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private Enemies and friends - 1x1 with Blaze


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Deathmark waved his hoof in a 'No big deal' Fashion "They need to send a dragon or something on my flank, if they want to keep me down" Said Deathmark as he did a proud pose, only to wince in pain from his injuries "But i gotta give it to them. The guards have become better now, espcially their archers" 

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''A baby dragon probably.'' Lyssa said with a teasing tone as she stuck out her tong before leading the injured stallion further through the crowd.


"But i gotta give it to them. The guards have become better now, especially their archers" 


''I Disagree. Most of guard were sent to the first front. All what is left now is these young insecure straight-of-the-farmer stallions and fillies. The only reason why those guards would be as good as you're saying is because we were inside the Canterlot region. Blueface guards on the other hoof... absolutely terrible.'' she said before she guided Deathmark to a room in the back, sitting him down in a chair.


''Caramel! Can you get me a med kit?'' she shouted to one of the barponies. The pony came rushing in with the kit, giving a small nod as she gave it to Lyssa.


''Alright, turn your back to me and try to stretch out your wing so I can stitch it.'' she said as she pulled out another chair close to him while she opened up the small kit in front of her, pulling out all sorts of stuff.

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Deathmark did as he was told "Well i guess so... Damn, i was kind of excited there for a second. Though that Celestia got her shit together and assembled a force that was actually something that could fight back... But if this keeps up, then Chrysalis could easily launch an invasion and win, even with her limited troops"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


''Celestia may be a princess but that doesn't mean she knows anything about warfare.'' Lyssa said as she started cleaning out the wound. ''She can barely hold the city together. More than a half of the ponies here is starving while the remaining ponies are sitting on their lazy rich bumps, deciding if they should eat one or two pieces of cake as desert. If Celestia wants to win this war, first thing she's gotta do is listen to her sister. I heard that Luna has more intelligence when it comes to war but for some reason her sister is refusing to take her advice.'' she said whilst grabbing a needle so she could start stitching up the wing.


''Only thing she did manage was putting up that shield against the changeling, I must give her credit for that I suppose.'' she said as she gently started sowing him up. ''Then again, I am in no position to judge her actions. It's not like I'm a war expert. Plus all I've been doing since this war started is make money with other ponies suffering.'' she mumbled.

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Deathmark started feeling the pain of the needle, but he held it in. He wasn't one to express pain in front of mare company "Well who knows? I for one am not too keen to help the royal sisters unless they make a contract with me, which i doubt she will after this. But that shield will be gone in a matter of time, and when it is gone, the changelings will strike." He let out a sigh, and turned his head towards her "Anyways, i do believe that you don't know my real name. So since i deem you trustworthy" He smiled and stuck out a hoof "My REAL name is True Shot"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze


''Even though I would love to shake your hoof... again, I'm kinda in the middle of something here.'' Lyssa said with a teasing tone as she continued to work her needle. ''It's nice to meet you True Shot. And thank you, for considering me a trustworthy pony.'' she nodded kindly towards him. 


''Done.'' She said after a minute of silence from herself at least. ''Try not to move your wing too much. Keep it folded and definitely no flying, sorry.'' she said as she cleaned up her stuff and got up from her seat.

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OOC: Apologies for my late reply! I wanted to reply while i was in ireland, but everytime i tried i got interrupted so yeah...


Deathmark carefully spreaded out his wing, and winced slightly in pain "Thank you... That might have been the most kind thing that a stranger has done, no less an assasin." He took out his saddlebag "So how much do i owe you?" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Lyssa looked at him in confusion. ''There is no need. but if there ever comes a day that I'll need you, you owe me a favour.'' she said with a goofy smile before she sat down on the couch, worn out, almost falling asleep right there if it wasn't for the loud music and cheering coming from the bar. ''Now what?'' she sighed out loud, even though she was speaking to herself. She grabbed her saddle bag out of boredom and started counting the money.

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Deathmark sat down in an adorable confused fashion as he looked around. An awkwards silence filled the room as she sat down and started counting money. He looked around, looking for something he could start a conversation with, this silence was unbearable! Finally, he got a brilliant idea "Hey Lyssa. How about we partner up?" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Lyssa erupted into laughter, turning to look at the stallion. ''Wait, you're serious? What would I gain with that?'' she said as she sat up straight and put back the money into her bag. ''You and me teaming up? For what reason? I'm a lone wolf. Besides, I've got no place to be.'' That's a lie, you've been trying to get out of Canterlot for months. Maybe he could help with that.... but then he would get too close to me for sure... do I really trust this stallion enough for him to know the real me? What if he finds out about my family...


''Don't you have somewhere to be? Being an assassin and all?'' 

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Deathmark kept a straight face "Well, to be honest i'm kind of bored travelling around doing contract after contract, so i thought that it would be much more entertaining to actually have someone to be with. Plus i've heard that you are a formidable hoof to hoof pony, so i thought that would go well with my archery" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


"So you have heard of me before? I didn't think I had such a good reputation." Lyssa said a little cocky. "Tell you what, we can team up if you answer me one question. How do I know I can trust you?" She said as she stood up from her seat. "Cause i f I can't trust you, if you break my trust, you are dead." she said, looking at him with determined seriousness.

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Deathmark leaned back "Hmm, that's truly a good question. How CAN you trust me? Well, i can't really prove anything unless we partner up. Then you can see it for yourself" He put a hoof to his chin "Unless... What if i show you all of my weapons? That way you know all my weaknesses, and can act accordingly if i go rouge" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


''Wrong answer. You can never trust anyone. Because that is how this world work. It is filled with selfishness and lies. Nothing more.'' Lyssa said as she fully stood up from her seat now. ''And I don't mean this as an offense towards you. I'm sure you're a nice stallion and all but that is just how I see the world.'' she said in a calm yet angry tone. ''Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to need a drink.''

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Deathmark shook his head with a slight laugh "Trust nopony you say? What a cynical point of view, reminds me of myself about a year ago" Deathmark rammed his knife in the floor "Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.  But if you don't start trusting, then you probably never will understand the value of having somepony you can actually trust"

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''You are right, I will indeed not ever understand the value of having somepony I can trust. But maybe that is because I don't need it anyway. I'm not searching for somepony like that. I like to be on my own. However, in these times it is good to have someone on your side. So I accept your offer, at least, if that still stance.'' Lyssa said as she held out her hoof towards the stallion.

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''You are right, I will indeed not ever understand the value of having somepony I can trust. But maybe that is because I don't need it anyway. I'm not searching for somepony like that. I like to be on my own. However, in these times it is good to have someone on your side. So I accept your offer, at least, if that still stance.'' Lyssa said as she held out her hoof towards the stallion.

Deathmark nodded, and accepted the hoofshake. He took out the knife, and put it away in his belt "So shall we head for a drink, as buds?" Asked Deathmark "My treat" He didn't usually like to pay for others, but he was going to make an exception this time around. He was about to flutter towards the door, but he had to bite in a grimace from the still injured wing.

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Deathmark nodded, and accepted the hoofshake. He took out the knife, and put it away in his belt "So shall we head for a drink, as buds?" Asked Deathmark "My treat" He didn't usually like to pay for others, but he was going to make an exception this time around. He was about to flutter towards the door, but he had to bite in a grimace from the still injured wing.


''Well I can't say no to that.'' Lyssa said, smiling again. She grabbed her saddle bag from the ground and walked back into the area full of drunk and cheery ponies. She stood at the bar, unable to pop her head above it because of her small size. She climbed one of the stools instead and ordered a drink. ''He's paying.'' she said joyful as she pointed at Deathmark.

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It was at this moment that Deathmark knew that he screwed up. Oh well, might as well have fun while it lasted, it's been a long time since he've had a drinking buddy. "A shot of Jameson please" The bartender nodded, and slided the whiskey over to him. He raised his class "Cheers!"

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@@Love Doctor Blaze


A few drinks had already made it to the tiny mare's stomach and because of that, it wasn't hard for her to get drunk. Still, she tried to control herself as much as she could. ''So Marky, since we are going to be working together. What are you plans? Where do you wanna go? Because I'm not planning on staying here very long. I have seen enough of Canterlot's misery already.''

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@@Love Doctor Blaze


A few drinks had already made it to the tiny mare's stomach and because of that, it wasn't hard for her to get drunk. Still, she tried to control herself as much as she could. ''So Marky, since we are going to be working together. What are you plans? Where do you wanna go? Because I'm not planning on staying here very long. I have seen enough of Canterlot's misery already.''

Deathmark was also slightly tipsy from the four shots of whiskey "Uhm... I haven't thought too much about it, but i thought about going to the fishing town to the south. There is supposedly a ton of merc hiring going on, plus it's supposed to be the least effected village vision wise" He downed his fifth shot

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


''The changeling have already taken over most of southern Equestria. And I doubt a small fishing village will be safe for long. I was thinking more Chrystal Empire, to the north. I hear the royals are looking for some fine recruits.'' Lyssa said as she took another sip of her cider, leaving some of it's foam above the lips of the adorable tiny mare. A small hiccup escaped from her mouth before she cleaned the foam of her face. ''Would be interesting you know. Especially since their daughter is in charge of the recruits now.'' She said with a smile.

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Deathmark chuckled at her cuddly appearance, and almost told her about it because of his tipsy state, but figured that if he wanted life, he should shut up. "Hmm... Perhaps. Or actually, let's just go with that. I'm very curious of how this daughter will tell an army to go slaughter itself" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


"I hear she's pretty good actually." Lyssa said as she put down her empty cup on the bar. "Snow there would be worse though. It's already bad here so we best gear up." she said as she stole some crisps from the pony next to her and stuffed them in her mouth. "You know?" She said muffled, crunching "I think we could actually make a difference, the two of us." she smiled happily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deathmark brought his glass up for a toast, which a random stallion to his left accepted "Oh? We'll have to see about that..." They clanked glasses, and Deathmark downed the alcholic liquor. "Haha, yeah who knows? Perhaps we could tip the balance of the war, just a tad..." Deathmark let out a yawn, and looked over st his partner "So where do you propose we buy winter gear?"

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