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private A new beginning (IC)


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Well, It would be difficult to put them on all together on a map. I better give you one of the spare ones I have.


Missklang grabbed a map from her bag and laid it on the table.


Sometimes you just don't remark them. But later, you realise that a travel took you an extra two days. And that you saw some strange Deja Vu. 


She pointed at the map.


As you can see, I marked them in red. Dots and lines are ones in a closed state. Basically, when it's closed, you get from here.


She pointed one side of a line.


To here.


She pointed to the other side of the line.


Instantly. So, you look the number next to the dot/line and you look in here.


She flipped the map over to reveal much of small text.


It says the surface and the content of the places I know as well as their opening times. Those in blue are the ones I'm just guessing from magic readings, so better not to pass by there at all. The areas surrounded by dotted lines are the areas that were there when the map was made. They disappear only for a while and are mostly there. It's just useful for quick shortcuts. Anyway, many of those 4th-dimensional places, as I call them, are quite interesting. Some have secondary effects. There is, for example, this place here, where you are always alone. Even if you go with a group, you will at some point be alone. But others are still in the same area. Just in a different layer or something. It's great for escaping other ponies... Actually, the mirror pond is such place too. However from the knowledge I got, it has an unpredictable appear rate, and it's a cave opening. So it can appear almost anywhere. As if got it's own mind. This one is useful as it is a bit quantum. When it's not here, it's here. Basically swapping places. I wrote as much as I could on the back of the map. Here, take it.


She handled the map to Cresent.


Be careful with the black ones. Those are mortally dangerous. The castle is black too. It's just here. On south-east of the harmony tree.

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Well, It would be difficult to put them on all together on a map. I better give you one of the spare ones I have.


Missklang grabbed a map from her bag and laid it on the table.


Sometimes you just don't remark them. But later, you realise that a travel took you an extra two days. And that you saw some strange Deja Vu.


She pointed at the map.


As you can see, I marked them in red. Dots and lines are ones in a closed state. Basically, when it's closed, you get from here.


She pointed one side of a line.


To here.


She pointed to the other side of the line.


Instantly. So, you look the number next to the dot/line and you look in here.


She flipped the map over to reveal much of small text.


It says the surface and the content of the places I know as well as their opening times. Those in blue are the ones I'm just guessing from magic readings, so better not to pass by there at all. The areas surrounded by dotted lines are the areas that were there when the map was made. They disappear only for a while and are mostly there. It's just useful for quick shortcuts. Anyway, many of those 4th-dimensional places, as I call them, are quite interesting. Some have secondary effects. There is, for example, this place here, where you are always alone. Even if you go with a group, you will at some point be alone. But others are still in the same area. Just in a different layer or something. It's great for escaping other ponies... Actually, the mirror pond is such place too. However from the knowledge I got, it has an unpredictable appear rate, and it's a cave opening. So it can appear almost anywhere. As if got it's own mind. This one is useful as it is a bit quantum. When it's not here, it's here. Basically swapping places. I wrote as much as I could on the back of the map. Here, take it.


She handled the map to Cresent.


Be careful with the black ones. Those are mortally dangerous. The castle is black too. It's just here. On south-east of the harmony tree.

"Wow, I didn't know anyone had such an extensive knowledge of the Everfree Forest. It's incredible! How much you know about it." Finishing off his double chocolate muffin, he then added. "Well, I'd better go now. Twilight will be wondering where I am at this point. Maybe I'll swing by your houses sometime, get a taste of what it's like to do what you do. It's been nice meeting you, I hope we can become good friends. See you around!" He then exited the building and made his way back to Twilight's Castle.

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Chrystella had been trying to treat this patient for hours. "Sure, I'll get her patched up! This will be a piece of cake!" she told the patient's owner. The owner was Berry Punch, the mare knew Chrystella well and Chrystella didn't want to let her down. "Ugh, I don't get it!" she said in frustration as she flipped through a book with the title magical mystery cures. She thought about visiting Zecora, but she knew she was taking a trip to Foal mountian and she wouldn't be able to contact her. "Think Chrystella think! Who would know cures to something this weird? Weird... as in funny? Jokester? Thats it!" Chrystella beamed in exitment. "I'll find Missklang! She'll know what to do!" She gave her patient, a artificially colored blue dog a shot to fall asleep, and left very quickly, wanting to contact Missklang and exchange contact information.

When she reached Sugarcube corner again she hoped that Missklang wasn’t gone. She sighed in relief as she saw Crescent and Missklang


still sitting at the table. Damien was nowhere to be seen in the barkery but that didn’t concern her. She would probably find him in a castle or something. She raced back to the table. “Missklang! I need you!” she gasped.


Edited by InkSplatter

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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@, Cresent waved back with his wing towards the alicorn on his way out. "cant find a job and lives with the princess, must be interesting" he commented.


@@Missklang, Turning back to misklang cresent began making notes on his map between the two. "by harmony tree, huh. haven't been there in a while. I wonder if the castle's movement match's with the sun or moon perhaps, hence why it change's locations" the batpony said scribbling down notes.


It didn't feel long till he herd a familer voice of Chrystella @,

With a raised eyebrow Cresent turned seeing the panicked unicorn "back so soon, or did I fall asleep again?" asked the surprised batpony.

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Chrystella was in no mood for jokes. "This is serious Crescent! I need Missklang" Chrystella's heat was pounding in her chest. She didn't want to waste anytime, her patient could be seriously ill! Chrystella took the time to explain her predicament to Missklang and Crescent. "One of my patients has Blu Flu, and disease that I thought was fake but apparently very real. Ive tried everything in the books, but none of them will work, Ive came to ask Missklang if she can help me because I know she is familiar with Discord magic. But we need to hurry, if my patient wakes up than the consequences can be disastrous!" Chrystella then exhaled in relief as she finished her long explanation. Then she turned her head to Missklang and said with a pleading voice "Will you help me?"

Edited by InkSplatter

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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Missklang stood up. And approached Chrystella.


Of course, of course. I'll help in any way I can. Let's go.


Missklang followed Chrystella to the clinic where she saw the blue dog. 


Huh. Is it an effect of the illness? Tell me more. Why did you think it's "blue flue"? What are the symptoms? How long it was ill?

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Huh. Is it an effect of the illness? Tell me more. Why did you think it's "blue flue"? What are the symptoms? How long it was ill?


Chrystella came back to the clinic with Missklang gratefully. She was relieved to see the blue dog asleep. After she heard Missklang’s question she began to answer them right away.


“Berry Punch came in with her dog, I think his name is Pirate…”


“She said Pirate was sneezing and strange stuff would happen. A couple of days ago she said he sneezed and the nearby flower pot started hovering in the air! She decided to visit me when Pirate’s coat turned a cerulean blue! It's a miracle that he hasn’t sneezed yet…”


“I have been looking in my Magical Mystery Cures book, but it said the cure was to brew a magical concoction, but I have no idea where these ingredients grow!


“Here is the Recipe, maybe you can help me find these ingredients…”

Blu Flu Recipe


3 Poison Joke petals


1 red orchid


1 black iris


4 cloves of garlic


2 oz of sticky sap from the Everfree forest.


“So will you help me find the ingredients? I already have the Poison Joke” she said placing the flower on a miniature table. “1 down, 5


to go! Right?"

Edited by Chrystella

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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As the two ponys left cresent called back "good luck guys till next time" then looked at his morning cider, it did nothing. "you know I probably should rest" he said to the drink.


The cup simply stood their not responding to the tired batpony.


"ya think ill call it a day" he said drinking the rest of it feeling the last of the sugar give him a small kick of sweet energy. He left a tip on the table and made his way back to the Forrest, pausing at the door. The batpony locked back at the table they were at and son realized Misklangs map was still there.


going back to the table The batpony picked up the pony's map "need to get this back to her" he then followed the mares to the vet place.....

Edited by cwhip9
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As the two ponys left cresent called back "good luck guys till next time" then looked at his morning cider, it did nothing. "you know I probably should rest" he said to the drink.


The cup simply stood their not responding to the tired batpony.


"ya think ill call it a day" he said drinking the rest of it feeling the last of the sugar give him a small kick of sweet energy. He left a tip on the table and made his way back to the Forrest, pausing at the door. The batpony locked back at the table they were at and son realized Misklangs map was still there.


going back to the table The batpony picked up the pony's map "need to get this back to her" he then followed the mares to the vet place.....

Damien had arrived back at the castle in about 5 minutes. He opened the door and stepped inside, taking in the beautiful crystal walls, reminding him of many years ago, back on his home with his family. "*Sigh*, those were the days..." He said to himself. "Hey Twilight! I'm back!" He yelled down the hall, but received no response. "Hmm, that's odd. He walked into the main room with The Map and noticed that a note had been left on the table. It read,


'Damien, I have left to visit my brother and Cadence in the Crystal Empire today to see their new baby. I would have brought you too, but you weren't here when I went to ask. And besides, I thought it might stir up some bad memories of your past. So I'll be back tomorrow, please don't do anything crazy or dangerous while I'm gone.


Twilight Sparkle.'


"Huh, guess I'm home alone today. What to do?" He thought about that for a moment and then decided on visiting Crystella at her veterinarian's office. Paws and Claws wasn't it? So he grabbed his bag, packed a few snacks for later and about fifty bits, and left to visit his new friend.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Missklang looked at the recipe.


Well, those ingredients are quite common actually. From what I can see, the dog has somehow an excess of chaos magic in it. Thus the strange colour and the effects. Everything would be fine but the sneeze is triggering random magic effects. I know as the same thing happens to me when I catch a cold. But me, I have control over it, and the dog no. It's a bad combination of chaos magic and a common cold. But the chaos magic makes all cures against the cold useless. 


She looked at the recipe again.


This is quite an imperfect recipe for the occasion. It tries to block some of the chaos magic, to then use garlic and sap's active components to cure the cold. But the problem is, the chaos magic would be still in the dog. Because the recipe is made for ponies to use, it's expected for their bodies to naturally expel the alien magic from their bodies as ponies are magical creatures. Dogs are not. So the next time it would get sick, the same thing would happen again. See what I mean?


Missklang examined the dog.


What I could do, is to drain the excess chaos magic from the dog. As a chaos wielder, I am able to do that with no harm at all for the dog. You would afterwards cure it with normal anti-cold medicine. However, as it's a non-magical creature, the chaos magic had to liberate some space for itself. When it would be gone, the immune system will be greatly reduced. It's a matter of its survival that you cure him fast enough before the cold progress. I suspect that the dog will need about one to two weeks of recovery. It would loose a lot of energy so I guess Pirate will sleep almost all of the time...


She looked at Chrystella, awaiting her response.

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As cresent found himself at what he thougt was the paws and claws shop he trotted in looking around the waiting room. Other ponys were waiting with their pets some leaving others just arriving. He looked around finding the recepctionist  


"hello you have an appointment, mr..." she stoped talking looking up from her paper work and giving a surprised look at the bat. Cresent recognized the look.  


"relax I'm not here for medicen just dropping off a map for a friend. She probably came in with one of yours getting work with a sick dog....um...pale pink coat." cresent felt awkward he always had trouble with names.

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Chrystella sighed in confusion. She had never seen a case like this, and Missklang was giving her options that weren't exactly in her favor. "Its up to Berry Punch really, I think she's still in the lobby, stay here while I tell her the options." as Chrystella walked out of the lobby she saw Crescent talking to her receptionist. "Relax Lemony Gems, this is a friend" Lemony Gems seemed to relax a little when she heard this and nodded, getting back to her paperwork. "Go on back, Missklang is trying to help my patient" Chrystella nodded to a back door and started to head to Berry Punch. She didn't know how she was going to tell her, and how she was going to react, and when she told her, she panicked. "Don't you dare hurt my Pirate!" she shoved her way through the crowds but Lemony Gems was there to block her "Ma'am please, you'll scare of the customers" Berry Punch started to calm down after she saw the shocked faces of the ponies around.  “Let me see Pirate please” Chrystella lead Berry Punch to the back room were Pirate lay on an examination table, sleeping peacefully. “You can drain the chaos magic, but isn't there a way to energize him?” Energize. Chrystella was sure she heard that somewhere in her books… But were…”Energize, Energize, E… E…” She scanned her bookshelf until she found a book with the cover reading ‘Energy for Smarties’. “Aha! An Energize Concoction! With this and Missklang’s magic, We’ll be able to drain the chaos power and still be able to preserve Pirate’s energy!” Chrystella had an excited look on her face until she read the recipe. “The recipe calles for an Alicorn flower, one of the rarest of its kind, and only and alicorn can retrieve it” “How are we gonna find- wait! Damien! He’s an alicorn! He can help!”

Chrystella bounced with excitement. “Don’t worry Miss Berry! We’ll save Pirate!” Chrystella was so excited even though MIssklang and Crescent haven't had a say in the mission, Chrystella only hoped that they would approve... and if they did, we could find Damien, and the four of us would travel on an adventure to find the Alicorn flower, and save Pirate!

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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Chrystella sighed in confusion. She had never seen a case like this, and Missklang was giving her options that weren't exactly in her favor. "Its up to Berry Punch really, I think she's still in the lobby, stay here while I tell her the options." as Chrystella walked out of the lobby she saw Crescent talking to her receptionist. "Relax Lemony Gems, this is a friend" Lemony Gems seemed to relax a little when she heard this and nodded, getting back to her paperwork. "Go on back, Missklang is trying to help my patient" Chrystella nodded to a back door and started to head to Berry Punch. She didn't know how she was going to tell her, and how she was going to react, and when she told her, she panicked. "Don't you dare hurt my Pirate!" she shoved her way through the crowds but Lemony Gems was there to block her "Ma'am please, you'll scare of the customers" Berry Punch started to calm down after she saw the shocked faces of the ponies around.  “Let me see Pirate please” Chrystella lead Berry Punch to the back room were Pirate lay on an examination table, sleeping peacefully. “You can drain the chaos magic, but isn't there a way to energize him?” Energize. Chrystella was sure she heard that somewhere in her books… But were…”Energize, Energize, E… E…” She scanned her bookshelf until she found a book with the cover reading ‘Energy for Smarties’. “Aha! An Energize Concoction! With this and Missklang’s magic, We’ll be able to drain the chaos power and still be able to preserve Pirate’s energy!” Chrystella had an excited look on her face until she read the recipe. “The recipe calles for an Alicorn flower, one of the rarest of its kind, and only and alicorn can retrieve it” “How are we gonna find- wait! Damien! He’s an alicorn! He can help!”

Chrystella bounced with excitement. “Don’t worry Miss Berry! We’ll save Pirate!” Chrystella was so excited even though MIssklang and Crescent haven't had a say in the mission, Chrystella only hoped that they would approve... and if they did, we could find Damien, and the four of us would travel on an adventure to find the Alicorn flower, and save Pirate!

Right at that moment, Damien walked through the door. The other ponies sitting in the waiting room gave him some odd looks, not knowing whether to bow down or just ignore him. He walked up towards Lemony Gems and said, "Hello, I don't have an appointment but I'm here to see a friend. And I have the oddest feeling that someone needs me."

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@Missklang, As Cresent and Misklang stood there with the dog in fron of them cresent handed Misklangs map to her. "you forgot this at suger cube. didn't want to loose it in my map bin. one of these nights want to check it out with me it could explain some of the odd stuff that happens in the woods ive see."


The bat pony looked at the dog knocked out with heavy meds no doubt, placing his ear on the dogs chest he listend for a bit to its blood. pulling his head back he scratched his mane stepping back.


"yea dogs sick with some thing, but I got nothing" he said drowsily

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Right at that moment, Damien walked through the door. The other ponies sitting in the waiting room gave him some odd looks, not knowing whether to bow down or just ignore him. He walked up towards Lemony Gems and said, "Hello, I don't have an appointment but I'm here to see a friend. And I have the oddest feeling that someone needs me."


Chrystella was so happy when Damien walked into the lobby of the clinic. Lemony Gems, seeing that Damien was an alicorn, let him in to she back room without question. "Go on in y-your majesty?" Once Damien was in the room, Chrystella told Damien what she had told Crescent and Missklang. "The reason we need you is because you are the only one who can retrieve  the Alicron flower." She concluded. "If you want to help us, you have to go now and get the Alicorn flower!" Chrystella waited eagerly for his response. 

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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Chrystella was so happy when Damien walked into the lobby of the clinic. Lemony Gems, seeing that Damien was an alicorn, let him in to she back room without question. "Go on in y-your majesty?" Once Damien was in the room, Chrystella told Damien what she had told Crescent and Missklang. "The reason we need you is because you are the only one who can retrieve  the Alicron flower." She concluded. "If you want to help us, you have to go now and get the Alicorn flower!" Chrystella waited eagerly for his response.


Damien thought about what she had said for a moment and said, "You can count on me to get that flower for you Crystella! Just one thing, where is it? Because I've been an Alicorn for my whole life, but I've never heard of it before. Does your book say where it is? And if it doesn't, mabye Missklang will know."

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Missklang walked by and smiled happily.


Actually yes, yes I do know how to find and where. Not many ponies know how to find and to obtain one. I'm surprised this book of yours even mentions it. It must be some re-editing or collection of some ancient grimoire of potions or something. Wait, let me see.


Her horn glowed as a very old looking book materialised in front of her as well as a pair of half-moon spectacles around her eyes. She skipped few pages to find the right one.


Hmmm. Not that... not that either.... definitely not that... Aha! Here it is. 


She cleared her throat.


The alic'rn floweth'r is a most wondrous rarity, f'r t to becometh, one might not but findeth such lodging wh're the pure blood of an alic'rn wast once longeth ago did spill. at which hour such lodging hast been hath found, one might not but findeth a lodging wh're mystic white floweth'rs groweth and useth the particular typeth of alic'r arcane incantation to bewray the floweth'r's true nature. then, and only then, at which hour all the conditions art hath met, the petals of the floweth'r shall gloweth in lighteth and turneth silv'r and gold. oth'rwise, the floweth'r shall faint at a blinketh of an eye. rejoiceth anon, as thee has't hath found a most wondrous treasure of infinite value.


She looked at Damien and Crystella. 


It is mentioned "long ago". But it's actually at least few years, so going poking Alicorns with needles won't be of much help. However, there is a place where a blood of an Alicorn was once ago spilt. The castle of the two sisters in the everfree forest. Precisely, in the room where the old elements of harmony were kept. During their battle, Nightmare did injure Celestia as she refused to fight her own sister. If we go there, I am sure that the flower we need will be found.

Edited by Missklang
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@@Missklang, @@Chrystella, @, When the castell of the tree sisters was brought up cresents ears twitched in excitement.


"I happen to know a way to the sisters castle as well. I haven't been their in a while but it will be fun going back" the bat pony said.  


As tired as he was he felt it soon leave with the opportunity for excitement happening, he was getting board of things.This could be exciting.   

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Missklang walked by and smiled happily.


Actually yes, yes I do know how to find and where. Not many ponies know how to find and to obtain one. I'm surprised this book of yours even mentions it. It must be some re-editing or collection of some ancient grimoire of potions or something. Wait, let me see.


Her horn glowed as a very old looking book materialised in front of her as well as a pair of half-moon spectacles around her eyes. She skipped few pages to find the right one.


Hmmm. Not that... not that either.... definitely not that... Aha! Here it is.


She cleared her throat.


The alic'rn floweth'r is a most wondrous rarity, f'r t to becometh, one might not but findeth such lodging wh're the pure blood of an alic'rn wast once longeth ago did spill. at which hour such lodging hast been hath found, one might not but findeth a lodging wh're mystic white floweth'rs groweth and useth the particular typeth of alic'r arcane incantation to bewray the floweth'r's true nature. then, and only then, at which hour all the conditions art hath met, the petals of the floweth'r shall gloweth in lighteth and turneth silv'r and gold. oth'rwise, the floweth'r shall faint at a blinketh of an eye. rejoiceth anon, as thee has't hath found a most wondrous treasure of infinite value.


She looked at Damien and Crystella.


It is mentioned "long ago". But it's actually at least few years, so going poking Alicorns with needles won't be of much help. However, there is a place where a blood of an Alicorn was once ago spilt. The castle of the two sisters in the everfree forest. Precisely, in the room where the old elements of harmony were kept. During their battle, Nightmare did injure Celestia as she refused to fight her own sister. If we go there, I am sure that the flower we need will be found.

"Well that's great!


@@Missklang, @@Chrystella, @, When the castell of the tree sisters was brought up cresents ears twitched in excitement.


"I happen to know a way to the sisters castle as well. I haven't been their in a while but it will be fun going back" the bat pony said.


As tired as he was he felt it soon leave with the opportunity for excitement happening, he was getting board of things.This could be exciting.


That's even better. Can you show us where Cresent? Because I have absolutely no idea where to look.


Chrystella took the Poison Joke from Missklang gratefully. "Thanks, I haven't gotten my hooves on this stuff in years" Just then Chrystella got a phone call. "Ok.. Uh huh... I'll be there soon... Bye" She focused back on her new friends. "I gotta go, a patient said their bird got the blu flu, its serious because I have never had a blu flu patient" She finished the last mouthful of her poppyseed muffin and showed Crescent the finished sketch "Like it? I hope I drew you accurate." She packed up her supplies from earlier and headed off. But before she left she looked back and said "Oh, and I hope ya'll stop by sometime, it would be nice company to the pets, and me" with one last smiled she headed back to the Paws 'n Claws vet clinic. Little did she know that she was in for a big surprise...


Hey Crystella, when do you want to go find the flower? I'm not saying that you need to come with us, but if you'd tag along I'd really appreciate it." Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Chrystella beamed in excitement. "Great! With Missklang’s knowledge of Equestria, Damien’s Magic, Crescent’s cunningness, and my guidance, nothing can stop us!” Chrystella practically hopped out the door. Just as the four were about to leave Chrystella heard the barking of Pirate. “Wait right here guys” she said as she went back into the back room. Pirate was awake and looked sad. Chrystella placed Pirate on her back as she carried him to Berry Punch. “We have a cure for him, but for now take him back to your house, when we have the medicine ready, we will meet you at your house.” Berry Punch just did a curt nod and carried Pirate back to her house were he wouldn’t do any damage. “Ok I say we go to the castle of the two sisters; Crescent will lead us there, and then after Damien retrieves the flower Missklang and I will prepare and brew the flower into the potion.” Chrystella paused then to say “Everyone know the plan?”

  • Brohoof 1

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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@@Chrystella,@, @@cwhip9,


Missklang collapsed on the ground and rolled around, poking Damien Chrystella and Cresent in the nose.


Boop, boop, boop.


Once everypony was poked, Missklang stopped.


Yay! This sounds like a little adventure! Hmm. Plans are boring. I hope something goes crazy. Perhaps we could be attacked by a dragon or by a monster! Let's go!


She rolled towards the wall of the vet clinic. After being close to it, she just rolled through the wall as if it wasn't there. Once outside she knocked at the window.


Hey! Are you coming?

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Chrystella,@, @@cwhip9,


Missklang collapsed on the ground and rolled around, poking Damien Chrystella and Cresent in the nose.


Boop, boop, boop.


Once everypony was poked, Missklang stopped.


Yay! This sounds like a little adventure! Hmm. Plans are boring. I hope something goes crazy. Perhaps we could be attacked by a dragon or by a monster! Let's go!


She rolled towards the wall of the vet clinic. After being close to it, she just rolled through the wall as if it wasn't there. Once outside she knocked at the window.


Hey! Are you coming?

The bat pony blinked a bit trying to work out what he just saw done. He shook,his tiredness away and smiled. "Hey don't leave your Forrest guied" he said getting up and heading out with misklang. He didn't try to go through walls simply using the door on his way out. A thought occerd to him, rather a craving. "We could swing by my place quick too it's halfway to the castle. Pluse I have the map to it at the tree anyways" he said to the others holding open the door for them.
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"Great, then lets go to your'e house on the way" and with that the four friends headed to Crescent's house. When they got there Crescent's house was dark and hidden in the brambles. When they went in it was dark and damp. "Um Guys...You may not know this but...I-Im afraid of the dark.....just a little...."

My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/chrystella-r403



Stay Wonderful! My little ponies!

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"Great, then lets go to your'e house on the way" and with that the four friends headed to Crescent's house. When they got there Crescent's house was dark and hidden in the brambles. When they went in it was dark and damp. "Um Guys...You may not know this but...I-Im afraid of the dark.....just a little...."

"Well that's okay, you don't have to go inside." Damien walks inside, and took a deep breath. "This reminds me of our secret base from the war against Sombra, just a bit smaller. But it's kinda cozy. Just needs a bit of light." He said as he lit up his horn in a red aura, brightening up a good portion of the area.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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"Great, then lets go to your'e house on the way" and with that the four friends headed to Crescent's house. When they got there Crescent's house was dark and hidden in the brambles. When they went in it was dark and damp. "Um Guys...You may not know this but...I-Im afraid of the dark.....just a little...."

"hold on a sec" Cresent pulled a lever and lamps came on around them in the house. As the lights on the tree house came on the party could see the place was,more cozy then it looked. And levers seemed to be every where some conected to the floor others the walls. Cresent smiled "welcome to the tree guys this will, take a second" He went towards the kitchen calling back "careful which lever you pull" he said Edited by cwhip9
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