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private a curious adventure 1x1 between cwhip9 and emeraldbolt


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"it's ok but I prefer fruit flavors to this, it nice don't get me wrong just there is somthing not quite to my liking." Crystal finished her ice cream, stood and walked to the bin putting the cup in the bin then returned, standing next to him. "So what now mister detective pony, I suppose i'm not that interesting now that we have had a chat and you have had a guess about my past."

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"oh your plenty interesting" said coolwhip finishing his own ice cream himself, he was about to throw the ice cream away when his phone went off, he rolled his eyes. "something tells me ill be hear in the city longer then I thought after this phone, want to help with this next case. I could use another pair of eyes with me if its the one im thinking it is" he then pulled out the phone and answered it


"this better be worth interrupting ice" he paused stopping mid sentence arising a surprised eyebrow then looked at the scarf thinking


"interesting....any blood,...I see....ok don't touch anything and for the love of celstia don't let rover get near it just put up a caution tape and keep eveypony else back I don't care if princess cadence shows up ether" he closed the phone


"so, what to save the day with me?" he asked his tone seemed ore chipper once he got off the phone

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"Um why not sure I did not have any plans today and you're in my good graces for the free ice cream so why not, I don't know what help I'll be but I'll at least try anyway." Crystal looked around for a moment, "right um where are we going then, you'll have to lead the way."

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coolwhip smiled somewhat like a colt opening a birthday present "i know the address I just need a taxi, shouldn't be too hard to find one" he said getting off the chair leaving a bit on the table before they left


coolwhip and sapphire were standing in front of a police line, coolwhip nudged his way around some of the ponys and nodded towards the guard ponys standing by who let him by into the house they were standing in front of. the guard sidestepped blocking crystals path coolwhip turned and said "guys she's with me let her thru" the guards let the mare threw on looking apologetic the other not so much


"sorry about that" coolwhip said as he led the mare into the crime spot. before the two lay a green pony with a blue mane dead on the floor. He didn't look like there were any wounds but what ever had him sure gave him enough scratch's to almost look it. Cresent leaned in examining the body "hmm, something definitely went against his plan" the blue earth pony ran his eyes up and down the body occasionally sniffing it. Once he pulled up he stood back looking around the body, he then realized they were standing in a small study


"ok crystal your first, any idea's" he asked the mare

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"Um well..." She had a look herself she'd never seen a body before that was not a crystal pony. "Well if there are no marks, well...magic? Maybe somepony suffocated him that would leave no marks but that would just be my guess." She walked around the body and the small room looking at various things, "a few other things come to mind but i'll stick with my first guess."

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"hmm...magic is possible but dosent magic spells made for attack leave residue? also notice the scratch's, these were not made by any pony. there too irreagular, ruff, and" he was cut off by another voice behind them  


"ah I was wondering when jr would find another playmate" coolwhips expression of looking over a fun puzzle turned soure turning towards the voice


"I don't remember this being in your district, chief" said the earth pony glaring at the voice.


The origin of the voice came from a rather business like looking mare "you really don't keep up on the news, sense my promotion my jurisdiction has grown that also means you'll be seeing more of me at these fun settings" the unicorn with the suit on said. her coat was a snow white with grey spots here and their. 


"leave I'm still working" he said


"whose the mare?"


"she with me, helps keep my mind sharp to filter the bugs in the way now, do you mind?" he turned back to the body


"you have 5 minuets coolwhip" said the mare huffing and talking on her phone


coolwhip rolled his eyes " ok so magic is a good guess but the body doesn't match the setting too well you can smell grass on him and we are far from the Forrest, so this is a dump site which means" he looked up at the ceiling


"where did he really die?" he asked out loud

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"you've got me stumped I have not seen any markings like that before...kinda...hoping...I was right." Crystal mumbled the last part. She looked to Coolwhip "Why are the guards and police so cold and mean they aren't usually like that the few guards I know are the funniest stallions you'd ever meet. But If it's grass...the only place in Canterlot with grass is the park or the palace grounds."

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coolwhips ear twitched he smiled after her remark

"new it wasn't near him, all righty then" coolwhip moved towards the door with crystal "i think I know where we could start, one of those two places's has the next clue...but something tells me a park would be more annoying to find it"


 He scratched his mane "oh for the guards here its mostly how get around crime seans like this one. most of them are good ponys" coolwhip said holding the police tape up for crystal to leave with him.


"so what you got C" a pony was on his way into the house with more ponys following him with cleaning and a stretcher. The pony was another earth pony with a green coat and sunglass's on


"its a dump site, let me know when you pony's exume him. not to messy don't worry" he said to the passing pony with shades


"sure thing boss" he nodded to the team of ponys behind him "all right guys lets get this over with, ill buzz ya soon. mam" he nodded towards Crystel and coolwhip then made his way to the house


"don't suppose you know how to get to canterlot, I see it on the news but I keep meaning to visit, wonder what ice cream they have there" he thought outloud and singeled for a taxi

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"well no not really i've only been here for a few days so no, but I am willing to bet the taxi driver does I suppose." Crystal was still trying to understand Coolwhip he was interesting but she had a nagging feeling he was just using her as a mental tool some kind of focus mechanism.

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Soon the taxi arrived coolwhip said the destinaction looking at his wallet and smiled relaxing. He looked at the mare seeing concern running across her face


 "if you feel like im using you tell me plese, I know I can trust you for some reason" he said leaning back looking at the mare.


"so, the dumped body do you think the killer chose that or was interrupted and took a gusse. its kind of pathetic if you think about it, like a colt that dosent clean up his mess after eating a sunday" he thought outloud also asking the mare in turn.

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"I don't know you well enough to tell you my thoughts, but about the body the house has meaning if it was not a planned dump then we would of been looking at a lake or a bin or a alley not a study in a locked house no that place was chosen for some reason." she moved a little in an uncomfortable way, she did not like how he could somehow just read her mind.

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he closed his eyes and face hoofed seeing her fidget 'great she's not a little on edge focus on the case coolwhip' he thought he unfaced hoofed scratching his mane "hmmm....maybe a message to another pony perhaps, or was it a two part plan on hiding the body...your onto something there with it being a meaningful place the more I think about it but why put it in the spot like that?" he was brainstorming.


He then slapped himself then laughed "oh wow, it could be that simple. something tells me the killer might be...nah we'll find out when we get there"

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"um ok then." Crystal was sitting there looking at him she knew she was watching a clever pony, more clever than herself well at least with crime and reading ponies, she could run rings around him with music or technology. I wonder... Crystal was thinking just about Coolwhip at this moment. 

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Soon the taxi cart arrived at canterlot, coolwhip payed the taxi as they left and he began to look around "you know iv herd rumors of a mare that just started a boutique shop around here, wonder if she has any scarfs or rumors that could help us out. I think as busy as they say it is there's got to be something of note to find here" the earth pony said

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"A clothing store, what rumors would you hear in a clothing store? I mean a pub or a general store but a clothing store I don't see it but then I don't go to clothing stores don't see the point when I have a perfectly good coat on me, but this is Canterlot capital of Equestria and snobsville so what do I know?"

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coolwhip chuckeled "i wouldn't call it snobs vill, but that I could show you. but I think your need a good coat not to get covered in it, lets try the pub first." as the two ponys looked around the pub was a lot less complicated to finde then the ie cream shop. Coolwhip stepped in and as not surprised at some of the looked he got walking to the bar and ordering an ale.


"colt arnt you a little lost?" said the barpony


coolwhip rolled his eyes flashing his ID "no you just need to know math" he said


the bartenders eyebrow shot up looking at the card "well then, what will it be Mr.whip"


coolwhip relaxed a bit "just bopping around town wonder whats new, havnt been here in age's" he said  

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"wow you still get asked for ID, you don't look that young." As Crystal hopped up on the stool next to him. "wish somepony as me for ID I mean I'm only 25 I'm not that old I don't look that old do I?" Crystal looked a little panicked by her own questions. "I'm only in my mid 20's i'm not old, I mean how old are you?"

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Coolwhip grined patting the worrying mare's back "you look better then me, pluse im 21 so don't worry about it lass" he then looked at the bartender who gave him his ID back "ok so Cider plese and hows business been?"


The bartender nodded then hearing Saphire's remarks asked for her ID as well after checking it he pored some cider for coolwhip looking at the mare he said "and for you?"  

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"I'll just have a lemonade, I don't drink during the day." The bartender served a drink, "so anyone here be a good source of information why not ask the bartender or the land lord, I suppose they might know something if not them then say some of the regulars they would of seen something."

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"well if you put it that way we did have this happen" the bartender moved towards the cashier and showed the two ponys a missing pony poster. On the poster was a smiling pony with a pretty mare, and a another photo with a Mic he was singing into. Both of them recognized as the one they saw in the study all torn up coolwhip looked at the poster grabbing it. He then looked up at the bar tender "how long ago did this get handed out?"


"a paper colt came by with his usual stack of papers this morning" said the bartender "also we do have a new mayor in town some pony's here think he rigged the election in his favor, others think it was just a close call" the pony continued


"and how recent was the election" asked coolwhip


"last month, I'm sorry you kind of look familiar" said the bartender eyeing coolwhip


the blue pony took a swig of the cider he had "i get that a lot anything else you can tell us?"


"we have a band showing up tonight, jazz quartet around 9-11:30 a good buddy of mine can make the trumpet sing like a bird" said the bartender nodding towards the advertisement on the wall behind the two ponys

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"well guess we are here till midnight then, he won't want to speak to us until after the performance, trust me, fellow musician talking here, you spend all day getting psyched for what you are gonna play drumming the music into you head so you can remember it all, he'll be in no mood to talk until he's done."

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coolwhip was looking at the picture more focusing on it "that's a good start, he might....herd of the pony but" he looked back between the two pictures. "they probably ran into each other on one occasion" he put the picture down.


"ever been to Manhatten?" asked coolwhip


"not for a while, been meaning to see an old buddy know sompony named Other side he runs a smoke shop. tell him I sent you next time you go, I see a good pipe for you he could get you" the bartender handed coolwhip a business card.


coolwhip smiled taking the card and downing the rest of the cider "i'll be sure to check him out, um by way where is the loo?" asked coolwhip


the bartender rolled his eyes "2nd door on the left sailor" coolwhip nodded and went off to the rest room. It was at that moment another pony came and sat next to Crystel he didn't smell the greatest,


"well whats a shiny...shiny like you doing here?"


the bartenders tone went from sales pony to stern dad "haven't you had enough Lock I know your girls getting annoyed at you"


The pony that didn't smell so good rolled his eyes and made a hush movement with his hoof which he stared at like he noticed it for the first time in his life "your in the way again" the pony said addressing his hoof

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Crystal looked at him, "you are very drunk sir, why don'r you go home." she looked at her phone it was 1 in the arvo and he was this drunk that was a feet in it's own right actually, she was somewhat impressed actually. She looked back to her drink and tried to ignore him.

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"maybe you need to go" he slumped on the counter "who out this table here?"  


"Lock be nice and let the lady leave sorry about that miss" said the bar pony moving around the bar and kicking the stool from underneath the drunk pony. hefting him up and having carrying the drunk pony outside.


coolwhip soon showed up behind the bar much to Crystels surprise he looked around like a colt at a candy shop at what was behind the bar. "ok now that we have this, I think we better go" he led Crystel out of the bar waving innocently at the bartender pony walking back in who waved back. As the two passed a corner coolwhip gave some bits to the drunk Crystel saw before


coolwhip chuckled "now that was interesting tell me did he do a good show?" asked coolwhip

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"He was drunk that was not a show, I could not of been a show..." She looked at him with a plain face, "it was show wasn't it? Well you fooled me and the bartender, what did you steal from him I do not approve of doing that by the way, I know we are investigating a murder but that is not the way to go about it."

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