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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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"Yeah the park a lot less, ponies here." Summer walked over to a tree and laid against it. "it's not that I don't trust you just well Deja you have a problem, well a little one I mean you nearly killed me yesterday and I am not as appetizing as normal ponies so lets just take our time, come sit with me it's a lovely day." 

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Deja was about to argue she didn't have a problem when she caught a whiff of a pony's blood nearby and walked off from Summer, sniffing the air as she walked towards a napping stallion not caring if Sumner noticed, she only wanted the blood after all, nothing else matters at that moment.

"Yeah the park a lot less, ponies here." Summer walked over to a tree and laid against it. "it's not that I don't trust you just well Deja you have a problem, well a little one I mean you nearly killed me yesterday and I am not as appetizing as normal ponies so lets just take our time, come sit with me it's a lovely day."

Edited by dusk shade
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"Oh shit." Summer got up and raced to Deja knocking her to the ground sge then pinned her down. "You can't feed on any pony unless they agree like when I fed on you before I turned you, Emerald will make no exception she'll kill you if you do anything. Please Deja just sit under the tree with me."

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Deja only looked at her a moment and went about trying to free herslef popping her fangs to bite at her. She didn't wangbher blood, she only anted her to let go as she tries to snap at her. after a couple minutes she realizes she can't reach her pinned like she is and just slumps down putting a joof over her nose to block the scent. "Let's go, the tree, don't let me out of your sight".

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Summer let's Deja up slowly and leads her carefully to the tree thankful that no one else was around. "Deja your frightening me when you just lose it like that I don't want to lose you, come on sit down and be thankful I foresaw this I mean your not ready yet despite your speed in my tests getting over tge blood will take time. You can have some of mine if you want."

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"I don't mean to frighten you", she said trying to put her fangs away bit AF her offer bit her neck gently after licking it a bit. She drank of her until she started to protest the she had to stop or send could be hurt. It wasn't that she was that hungry for blood, more that she just needed the blood like an addict needs their fix. "I'm sorry, I took too much again didn't I", she asked cleaning her neck of excess blood with brought the smell back and she bit again.

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"I...I will try to get used to it..." Summer was panting again. "You need to learn stop once in awhile. I'm sorry Deja you have as much as you want I love to much to say no." It was rather obvious that Summer was lying, it was a minor on the stop thinking test for Deja. Would she pass or fail?

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Deja was too fixated yon the blood to even hear Summer's words, much less recognize that she was testing her with them. She just drank of her, enjoying the semi-sweetness of her blood as if filled her mouth. She swallowed her fill of the mare's blood and laid bedside her after taking more than she should have, lixxking her chops.

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Summer was now breathing quickly and shallowly, she raised her hoof to Deja's face turning her head to look at her. "You've failed my test love...I...I need to...speek to Echo..." Summer kept her hoof up despite her total lack of strength Deja had sucked it out of her.

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Summer was now breathing quickly and shallowly, she raised her hoof to Deja's face turning her head to look at her. "You've failed my test love...I...I need to...speek to Echo..." Summer kept her hoof up despite her total lack of strength Deja had sucked it out of her.

Deja crumbled a bit beofe Echo could gain control of her body, which he had trued to do when she walked off. "Summer, you need to hit us next time, she could kill you", he said with a clear tone of worry as he nuzzled her. "What did you need", he asked then trying to focus on the issue at hand.
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"I...well...to be brunt...you have to control her...I I'm not sure if you can but she's a danger to everyone including me you must rain in your...your other half... or Emerald will kill you both." Summer's hoof fell down she couldn't keep it up any longer she gave him a smile, then closed her eyes. "I...must rest now..."

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"I...can't...control...her", he said quietly which was true. She had her own thoughts, her own perception, her own ability to control the body. They had both thought he could switch in if she lost control but she has tobguve up control fur him to take it so he could do nothing but watch as Summer was drained.

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With her eyes still closed. "There is a solution we will talk to Sapphire and she can cast a spell on her. A permanent solution to the problem if she can't control her actions. Can I have a hug?" Summer was still breathing heavily as she lay there fearing for herself and for them.

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He nodded and hugged her lightly, cemareful since she had just been effectively weakened physically by Deja's bloodthirst. "Who's Sapphire and what spell can she cast that will calm deja's thirst", he asked as he laid beside her holding her in the hug, knowing Deja could have killed her right then.

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"Sapphire is my cousin and she's been working on a spell that will take all the desire away permanently so no smell or want it will taste good but like a food and not a drug." Summer hugged back the best she could but it was not much a nearly unfeelable movement.

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He got worried by the weakness of her hjg and forced his own neck againstvher fangs forcing her to drink, since in myths he heard that blood drinking healed vampires. "I really hope those books and movies weren't full of crap...if they were then all you're getting is a tasty meal,sorry".

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Summer did not fight his actions and drank from him for but a moment before stopping. " That is much better." Summer kissed him and sat up "there are quite a few truths to all those shows and movies but the spell will work she has already cast on me, Emerald and Crescent so I guess she can cast it on you."

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Echo just laid there letting her drunk. It was a stangeky intimate things, letting some pony drink your blood but he never minded letting her. He kised her cheek and nodded. "If you think she will safe around others with that spell, then I see no reason not to, she's seriously dangerous as it stands now", he admitted as he ruved his neck.

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"Very well then Deja can't front until we get this spell cast on you, come on." Summer got up and looked down at him. "I didn't think she would be so bad she becomes totally oblivious to everything when she gets like it we need to fix this. The spell will work, I hope."

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"Very well then Deja can't front until we get this spell cast on you, come on." Summer got up and looked down at him. "I didn't think she would be so bad she becomes totally oblivious to everything when she gets like it we need to fix this. The spell will work, I hope."

He stood up, kissing her lightly and mailed a bit nervously. "Is this spell gonna hurt", he asked quietly and followed her from the park. As they walked however Deja stepped into control, nuzzling her neck. "Will this spell work or will it just make things worse", she asked. Echo had let her out only to talk to Summer, hoping to ease the tesmion her feeding had caused them. Edited by dusk shade
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"No Deja it will work and doesn't hurt, well it shoud I mean it works for the rest of us." They got back to Emerald and Sapphire's house, and entered. "hello Sapphire?" 


Sapphire popped her head out from the kitchen. "I'm in here Summer, who's your friend?"


Summer looked at her, "did Emerald not tell you? Ok then." They both walked into the kitchen. "I need you to cast your vamp spell on my friend here."


"Vampire hey, sure let me go get ready." Sapphire went upstairs.

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Deja nodded a bit nervously at Summer as the mare took off downstairs and she still covered her nose, not wishing to smell any blood for fear if losing cibtrolvof herself again. "Summer, if it doesn't work and I still can't control myself, how can I function, the bloodthirst was not expected to be honest...I mean, Echo seems just fine", she tried to make conversation to keep herself calm.

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Summer walked over and hugged Deja "it will work, if it doesn't." She sighed. "Well we can go from there." Sapphire came back in.


"Hold still...Unicorn vampire, that is new ok then, hold still." Sapphires horn started glowing then the magic levels built and at the end of the spell it the excess was pouring out of her horn she then lowered her head and and shot a beam of pure light at Deja's head. Sapphire fell to her knees. "it...is...done..." She was panting from the spell.


"Now to test, take your hoof off you nose Deja, I'll hit you if you attack Sapphire." 

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Deja looked from Summer to Sapphire and slowly pulled her hoof down, sniffing a bit. She still smelled the blood coursing through the mare's body and wanted to drink it, but she didn't feel herself being dragged to the blood. "I think it worked", she said quietly. It was clear from the popping if her fangs she still wanted to drink the blood but at least she had held still.

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"Yeah it worked good, now come on let my cousin rest." Summer took her back to her house. They sat down on her couch. "what that spell has done is turned the blood from an addiction to a plesure, so yeah the smell will become less prevalent as time goes by until well it's like all other nice smells like flowers, you'll get there Deja you can't rush this bit and you shouldn't near kill me next time you want to feed on me too. I hope."

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