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The Inn is Open ( RP ) ( Yes, this RP is also always open. Long name, huh?)


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melody strike walks into the in after a long walk looking to rest. she is wearing a cloak so she can't be identified. she sits at a table and looks around. so far so good she isn't here. she thought. she sits for a few more minutes before getting up to order a apple cider.

Edited by melody-strike


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Inn Keep momentarily broke from his conversation to greet the new pony.


"Welcome to the Inn new pony! A cider, eh? Good thing we carry plenty of that!"


Within a matter of seconds, a mug of the frothing stuff was set in front of Crystal (2), the high pressure of the tap intending to match a happy hour rush speeding up the process.


"Enjoy! And take off that hood of yours, you won't need it here!"

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she looked at the inn keeper with gratefulness. "thank you very much." she takes off the hood, and takes a sip of the cider. instantly she got a flashback of the issue that happened a month ago.


shadow: come one we can fight him he won't get far!

melody: really but how can we? our powers don't have any affect on him!

shadow: we will trap him in this necklace!

melody: ok let's do this


melody snapped out of the flashback and pushed the cider away. "do you have a room i can use? i think i might just go to bed." she asks.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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"Yes, of course! There are rooms upstairs... 20 bits a night" he bellowed, eyeing the mug of cider. He pointed a hoof at it. "You could take that to your room if you like."


He pulled a key from the rack behind him.


"This one's for the 2nd room on the left." he continued, his jovial tone slowly declining. He had noticed Melody's sudden change in demeanor. "you feeling alright there, buddy?"

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she stared into space. "huh oh, yea just a long night. um thank you second door on the right? um i think ill take the cider." melody responded. she gave him the bits, then went to the room. when she got upstairs she sat on the bed she got another flashback.


???: so you think you can beat me? hahahahaha

melody: we will! you have fallen for our trap!

shadow: we? there was no we you have fallen for my trap! right blade!

blade: yea hahahahahaha!



melody woke with a start. i must of fallen asleep! she thought. she tried to find a clock so she could tell the time. 

melody went downstairs to see what time it was. then her stomach rumbled. she went over to the counter to see if there was any oats. "um is there any oats here? oh and could you tell me the time i dozed off upstairs." melody asked. she pulled out ten bits and handed it to the inn keeper.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@Melody-Strike ( on mobile, so no tags, Colors or italics )


Time worked weirdly in the inn. Within a span of a minute from Inn Keep's perspective, Melody had gotten a full night of rest. Time worked extremely inconsistently around the rooms. Sometimes, time flows faster. Sometimes, slower.


Whatever fits the plot, heh.


Inn Keep looked up from his work.


"Ah yes, we do have oats for ponies seeking a more... Healthy diet.".


He pulled a bowl of ready to eat milk and oats from the fridge, and set it on the counter.


"As for the time, I don't.. Actually have a clock here" he chuckled.

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melody nodded and started to eat her oats. then looked up and said, "have you ever heard of a pony named shadow destruction?" she realized it was quiet in the inn. this is weird maybe i should get going i would be some time till blade gets here. she thought. just then the door to the inn opened and another male pony walked in. melody pulled her hood over her head. its him! how though? she thought.

the pony walked over to the innkeeper and sat at the counter. "may i have a nice cold one please?" he said. melody backed away and tried to act casual while trying to leave.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Inn Keep set a fresh set of hay burger and fries in front of shadow.


"Your order's done"




A resounding *ding* resounded from the back room. Taking note, Inn Keep headed to the back room and returned with a very red stew. He set it on the counter and called out: "DRAGON FIRE STEW's DONE, GOLDEN STAR!"




Inn Keep turned back to the mare. "Can't say I have. Though, the name sounds stereotypically ominous...".


At that moment, the new pony entered the room. He walked up to the bar and asked for a beer. With swift efficiency, a pint of the stuff was already at his hooves.


"You're welcome!"


Melody's discomfort didn't go unnoticed by Inn Keep



Inn Keep set a fresh set of hay burger and fries in front of shadow.


"Your order's done"




A resounding *ding* resounded from the back room. Taking note, Inn Keep headed to the back room and returned with a very red stew. He set it on the counter and called out: "DRAGON FIRE STEW's DONE, GOLDEN STAR!"




Inn Keep turned back to the mare. "Can't say I have. Though, the name sounds stereotypically ominous...".


At that moment, the new pony entered the room. He walked up to the bar and asked for a beer. With swift efficiency, a pint of the stuff was already at his hooves.


"You're welcome!"


Melody's discomfort didn't go unnoticed by Inn Keep

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blade drank his beer and looked around. she saw melody in her black cloak inching toward shadow (reader). "hey there cutie!" he yelled toward melody. she shrieked. and hid behind shadow. "save me!" she asked shadow. melody was so scared that she almost knocked over a table. twisted blade just stared blankly (drunk...fast?).

Edited by melody-strike


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@@Gloomfury, @, @@reader8363, "Champagne will be fine," Shadow Star replied. She took a drink and turned to the pony with the guitar. "Nice," she replied. "I always appreciate a good tune, especially when I'm in the money."


When the other stallion spoke, she smiled widely. "That's funny," she said. "Cuz my name is Shadow, too. Shadow Star to give my full name."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Shadow smiled and said as he picked up his burger,

"That's kinda funny. So do ya gamble on anything or just money



He was about to take a bite, then a mare in a cloak hid behind him. Hiding his surprise, he turned around to the pony drinking a beer and said,

"May I help you with something?"

Then he started eating his burger. 

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@@reader8363, "Mostly for bits," Shadow Star replied. "A mare's gotta live, after all, and after the life I've lived so far, I think that I deserve a bit of the good life."


She finished her glass of champagne and offered the bottle to Shadow. "Fancy joining me in a glass? I don't always drink this, but it's nice to have, once in a while."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Shadow smiled and said as he pulled a big bag of bit out of a portal, 

"I can go for a glass, and how about we play a little game, all ya have to do is guess correctly and the bag is yours, but then again, I can give ya the money for some info, I have a few bags off bits in a safe place. It's your choice."

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@@reader8363, Shadow Star used her magic to pour herself and Shadow a glass each of champagne. "Hmm, before I decide," she said, "What kind of information would you be requiring? Some of the items I know must remain secret, but anything else, is fair game for the right price."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

"Nothing serious, just about ya. I usually take a few day to find info, but I'm not working, so I might be able to buy information that you're willing to say, or ya might buy info that I know for your info. Is that alright with ya?"

He grabbed his glass and gulped it down, then he set it on the table

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@@reader8363, "Fine with me," Shadow Star replied, with a careless shrug. "What exactly do you want to know about me? I've lived a long life already, some of it is blurred cuz of time spent in the bars and clubs of Equestria. Including this one, actually, and this is one of the best."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Shadow picked up a clawful of fries and tossed it into his mouth. After he swallowed, he said as he reached for more, 

"Why don't ya tell about your history, such as where ya grew up and all that."

He tossed the clawful of fries into his mouth and started scratching right behind his left metal wing.

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Lonk kept walking around the inn, trying to find the somepony that he came here for.

He could find a single trace.

He decided to come back later, maybe see if she's in here next time.

"Thanks for the hospitality," he said to the bartender. "Goodbye. Have a nice day."

He left.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

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Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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twisted blade looked at shadow (reader), "does it look like i need help with anything?" he said as he walked up to where shadow sat. "that voice sounded familiar" he said. melody shrieked and shadow stars glass shattered. "that was weird...oh wait a minute its you!" said twisted blade. melody saw no escape, she looked at the two ponies for help. i can't let people see my powers! she thought.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@@Lonk Chase,


Inn Keep waved to the leaving pony.


"Come back anytime! The Inn's always open!" 




Turning back to his work, he was interrupted  by a high pitched voice. He glass he was holding warbled slightly, as did every other glass in the Inn. Inn Keep raised an eyebrow.


This happened before, when a siren laughed...


He turned to the source, Melody.


No, she's not a siren. The Inn says so.


He watched Melody attempt to escape from Twisted Blade.


What the hell's going on? I'll wait a while before intervening

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twisted blade realize that the cloaked pony was melody, and he lounged at her. he shaped his arm into a curved blade. "i have orders to  take you in dead or alive!" he screamed. melody ran as if she never ran before in her life. she almost got to the door but he got there first. melody saw no choice. she let out a full out scream. suddenly all the glass objects broke and the ponies covered there ears. it stunned blade for a moment but he knocked her out and hovered over her.



(i am very creative i have been told lol)

Edited by melody-strike


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Inn Keep emerged from his counter and shoved Blade away.


"For celestia's sake, my rules are loose,, but you STILL managed to break them. No weapons! No magic!"


He backed Blade into a corner.


"Not sure what kind of business you have with her, but keep it out of the Inn."

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blade looked at the inn keeper, and notice a weird  presence in him. "i will wait till she leaves as you wish." blade said not wanting to fight a enemy with out knowing the whole story.. melody woke up as blade left. she looked at the inn keeper, "i am sorry i screamed but i must make you forget for nopony must know of what i can do and i will repair all damages i have made." she said, "is there any last words before i wipe your memory of this problem, oh and you do need to know i am grateful for what you have done for me." she finished.

Edited by melody-strike


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Shadow got up and said, as everyone's shadows began swallowing the glass, 

"Hey, just out of curiosity, where's the forest and could I take the crates of the drinks for dragons."



He turned to the cloaked mare and said, 

"Few quick questions, who was that and who are ya? I'm not trying to be rude or anything

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Inn Keep chuckled. "You're gonna have to erase the memory of everypony in the Inn to keep your secret." he joked. "But then again, do you have to do that? None of us know you well; we won't do anything with this knowledge." 


He walked around the Inn, cleaning up the broken... everythings. 


"Anyhow, i don't think you alone should compensate for the damage. It was that 'blade' guy who startled you."


Strangely enough, the rack of bottles behind the counter didn't shatter. It's as if they were but illusions, or under an enchantment...




"Nope, you ain't getting the whole crate. Maybe half of it, but I'm saving some just in case." Inn keep said. "As for the forest... talk to me when you're ready. I'll take you there."

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