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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Summer still had her head buried in her pillow, "I know, I...I...oh..." She cried a bit more. She tuned over to face Deja but could not look her in the eyes, "I'm sorry I hurt you I'm to blame and your comforting me that is not right you should be shouting at me." Summers ears were down and her face was covered in tears, that made the dry blood on her face drip down the sides of her cheeks.

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Deja came over and sat next to her, stroking her mane lightly. "It is alright, you meant no offense, and I'm really not the type of made to shout at anypony else.. I am an elegant Canterlot made, you know", she said trying to cheer her up with a light hearted joke.

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"I don't feel like laughing but that was funny," Summer then lodged her self under the sitting Deja hugging her middle she just was so sorry and was trying express that to her as she hugged. "sorry is not good enough for you...I...I oh I love you Deja please forgive me."

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Deja Nuzzled her marefriend affectionately and sighed in exasperation."Summer, if you are sorry, you will stop saying how sorry you are, how's that sound", she asks not wanting to have to listen to her says sorry over and over again especially when the problem was tiny. "And I love you very much as well".

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Summer looks up at her, she still had some tears, "ok i'll be quiet now then Deja, can I have a hug then?" Summer looked back down at her sitting and gave her a hug again just closing her eyes and hugging tightly she felt awful for her comment. "it's been a long day you want some dinner?" as she hugged.

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Deja smile sand hugged her marefriend tightly. "That sounds lovely, thank you for asking, my love", she said but it obvious the made was staring at Summer's neck trying desperately to not bite her again. But the smell of the blood was there, the sound of her heart pounding, inviting her.

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Summer looked up again "you're looking at me like dinner again, I don't think I can take a feeding at this moment why not some real food to take your mind off it." Summer released her hug and walked to the door, looking back "maybe after when I have had some food then you can eat me." Summer gave a cheeky smile.

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Deja merely felt her ears go down in embarrassment for having looked at her love like dinner again. She followed her and kissed her cheek. "Sorry. I just love small, the sound, everything about blood, especially yours, is just fantastic", she said and walked down with her.

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"You are addicted Deja." she punched her in the shoulder in a jesting manner, "oh sorry you're not Echo he'd find that funny." They walked into the kitchen and Summer sat down at a chair and looked at her. "you can cook this time, I love cooking but how does a upstanding Canterlot mare cook?"

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Deja winced vosably at the lunch, not expecting or used to that kind of thing. She brushed past the made after that and went to the kitchen to start cooking. She went about grabbing flour, egg, veggies, pasta, spices, herbs, and anything else she may need.

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"sorry for hitting you I kind of forgot you're Deja and not Echo, I'm still getting used to it, you can get your own back and tickle me or fed on me longer I won't complain." She tried to peak past her trying to see what she was cooking. "so what you cooking then hun, what can a Canterlot elite cook?"

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"Can't tell us apart but you make us immortal, apunds like you rushed it a bit", she said and put out her wings to block the mare's view of the food and she went to work setting water on to cook and starting chopping veggies up. She went ahead and diced the tomatoes into a fine sauce.

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"Of course I can tell you two apart your polar opposites not to mention your mane changes every time either one of you fronts I...I just had a laspe and honestly I didn't think you'd accept my offer at all or at least not as fast as you both did. Anyway I said you could get your own back how you want, though I have a feeling your going to make me pay in blood."

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"I was only playing...I know you can tell us apart", she said calmly and glanced over her wings. "Don't take me so seriously all the time", she finished and turned back to the food dropping pastas into booking water. She set the sauce to heat up And mixed veggies into a salad as she finished up making a bread from scratch with thebflour and egg, as well as the other ingredients. She didn't like cooking but she wasn't bad at it.

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"You got me Deja your better with words than me you could get me to sigb my soul away with that tounge of yours but I rather like it in my mouth though." Summer blushed from the last part, then smelt the air "well some pony I like can cook or at least it smells like it."

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She blushed and bit and hid it with her wing before going back to the cooking humming happily at what the mare had told her. She eventually drained the pasta putting the sauce over it and setting a loaf of bread seasoned with garlic down beside a salad. "I didn't know how hungry you were so I made a couple things on the side", she said and poured then glasses of a red liquid. "It isn't blood".

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"Well of course it's not blood I'm not obsessed like you are, that will be the 12 merlot I had in the back of the cupboard then a rather good year last of dozen I bought Last year. I'm rather hungry these past few days with all blood your sucking out of me I need the energy to regenerate my blood levels."

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Deja smiled at her accurate guess. "I thought you could use a good drink to relax at dinner", she said not wanting to admit her blood drinking habit. "Did I really take so much blood", she asked carefully before setting the pasta on plates as well as the salad and bread.

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"You've been taking a lot yes Echo is gentle with me like how a mare and stallion should be like, you take more a lot more taking me to the edge you knocked me out the first time. However saying that I kinda like it the more you take the better I kinda like it. Food" as the food was set at the table.

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"I'm sorry...I am trying to take less", she said quietly as she picked at he food unsure if she had hurt Summer badly with her biting. "Next time tickle me and I'll let go since I'll be too busy laughing at your touch", she offered hoping tlshe had made the meal well.

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"I kinda like it though taking me to the edge kinda turns me on... a bit." Summer looked embarrassed by her words. She started to eat some of the pasta with her wings she was getting better with her knives and fork but she stll looked a bit silly but she kept going.

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Deja chuckled a bit at her words and smiled that she hasn't said anything bad about her cooking. "Maybe well figure out a system.. Since you like me drinking you, but I don't want to hurt you to much. That way Echo and you can have your gentle interactions and we can have our more interesting blood drinking".

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"we'll figure it out one way or another, I suppose, the pasta is good, very good haven't tried anything else yet." Summer kept eating her pasta with her knife and fork she did not really like doing it like that she was a head in the bowl eater but Canterlot would not have that so she had to practice being a snob.

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She smiled a bit and nodded. "Thank you, I was worried it wouldn't be very good", she said and gently set down her utensils, starting to eat in Summer's face in the bowl manner trying to show her appreciation for the amre trying her eating methods, hoping she wouldn't be offended.

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"hold on that's not fair I have to practice being a git and you get you pig out! Aw! That is not fair." Summer dropped her wings and the cutlery then buried her face in her bowl eating like a normal pony, she raised her head for a moment. "this is how we are supposed to eat with a big mess on our faces." Then reburied her head in the bowl.  

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