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The Inn is Open ( RP ) ( Yes, this RP is also always open. Long name, huh?)


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melody looked at him with a calm look. "well since i am going to wipe everyponies memory's of that I'll tell you, he was one of shadow destruction's minions, more like second hoof pony, but they want me dead or alive for i hold the ingredient for something they need to make." she turned back to the inn keeper. "and i am willing to do that, it ain't so hard" she replied, "well i could let this slide but... well extra hoofs might not be a bad thin that way i am not alone, ok i wont erase your memories"

Edited by melody-strike


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Shadow said as he hid his shadow writing down note of what happened,

"How powerful is this memory erasing spell. Don't worry, I know a lot of secrets that no one will ever say or want anyone else to know, but I don't tell anyone, but it's up to you."

He opened a portal underneath him in case of an emergency.

  • Brohoof 1
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melody noticed a power level from the pony and tensed until she read his emotions. "it is powerful lets say if your in ear shot but anyway no i won't use it. i see no use. by the why what are your powers? i can pick up on how powerful a pony is. if you want you can join my team..of one unless you join." she says while taking off her cloak revealing her hair and cutie mark.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Name's Shadow Beast, I can control shadow and make portals out of them, and a cool trick that I haven't done in a while is that I can breathe fog." 

He thought about it and said, 

"Sure, I can join, I need a break from my job. Ponies paying me to tell them about another pony when I say that I don't give information."

  • Brohoof 1
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she looked at him for a second. "names melody strike and ok your in with you we can do missions that involve stealth. my powers are big, i can use any magic when i sing, downside i have to sing to use magic. upside is i can rhyme like there is no tomorrow, well the only exception now that i think about it is screaming..."  she holds out her hoof. "friends? can i trust you?"


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Shadow smiled, show his dragon teeth and said as he gently grabbed the hoof with his dragon claw, 

"Friends, and I don't betray friends at all. Pleasure to meet you, Melody."

He reached into the portal and pulled out a hat, and said as he folded his ears down and placed the hat on them,

"So where are ya from if ya don't mind me asking."

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"We can stay here, I have enough money to buy this place and more, but I won't. I will just say this, I have enough money to buy a fourth of manehatten."

He sat down, finished his fries and pulled out a few random bottles of liquids and started pouring them into a dragon scaled bottle.

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@@reader8363, Shadow Star shrugged and took a drink from her glass. "I grew up in a small town, so small you probably never even heard of it," she said. "The main problem with small towns is the small mindset of most of the population. I was young and very stupid when an older stallion started paying me attention. My parents never gave me any, so I guess it was natural I'd respond when somepony gave it. However, when I ended up in foal, he didn't want to know and neither did my parents, so I moved in next door. I got my cutie mark when I found out that I was good at gambling; well, I had a young foal and no way of supporting myself, so it came in handy."



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@@Pripyat Pony

"Hm, Interesting, so you gamble, to earn a living. What is the town called, I think I've been there in my travels."

He finished the scaled bottle and started grabbing the empty bottles and tossing them into a portal. He said as he finished up, 

"I had the opposite problem, I got attention, that I didn't want, just because I'm a hybrid."

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@@reader8363, "About six miles from Trottingham, is a town called East Hoofton," Shadow Star replied. "If you did ever visit there, then bad luck. There's nothing to do there cept visit the local bar, and nopony there is worth speaking to save Mist, the pegasus mare who gave me a home."



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@@Pripyat Pony,

Shadow looked up and said after a few seconds of remembering,

"Yeah, I've been there, but only for work, not for fun or sightseeing. My business makes me travel all over Equestria. So, I'm not able to stay in one place for long. Is there anything you want to know about me."

  • Brohoof 1
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melody woke up in shadow beast's room with a start, wondering where she was then remembered that she slept on his floor. she went down stairs to get something to eat for breakfast. and noticed shadow right there at the counter. she wondered what there plans were for their rebellion but couldn't think when she just got up. "hey shadow. what time is it outside?" she asked in a i-just-woke-up tone. her mane was all fuzzy from sleeping and she wore her cloak as a blanket so she could keep warm. she sat down and ordered some oats for breakfast. 


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Golden Star Had just finished unpacking when she heard "DRAGON FIRE STEW's DONE, GOLDEN STAR!" Locking the door behind her, she went downstairs, and looked around. Tension seemed to be rising. Glancing down she saw a broken cup. Deciding not to ask, she went to the counter where Inn Keep had had put her stew and a cup of cider. Putting her bits on the counter, she looked around the room again, then started eating.

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Ginger lightning walked into the Inn with her mother Moss trotter who was a robin's egg blue Pegasus,who was mostly changeling but that wasn't obvious.Ginger Lightning sat down in a chair she took out a sketch book and a pencil to draw with.her mother ordered a meal for herself and Ginger lightning.

Edited by GingerLightning
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Shadow shrugged his shoulders and said, 

"I don't know exactly, I haven't been outside for a while. 



He walked up to the pony in charge of the bar and said,

"I'm ready to see this forest and I don't think I have caught your name. What is it may I ask?"

He smiled as he said jokingly,

"May I buy this business off of ya? I think I have enough money for the cost."

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Inn Keep noted their order and returned silently with the food, not wanting to disturb the duo. One of them seemed to be busy sketching, after all.


@@reader8363, @,



Inn Keep retrieved a bowl of milk and oats from the fridge and set it on the counter for melody. While doing so, he conversed with shadow


"Eager, eh?" Inn Keep commented leaning towards shadow across the counter. "You sure you want to go alone? The place is full of whimsical horrors. A place from a bitter fairytale, if you ask me" He explained. The earth pony turned to Melody. "Your friend seems quite eager to work with you. I'd recommend bringing along some extra punch."


He pushed back and ducked behind the counter. "As for this business, if you that's the word you use to describe it, it's not for sale, and even if you could afford it..."


Inn Keep got up, putting some dirty tableware into the sink. The tap was turned on, and water began filling the basin. "...You wealth is but a drop in the ocean compared to what this Inn is worth."

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"I was joking about buying your business. I wouldn't be able to run it anyway with my jobs. Also, I have dealt with worse. I've dealt with guards, ambushes, robbers, ya name it. What does this forest have that I should be afraid of anyway? I'll wait anyways, I need to check my boxes anyways."


He sat at the counter and a stack of boxes fell next to him on the floor. He looked through the pieces of paper and placed them in one of two boxes

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melody looked more awake now as she eats the oats. "well if we can go anywhere that can get us money we might go to the crystal empire...i might tell why when we are done eating" she replied. she takes another bite of oats. the she starts spinning in the chair. "weeeeeeeeeee" she says as she does it.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@@reader8363, "Just general things," Shadow Star replied. "What has your life been like so far? Who were your parents? Were they nicer than my parents were? And do you have any regrets?"


Shadow Star poured herself another glass of champagne. "Personally, I have no regrets," she said. "Life is too short to regret anything. As well as a son, who has powerful magic of his own, I also have a granddaughter who's a pegacorn. This wouldn't have happened if my life had turned out differently."



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@, @@reader8363, @@Pripyat Pony,


 Inn Keep leaned closer to the 2. "You've dealt with ponies.he warned, "You'll be fighting magical creatures in the forest. Hydras, nagas, etc." 


He thudded his hooves on the table. "Well, It's settled then. Anypony else want to tag along, just follow me." he announced. He opened extremely heavy and decorated door to the Inn's staff area ( part of Inn Keep's living quarters, the storage area, etc ) and motioned for the others to follow.

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@@Pripyat Pony,

"don't know my dad, my life has been work, I don't have any regrets."



Shadow said as he got up,

"I think I can handle some hydras and naga. I heard that  they make a great meal apart from the scales."

As He followed Innkeeper through the door, he opened a portal, grabbed a sword and placed it on his back, between the wings

Edited by reader8363
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@@Pripyat Pony,

"don't know my dad, my life has been work, I don't have any regrets."



Shadow said as he got up,

"I think I can handle some hydras and naga. I heard that  they make a great meal apart from the scales."

As He followed Innkeeper through the door, he opened a portal, grabbed a sword and placed it on his back, between the wings

melody got up to follow. "and i can help i think or i hope" she said. as they head out. she grabbed her cloak. then stopped. "what about twisted blade?" she asked remembering that he was waiting outside. she looked at shadow for help, knowing his teleporting powers.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@, @@reader8363,


Inn Keep laughed as he saw Melody heading out of the front door. "Oh no, we aren't heading out the front door"  he called out from the Inn's basement. "Come here, I'll show you the gateway."


Inn Keep headed into a dusty, large room. It seemed to be chock full of mysterious artifacts and furniture: most of them covered by dusty tarps. He stopped at a large, rectangular object. It was shaped like a door, but larger and thicker. Holding his breath, he flung off the tarp to reveal a portal made of green and blue rock. As the tarp was flung off, the portal sputtered to life, magical sparks dancing between the cracks in the rocks. With the sound of space and time being warped: an alien whirr, the space within the frame solidified to become a window to a... colourful, lush forest.


"Well, here it is." Inn Keep sighed, a wistful tone in his voice. "The twilight portal.". He turned to the group. "Enter when ready. The chemical you're looking for is in the form of the solidified green spit from a greater wrym. Enter when ready, and good luck."

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melody looked at the portal trying to remember when she has seen it before. anthem no oh he said forest..forest forest oh great well i guess ill have to be on full alert. she thought. "so why do we need this chemical? what's it for?" then she remembered something. "oh wait ill be right back i forgot my crystal!" she ran into the dark stairs then was back in a second. i hope none of them ask about how i got it that fast. she thought. "ok ready" she said as she put the crystal around her neck.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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True Sight walked intently into the Inn, her horn glowing a deep blue as she invoked her magic to open and close the doors.  She looked around from the entry way, nodding slightly to any pony whose eyes came into her line of sight.  Her gaze was intent and searching, and it quickly became clear that she was not looking for any pony specifically, but something else.  Her eyes moved slowly from one object in the Inn to the next, expertly looking over everything.  Sometimes her look became dismissive as it slid over one piece, and then others elicited a look of surprise and excitement.


True Sight took another small step further into the Inn's common room, looking around again, this time for a pony, any pony who could help.  "Hello, is the proprietor or somepony here?" she called out, hoping that there was a pony with some authority over the place available.   

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