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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Summer picked herself up from missing and runs out the window and then flies up to him lying on the roof, she flies over and lands next to him and sits then lies with her head on his tummy. "you don't need a pillow just use my roof clouds are the best anyway." 

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Echo laughs a bit anddiasolves his pillow putting ahoof around her. "This is nice, just watching the Ponyville sky come in...you weather ponies do a really good job up here", he said and leaned down to kiss her nose. "Sorry, your nose was all I could reach in this position", he admired with a smirk.

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"dirty stallion." She giggled then moved herself up his chest and she kissed him, "Oh I love both so much, Deja can here me yes?" Summer wasn't too interested in the answer and moved up a bit more and started making out with him on her roof, somthing she had certainly not done before.

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Echo only alirked more at her remark and advances. "I'm the dirty one, really", he asked her playfully before and thought on her question. The answer was yes but he didn't get a chance to tell her since she shut him up as she started kisisng him aggressively.

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Summer pulled back, "with you yeah I'm the dirty one, Deja's over me though she's more dominate than me so yeah I take what I can get, is she better I wouldn't mind kissing her aswell she just feeds on me I'd like to kiss my marefriend too once in a while." she circled her hoof on his chest.

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Echo nodded and his mane changed to Deja Vu's telltale feminine curled one and she smiled up at the mare. "Morning, I do apologize for the biting you thing...I'm still having a bit if trouble with blood it seems", she trailed off and leaned up to kiss Summer rather deeply.

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Summer pulled back for just a moment, "I don't care right now, I need to kiss you right now." She went back to making out with Deja and then positioned herself on top of her was she made out with her marefriend. She stopped again for another brief moment, "well get there." she resumed... 

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Deja held the mare against her as they kissed, her kiss keeping the thought if what she had done to Sumner in the back of her mind. She had better things to think about, like Summer being so desperate to kiss her marefriend. She pulled her head back and smiled. "I love you, you do know that right, Summer"?

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Summer and Echo came to a natural end to their session she lay there looking into her eyes. "I know you do Deja, just you scared me before you really scared me, I love you and I don't mind you being ruff on me but there was that look in your eyes for were going to put me on deaths door again like the other day, I just can't go through that so often." 

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Deja smiled up at the mare and nuzzled into her neck. "I'll...try, I can't promise you anything though, since I can't really guarantee I can control my hunger around you, I don't even know why I'm so drawn to your blood", she started to ramble and shut her self up rather quickly.

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"it's the blood that gave you life, or maybe it's just me I don't know there is so much even i'm still learning, I don't mind you feeding on me you know I like it but, I wish we could get the uncontrollable part of you out of the way it scares me and if you can't then you wont be able to go out in public."

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"But Echo is harmless, you want to punish him for me", she asked quietly knowing his house arrest was completely her fault. "Summer...I love you, but I love your blood too", she whispered and sat up nuzzling the made beside her. "Don't let me feed on you...if I bite you....I don't know, knick me out, somehow", she offered not wanting to keep hurting her.

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"but it's what vampires do Deja, beside's I can't knock you out every time you want some blood, you told me to hit you and tickle you and that did not work, what if trying to kock you out doesn't work what do I do then cry out for Echo as you kill me, Deja you have to fix this problem, I can't help you anymore."

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Deja looked at her liked she'd been smacked across the face. "Summer..", she started and backed up shaking her head. "I...I'm trying to fix it...but if I'm going to kill you then I can't be near you", she said and went down to the Ponyville streets ears down and highly embarrassed by her actions.

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"Deja!" Summer stood up looking from her roof, you silly mare come back here. Summer jumped down and landed a few meters behind her. "Deja, what are you doing come back here you can't be outside yet please I did not mean to offend you please come back inside." 

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"Oh, I can't be outside now because you say so, is that it", she snapped. "I have business to keep in motion, I am not some cloud pusher who can just not go to her workplace cause she doesn't feel like it. I don't know if ponyville ponies are so intentionally ignorant or if its natural but its unbearable", she said and started off towards the train station. She didn't mean it but she was in bad mood and just needed to vent.

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"I...I..." Summer sat in the street, she felt hurt by her words, a few tears came down her face, she shock her head then stood again. "no I wont let you go like this!" She flew off after her she was going to stop her and bring her back to the house with or without her approval.

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Deja had purchased a ticket for the next train out of there to Canterlot. She sat on a bench and waited for the bus needing to get out and away from Summer as quickly as possible or she might say something else she would regret and make the mare hate her.

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Summer found her on the platform of the station, she was hesitant to approach her, an Idea came to her she bought a ticket can kept out of sight she was going to see if Deja could handle the outside world a real test for her. Summer would watch and intervene if anything happened.

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Deja boarded the train as soon as it entered the station sitting as far back as possible to keep herself from other ponies as she rode to Canterlot, her fangs flashing into view as she approached a made that had boarded, her eyes showing her hunger.

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Summer noted where she had boarded the train sat in the room in front listening through the wall, she had a feeling that Deja would not even make it through the trip, but the experience would scare her into not feeding well that was the hope, she kept listening...

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Deja stopped abruptly just behind the mare and backed off before running to the back seat again shaking. "I cannot bite these ponies....only Summer....but if I'm..gonna feed on her...I have to be much Kore gentle with her....what am I doing", she started muttering to herself in her seat.

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Summer herd Deja's heart beat through the wall she was about to rush in but then she noticed a change. She's not going to do it I...I can't belive it. Summer's heart was swelling with pride in the other room she wanted to come in and reward her but, she thought that would not be a good idea.

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Deja sat in her seat and walked back to the made gently sniffing the mare's blood and sitting back in her seat. "I need to behave myself.. I can't bite this mare... I need to go home..", she said to herself and waited for the train to go back around to Ponyville before getting off to go home.

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Summer fled from the train and flew home, she landed on her couch and waited, the tears came back they were of joy but Deja would not be able to tell so she lay on the couch crying waiting for her she was so happy but she had hurt her with her words and was going to scold her for that, one way or another...

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