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private Echoes in the Summer Sun

dusk shade

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Echo looked at her a bit oddly after the hug, much odder than he had at her fangs, it was as unexpected after all. He checked his watch and saw the train would be arriving in about ten minutes which he told her and left the building, waiting for her at the door, before leading her to the train station and buying two tickets. He had bought a couple of seats next to each other with his by the window so that her and Deja could talk without Deja walking aay from the conversation.

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"so is she on her way then, is that how it works do you get any warning or just wam bam thankyou ma'am?" She sat next to him looking out the window of the carriage she had never been to Canterlot before it was doubly exciting. "oh can we see the castle I've never seen the castle?" with that question and the happiness she felt her fangs retracted themselves and she look as she did before, "oh good they're gone dont want to scare your other half."

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Echo nodded at her question about the castle. "Yeah, we can see the castle, why not", he said as the rmtrain started off. "As for the whole pers", he started only to stop and look at her like he had never seem the made before. Technically, he hasn't since he wasn't him anymore, the mare by the name of Deja Vu had taken hold. "If I may ask, ma'am, who might you be....may as well get acquainted since we will be riding to Canterlot togrther", she offered in a soothing voice, but it sounded like she spoke from a script. As she took hold of the body, her mane, curled out from its precious spiky style, into an elegant feminine twist.

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"Um..wow that was fast, so you are Daja Vu then I suppose, hello my name is Summer and I was talking to your other half Echo, I was keen to meet you too so i'm coming with you to your art gallery, I hope we can be friends too." Summer offered her hoof to this other version of him, "you're so different from one another, you're voice and you're mane."  

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"Of course I take the body, when we are going to Canterlot, imagine walking in to purchase something looking like him...nopony would sell you anything", she said simply. "I mean no disrespect to Pomyville..however he is a bit...hard to predict and as such he has caused a couple of slaws to fall through, so now I switch on the train....Summer, you said your name was was", she asked shaking the mare's hoof before watching all of the Ponyville trees fade into the distance. "Of course we are dofferent..he insists on having fun and that's it, while I actually plan ahead", she said with a tone that suggested Echo wasn't the highest achiever in the world.

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"well in whole you seem rather balanced he has the fun and you do adult pony work, seems to be working rather well for the pair of you, I don't want to seem rude or impertinent but he did promise we could see the castle I've never been to Canterlot before so can you help me with that then we can do whatever you have planned for your trip." She smiled and kept looking out the window "this is exciting all new to me you see, both yourself and Canterlot." 

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(If my writing deteriorates if is likely due to the fact that it is 200 clock here I'm exhausted.)


The nare looked at her quizzically in response to her questions, a little annoyed at the thought of blowing off her client. "That simply won't do", she said simply as she look into the mare's eyes. "Once I gave made my purchase, then by all means Echo may not of course take you on tour, don't you worry", she said calmly.

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(i'll respond but go to bed then we can resume tommorrow cose your last post is showing it)


"Oh no I did not mean anything like that Daja if you have to talk to a client that is fine i'll tag along, you have a job to do i'm a tourist you take priority, I'm sorry if I upset you I wish to be your friend as much as Echo's you both seem great." Summer now looked at them "please forgive me Daja." 

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Deja Vu looked at her with a look of confusion. "You do realize how boring me obtaining a piece of art is, right, I go to the home of an artist, blubber him up with whatever he wants to hear so that I can get it for a low price, then go bring it to my gallery, it is rather boring here for any pony from Ponyville, for the most part..I'm obviously not including Rarity...and would you not rather have Echo take you to the castle", she asked quietly. Friend making was the least if her concerns, it was more of a if it happens, it happens thing for her.

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"You can not be serious I know under that facade is somepony who is not totally committed to work and if you are well I want to help and get to know you better I want to know the whole of you which includes you." Summer lent over to her "and I think that you're going to be more of a challenge, Echo is nice and easy going so you know what I mean."

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Deja Vu looked out the window, a little annoyed at Echo for always doing this, putting her in these situations with ponies who usually end up wasting her time. So far, she hasn't seen enough of her new acquaintance to decide if she would be the same way. "Of course he is easy going, he lives life like there is nothing important that ponies have to do", a little uneasy about what he may have told this mare.

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"Look I understand you're both somewhat a pair of opposites, but please see I'm being genuine Daja I will help you with your work if he likes fun and your the worker then that is something I am willing to work with you if that means I get to be a friend to the both of you. That is not to hard to believe is it?"

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"I can be fun, just when the days work is done", she said, intentionality slipping in the rhyme as she thought about what the pony was saying. "Okay...let's say I agree to be your friend, you realize I spend almost all of my time in Canterlot, I don't really spend time in Ponyville unless it us necessary", she finished and turned back to face the mare with a simple half smile.

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"Well I don't live in Canterlot but I can certainly visit often my job is part time so we can work something out, and I stand by what I said I want us to be friends all three of us. I respect hard working ponies so let me come along maybe I can help you with your client. My sister is a great salespony maybe some of her wisdom has worked on me."

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She realized she wasn't going the debate and nodded a little. "I cannot stop you, it is your right as an Equestrian citizen to do what you wish", she said, as the city if Canterlot came into view. "Well, there is the city...and, I don't really mind taking you to the castle... Once I take care of this meeting...the castle...is certainly something to see", she said, thankful for the accompaniment.

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"Is that a thanks in there somewhere, you're going to not regret it your the hardest friend I have ever tried to make I wonder if Twlight Sparkle would have the same trouble with you. Look I get being proud in your work I am myself but there is more to life."

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"Actually.. I never spoke with her...again...when we are in Ponyville I'm usually sleeping, so..", she starts but stops herself. "Yeah, thank you..Summer, it wolill be nice to have somepony to talk to besides Echo for once", she admitted as the train pulled into the station. "Well,here we are, Canterlot".

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Summer looked at the city in a state of mind bending excitement she was akin to a philly. "Wow Canterlot is wonderful what a city so much more than Ponyville." Summer ran out side onto the platform of the station she stood there in wonder of all she saw no wonder it was the capital after all.

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Deja couldn't help but smile a bit at her excitement, finding it..a but odd..but, in a good way, much like a filly seeing something she never has, likely how Echo was when he got to ponyville. She followed out off if the train and led her dmup off the station into the busy Canterlot streets, walking towards a very handsomely designed building, making sure to let her keep up, getting lost in a city like Canterlot was an east feat after all.

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Summer was managing to keep up with Daja "there are so many ponies here many more times than Ponyville, I'm very excited and nervous about everything I've heard that there is so much etiquette in Canterlot you'll keep me on the straight and narrow won't you?"

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"Of course...", she says simply and leads her down the street up to the front door of a very elegant home, knocking lightly on the door. After a few a pony comes out and waves her into the parlor before looking at Summer with a look of disgust. "Can I help you", she asked with a sour tone, to which Deja simply replied that she was a business associate. The stallion grumbled something about Ponyville and trash.

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Summer knew of this type of pony snobbish gits she hated them, but despite how much she wanted to give him a piece of her mind she kept her tongue, straightened her posture removed the emotion from her face and tried to look somewhat dignified, Daja needed to butter him up so she could get the best deal and she was not going to spoil it for her new friend.

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Deja Vu walked beside Summer as they were led to the parlor, the uppity stallion still visably scowling at the yellow mare as he spoke with Deja about the piece, rallying over the price he was asking as she offered a higher price, making a few notes on the picture in a smpoe tactic of getting a pony's guard down before shooting the price back down with critizing marks after building up the buyer's trust up until he snapped at her friend with a comment about her mane sloppy appearance. Deja simply stood up and walked to the door at the comment. "Come, Summer, we will take our business elsewhere where ponies respect their buyers", she said calmly with a forced 'good day' to him.

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Summer sat down, "i've ruined you day haven't I? I'm sorry Daja maybe I should've just not come and you would of got your sale." Summer looked up at unsure on what was going on in her head, "I'm sorry Daja...I." Summer lowered her head, "I tried my best...he was so rude, I tried..." She looked away thoroughly embarrassed. 

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Deja looked at her and smiled a bit uneasily, a bit flustered from the stallion's behavior. "Its fine, I'm more sorry that you were treated so badly", she assured her and shook her head feeling bad about her friend's first time in Canterlot as she started to lead her to the castle, truly embarrassed about the incident.

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