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The Inn is Open ( RP ) ( Yes, this RP is also always open. Long name, huh?)


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The Inn is Open (RP)

Link to ooc: https://mlpforums.com/topic/146260-the-inn-is-open-ooc-a-casual-drop-indrop-out-rp-always-open/






Shadows danced along the walls as the hearth's fire flickered and sparked, fueling the room's warm atmosphere and bathing the Inn in a friendly glow. 


The shadows, for now, danced without an audience. Nopony there to witness their performance. The Inn was empty.


Save for a single, brown, earth pony.


Inn Keep. The Inn's friendly owner with an appropriate name, stood idly at the bar, idly polishing a glass. Business was always slow at these times. There was work to be done, after all.


However, that was soon to change.The evening was fast approaching. The day is winding to an end. Ponies will begin streaming in to take a break from their life, to unwind after a hard day's work. Ponies.... among other things, from all walks of life. From mighty warriors to the most timid of hermits. From the Manehatten Businesspony to the downsized version of the anti-christ.


All were welcome. The Inn was open, after all.

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Creedance wondered into the inns door, quickly shutting it behind him so to not let the cold in. He let out a heave sigh. he didn't plan for it to start snowing while on his travels. But it was very lucky that he stumbled upon this place. After brushing the snow off his coat her went deeper into the inn. After looking around he saw the inn keeper cleaning a class behind the bar. Witch was a welcome sight for him. Making a bee line for the counter, he sat in a stool and put his guitar case on the floor next to it.


"Evening, sir. Would you mind setting my up with a warm meal and a strong drink to warm me up? It's colder then a schoolteachers stare out there." She chuckled. "I could pay with a song or two. But if you only take bits I got thous too." She smiled with another light chuckle. 

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Shadow walked into the bar through the wall, dragging his scythe behind him. He fixed his shades, hat, and coat, then he walked to the counter and said as placed the scythe against the counter, 

"Hey, do ya have any food and drink or that really strong, or for dragons"

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Lonk Chase enters the inn with a glass of orange juice in his hoof.

He has mastered the art of walking on three legs so this is not a challenge for him.


Some might say that he's too young to be in the inn. Some might say a pony of this kind shouldn't be in here.

But he's looking for someone.


[OOC: No, this does not go with Casual Stroll. Shush. END OOC]

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Inn Keep set down his work to greet the approaching pony.


"Welcome! There's plenty of food on the menu, so make your selection. Celestia forbid I accidentally trigger your allergies!". He leaned over the counter and glanced at the guitar case in the floor. "As for your music, I don't mind. Plenty of bards and mucisians of all kinds make their stop here and play for my patrons, collecting generous tips over the night."




He raised an eyebrow at the sight. He swore that he made the walls portal proof. Maybe the gem he bought from China wasn't that magical after all.


"For dragons, eh? I've got a very small batch from the dragon lands..." He set a small bottle made of a shiny black mineral on the counter. "Its price is no joke, though."


@Lonk Chase


The inn's bell tinkled as yet another pony walked through the door.


"Ho there! Want food? Drink? Lodging? That glass of orange glass isn't gonna fill ya up.

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Creedance gave a thankful smile. "Thank ya kindly mister. I'll just have a straight whiskey and some stew. That'll be enough for me. I'm going to go set up over by the fireplace." He pointed at a rocking chair with a table next to it. With that he grabbed his case as she stood up. He made his way over to the rocking chair, before he sat down he took his coat off and placed it on the back of the chair and wormed his hooves over the fire.


When he got feeling back in them he sat down and opened his case. He pulled out his steel guitar that was colder then operating table, and tuned it. He left his case open and ready to take tips.  When he felt like it sounded just right he played a song to help worm  his hooves up. While he played he slowly rocked in the chair. 




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Shadow smiled and said as he reached into a portal and pulled out a bag, 

"I don't think bits will be a problem."

He took off his hat, his scaly ear perked up, and his coat, his wing extended then folded back, but he kept his glasses on.


He turned to the music and said as he grabbed a coin out of the bag that was on the counter, 

"That's pretty good. May I ask how long you've been playing."

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Inn Keep nodded and poured set a bottle of whiskey and a glass on a tray. He poured a glass and set the set down on the table near the fireplace.




Inn Keep eyes the pouch of bits. "That's.... About enough for the entire bottle. But the bottle's not so big, after all. Enjoy!"


He pushed the bottle and a shot glass towards the dragonpony on the counter.


'Been a long time since I saw another one of his kind. Wonder what happened to their species...' Inn keep mused.

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A loud motor was heard outside as Nitro entered the parking lot. He had his music blasting the song "Shout 2000" by the band Disturbed. He happened to also have his electric guitar on him. He turned off the car and got out with his electric guitar. He entered the inn and saw ponies by the bar. 

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Golden Star enters inn with a backpack, and goes up to the front desk. "No one's here?" she thought. Hearing voices she turns to look at the bar curiously, and then walks over to the colt with the guitar. "I like that song your playing, what's the name of it?" she asked   

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Nitro then noticed a stallion with a guitar and smiled. He had his electric guitar with him and hoped that eventually the two could end up jamming together. First, he needed a drink so he went up to the bar and sat down on a stool, waiting for the bartender. 



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Shadow grabbed the bottle and gulped it down, and said as he smiled,

"I guess I should have said, that I can handle strong drinks. How many bottles do ya have and, I was just wondering, do ya have any meat?"

@@C. Thunder Dash,

Shadow looked at the new ones that came in and said,

"So, you play a guitar as well?"

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Creedance smiled. "Thank ya. And I've been playing since I was seven. My old man taught me."




When the inn keeper placed the try with what he ordered on the table he stopped playing to take a few bite of the stew and a long drink of whiskey.  




After taking a long drink of his whiskey and giving a light grimace, he placed the glass back on the table before he got ready to play another song. As he did a mare came u to him. "I'm glad you liked it little lady. The song's called dark was the night, cold was the ground."

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"Yes...and I also street race." Nitro answered with a smile. "The name's Nitro Spark. What's yours?" Nitro asked as he continued to listen to the stallion who was playing guitar. He also waiting for the bartender to come so that way he could be able to order his drink 

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@C. Thunder Dash


"Hello newcomer. Welcome to my Inn! New anything?" He greeted with his usual jovial tone.




While the new pony settled in, he lowered his voice and spoke to shadow.


"Well, we used to serve meat, but nowadays, the carnivores don't like the idea of getting served by a pony, and the dragon ponies... Well, they stopped coming. Which kinda lowered the demand for meat..."


He turned behind him. "Though, there's a door to a forest downstairs. My owl occasionally does there to hunt for game. If you want, I could bring you there...

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@@C. Thunder Dash,

"Name's Shadow Beast. It's a pleasure to meet you, Nitro."



"It's fine, I was just wondering. So how many bottles do ya have? Also, I could use the strongest drink you have to make a drink with them."



He said as he picked up his scythe and dragged his metal claw down the blade as if he was testing the sharpness,

"Hm, at seven, I was working and traveling around."

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Golden Star smiled and said "It's a lovely song, you play it very well." An old memory came to mind but she quickly tossed it away. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat, but it was nice meeting you, I'm Golden Star by the way. " She said before she walked towards the bar. Sitting down, she put her backpack next to her chair and looked at a menu. 

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Inn Keep tapped his chin, trying to recall...


"Last I checked, I only had 2 dozen of those small bottles. I've stopped importing them since no one ( yes no one ) ever wants to drink the stuff."


He walked to the Inn's back room and returned with a potion bottle filled with a brown liquid.


"If you're looking for the strongest alcohol I've got here, this is it. An experiment gone wrong. Normal ponies can't handle this. Not even me"

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Crystal walked through the entrance she was soaked to the bone it was raining where she had come from she was shivering and b-lined towards the fire and sat down in front of it shivering, she looked around from her laying pose near the fire to see who was around.

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Golden Star glanced up, and saw the door had opened, seeing a pony who was soaked walk in the door, and go straight to the fireplace. "I'm glad I got here before the snow turned into rain." She thought to herself. Looking back at the menu, she saw what she wanted and waited for the bartender. 

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Inn Keep looked over to the pony browsing the menu. "Anything catch your eye? He asked "I've got a really large selection: I know them by heart. The hay burger seems popular nowadays.


He paused.


"If you want anything specific. Just let me know"

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Shadow pulled out a big bag and said, 

"I'm guessing they are taking up inventory, Why don't I buy them off of ya, the experiment, and some food."

He placed the scythe on the counter and took off his glasses to show his red snake eyes. 

"With the food, just surprise me."

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"Yes, could I have a hay burger and a bowl of... Dragon Fire stew?" Golden Star asked. She hadn't had Dragon Fire stew for years, not many ponies liked it, many thought that it was to spicy. Golden Star liked it though, and on a day like today she could use the heat. Golden Star waited for the bartender's reply, half knowing, that he would say they didn't have that here.

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"Nice to meet you too." Nitro said smiling. He turned to hear the bartender's voice. "Thank you very much. Was on my way back to Canterlot and I figured I'd stop by here to get something to eat and drink, though I am not into the hard stuff..." Nitro stated as he looked at the bartender and inn keeper.

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Crystal was lying in a puddle of water the fire would soon fix her and get rid of the puddle but she was still quite cold at the moment, she tried to get the barkeeps attation she waved a hoof at him, "can I please get something warm please I'm so cold right now."

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