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private Wasteland Encounter (1x1 roleplay with Orbit)

Meson Bolt

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(OOC = https://mlpforums.com/topic/145651-beacons-in-the-wasteland-1x1-roleplay-with-orbit/)


The sun set low over the horizon as a chilling wind blew over the dusty wasteland, toying with a single flickering campfire, but Foray's mind was on none of these things. Her ears tuned to the sound of hoofprints, she crouched next to a thick tree, her trusty crowbar grasped with her magic. She was sure she'd heard somepony... or something anyway... approaching, but for the moment she couldn't hear anything.

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


 "It's getting dark, don't like the idea of traveling at night" He whispered to himself, recently he is doing that very often. Cyan was walking throught wasteland for some time, most of it he spend shooting, when he was about to check his map he heard something, like burning wood, campfire? He take his rifle from back and started to move slowly to the sound direction, he stopped when he heard movment. (Do they know each other or this is spin-off?)

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(I think it should be a spinoff; like a "first meeting" type situation)


Foray's heart thudded violently in her chest, sweat beading down her forehead. Standing dead still for a moment and listening to see if he came any closer, she slowly and furtively peeked her head out from behind her cover. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the rifle. Flattening herself against the tree that she was hiding behind, she swore internally and grabbed her crowbar, ready to use it in case he thought about closing range.


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Foray had nearly broken cover and swung her crowbar at his face as he stepped in range, but managed to hold herself back, still breathing heavily and brandishing her weapon defensively. The raider didn't seem like he was here to kill her, or enslave her... who was he anyway, and what was he doing?


"Who are you?" she asked, her voice stern but cautious. "Are you with the Free Hooves, Troop 92, or the Silvers? Or... just by yourself?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt


"No, no, no, yes" He looked at her, yeah, he scared her a lot "Okay listen... I will put my gun down, hope ya do the same" Cyan slowly put his weapon on his back. She didn't look like rider, welp it was dark and it was difficult to see her outfit, but she definitly are not wearing somepony face (what are she wearing anyway?)

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(Most likely just a worn-out Stable 105 jumpsuit and her saddlebags)


Foray didn't know how to react, so for a few moments she just stared at him suspiciously. She hated being told to lower her weapon, but asking politely? She didn't know who this was, but if he dealt with all ponies like he dealt with her, he'd get himself killed quickly. Slowly she propped her crowbar up against the tree, keeping one eye on him and one eye on her weapon just in case he tried to reach for his rifle.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"Good... Now, who are ya anyway?" He asked, but ready to pull of his rifle in any time "Can we go to this Campfire? It's getting cold..." He slowly go to the direction of fire "Yup, knew it" He sayed when his eyes get used to light "Ya are the blue one, knew ya one of that ponies that don't atack on sight, ya would be dead by now"

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Foray picked up her crowbar and trotted back down to her campfire, still keeping an eye on him just in case he decided to turn. "Fine, c'mover here and warm your chops..."


Her setup could barely be called a camp. A pair of stacked cinderblocks served to shield the campfire from the wind. A lunchbox and a few toolboxes lay scattered about, with some body armor that she'd shed as she was preparing to go to sleep.


Sitting down by the fire, she leaned her back against one of the stacks and mumbled, "I'm Foray... weird name, I know, but there are worse ones."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"Well it's not like I have a choice where to go," Foray replied sourly, tossing a few more sticks into the fire to stir it up. "Why would anypony bed down in a random place like this?" Sighing softly, she opened one of the boxes and began nomming on an apple. "To answer your question, I am pretty much wandering around aimlessly, trying to get some... context... about what's going on and where everypony is."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


 "Ya are from that stables right?" He looked at 105 number, damn this mean that before the was there were hundrets of them "Why did ya leave? Staying in comfortable, out of threat and gunfire place is not for ya?"


Cyan take off his bag and put it on the grund next to him, he still was keeping his rifle close


(Sorry, for anwsering time, Im doing stuff)

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Foray eyed him speculatively. "You're... new to the domain, aren'tcha? You've gotta be -- everypony knows about 105... well, everypony around here, anyway..." Pausing for a moment as he moved his rifle, she continued, "105 received a lot of lightning storms... since, y'know, big metal thing underground. One of the storms hit the fusion generator that was keeping us alive. That and the place was overrun with radroaches. And I'm not talking twenty or thirty... there must'a been a couple hundred thousand of 'em nesting in there."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"I'd rather tango with a Hellhound than eat that sort of crap..." Foray muttered, a sickened expression coming to her face. "And if I did have a flamethrower, why would I be using a crowbar as a weapon?" After thinking a moment, she added, "Okay, I probably still would, but regardless... so, what are you doing out here anyway? Hunting?"

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"Ya can call it that..." He poked the fire with stick "Been on the road for quite some time, every settlement I find is raider camp, zombie ponies house or ponies there just don't like pony like me..." He smurked "But can't complain about caps, ah do ya want one?" He take two sparkle cola's from his bag and hand here one.


(Dunno if deathclaws are in FoE, but i think that DC are replaced by Dead Hund [or something like that] mutated diamond dogs)

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(You're right, I edited my post. Whups)


"Naw, you can keep it... I'll take that cola off your hooves though." Foray munched on her apple again, adding, "Most ponies don't like using caps as currency here in the domain, because they're not good for anything." She swallowed. "I mean... no offense, but they're pretty much worthless. Most of us prefer just basic bartering -- something useful for something useful. The only reason anypony would keep 'em would be if they wanted to head out of the domain into the rest of Equestria, and come on, why would anypony want to do that?"

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


Hm, she know know mutch about this part of equestria... "Let me ask ya..." He putted his gun away "Im looking for some pony... He got giant scar across his face from left eyebrown to chin, he smell like a brahmin and speak like a raider... Acually he is a raider, don't know his name but he's some kind of bigfish in raider's 'gang'" 

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Foray thought for a moment. "Doesn't sound like anypony I know..." she muttered, trying to think back a few weeks. "He's probably part of Troop 92... they're a big raider group that terrorize most of the domain. I actually just recently escaped from one of their slave camps..." She shuddered. "If he's a raider, he's probably with them. I wouldn't go waltzing in there though..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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(I don't think so... I tried and couldn't find it. There probably is a way but I'm not smart enough to figure it out. Sorry...)


"Troop 92 is named after the security clearance number that the original officers had once they left the stable... or so the rumor goes," Foray answered, wrapping herself in a blanket as the wind started to pick up. "Besides, skull mashers sounds kinda dumb... anyway if the guy you're looking for ran into Troop 92, you can bet that he's either joined them, been enslaved by them or been shot in the back."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"Ya know where is this whole Troop? Need to find that guy... Can pay ya for information" He pulled few caps in front of him "I know that this is ussles for ya but hey, it will get here sooner or later, sparkle cola is everywhere and if somepony don't have anything to trade with then what? No food? Caps will get here, im telling ya" 

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Foray sighed, staring at the pile of caps on the ground in front of her. "Fine, I'll take your caps... they aren't gonna be much use to me, but it's the thought that counts." Stashing the caps in her saddlebag, she faced him and said, "I left them a couple of weeks ago, but I've been keeping a pretty good trajectory ever since I left. They should be south by southeast of here... but I wouldn't recommend going there at night. Or, well... anywhere alone, for that matter..."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,


"Huh, did I hear something diffrient in your voice? Care to join? Could use some extra gun" He looked at crowbar "Or...Rusty old metal thing, dunno how this possible ya still alive" he looked at the sky, it's dark" Welp, ya don't have the problem that i lay somwhere near fire? got any mattress ya could borrow?" 

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Foray snickered. "What, you think I can just pull a mattress out of nowhere? I'm lucky to have this blanket, Cy..." She snuggled deeper into her corner. "And it's mine, by the way. Don't even think of stealing it, or I'll wreck your butt with my crowbar." Taking a sip of her cola, she added, "I'm not really looking to 'join up' with anypony right now, since, well... the last time I did, it didn't turn out so well. But you're welcome to stay the night here if you feel like it."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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