house, it's your turn Deja, I'm sure Echo agrees with me too." Summer gave her a reassuring nudge just so she got the message.

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"Oh, all right, if you insist. You could stay in my home if you like", she said with a small smile on her face. "So, to the gallery of hours truly then, am I not mistaken", she continued as they started walking from the restaurant towards her artistic sanctuary.

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"I've never asked why did you start the gallery for? Any reason a gallery I mean do you paint or you know just sell the stuff, or what really? Well you can see I'm a real expert." Summer gave a half cocky smile just to make the statement funny, she hoped. "I wonder what you house is like? You live in a house right?"

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"My mother is a painter so I enjoy the veuty of art thanks to her influence....it gives me solace in a stressful city like this one....and yes, of course I live in a house. My home is a nice little place, not to worry", she said trying to be modest with a light laugh at Summer's words.

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Summer was a little disappointed that she did not find her comment that funny she was putting it on again. "Deja, remember i'm not just anyone you keep putting the guard up to to, if you don't like somthing I say say it don't lie, the hurts more." Summer looked a little down from that but she was be genuine again.

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"I did like your joke, Summer, I just don't like laughing. You've heard how stupid I sound when I'm laughing", she said quietly feeling bad for hurting her marefriend though she hasn't meant to do so. "I'm..sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you, my love", she whispered as they e tered the building.

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